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<br /> -�"��� � � VA ASSUMP'I'ION POLICY RIDER
<br /> .. ,�.� � r��„ ..� �:�.
<br /> ��y:�.,�����...,, OF '�HE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS OR ITS `
<br /> � . � -- - AUTHORIZED AGENT. �-- .. .--. -
<br /> �k'�,•-.,' '� �. LOAN A: 320827-9
<br /> :�"�� a. �� �'� CASE p: LH-122311-NE -°.
<br /> =�s.:� . ' . : �,.
<br /> ; , . ., . a .x THIS ASSUMPTION POLICY RIDER is mede lhis 14TH �Y o� JULY , 1992 � �� � -
<br /> � , �:.�, -.
<br /> _ ,,,... " '� �, incorporated fnto and shell he deemed to amend and supptement the Mortgege, f�ed oi Trusl, or Dad to — � �`
<br /> — `�"'r1� � Secura Debt (�Irnaument") of lhe seme dete herewith, gtven by the undersigned ("Mortgagor") to sxure Ihe � __ __
<br /> --:� 4 ,'
<br /> �M_:;� � „ � . . Mortgogor's Note("Note") of the same date to HOMESTEAD SAV I NGS, A FEDERAL �°�
<br /> -"=''� '� �• ',_ ° ',r, SAV I NGS AND LOAN ASSOC 1 AT I ON
<br /> �-w. • ..�.�,_•::._
<br /> .�,='-� . its succers�or� atd�ssi�ns ("MortQagee") and covering the property desaibed in the [nstrument etd locakd at:
<br /> '=;, _ _ . � ;. � 616 E. MEMOR I AL DR I VE
<br /> - , �6"' GRAND I SI.AND, NE 68801
<br /> -.',' . . ' (Propety Addrw) -- __ � _
<br /> r_-.
<br /> - °. • � Notwfthstending anything to the contrary set torth in the I�trument. Mortgegee and Mortgagor qereby ��";;:
<br /> • �� ackrwwledges and egrees to Ihe iollowing: ? �:-
<br /> � , � � GUARANTY: Should the Department ot Veterans AHafrs fail or retuse to issue its gueranty In tull amount �""�'�" __.
<br /> ' within 60days irom the dete that this loan would normally become eligibk tor such gueranty cornmitled _______ °
<br /> '„� " �.'• upon by the Deporiment ot Veterans Aifafcs uMer the provlsions ot Title 38 of the US. Code "Veterer�s _�_�
<br /> � � Benefits," the Mortgagee mey declere the iMebtedness hereby securod at once due end payebte and rnry __ _
<br />-- � ' � toreclose immedately or rruy eYercise u►y other rights herewder or totce any other proper action es by lew �'�
<br />-- _ .,. • provided.
<br />-;.._
<br />� __ .. _ TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY: It all or any part of the Property or any interest in it is sold or �. � "'
<br />�'' S tea�terred, th[s loen shnll be immediately due arxl payeble upon ttanster ("assumptlon") o( thc property • F"=.
<br /> ;. . � securing such loan to any iransteree ("assumer"), unless ihe acceptablllty of the assumption eM tre�ler of �
<br />� • this loan Is established by the Department ot Veterans Aitairs or Its eulhorized agent pursuent to sxtbn , �`_!
<br />��, "f:� 1817A of Chepter 37, Title 3B. United States Code.
<br /> k.�t st�',
<br />�"`' An authoriied iransier ("assumption") of the property sholl ako be subject to additiorrel covero�nb and �r�.._�___ '
<br /> .��••,� egreements as set forth below: �__.___-_-_
<br /> � • (a) ASSUMPTION FUND[NG FEE: A !ee ual to one-halt oi 1 ��'`
<br /> . e9 pe�'cent (.SO°b) of the unpafd principel ;=!�;`':.;--
<br /> ' �<"
<br /> balence o thls loen as o the dete ot trar►ster ot the property sholl be payable at the time ot trar�sfer to the �•;��;,;,iE''�,_
<br /> c � •• ��••-� . mortgagee or its euthorized ogent. as trustee tor the 5ecretery of Veterans Aifeirs. !f 1he assumer taits to pey � -��� ��•• =- -
<br /> �'� thfs fee at the time of transter, lhe tee shoil constHute an additional debt to thet already secured by this �'�
<br /> •^ instrument, shall bear interest et the rate herein provided, and, et the optlon ot the mortgagee ol the �
<br /> indebtedness hereby secured or any trar�teree thereot. shall be immedietely due and peyable. This fee Is 4 .�..�
<br /> � ;; . o • �- automatically walvcd it the assumer Is exempt under Ihe provisions of 38 US.C. 1829(b). �_1''��=�---
<br /> � �.�,c.
<br /> � (b) ASSUMPT[ON PROCFSSING CHARGE: Upon applicat[on tor approval to ellow essumption and ����;�=: __
<br /> transter o t s oan, e process ng ee may�charged by the mortgagee or Its aulhoriaai agent tor �n '` � -
<br /> _ti determining ihe creditworihiness of the essumer arxi subsequenlly revising the holder's ownershlp records k ' ��
<br /> � � � � when un opproved ira�ufer is completed. The amount ot this charge shalt not exceed ihe maximum I• �
<br /> '�' ��� „ estobl4shed by the Department ot Veterars Aftairs for a loan to which sectlon 1817A of Chepter 37� Tltle 38� , � ��
<br /> � ' . United Stetes Code applfes. �..:�` :.:a�
<br /> � - (c) ASSUMPTION INDEMNITY LIABILITY: It this obligatfon Is assumed, then the assumer hereby � .. _ _-
<br /> .. ngrees lo essume all ot the obligotions ot the veteran under the terms oi the inctruments creatir� and �
<br /> � , securing the lobn, fncluding the obligation ot the veteran to indemnity the Department o( Veterars Aftalrs to ;
<br /> � � the extent o! any claim payment arising from the guaranty or Insurance oi the fndebtedness created by this :
<br /> instrument, . �
<br /> IN WITIVFSS WHEREOF, Morleugor(s) hos executed this Assumption Policy Rider. �•
<br /> ^� �� .
<br /> l�1c�( r l/��� lCt� ISeall
<br /> ' DUWAYNE F. FOWLER htoriQagor
<br /> . -.
<br /> : 1
<br /> � .
<br /> ��C R\ tsesu
<br /> JUDK . . OWLER xt�.�.00.�.
<br /> _. .-_--.. � � � . �
<br /> _ ISeall
<br /> Morl�a�or
<br /> �
<br /> " . � _
<br /> ISaall
<br /> � fltorl�agor
<br /> ' .. � (7-P1I T-112ti-11
<br /> 1 E
<br />