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<br /> 17.Tra�ufer oP t6e P�vperty or s�Bencliclal h�teretit iu Borr+nKe�•. lt'all or an�• pan��f thc Pro(�erty�ur an}• interest in it
<br /> is u�IJ ur tran�ferred t�r iF a lxneficiul inte�e�t in l�.in'��acr is snld or transfrrred u�xi tie�rr��wcr i� niu a��:�tural person?witlxwt
<br /> Lender's prior wriuen cansent. l.eiuler may. •rt its u�tion, require imnu�fiate paynx:ni in full oF all wms ticcurui by Ihis
<br /> Se:curity Gtafrunu��t.iLow':.LCr, this aptian shall nat t+e eremisod by Lendes if exetcise is pruhibi�eal by fecferal law as af the date
<br /> of this Sc�curity Instnin�cnt.
<br /> If Lender ex�ni�es this optian,Lender shull give Bc�rrower natice of rec�ler�tion. The notice shall providc a period of not
<br /> less than 30 days from thc date t{�e �u�tice is dcli��ered or n�.ilod within �4iivh Burr�Wer must pay all sums secum�l by this
<br /> 5ccuritv Instrument.If Bonow•cr fails to pay these sums priar tn th:expiratiun uf this periai,Lcncier n�y invoke any remedirs
<br /> permitu�d by this Se�uriry Instrun�ent withtwt furthcr�wtice or dema.ruf on Borr�wer.
<br /> i8. Borrow'er s Right to Reinsts�te. If Borrow•er meets ceitain conditie�ns, B�rrow•er �hall have the right to hace
<br /> enfr�r:ment of this Secucity Inurument discontinued at ::ny time prior to th�: earlirr c•f: (al 5 days (or such other period as
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatemencl before sale of thr. Property �ursu:uu to a��y powrr of sale cantained in this
<br /> S�urity tnstrument;or(b)entry of a judgmcni e►�forcing this Security I�►st�ument. Thosc can�iitions are that Barrower: (a)pays
<br /> l,eixier all sunu which then would be due undcr this Seca�rity� Instrwnent and the Note as if no acceleration had arurrod;(b)
<br /> eures any default of any ather cavenants ar Agreements; (c)puys all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> ineluding, but noi limited to. reason�ble anomeys' fees: and(dl t�lces surh aetion as L.ender may repsonably reywre to acsure
<br /> that the lien of this Security instrument, Lender's righu in th:. Property mx1 Boaower's obligation to pay the wn�,.scx�urcd by
<br /> this Security IastNmem shall continue unchanged. Upc�n reinstatemens by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the
<br /> obligations secured hemby shall remain fully�effective as �f�w acceleration had occurred.Houever,this right to reinstate sltalL
<br /> iwc:��ly in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> L9. Sale of Note; Chauge ot' l.oan Servlcer• Th.q Ncrte or a p.rtial interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Iit�uciunt)may be sold one or mcxe times without prior notice to Borrower. A s�e%r}�'sult in a change in the eccicy(known
<br /> tts the 'Loan Servicer")thut collecu monthly payments due under the Note an�this Sa..r::�t�+ Instruntint. There also cr�y be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Sen•icer unrelated to a sale of the Note.lf theK is a ct�.r__st ef the I�c�.ur Sercicer,Borsower will be
<br /> given written notice af the change in aeeoc�ci�t•,��e u'ith par3graph l4 abo��e and applicx:�:�aW'-The uca,.�will state the name and
<br /> uc3�imss of the new Loan Servicer and the xk:ress to a•luch paymenu should be n�'z.Tt� ootic.ti:v.ei7 also contaia any wlr.r
<br /> infcc�a�ation required by applicable law. •
<br /> 2p. �ia�rdous Subctauc.�es. Bonow�er shall net caT.:.�rr permit the presenoe. ��. di�os:�, storage. or release of ar�y
<br /> Hazan:uus Subst�nces on or in the Propeny. Bvrraw•er �i:.::i not dn, wer aflo�� .nyone else co d�o, anything affetting the
<br />, Pcoptre}that is xa�iolation of any Enviromnental law• The preceding r.�u sentences shalt not appl} to the presence, usc, or
<br /> stor�a on the Property of small quantities of H:u.ardous Sub�zan:es th3t are generall}• recognized to be uppropriate to noru�aJ�
<br /> resid.ential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender wtitten notice uf any investigation,claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private purt)im•olving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental law
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams. or is not�fied by any govemmental or regulatory authority,that
<br /> any remc►val or other rcmediation of any Hazanlous Substance affecting the Propeny is necessary.Boaower st�ll promptly talce
<br /> �11 neccss�ry remadial xtiotu in accordanee with Environmental Lav'•
<br /> ._.... ..�. �n -uf17A���Gdw�noe�c' are elwse substanet�s dtfined a.c wxic or hazardous substanas by
<br /> ,,,...;�3 sn :r,:�, ,=�•�e�••--•
<br /> Environmental iaw a�xl Uk fullawing substanres: gas�line, kemset►e, other fl�tnmablt �r toxic petroleum proauCts, toxic
<br /> p�ticides:u�d iterbicidcs. ��olutilc solvents,materials containing a�bestos or fonnaldehyde.and rid'►oxtive mattrials. As usod in
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law' me:�ns faieral laws and law•s of tiu jurisdietion where the Property is locatc�that
<br /> rclatc to hcalth,�Fet3 or environmcntal protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrawer and Lender funher co�•enant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Accderatba;Remedies.Lender shall glve aotice to Bo�row•er p�ior to Acceleratlon tolbwiag��wa'17 un{�s�
<br /> ' ot any coveoant or agreemeat in this Security instnunent (but aot prior to ac�lerxtioa unde:' P4�8�I�
<br /> s�pplicable Ixw provides other�vise).T6e notke shall specify: (a)the defAUft; (b)tbe action rtquired to cure the detault;
<br /> (c)o dute,not tas tl�n 30 days from tl�e date tde notice is given to Borrow•er,by w•hich the defsult mast be cnred;And
<br /> (� thot failune to cure the default on or before t6e date specif�ed in the notice nwy result ia pocderatioa ot tbe suuu
<br /> secured by tf�tc Security[nctruiaeat and sale o�the Prope�ty. TGe nutioe shall further ioform Bon�ower ot tbe ri�ht to
<br /> reinstate after sioceleratian stnd tbe rlgb�to bri�a court action W asseft tlse aon-existe�oe ot a defoule or any other
<br /> defense ot 8onroarr w aooderstion and sak. If tbe defstult Ls not cured on o�before the date sped�ied io the notbe,
<br /> I,eader, s�t its option,maY requfre imsnedjate payment tn fuU of all sums secured by tLts Security Instruiaent witLout
<br /> � ftutLar de�wnd aad may invokt tht power oi sak a�d any other remedles permitted by applicable taw.I.ender sls�ll be
<br /> ? eatitiod to cdlect all expaues incurred in pursuln8 the remed�es W'u�lided ia this par�raph 2l,iocludiu�.but not timited
<br /> to.�sonable 9ttor�eys'fees siad costs of titk evidence.
<br /> If tlee power ot sale is invoiced, Tcustee shaU recwrd a ootice ot default in each county in whkh any p�rt ot the
<br /> Pro�aRy ic located and shall mai! oop�es ot such notice in the�aanner prescribed by applicsWe!aw to Bor�ower aad to
<br /> • �e�thcy.parsone p�+esciibed by appiicabk law.After the time requtred by�pplicable law,Tnutee stwll give�uWic notice
<br /> of sale W t6e pr:no�ne�ad in tbe maaner pr�scribed bb law.Trastee,without de�naod on Bormwer.sball sdl
<br /> ti�e property at pubUc�uct�oo to the hipt�est Wdder at tbe time and pls�oe and under t6e termc d�ignated in the notice ot
<br /> ; s��N a—.2 or�arr p:s�+s �1 ia any order 7'�vstee determines.Trustee roaY P�Po��of all or any parce! of the
<br /> . �ro�rty by paptK: �oaou�c�n! at the ti�ee and pisce ot any previo�asly scbeduled sWe.I.eoder or its desi�nee may
<br /> pivct�ase the Propes'ty'ut�y sale.
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