.,.}. ,, .;,.a'`Yi: _ _ .. , '� ,3:� r�..-_._ ''_�.�.,..�'r _
<br /> � ..��` �y `^i l� -- __. .__ — —__—_
<br /> ,b. . ..d�. _. -
<br /> � � . �i w�fi • .� � � ' - - -
<br /> �, .. . .�y� �4�:ylr'n. � • ..S'�I. :�+._ �� .
<br /> �-L)t` +�.(lyi�1 ��f'/c
<br /> 4':.
<br /> � .,. ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDE�t �t A
<br /> � ��. "C a �' � � " •��`•` (1 Y�u Treawry Iqd�:•RauCap�) 9�•.� �V��frO
<br /> .
<br /> TNIS ADIUSTAOI.B RATR RIp�R Is�Ihl�_�T�.d�y nf, JUi�y ,19�_,
<br /> ' ',� :•i.:i . uid U Inoorqx�Nd In�o a►d�hdl b�dwnNd to�m�c�d�nd�uppivmmt�b�Mort�a,DMd otT�uu.o�SaurNy Deed phe"3au�ity Inurummt•'1 of
<br /> - "�' 1Mr wn�dut�twn by tri�undwdlnrd(tM••Yorro�"Ito wcur�Bortow�r•�AdjuK�bM Ilua Not�(Iht"Note"1 lo MOYE f�D IIALlOIIAND
<br /> _.,.•
<br /> .m `� , �Q pM"l.�nda•')of Ih��d�u u1d cowd�IAe properlY dNCdb�d In tM Suwity laurutnan�IocuM us
<br /> - `' - -' 1601 NORTH PARK� GRAND ISLAND N� 68803 � �. ,
<br /> ��°-y' �...T, (Prope�ty Addras)
<br /> �'`�`� .+�•, � 7'hl� �oq co�Udas y�o�low�d1oN1� for cM��a Is�ey 1�1era1 nit�ud�y wo�tlly
<br /> ,�4:Lr,yL�r;,;,;�s�,�Y�i9� p�y�e�u.TMb�ot�alw Q�lu tb uou�t r�y I�un�t t�tt a�claye�t�7 0��11�a0
<br /> .�. . . . �+ "� �Iro tM�alMlri�aM IM w���w nq 1�wl p�.
<br /> ��s:+:.i,,...'�A
<br /> -- ":�.�� ... S, �, ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addlUon to the covenanu and aOroeminu m�de In the 9aurlty t�auumrnt.Borrower�nd l.ander -
<br /> �����.•,i •� furthm coven�nt and�ree o tollowr.
<br /> _,l��l�;�..w: •. .• -
<br /> ;'� •'�` �' • '` 7'he Noto rovida for�n inittel intereat nta of 6.0 �,Secsion 4 of the Nou provldes ta chm4a in the Intttat rnta�nd the
<br /> , _.. � tr��r P
<br /> a:, ,i„ monthlY WY�u�a foQows:
<br /> .P��..,�__._ �s :
<br /> -�;� (A) CM��e D�ta -
<br /> -"' . . Th iZterat rate 1 wili ps►y maychanae on the first day of AUGUST , 19 93 ,and on th�t d�y every
<br /> ��� montlu therafter.Each date on whkh my Interat rate could chanoe i:called a'`ChanQe Date."
<br /> -`.p:� .. ' .
<br /> ��. •• (6) TYt lndes =_-
<br /> -`._�.. ° -���*,�• Be�innina wlth the flrsl Chanae Date.my inteast rate will be based on an Index.The"Index"ia theweekly aver�e yleld on United Stata
<br /> - , Truuury�ecuriUa adjuated to a comtaM maturi�y of I year,as made availoble by the Federal Raerve Board.Thc mmt reant Inda flaurc �!��-`'
<br /> ' � ,. av�iuble ai of tha date 43 daya before each ChanQe Date is called the"Current Index."
<br /> -� If the Index i�no lon�er availrble,the Nae Halde�will choose a new index which i�bated upaa comparabk infornwtion. The Note
<br /> �`'� ' `'�� Holder will4ive me noUce of this chdce.
<br /> u..;
<br /> �N �.,�; (�7 Cakol�aoo or cb�yes TWO AND ONE—HALF
<br /> � Before each ChanQe Date,the IVOte Hoider wilf cakulote my new interest ra�e by xddina i+<<�nt�Yr ° -_-
<br /> � � � poinu! 2-5 rVi)to the Currmt Index and roundina to the ncarat 1/8[h of I�h,subjat to�he limlts stated(n Section 4(D)below. e°N-.:
<br /> � , �,�;,�� '. � . This rounded amount wlll bc my new Interest rate until ihe next Chan�e Date. --
<br /> � The Note Hdder wlll Ihen determine the amount of the monthly paymem thot wouid be sufficimt ta repay In ful)the principal 1 am �`-.-
<br /> " � �� , expected to owe on that Change Date in substantially equel payments by the matudty date at my new intaest rotc.The rault of thi�cakulation --"-
<br />'��� ' - wfll6e the new omount of my monthly paymmt.
<br /> _ ,�., ..� —
<br /> `" � , .: �•:.. (D) Ll�elts on lateral Rale Cp�n�es _—-
<br /> �-� ' ••,�l:. The interat rate 1 am requlred 10 pay at ihe flrst Change Date will not be areater than 8•00 - q� o�r�l�s than
<br /> = , 4-(1(1 7�.Thereafter,my interat rate will never be increased or decrcased on ony sin�ie Chanoe Date by more than � �
<br /> • '�= � � �T�.n4rfrom ihe rate oi intemt 1 have been paying for the preceding�welve months.The minimum interat rate on lhit iatn wlll never be -
<br /> �•._ . _
<br /> '�.�,_ • � las than 4 [H1 hi and the moximum fnterest ra�e wlll nover be Qrcater than 1� -�1 �i. _�
<br /> !'� . 1�;. � � �S� I
<br /> (E) EfkcU�e Dde of CY�oQe
<br />, �•�r.� .. My new interat rate will become efiectivc on each Chonge Datc.I will pay the amount of my ncw monthly paymant be�inninQ on the first
<br /> + � � • monthly p�yment date aRer tho Chanae Date until the amount of my monthly pAyment chonQa�aln.
<br /> _y::. ., . (F') Nodce ot Cba�Qa
<br /> : " ' The Note Holder will mail or deliver to me a noticelxiore each Chanae Date.The naice will advise me oh __
<br /> . .� ` q) the new interat rate on my loan as of the Change Ds�te; =""
<br /> ' _ �„ (if) the amount of my monlhly poyment idlowing the Change Date; R•�--
<br /> �•• � (iii) any additional matlers which the Note Holder is required to discbse;and
<br /> ,,,,,;s;' •• (iv) the address oithe usocMtion you muld contact re4ardinQ any questions ebout the adjustmem notice. �°`'
<br /> ' l I"�`-�' � � B. CHARGE3:LIENS - °-
<br /> - � Uniform Covenont 4 of the Secudty Instrumrnt i:amended to read as follows: ,�'"'F
<br /> � 1. Chr�a=Lkw.Borrower sh�ll pay all taxes,wsasments,end other char�es,Ones,and imposidons auributable�o the Properly which may
<br /> � , �ttoin a priority over th{s Security Instrumem,and lexsehold payments of ground rents,if any,in the manncr provided under paraQraph 2 hereof
<br /> ,. � or,ii not poid in such manncr,by Borcower making payment,whcn due,dircetly to the payee thereoi.Borrower sholl promptly furnish 4ender �
<br /> all notices of amounts due under thls paragroph,and in the event Borrower shall make payment directly, Borrower shall prompqy fumish io �
<br /> .. , . Lender rcceipts evfdeneing such payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Inslrumenl; � ,
<br /> '� howeve�. Borrower shall not be required to discharge uny such Ifen so long ns Borrower:(a) shnll agree fn wrfting�o the payment of the
<br /> ' obligation secured by such lien fn tMe manner occeptable�o Lender;(b►shall in goad faith contest tuch lien by,or defend against enforcemrnt of '
<br /> C U auch lien in,le�al proceedings which in the opinion of Lender opera�e to prevrnt�he enforcemem of the Ilen or forfei�ure of�he Proper�y or any
<br /> . part thereof:or(c)ahnll ucure fram the holder of such lien an agreemmt In a form sa�isfactory to Lender wbordinalin�such lien to this
<br /> t , Security Instrument.
<br /> ' If Lender determines tha�ull or any part of the Property i�subject to a lien which may uuain a priority uver this Security lnsuumenl,
<br /> -- �__.�_�_
<br /> . - .. �-- - i.enuer ai�aii give nurruwer a�mii�e iuewiiying sueii iieu.ovi�vwe� �uuii�uiioiy eu�u iieu ui idwc.:ilc uf.Ti�PL Ji 7�C o..�:,:.,.,C�..,�.�........ ,
<br /> wfthln ten days of the giving of the notice. i
<br /> � C. NUTICf.
<br /> e Unfform Covenunt 14 of the 5ecurity Inslrumen�is umended tn rc•rd a.iollows:
<br /> 14. Notice.Except tor any no�ite required under applicable law lu Ix gi�•en in unot her mannen la)an>•irot�.e�u Hurrower p�o�ided for�n this
<br /> Securily Instrument shull be given by dcli�rring it ur by mailing i�by firt tlati,mail�o HorroNer a��he F'roperly AdJresti ot ut+uch othcr addren
<br /> ` as Horrow�cr may de+ignute by notke to Lendrr ati pro�•ided hcrein,;�nJ Ih1 any nuu.c�u LcnJer+hull bc gi�rn by fir�t dasti mail tu LcnJcr'+
<br /> addrcss stated hercfi�ur ro such othcr adJrc.s as Lendcr moy designale hy n.�u�e lo Horrowcr���provided hcrem.Any nc�ticr pro��ded tor�n thiti
<br /> . �, Security Instrumenl shall be dcemrJ io hu.e becn ghen io Borruwer ur Lender when gi�en m�he manner Je+ignatrJ hercin.
<br /> 1 [
<br /> + . I
<br /> � � �
<br />