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<br /> _-_ - n�sn o8 �t►s�rr_ 92,,,_ 10532�
<br /> � Tho Stat� o£ Nabraska Gam� and Parks Commission. b�re�naftor rafarrad
<br /> ;;. � � � '�� to aa tha "Commi4sion,'• in coneidaration of T!u+ Bundrsd Fifty and no/100
<br /> :,'� Dollars (�2SQ.00), rac�ipt of Which is h�raby acknoaladQed. doos horsby
<br /> _ conveq, �rant and confism unto the County of Hall� Nobsoska an oas�nt and
<br /> � right-of-way ov�r lands awn�d by ttu� Coamission aol�ly for tha con�tructioa,
<br /> ` op�ration, and maintanana� of a public road. includin� eh� construction.
<br /> op�ration. aad maintoeance of any n�c�s�ary bridaa�. culv�rt�. and draina�a
<br /> "`°��� ditchas, th� said Yl�ht-of-way and �sa�nt to run upor th� land d��ceibsd
<br /> ��' aa folloM�� to-wit:
<br /> :�`�
<br /> - �;�..T.= A tract of land �itu4t�d in t!u North�a�t Quartar (NE1/4) of
<br /> � `"'.' '.."'.. 9�ction Piv� (S)� To�+n�hip Elw�n (11) North� Ran�� Tan (10) W��t oP
<br /> � �,,,�'-. thd bth P.M. . Hs11 County. Nsbra�ka� mor� partianlarly d�scribad as
<br /> �'. i�r" ..,.`�r,u',. FOZlOMit
<br /> �?�A�+�':�;, i+irst. to a�c�rt�in tih� point of b�Qinning. ataxt at tho
<br /> — �' '' nortb�aat cornos of said Norxh�a�t Quartsx (�161/4) of S4ction 8iw
<br /> - ���*:� : -
<br /> • �.�,. �•r-� (5)� thonco runninQ �outh�rly. along and upon tha east line of
<br /> � � ::�;•. ., .:,�,;. said Northoast quartar (NEl/4). a distanco of Thirty-Three (33.0)
<br /> ,e . • �; - � ,��.4„ feat, ehanca daflactin� right and runainQ wastarly� parallal with
<br /> A'" �'"�`'�- `""`�� - the north line of said Northcast Quartor (NEll4)� a dietanca of
<br /> ��'., ..
<br /> � A � :� �' :�. � t�� Thirty-Thraa (33.0) fQOt to tha ACT'UAL point og begint�in�i thonca
<br /> �:y:�t�., _�, _. deflec;�ing left and running southerly, parall4l With tha east lin�
<br /> �• . n of said Northeast Quaster (NE1/4). a distance of Nine Hundred
<br /> .. . . . ,di.i :.;
<br /> Bourtaen and Eighteen Hundredthe (914.18) faet= thence deflectin�
<br />_- :,�bau��� , :,,,, right 90 degreae and running westerly a diatance of Seven (7.0)
<br /> , ' faet= thance deflec�ing right 90 degreas and ru�ing northerl.y,
<br /> ,,�iiw ' parallel with the east line of sai.d Northeaet Quarter (NEl/4). a
<br /> ' `i`0ti"""�` distance af Faur FIundrad (4Q4.Q) faet; thenc$ deflectiag left 44
<br /> - - - -
<br /> _.�� .i"� . -
<br /> � - degrees and rvnning westerly a distance of Ten (L0.0) festi thence
<br /> ' Y.- „ � deflecting right 90 degraes and rurming northarly, parallal with
<br /> • �' ' the aast line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) � a distance of
<br /> . ;i�„` � , � Five Hundred Fourtean and Eighteen Hundredtha (514.18) feet=
<br /> thenaa deflecting right and running oasterly. parallal with tha
<br /> " . north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), a diatance of
<br /> y ' �g,� " 3eventeen (17.0) feet to the ACTUAL point of bs�inning arid
<br /> , . ,. . .,�. ., cont4ining 0.27 acres, more or leas.
<br /> �,. . _
<br /> '�� " "�'"'�' . . To have and to hold the snid easeawnt and riQht of way in fae as an � :
<br /> - • e a s e m e n t t e t h e �r a n t e e C o u n t y o f H a l l, N e b r a s k a, i t s s u c c a s s o r s a n d
<br /> %�' ��� " �' , assigns, for the benefit of the public for so long as said eaaement and
<br /> r _. :•�r..
<br /> ; , ,.,, right-of-way is used for a public road or used for bridgas� culv�rts, or
<br />. . "�,.�., drainagn ditchea necessary aad appurtenant to a roadway upon� abut�in�, or
<br /> � ' ���F. ' adjoinin� said lands. .
<br /> � ., � _
<br /> _ .�''.._ Md the Commission does hereby covenant with the grantee tl�at it is '
<br /> „ �'�':.� . .
<br /> ,. lawfully seized of said premises= and that the Commission has good right and I �
<br /> ,�^ law�ul authority to convey this right-of-way and easement. ' _
<br /> . ..:�� .,
<br />. � ^��N - � 4
<br /> t'• i
<br /> -. " I
<br />, � .'.� '_
<br /> . . ..�j ... " . __
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<br /> .. .r . . -- ' . ... . ..in.r- w r �;-..AVrG�rRq•..W�
<br /> y��• .. J , .. ..
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