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<br /> o�?' �pplicable law may:pecify for reimtatement)before s�le of Ihe Property puruuant to any power of wk conWned in thls
<br /> Socurity ]nstrument;or(b)entry of A judgment enforcing this Security Insaument. Those conditiona are ihat BoRawer. (a)
<br /> '°;�,;:�;t,tlx ' paya Lender dl sums which then would be due under this Security lnatrument rnd the Note ar if no accekrodon hrd
<br /> .,.... • � �. . occurrcd;(b)cures any default of ony ather covenants or agreement�;(c)pays all expenses incurrc�l in enforcing lhis Security
<br /> � `�{a '•� in:wrnent, includiag. but not Umiced to,roasonable auorneys'fee:: and (d) tekes auch�ction as l.ender may r�easonably
<br /> •• requirc to pssure that the lien of this Securiry Insdument.Lender's righis in the t'roperty and Borrower's obligation to pay�he
<br /> � - sums secured by this Securlty lnswment shaU condnue unchunged. Upnn nfnstntement by Bc�rmwer. this Securiry �__
<br /> , ,, Inatrument w�d the obligations cecured hereby shall remain fully effecdve as If�o acceleration had occurted. However.�his
<br /> _������-;', ,,,,:.,�,•� ri�ht to reinstate shall not appiy in the case of uceleradon under paragraph 17. �e Note(to ether with�his Security
<br /> �;�;�,��. " 19. Sak oi Note;Change of Los�n Servfcer. The Note or a pertial intercst in B
<br /> ; �„;_i�. �. ,;-,�•�� Instrument) may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Horrower. A sale msy result in a change in the entity
<br /> (known as the"Loan Servjcer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note und this Securiry lnswment. There�iso
<br /> �v�"' - may be one or more changes of the Loan Serviar unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a chengc of the Lwin Scrvicer.
<br /> .���...,.•�i; • Borrower will be given written nouce of ihe change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and upplica6le law. The nodce �-_
<br /> �' ' will state the name and addrcss of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The nodce wiU
<br /> �.�:�:. I
<br />-� nlso contain any other informatlon required by applicable law.
<br /> �,�,. ,y�,M,;�r t0. Nazardous Substancea Barrower shall not cause or pemiil the presence.use,disposal,storage,or ukase of any
<br /> ,�,,;�;�,,,;; . ,,�' Hezardous Substances on or in the Property. Horrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do. anylhing effec�ng the
<br /> -- •�' --rL` Pro that ic in violation of aw/F.nvironmental l.aw. The preceding two sentencea shall not apply to the presence,use,ar
<br /> _ r'':: t�•a . •,�±�: P�nY
<br /> --= ,p.... ••. storage on the Properry of small quantides of Ha7ardous Substwues ttwt are geaerally recognized to be appropriate to normol
<br />- _ ��`� .�°Y`" .. recidential uses nnd to maintenance of the Property. _- --
<br /> � '� Borrower shell prompQy give Lender wtinen notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any _
<br /> � �• , , ..::•r. �'� n ���� %i govemmental or regulatory agency or private party lnvulving the Piroperty and any Nar.erdous Substance or Environmental __
<br /> ' � � � Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Botrower Icarns, or is notified by any governmental ot regulatory �,�._
<br /> � authori[y,that any removal or other remediation af any Hazardous Subswnce affecting th6 Properry is necessary. Borrower ---
<br /> •• ' sh�ll promptly talce a0 necessary rernedia!actions in accordance with Envirnnmental Law.
<br /> As us�d in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hauudous substances by =_
<br /> �• � �'` ''" ?� Environmental l.aw end the following substances: gasoiine,kerosene,other (lwmnable ur tuaic pcu�oleun�producis, tozic ��
<br />_ . ��� • k�,� pesucides and herbicides.volaule solvenis.materials containing t�cbestos or formaldehyde, und radioactive materiels. As �;
<br /> . �,.�. used in this pnragraph 20,"Environmentn!i.aw"meaas federal laws and laws of the jurisdiccion where the Property is located
<br /> that relate to health,safery or env'vonmental pratection. �_
<br /> ^ �' NON-UMFORM COVENAnTS. BoiTOwer und Lender funher covenant and agree us follows:
<br /> ,,,.•:_ t_ ..�_; 21. Acceleration; Remedies. l.ender shall give ootice to Borrower prior to acceleradon following Borrower's
<br /> �•- � - - breach of any covenant or agreeamut in ihis�ecurity Iaslrumest!(b�t not gr4nr!o eccelPratk�n under pa�agraph 1�
<br /> � ' °• ualess Applicable IAw provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (A)the default:(b)the action required to cure the
<br /> detault;(c)a date,not less than 30 days from the date the notke is given to Borrower.b��which tbe dePAUlt must be
<br /> �;�'^, cured:and(dl that fr�ilure to cure the default on or before the dpte specified in the notice may resull in Acceleration of
<br /> ��`� the sums secured by this Securit�•Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall f'uMher iniorm Borrower of
<br /> the right to reinstate ai'ter acceleration and the right to bring a court action to sisserf the non•existence ot n default or
<br /> �R���'�`,�. ' `=�`�'�' a��y other detense of Borrower to AccelerAtion and s�le. If the defAUlt is not cured on ar before the date speciffed in
<br /> � . the notice.Lender at its option ma��require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> without Purther demaod and ma}• invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law: �
<br /> � Lende� shall be entitled lo collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 2l. _
<br /> ,� • -� . including.but not Ifmited to.reasonable attorneys'fees and costs oi title evidence. —_-
<br /> ' . , IF the power of sale is in�•oked.7lrustee shall record a notice af default in each county in which any part of the
<br /> Property is located and shall meil copies oP such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable lew•to Borrower and to
<br /> �:�` .. � ' the other persuns prescribed b}� �pplkable law•. Aiter the time required by s�pplicable law.Trustee shall give public
<br /> �� . notfce oi sale to Ihe persons and in the manner prescribed bc applicable la�•. Trustee.w•ithout dem�nd an Borrower.
<br /> � ~' -p� • shall sell the Propert��at public Auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desigaated in
<br />� the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in am�order 7lrustee determines. 7lrustee ma}•postpoae sale of all or anv �
<br /> .��; parccl of the Property b�•public announcement pt the time and ploce af pn��previously scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> � " � desi�nee may purchase the Propert�•at anp sale. �N'
<br /> lJpon receipt of payment ot the price bid.Truslee shall deliver lu the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the
<br /> _ Propert�•. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prime facfe e�•idence of'the truth of the statements made therein. _ _
<br /> �2� °�•'' " 'Ilruslee shall a the roceeds af the sale in the follow•ing order: la 1 tn all costs and expenses of exercising the pox•er =
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