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<br /> J Upw reqelpt ot poytneat ot the prke b{d, Tn�ctee cbAll de8ver W Ibe purcWwer Tru�tec'o deed conveyin�the _
<br /> - pf�O�y.TII!f{ECIWS II!IIIL'T�B�EE�Y dEld/If�II I!!�M'Ilp��A�I!'lYIdH10C O�HIE�NIII Ot(IIE i�ldlllll�f RWfI!tIll1'lID.
<br /> Trudee�11�pply the�►nuceedo ot tbe aak la tbe tollowing order:(�)to all aoct�and expe�es ot exercWn�the powa�ot
<br /> � ' ' ule��und t6e rnle,4idndlnR tl�e payment ot the 1�uctee's[ees actuaUy Incurred�not to acoad TE�1 PER CENT
<br /> ``� of the prloctpd arnoud ot the oote at t6e time oi the declaraHon ot delault,and reaootuible wttoraey� teea aa pa�rnitted
<br /> � 6y lawi N)W�1 sam�fecured by thb Sxwlty IM�waeat;�nd(c1 any a�cea to the penon or perpom le�ally edltkd to
<br /> ---- __ � - -- _ _ It� •
<br /> '.� 22. Reoonveyana. Upon pAyment of ull suma sxurc+d by this Security In�trument, Lcnder shall roquest Trustoe to _
<br /> rxoavey the PropeRy aad cNall surrender thfs Secudty Instrument and all notes evidencing debt securod by this Secudty
<br /> ` � Instnunent W Trustoe. Tmstee shall c�cconvey the Property without warrAnty anrl without char�e w the person or persons IcgAlly
<br /> eatided w it.Such person or persoas:hall pay any recordation oosts.
<br /> - ------ -- -- 23.Su6etitute 1�etea. Lender,at ita option. may from time to t�me remove T�ustec u�d appoint a successor tn�atee to
<br /> �'�`"' '' t � � auy T�ustee appointod hereuader by an iastrument rocordod in the county in ahich thia Securi Instrument is recorded.Without
<br /> u ty
<br /> :� � ,: � oonveyanca of tha Propecty,the�uccessor uustee�twll cucce+ed to all the tide,power and dudes conferrod upon Truwee henejn -
<br /> ,,:.,i�.:�. ;.',
<br /> v:.,�-� - �ad by llc�ble law.
<br /> -::����.,...
<br /> `" - •- 24. tor NoHas. Homowtr requests that c�opies of the notices of default and swle he ae��t to Borrower'�add�c
<br /> -- �,;�;��r 4::� wdich is tho perty Address. _
<br /> �� �_`: 4W� ZS.Ridas to ihis Secarlty I�twneat,if a�c or mo�ddera ere exar�rted by BoROwer and recorded tagether with thia
<br /> �a....�=��w{ .�°' Secudty Iastrument,the eovenants and Agraemeots of esch such rfder shell be incorporated into and alwll amend and supplement
<br /> �:;�,:;_.� the cove�wnte and agneaaent�of tbis Soauity Instnunent�if�be rider(�)wero p part of thia Security Instnunent.
<br /> - Q�-a+�>�a�-::1�.�,- [Checic applicable box<e+)1
<br /> - _— -,:�,-;,....�_... - *.
<br /> _.��;=�'�C`"K'+�.�,�;��;lP��`�.,�r�c,'iE",�
<br /> �:.� , r Adjusteble Rate Rider Condominium Rider 1-4 Femily Rider
<br /> �''z�`` ` }�� u (ireduated Payment Rider Plennod Unit Development Rider Biweekly Pnyment Rider �
<br /> �-v�'��; � � , � Balloon Ridcr Rate Improvemeat Rider Second Home Rider
<br /> �'``;' . , �.� V.A.Rider Uther(s)[specifYl --
<br /> _`:a: �. :L;`��, `t;' � -
<br /> `t_. . ',;:
<br /> .Jt.�y' 4:.e.'i. y.:
<br /> _ �'i, vY,i�]+Yi.a'.:a�,.lv�i.. _
<br /> "�:�;� �•�:as�:..,. : .St�� a�:�s BY SIaNWC3 BBLOW,Borrower accepts and agrees to the[crma w�d oovenanta conuuned in this Security Inauument u�d �'
<br /> ���:aa��:.ik�,�_.;�s� in any r�der(s)exxuted by Borrower aad reco�ded wlth it.
<br /> - � ,-.=�.-- _.- - Witnasea: � � ,,,, __
<br /> � �L?�'l� � (Seal)
<br /> ' 3 CQRINNE A WORTHINGTON •�w� �
<br /> � , ' �� Soclal Security Number 333-16-1918
<br /> �-1', ���T..�:.i.f�,•+.r,.. ��� �.
<br /> �.`4 . ,-. . ..�. .� .. •BO�IOWl�
<br /> . �:,.��w Q •.:.�;'�,;� /Q� Soci�i Security Number
<br /> � , ��.�-:: ��°+► 1 J"' � �-
<br /> .. . «� �i � (s�) (�) F
<br /> �'.�.�-�� r DFANNA D JACOBSEN -Bortower -eotrower �
<br /> '.�.r , .. °, Social Security Number 483-38-Q722 Sacia!Security Number _
<br /> .�; yr+..�.- _
<br /> '''� � y, ..,: � STATE OF NEBRASKA
<br />, ,"'�"^ �� + HALL Countyss: _
<br /> . a The foregoing instrument was ecknowledged 6eforc me t4is 15TH d�Y of dULlf � 1992 �
<br /> _ •.';: ~,. by •,►* [.
<br /> ' �`�'�"�= - ' Wid�ess my hand and notarfal seal at in said County,the date aio�id. �
<br /> � ..,..... z.,•o,--,ct� /�
<br />� � _ �. CJikfi4l Y,OI�'��.,•S'.a;r�f K.:S�.z�i /1�.jj �� �f pp r
<br /> �, , My Commission Eapf�+es CONSTANCC K.SLOi�N ` Q��l�—_I�Qy �Q�J'�— `
<br /> y° ^�� �� � � Il'ly Comm.ExR.lan.2J.1995 Notary Publk
<br />• ' �• � �;� �+�, • z *** DEANNA 0 JACOBSEN AND CORINNE A WORTHiNGTON. BOTH SiNGIE -
<br /> '�.+�� ,� PERSONS
<br />. , , d
<br />. . ' � • �
<br /> •, • vp�6 oi s Form 3028 8190
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