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<br /> !C!hr cu�xwnts hcld 6y Lc�xicr fur Escn�u ltcros c�c�cvl thc ;uixwnt.prrniitt�vl to tk hrld b�• FtESPA. L��x1et'
<br /> .tull;uruun�sn&�rn�u�er fiir the cxcc�.c fwula,ux r�yuir�l by R�:SAA. IP tlu:ueu�uru�uf 1'u�wl.+hcid by l.rixicr at;uiy
<br /> tinx i� n�1t sufticie�u a�p:►y the k:..�roa�Iten�.� when due, L.c�xkr nu}� �uuif� the B,�rr�ucr;�nJ n.yuir� Bo:-rc�a•er ta
<br /> roal,r up thc dcficicnc}•a�perniitted by RESPA.
<br /> The E.Kraw FunJc are plcJbed as a�Wilia�ul secu�ity fur all .um. xYUr��I hy tDi. �tiurity ln.trun�nt. It�
<br /> &►rruw•cr tc�xlcrs ta I.c�tickr tltie full p�ynxnt af all surh sun�.�, &�rruwcr's;uuwiu sh:►II tx�cr�dita! with thc bal;uke
<br /> remau�ing for all installntient ite»t�(�). lb). mxl (cl arxl uny nx�ng��e i�t�uratue�+rentium installu�ent ttut Leikier h�
<br /> nw bec�mx��blibatcd to paY to thc Secretary. and l.crxi�:r sh:tl) prun�tly rcfund any cxress fu�xls tu &�rniu•er.
<br /> GnnxYiiately prior to a fur��clowre s�le of the Property or its acquisition by I.e�xier, Borruwcr's xcuuiu itWl be
<br /> cr�xiitecl with anp balunce mmainii�for all inualln�ents for itenu�a),lb),:u��c).
<br /> 3. Applic��tun o1'Pyyments. All paymenls wuler paraSraphs 1 aiu12�h:ill be applieJ by Lei�der as foll��ws:
<br /> �,�a the mong�e in.eurrnce premium to be paid by Lxnder to the Secrcury or to thc numihly charge by tltc
<br /> Sc.�retary instead of thc nwruhfy mortgage insuranre prtm�um;
<br /> �,�, to any taxes,spocial assessn�ents. le�uetwld payments ar ground rents,and lire. Oood and uther h�aard
<br /> insur.�nce premium.c,us requirat:
<br /> Third,to interest due under the Nou;
<br /> ���,to amortiTation of the priixipal of dee Note;and
<br /> �,�Qh,to late charg�s due under the Nate.
<br /> 4. Fire,Flood and Other H�rd Insuraace.Borrower shall insure�II improvements on thc Propeny, whether
<br /> now in exiuence or suhsequently erected,against zny hazards,casualties,and contingencies, including firo,far whid�
<br /> l.ender roquires insuranee. This insurance shal! be maintained in the anxwnts and far the periods that Lender
<br /> rcquires. Borrower shall also inwre all improvements on the Propeny, whether now in exis:ence or subsequcntiy
<br /> emcted, a�ainst loss by flaods to the extent required by the Secretary. All insuranee shap be carric�cl with ca��Ees
<br /> :�proved by Lender.'1'he insurance poficies and any renewals shall be held by Lender and shall include loss p.�y+•ab�e
<br /> ci:iuses in favor of,and in a form acceptable to,i.ender.
<br /> 1n the e�•er�of loss. Borrow•er shall give l.ender irm�ediate notice by mvl. Lender may m�i;e proof uf loss if not
<br /> , made prompt�5;+s Borrower.Fach insuranee company concemed is hereby authorized and directeJ to m31ce payment
<br /> for such loas diroctly to I.cnder. iactead of to Borrower and to Lendcr jointly. Atl or any �art of the insura�we
<br /> proceeds may be�ppliod b��f;�e�der,at its opion,either(a)to the reduction af the in�btedness under the Note and
<br /> this Security lnsuument, first w any delinquent amounts applied in the order in paragraph 3.and t�en to prcpayment ,
<br /> � of principal, or(b) to the restoration or repair of the damaged Property. Any applir.uion of tbk. �oceetis to tha
<br /> principa! s}�al{ aot extend or postpor�e the due date of the monthly pa}�n�us which are referrod w irr Qu-agra�h 2,or
<br /> � change the a�nount of such p�g-menu. My excess incurutic�procetds over�n zrnount requircd to pay all outstaar3in�
<br /> i ---- i� 'a�.i�icai�Raa w�cr iuo iit�ami ii�is�uuriiy i�ui�muct�i siraii oe paiti iu iite et�iiiy icgaiiy etriiiiea iiiereio: . .. _. ---
<br /> in the everu of forect�re of this Security lauroment ar other tr.�nsfer of title to the Pr�operty that extingduhes
<br /> - the �ndebtedness, all right, titk and iiuerest of Borrou•er in and to it�surancx policies in force sf�Jl p1.s to the
<br /> ' {wrcl�cer.
<br /> 5. OceW�ncY,Ptese��mtioo, bsaiattasace aad Protection of tht Propecty:Borrowtr's I.oaa Applkatioa:
<br /> I.tauholds. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's ptincipal resideltce within sixry
<br /> days after the execution uf this Security Instrument(or within sixty days of a later salc or transfer of the Propen�)
<br /> � and st�all oontinue to occupy the Property ac Borrower's principal residence for at least or�e year after the date of
<br /> occupancy.unless I.ender detercnines ttLt n�uirement will cause undtne hardship for Borrcwor.or unlas extetwating .
<br />: ciccumctances eaist which �re beyond Borrower's ��otrol. Borrower sbal! notify Lender of any eztenu�tit�;
<br />° ` cirrumuanoes. Borrower shzil tat comrnit waste or destcxi�:.dunage or wbstantially change the Property or alktvr.t�e
<br /> _ Proptrty to deteriorate,rrasauble wear and teu ezcepted. Lender may inspect the Property if the Property is va�nt
<br /> ; or ab�adonod or the lou� is in def�ult. Lender n�y take reasonable action to protect and preseive sueh vxacu or
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