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<br /> ��" � ' pedods that Lender rcquirca. The in�uranca cartier pmvidinQ tl�e insurance sholl be chosen by Bortower subject eo LenderL �- --
<br /> . .�:.� ' approval which shall not be unrcasonpbly wl�hheld. If Borrower foils to maintain coveruge described abova,Lender mny,at
<br /> ' •�t•a 3� ^� Let�der's option,obmin coverage ro protect Lender 4�ights in the Rroperty in nccordance with psuagruph 7.
<br /> ,� � � ,, � Afl ineurcu�ce policies and rcnewols shull be acceptable to Lender und shall include u stundard mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> ° � , , ^'� shull have the�ight to hold the policies and rcnewals. IF Lender rcquircs.Barower sholl pmmptly give to Lender all receipu
<br /> ";� ,� .�. � of puid premiums ond renewal no�ices. In the event of loss.Borrower sh�ll give prompt notice ta�he insuronce cnrrier and
<br /> �•- �• ' • Lendec Lender m�y moke proof of logs if nd made promptly by Borrower. �_ _ _ _
<br /> ��•;,,' J ;, Unless Lender and Borrowe�aherwise agree in writing,insurnnce praceeds Shall be uppli�d to resrorAtion or repuir of
<br /> '�'��` the Property damuged. if�he rcs[orution or repuir is ecanomi�aliy feasible nnd Lender's securiry is not Iessened. If the
<br /> . �-• :r�y.. .:�
<br /> ' ;;° restoration o� repaj�is na econnmicpliy feusible or Lender� security would be lessened,the insuronce proceeds shall be
<br /> ,{�, _,_..„ .•- �, applied to ihe suma securcd by this Security Iastrument, whether or not then due, with Any excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> ;���`,_'�t . Borrower abundons the Propeny. ur dces not nnswer within 30 days u notice from Lender chat the iarurance ewYier has
<br /> _-� ,,• offercd to settle n claim.then Lender muy coilect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds to rcpair or restore
<br /> ---- - '�� �� thc Property or to pay sums secu�ed by this Securiry Inctrumrn�whether or not�hen duc. The 30-day periad will begin when __
<br /> r�""�`"`"-` '• the notice Is given.
<br /> �'��: . Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,nny application of proceeds to principul shnll not extend or
<br /> �;^�� '� . postpone�hc due date of the monthly puymencs�ferrcd ro in parngraphs 1 and 2 or change the omount of the puyments. If
<br /> - . . under paragraph 21 the Property is ucquircd by Lender,Bortower's right to any insur�nce policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> :` • ��- from damage to the Property p�for to the acquisition ahull pass to [.ender to the extent of the sums secured by�his Security
<br /> �-�i` � Insuvment immediwely prior to the ucquisition.
<br /> .-' ` ',z ° ,,r. • 6. Occupancy, Pnservatlon� Malntenance and Protection of Ihe Property; Borrower'9 Loan Appllcatloni
<br /> �*�-' -- �° ' .��„ _ Leasehulde. Borrower shall occupy,establish.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence wiehin sixry duys after ----
<br /> �he execution uf this Security Insaument smd shall continue to accupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at
<br /> least one year efter the dnte of occupuncy, unless Lander othenvise agnxs in wridng. which consent shall not be
<br /> ° unrcasonably withheld, or unless extenuuting circumstances exist which ut+e beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not
<br /> q�. dcsuoy. damage or imps+ir the Property,ullow the Properry to deteriorute,or commi[was�e on the Properry. Borrower shall �
<br /> be in default if eny forfeiture uction or pracceding,whether civil or criminal. ia begun that in Lender's good faith judgrt�ent
<br /> — ,•��. could rcsult in forfeiture of the Property or othenvise mnterinlly impalr the lien crented by this Security Instrument or �-- _
<br /> . Lender's securiry interest. Borrower may cure such n default and reinstute,us pmvided in parngraph t8,by causing the acdon
<br /> �j or proceeding to be dismissed with u ruling thut,in Lender's good fnith deurminsttion,precludes forfeiture of the Borrow�r's
<br /> ' interest in the Property or other muteriul impaimient of the lien creuted by this Secunry Instrument or Lender's securiry
<br /> � intercst. Bo�rower shull ulso be in defuult if Borrower. during the loan applicntio� process, gave materielly false or --'_�
<br /> � Inaccumte infoimutlon or statemen[s to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with uny mnterial infortnation)in connection with °�°"'�"'�
<br /> '���" the loan evidenced b Ihe Note. includin , but not limited to, re resentutions concernin Horrower's occu anc of the -
<br /> - - Y 8 P B P Y �"-::; .:�_ -
<br /> .., Property os a principal residence. [f this Security Instrument is on a lensehold,Horrower shali compiy with aif the provisions - ==
<br /> of the les►se. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property,the leasehold and the fee tftle shall not merge unless Lender agrces ��- -
<br /> ' to the merger in writing.
<br /> "� ' 7. Protection of I,ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fuils to perfarm the covenants And ogreements
<br /> '"'. � contnined in tlus Securiry Inswment, or there is u lega! proceeding that may significantly nffect Lender's rights in the ��_=� -
<br /> . ,'t;� Property(such as u proceeding in banlwptcy,probate,for condemnution or fadei[ure or to enfarce laws or regulations).then �""`'-A'-° ,,,�
<br /> ° "'`�►•• ''�� '� Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. '�
<br /> ,�• Lender's actions may include paying nny sums secured by u lien which has priority over this Securiry Insuvment.appearfng •
<br /> . . in caurt.paying reasonc+ble anomeys'fees and entering on the Property to moke repairs.Although Lender muy tnke action ` _-- •
<br /> r •• under this purngrnph 7,Lender dces not huve to do so. �'`-���-
<br /> � � � �� Any umounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrnph 7 shall t�ecome udditional debt of Borrowcr secured by this ��`'�'°-""
<br /> Secudry Instrument. Unkss Borrower und Lender agree to o�her tenns of pnyment,these Amounts shall bear interest from the F `�wt - _
<br /> ' " "• .' date of disbursement at the Nae rnte and shull be n uble,with intercst. u n noticc from Lender to Borrower re uestin �-p��-1.'' �
<br /> �.�_ P Y P� 9 8 ���!3:•--�-,-.-
<br /> payment. •
<br /> ; 3' ' S. :Nortgege Insurance. If Lender rcquired mortgage insurnnce as a condition of making the loun secured by this --'�-
<br /> r Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintnin the mortgage insurnnce in effect If, for any �,�--`''Y�`
<br /> ! I• •� ., w reason, the mortguge insurnnce coveruge required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shnll pay the s=°T�`
<br /> . p r e m i u m s re q u i r e d t o o M u i n c o v e rn g e s u b s t u n t i a l l y e q u i v n l e n t t o t h e m o r t g a g e i ns u r a nce previousl y ln effect, at n cost �zrn.:�`-{Y� -
<br /> � ^ substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortguge insurance previous ly in e ffect,from an a ltemnte martgage �:�-,�;R_
<br /> • insurer approved by Lender. If substuntinlly equivnlent mortgage insurance coverage is not uvailable,Borrower sh I psty to �-�'`-'°--____
<br /> , Lender each month u sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insumnce premium being paid by Borrower when the : •'
<br /> . ...,�:_
<br /> . •�.:-• insuronce coveruge lupsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wiQ accept,use and retsin the:e puyments as A loss reserve in lieu _;,_,,,;�r;;:
<br /> .. of martgnge insurance. Loss reserve puyments muy no longer be required,at the option of Lender, if mortgage insurAnce . ___
<br /> , � -• covernge(in the amount and for the period that Lender reyuires)provided by un insurer approved by Lender uguin becomes - - -
<br /> nvailnble and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the p�emiums required to muintAin mortg•rge insurnnce in effect,or to provide p �:;-,
<br /> . " � loss reserve, until the reyuirement for mongage insuronce ends in uccorduace with uny wripen agreement between Borrower �
<br /> „ and Lender or applicable law. �� T
<br /> , 9. Inspection. Lender or its ogent may make reASOnuble entries upon and inspections of the Propeny. Lender shsdl
<br /> ' . give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to un inspection�peciFying reu�onuble cvuse for the inspection. ��
<br /> � '� 10. Condemnallon. The proceeds of any award or claim for Jamages,direct or conseyuential,in connection with uny
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