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...A.::@le�;ydj,,�'.'+�'?�f('_..,;���„ °..`{. T.Pi:._�.::�_�� -ir�..... <br /> . <br /> w�7�.��i�E"�«ir " �t,�,.•.,. . <br /> . <br /> — — <br /> - ..T'.. ���_. -""'._._.- -- •.,—_ <br /> -� d - •� ;,�-i�4trt�t r'-. h�w.r u ,� :�. � -_ <br /> . �1 .� ` µ��� ,�y R^'+ <br /> ��' �...� - R� �� . . .� . �fu+rr -.. <br /> _"A�L'21�L�:�tl�,� .. <br /> I T <br /> . :� - . 92— sos3�� <br /> '.� • mointmanca oi a�id pr�mi�� a tor tat�r or acapsmenb �Qainst !la �am�. �nd tar any oth�r purpow dwwh� -- <br /> auQ�oriaad haandw. S�id aob or no1M �hall b� waurd Iwnby on • parity wltb �nd os lully N ft t1N �dv�aos <br /> �vidsno�d th�roby psr� inolud�d in th� not� lint dMaribd abor�. Sdd �uppl�mmul aot� or aotM �hall b� fntK�rt <br /> �`°� '^ •t ih� ��1� prorW�d tor in th� prinoipal Ind�badn�a �nd �hdl 6� pyabb ia �ppro�iautdy pud monthly payn�ab <br /> . ,+ tor �uoh pariod a� m�y bs oQ�wd upon by th� MortQaQe� �nd Mort�a�or. F�iling lo a�ra aa th� m�lurity, th� whob <br /> ... ot ih�sum or aros a advanad shall bo duo �nd p�yabu thirty (30) dsy� dlec d�mand by thr MarIQaQM. la ao ���at <br /> �- .•� ' rMl) the m�lurity ext�nd bsyond th�ultirn�te m�tu�ity of th� nob lirrt dwa�ibed abow. i <br /> `�j�`�''=«"•, 8. Hdth� Mrt�by �wi�w� trwtsn �nd arti onr to Ua Mort��, to b��ppli�d to�rd ti� poya�nt of tlir � <br /> '�p!�i� ti+,+:,::� �� <br /> � .',iN%'`��" � '��_ nob and �II suoaQ Maund ba��by in aaw ot a d�tault la the portormonc� ot any of Ih� brnu and t:onditiau of tbi� <br /> ' f, : <br /> '�-".�"�'.` ..;:�;. mort�ag� or tb� wid aob. tll Ih� nnb, rev�aue� aad iacom� to b�duiv�d Iroa► th� mort�a��d pnaai� durin� a�oh <br /> .�,,yµ:-�:.� tim� as ihe moctQa� inds6t�dnw� oheil romaia uap�id; end tiu MortQaQw chall hav�power to appolat aay �Q�nt or <br /> _���_��•. �•_.4� e�ent� it may dwin for th�purpoaa of rentin� th�oam�and colbatiaQ tia rM►b� rwa�uw and Incom�� ood it msY P°Y <br /> ='!!�P` �' 'F out oi said income� all n�aary commiwioru and e:p�naw iacuerod ia e�nting aad ma�u�inQ th� am� and ot <br /> � '"�' �� �� collsoting nat�l� t6�r�trom; 1hs bdana e�auiaia�� if aay� to b� �pplied towud tb� di�olueQs of aid roatQa� <br /> '` ;:;:,.:.. . _. <br /> s= , s ;.��.�',� ind�bUdl�sa. <br /> . ,�;g:;,��•,:. _ av <br /> � �''� �''' '� 9. H�Icha will continuouai maintain hozo:�ri ,nruraaca oi auch t or t md aaawnta ao Mort M au� <br /> � I,`��g;�,,, ;, ,�.� y � Y� y� Q� Y <br /> 1M _ <br /> -- � •. - '' .� from tim� to time require. on tM improwmanic noa or haraattor on cotd promi� a�d oxcapt whon paymeat tor all - - <br /> �:�'_'_ .:s. ,.. •a euch pr�miums hos lhoretotme 6san road� und�r (a) of pora�raph 2 horaof� alll paY Pramptly when duo any pnmiva� <br /> ` therator. Upon dsi�ult iherrof� Mort�aga� may pay the wms. All lawraaa ohall 6� carri�d ia comp�niM �pprovd by <br /> �'���•,�•-'°",',.'°� ::'y� �� the Mortgegee and the polbier and ren�aala tharaof rhall be hsld by the Mort��eo aad hare attachsd thsr�to !ow <br /> :r. � ' •'� ';:��•`' able clau�es ia lavor ot ond in (o�m acce table to th� Mort a w. In avent of looa Mott o o� aill iv� imm�diat� <br /> :�_. , • �>. PaY P � B B Q � <br />— , ^�-' �--�'° notica by mail to 11►e Mort�a�ae, who may mako praof ot loso it not mwle promptly by Mort�or� and esoh in�unnca <br /> ' L;, �:.:o company coac�raed i� 6�reby authorizwl and direcbd to mako paymwt for �uo6 lot4 dinotly to tb� Mort�aQM inatsad <br /> --- • �'' of to t6s Mort�a�or and the Mortgagea jointly, aad ths ia4urance proceedr� or aay part thereof nuy b�applied by !he <br /> _- ^. '�" MortYagee at ib option dth�e to the raduniton of 16� ind�bt�dneoa h�r�by wcnr�d or to tlw rrtoration or np�ir ot ih� <br /> :� � • propsrty dama�ed. Ia �rent oi tonaloaure ot thia roortga�e, or ot6er trwtar ot titl� to W� moM�a�ed prop�rty in <br /> ��=•= �.!�'+R�-'-''.?�:�'-_�-'-= exting��hm�nt ef 1hw indabtedn�c oeourad hsreby, al! rig6t, titb aod intor�rl of t6� Ma�tgagor in �nd to �ny <br /> :__ ,;,. .... _ _ <br /> _ ,. ., _„ i�ueaac� poliaiar tiwn b torca duil paw to Wa pueo6aeer or Qran1M. <br /> �;.4 ., r�,. <br /> e:�.. � -., ; ��o .. <br /> -�a� � • . 10. AQ ndditional and coilataral cecurity tor tM paym�nt of tha uob dMOriMd� u►d dl aoaa b b�coms dw <br /> n <br /> _ - . � ° und�� thic mort�ag�, th� Mortgagor henby �slgw to ths MorlgagM all las� 6oauw�� protib. nr�nuM� royaNl�r� <br /> ' riphb, aad oth�e 6asfita aeeruinQ to th� MortQa�or uad�r any and all oil aad�ar I�sw� now�ar during tit� lit� of thir .;�.. <br /> ' � � °�' unortQaQ�, �:eouted on wid pnmiw�, with /6s riQht to r�caiva and receipt tor th� aa►� md �pply t6�m to pW <br /> � ` 'u IadebtedaaQa ai well bolore ao attu datault in th� coaditiono ot thia mo�tgag�, and ths Mort�aQe� roay d�maud. ow for °�` <br /> - .. . -°-• .,� and ncov�r any ach paymanta w6en dua ond payeble, but f1w11 aot ba nquird io to do. Thi� �i�nment i� to �y'"' <br /> - ;s, n <br /> -`!R±� " • � � toraAtnab aad b�com� aull a�d vold upon rolaue of /6ia mort�aQe. <br /> 4 <br />���f 'b.. '� �l <br />=,�;�. �'�`` � �'` � 11. Hdshe �hall not comroit or perwit waote; and ehall maintoin the propsrty in u good condition ao at s <br /> �'> �- •••�.� present, rwaonable wew� end taar axcepted. Upon any tailure to co maintain� Mortgage�, at ita option. roay cauw � <br /> '�". 4 "° b "�% reasnnable maintenonce work to be parformed at the caet ot Mortga�or. Any amount� paid therotor by Mortgagoe ahaU — <br /> �r. "'' <br /> -< :.� •.Y • bear intareat at the �ate provided tor in the principal indebtedness, ehall thereupoo 6ecome a part ot th� indebtodns�s <br /> - " e�ecured by thia inolrument, ratably end on a parity wflh all other indebtednew acurad Mroby� aad ehell bs payable � <br /> , . , <br />,.y�. . � thi�ty (30) doy� atter domond. — <br /> � <br /> 'ca <br /> � � ,�.�°:;. ��' � 12. If ihe premkos, or any part ihereof, be condemned under the power o( emineat domain, or acquired tor a �=�-• <br /> `' public use, the damoQea awarded, the proceedc tor the taking of,or tha conaideratfon for truch acquisition, to tha aztent <br /> �'�'�-"` ° ot tho tull omount ot tho remaining unpaid indobtednoss secured by thic a►ortgage� or hereby oasigned to the <br /> .� • <br /> ' "3' � � Mortgagee, and shall be paid torthwith io said Mortgagee, to be applied on nccount ot the last maturiaQ instaliments of � <br /> such indebtednecs. f <br /> � , 13, if the Mortgagor foils to make any payments when due, or to contorm lo ond comply with any oi the � <br /> � , conditionr or agreemenis contained in this mortgnge, or the notes which it secures, then Ihe entire principal sum and � <br /> , " nccruod intcrest eholl ot once become due and payobie, nt the election ot the Morteagee; ond this mortgage may ' <br /> thoruupon be foreclosad immediatoly (or the whole of the indebtedness heroby secured, including fho cast of oxtending � <br /> „ ' the abstenct oi title trom the date ot this mortgage to the time of commencinq auch Quit, a reasonable attorney'a fee, <br /> N . nnd any sums poid by the Uepariment of Veterons Atfairs on account ot the Quaranty or insurence of the indebtedness '• <br /> d4 „ , ' , socured hereby, all of which shall bo includad in fhe decroe ot toreclosure. <br /> — - - - i�. 7G ina imiri�iainer.r o1.�:ured 'ncroi�,y 'vo guaranioed or iasureci under iiiie .30, iiniied �iaiea i,ode, aucn Tiiie - <br /> , and Rc►gulations issued Ihereundor und in dttect on tho dato hurco( shall govern the rights, duties ond IiobilitieQ of the <br /> parlies herelo, ond ony provisions ol Ihis or olher instrumonts execwed in connection with said indebtedness which ora ' <br /> i inrnnsistent with said Title or Regulolions a�e hcroby omended to contorm thereb. <br /> , <br /> � 1'ho covenanls herein conlained sh�ll bind, �nd the beno(its and odvantages shall inure to, the respective heirs, ' <br /> executora, udministratora, auccossora and ossigns ot the pa�tics horoto. Whenevor usvd, lhe aingular numbor shell <br /> , � VA 2i-��20 P� 8 of � (�-f11 T-l�fts-18 <br /> f ' <br />