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<br /> � � �1�i�7tY�� �_
<br /> � (d� G�a,�iw+�t�w i�qht��d t�du:y authariztt!to�xicuh�nd pW�m ib qd�patW�u undsr this�3Nd of Truat and tMN actlons do not�nd c
<br /> � shall not oonriic!w�th eh�provlslon�of�ny sktut��r�pulatlon.ordin�na,ru►�ot liwr.oanitact or otnu�prNm�nt vr�ioh may D�G1r�dicW o� _
<br />;, i C�anwr at any dmr _
<br /> �•� wo aee►on o.�roo.winq ts or.na�i a p.nai!fp O�thrqtatwd whiCh Mi(�ht matirlilly oth:t tM Ptap�tty.na
<br />' I (f) Grantor nas not vtdata�i and shall not viaab any uatut�,rpu►�tbn,ordinana,ru1�of 4�w,contnct or otM��prNrrNnt p^ciudinQ•but not c
<br /> flmltW to.ttwa�powrninp;-luar�aw N4t�rt�b)wh3cA m�pht rtut�rialty aM�t M�Pto�RY or Unda+'�rtphts or tnlu�st In tM Wo�ny Gurwant _
<br /> to thlo OMd ot Truu. �
<br />: i 3, pii{OR OEEDS OF TAilST. Granror r�pr�tants Rnd wurantt th�t tt»n u�no prior fi�3i o1 tru:t:'1ta.�Nr+�any psrt of!h�Pro�rty�ro*W w s�t �-
<br /> { (orih on SchedaN D�tsacMd 10 thls Dwd ot Trust,wt►�ch Grantor aprost to pa�and p�rtorm in�tim�ty mannW. N�ro�tr�tny prlor dwda or tru�t !
<br /> � ttwn Gnntor apr�sa to WY all amounb ow�d,u�d p�riam oll oWi�atl�c�u.r�d�und�r wcA d�fs of bw!�nd tM tnd�biadn�a s�cwad ttNrR�Y
<br /> � antl}urtnar sprN�t h a t a d�f a u l t u n d�r a n y p t i o t d w d o 1 t�u i t c h a l i a�d�w k u n�r t A I�D N d o f Truu u�d thW�ntitl�lutd�t fo a11 rl�Nb ind [
<br /> rsm�dlr c+onta�n�d►+�rNn or{n t1+�Obl?��t l o ns to wAicw U�d�r woutd W Mtitl�d In tM wont of any oth�r d�lault. �
<br /> �. TAAN5FER8 OF THE PROPERIY UR OEMEFIC1itL IMTERFSTS lii GRAIiTOfiS OA I)ORROW2R9. fn ttw wwnt of a aala,convsyan,ce�kase. E
<br /> oonV�ct(or dMd w Sr�tnttW to any penon of�ll or any psrt of tM nal P+opWtY d��aib�d In Sch�duN l�or anY inurast th�nin.or of nll or any _
<br /> Wn�fi�:1a!lnt�r�tt In Borrovu�r or Gr�ntot(if Borrowor o�Gr+ntor If not�natural p�rcon o+P�rson�but If R o�rpor�tbn.UmIlW Ilabiliry compa�Y. �
<br /> pa.Zn�nt�tp,eruct.or o�t�.r�a�.�,u�yL�.•nd•r r,u�y,.t�s,op tion d�ctare tM ountan�tnp prtnclpal W�lsna ot tM QNt��tiom plw�cawd Intu��t
<br /> tM.��n Imm�ciatNy du��nd payabl�. At Und�r's rpwtl,Cx+�nta or Borrcwwr,a tM cas�may b�,shall turnlsh�compNt�statsrt»nt wtUn�lortl�
<br /> a!1 tW lt��tockhadan,m�mb�rc,or p�nMro,u approprt�b,�+d th��xe�nt of tMk nap�ctlw owr�shlp Intw�ts. s
<br /> S. �'A,.�NMENY OF AENTS. In contiikration ot th�Obllflatt�on�,whkh an�cund by Mts Owd of Truq.Cxantor abwotut�N as�lpns to L�nd�r�u __
<br />` Cx�ntar'o�atab,r'�ht,titM,tnt�r�►t.cl�lm and d�rtw�d raw own�d or h�r�af��oQulnd In�lI�xtttk+p a+d tuhu�I�as�s of th�Prop�rty(inCludinp
<br /> �x!insions,r�n�wa a and subl�as��),all aprNm�nb for us�and oocui��Y���oP�Y(atf weh laa�a and aprMm�nb wMtMr writ0�n a or�l. _
<br /> u�t►�rqfNr nlYttacl to as tM'L�as�e'),and all puarantl�a ot N1�M��'p�rformar�a und�+th�UaM�•to0�th�r w{th tM imrnWis�t�intl Co�Unuinp
<br /> r;flht to oO�I�Ct arW rYC�tw all of th�r�ntt,inoortw,rQalpb,nwnwa,Isswi,profib I�nd otMr incort►�of uny natur�now or h�rqfNr dw(ncludinp
<br />_= any tnoom�ot any natun comtnp dw durinq any rW�mption p�rlod)u�d�x th�Uaa�s a irom a Rrisirv�cwt of tM Prap�rty Includlnp miNmum
<br /> nnta. additlonal nnts. p�anLps nnts.Paridnp or common arq mslntMana contributlonl,tuc and in:.urar�G ConVibutlo��,d�ficl�ncy ants. _
<br /> tiquida»d dam�pa tollowiny d�fauR in any Lws�. �ll procaWa paYsbt� urxl�r any policy of Inwru�cowring bsa of r�nts nwttinp nom
<br />= unt�nantaMt�ty caus�d by d�suueUon or tlamap�to tM RcWrtY.al�ProoMd�PaY+bl�as o�ault of a NstM's ox�rWs�of an option to purcha�tM
<br />— PropKty,all procMds d�riwd Trom th�t�rmination ot n��etlon of any UsM in�bankruptty�r ot�insolwncy proa�dlnp,and all prooMds trom
<br /> — any r hts and claims ot any ktnd wh�h Ganta may haw apalnst�ny fKN�und�r th�L�aws or�ny oawP+nts of th�Propwty Iall of tM a�a�an
<br />� n.na�ew cai.cawir r•rKr.d w as a,.•a.na'). Thb astlpnm�nt u wb�ct tc th�ripht.pow.r u,d au�+orisy�iwn m u,.�«x�so cawce.nd ap�►y
<br />� ttM R�na. m4 asct�nmant t:ncord�d i�acootdanc�vwtA�PP��cabN Wf�law:tM IiM ctM b Iaw a�am�i+d�d�irom�m�i�m�i.As b�r►p a
<br /> p�AactW.and chosb upon tM ncotdinp W thtt OMd o1 Trutt.all as ptOVld�d bY�PP�� _
<br />' th�rs i�no Wtwlt w►d�r tM ObUpatbns or thu DNd ot Trust,UncNr pnnh Gr�n�u a nvocabl�liosns�to ooll�ct all R�nb from th�L��wf+w+
<br /> dw and to u�wch prooNds In GanSa's busir»ss opwations. Flow�wr,LsrxMr may�t�ny tirt►� nqwn Grantor to d�pot+t aN Rmts kKo�n
<br />"a �cocuM mainWn�d by Cx�n�or or LKid�►�t l�n�r's in�titution. Upoo�Mfwft In th�payrtrNnt W,or in th�p�rlormanw ot,any of tM Obiipationi� —
<br />= l«xl�r may at fts optwr.ta�a posasslon ot tM Ro�rty and naw.hotd.ma�up�.Iww and cPK+»tM Prc(»rty on t�rms u+d tor a pwiod of tirtw
<br /> — that L�ndor dNms propH. L�r may procMd to colNct�nd nalw�11 FMnea from th�propweY.Wfd L���ha11 haw fu11 pow�r to maln
<br /> att�tations�nnavatlons�npaks or roplac�rtNnts So�PropKb a Ur�r may dwm ProW+. Und�t may aPP�Y W FMnb in Und�r's sol�dl�aWon
<br /> :� m wrt,.�n a n,.oa�a�o�•a co a+.c+�r�+�a tt,.ooa a�,a,.ia�.�o�.�rN�ovationt�npaln and nptaartwntt u�d any y�nsa incklM!to
<br /> takinp�nd rw�nlrg poe�ton ot ttM Propwty Pk��N�����rt»nt and cPs+atlon ot tM F�rop�rty. t�nd�r mauy Icwp t1»Prop«ty
<br /> i� p�op«y tnwna a,+d n,ay d'uatarp.u,y wca,a+a�ya�cwm,�.aKU++�r+a a,a on»r�i�n.whtd+may aaxw. n,..xp�nw.r,d coet ot m«.
<br />� ���b,s�fu11 b�ootrw part of tM Oblipations y usrcu�by this OMd of add�d to th�P+�P�ot th�OblipaSions. 11wa�arnounb.top�tMr
<br /> � �. LEIISES AMO OrMEa IIGREEM�NTS. Granar a�u not talc•a tail to s�ic•any aetior+wnk� msy aus.or p.rmn th.atmtnatlon or th.
<br /> wiMhddinp,oi�ny WN��t In conMCtion with am�L�sN or otMr tprNrtNrM CAptNm�nt�P�rtal�lny to tM R'op�rtY. In additlon�CatanEor,wifhout
<br /> Und�r's prar wnthn con�nt,shaU not: (a)oolf�ct any monNs payabl�und�r any AQrNm�nt r.wr�tM�n on�month in advana: (D)modity a�5►
<br />:� /p�»m�nt o�r�amounri ptyabL�tJi�nu rndi;or�(d)tumi�or canal�a�ny Apn�rt�xit apt to���na+Pahv��+^v iwm�wMr maa i
<br /> _� br�ach by tM otMr party th�r�to. B Gtantor naiws at any tirrw anyr writS�n oommunicaUon u+wtlny a d�fwk by Gnntor und�r an AprNm�nt a
<br /> — purpoAtny eo ewmtnat� ot cana� �ny Aar«m.nt. Granea shal� ptomativ rorwud . cov9 oe such oommuntcaUon (and any wds.a�nt
<br /> �— CortNtwfliC�Oflt tNtthlD tFNfNO)t9 LM1Wf. Ni WCi1 11QtMf4Nfltt alld ttN OrtwW1b dW t0 Qtafl�Of t1MHUndK ilt�(Mf�bY ifiiDMd�LMld�t tt
<br /> — additlona!s�axitY 1or tM ObUpationt
<br /> _ :. �.L.^.'!:r!!e�s�w�sw�e�cmt cw�fY T111i1a PAFiIY. LM�d�r�1►all b��r►tiWd to notiN or ro4uin Gnnlor to noti(y any tfiircl P�!Y M��O�
<br /> --' tYt nOt BiYtiS�d W.�.!}�00�.QOV�ff1R!l11S�!iYMW��NM uN!18W�a��OOrt1p1f1iN)10 WY���Y��a�°t"�vwxy w _
<br /> cr.n�a witt+►«P�et Lo n,.Prca«ty►(a,nwlativNr'kxNbbdnwsl w�«naR a dNurlt•xhls w�d.r u,u n..a a rrust. GrarAa ahati dilip�nt+Y
<br /> � ooArct tt�k�d�bbdn�a owinp to Ganeor irotn 1twM tnkd parti��until th�pivinp of wch notification. In th�w�nt that Gtantor Poa�ssM a naiws
<br /> ppcw�c{pn ot Itny inslrurtl�rris or oth�r nmittanqs with rqp�t to tM k�d�bMdnMt 4otfowinp th�pivinp of stkh no6iflCatlon ot M tM inttrurtNnH or
<br /> — oth�r nmtttancss�n�ri+t�tM pnpayrn�nt of any k�d�be�dnKS a tM payrr►�nt of any lnwrana or cond�mnatbn proa�da�Grantor shall hold
<br /> wcA instrurtwtMS�nd oth�r nmktar�In trttst ta LM�d�r apart from its ofhM prop�rty�wfdon�df�in�ttum�nb and oth�r ntnittarxa to L,�nd�r.
<br /> tu,d unm.aiatit�provid.una.r wrt1,Poa.ssion or t�,.k►stnun.nes ana wi,.r r.m�etano�.. I..nda s1w�b..nan.d,bue na r.yuk.d��o oo�+.c.c(b5+
<br /> = t�pa�procMd�n�e or oth«wiwt.•�►a en.tim.tor P.ymsne.ooma�«nia.,ucchar�or n1�w.ny oai�or or ooutMau.«ott�wi«..etl.any of
<br /> tM k►d�be�drNSS wh�thw a nat ari w�nt af d�fauR�xt�ts und�r thls Apn�rn�nt. L�ndw thall not b�Iiabt�to Grarnor for ury�cfion,Mra.mi�tak�.
<br /> — ominia�or dN�y P�^uW tes tfos actloa�d�aaib�d in thia pua�rapA or any darnap�s nwttina tMntrom. �M�1w�itl�star�cJi�p�1����^0�p
<br /> MtNn shW cwa�Lw�tMr to b�dMn'wd•
<br /> — t. tJSE AMO MAIMTEMAIiCE OF PROPERTY. Carar��shfll taia ail aetions u►d m�lt�anS e�pai��n�d�d to mainlaln tt�Pt�opwtY In 0�
<br /> CondiWn. GrNtor shall not oommit or pWmit r.y wat�to b�oommitbd with nsp�e!to th�Prop�rty. CXaneor Lhall uN tt�PropKtS►aoINY in
<br /> — oomptlar�wkh aNplicabf�Isw and Inwnno�po11cIN. Gnr�st►�II not m�k��ny atarations,additions or improwrtwnb to tM ao�rty w��t►a,:
<br /> ��f1d�f's pfi0t v�RrtiNl OOflsMlt. WiUfOUt 1'irfiitirl9 U1�fOf�QOinQ.iJl llhraUCllt,idditi0fls tfld if1'Ip�OVNTM�tL mifl�to tlf�PfO�RY 11fi11 aubj�Ct t0
<br /> ttw balMiCuJ Inbrat bNor►a1n0 t0 L�ndw,shall not b�nmoval wrN�att Lsr�'s prior wtitMn oorMe►t.and sllall b�mad�at Grantol'i aoN�xp�nM.
<br /> s. wss oa oA�AAGB c,r�r+sor shau e..r th.«ain ri�k ot any�oss.,b.+►,a..auetion a d.m+e�ccumulas+wt�r-Los.or o.m�o.1 so sh.arop.rey or
<br /> anY portbn,tf»nof irom any caus�whahosrrK. In tM�wnt of any Loa or O�map�.Cxantor shall,�t tM optlon of Lw+d�r.npalt tt�atl�c�d
<br /> Prop�,ty�o�b pcwiou.condifion«pay«ou,..to w aaid to L«+d.r tt,.a.aw.in tl�,.fak rt�ark�t vatw of tl+.aff.cad Roa.rtv
<br /> — 1Q IItSURAIiCL`• 17N P.'op�rty wiU b�k�pt lnwnd tor ib full insuabN valw(nplaoKn�►t oosi)ap�In�t all hat�rds Indudinp foa Or damlp�
<br /> — cauw��r flood.��ttxivak�,tomado and fin.th�tt or otMr eu++tltY to ttw�xE�nt nqulnd by L�xJ�r. (�rarroor may obtai^lnsurar�on th�Ro{,�rtY
<br /> Y trom wc�canpanNs as ac•aoaptabt�to L.nd.r ln its sa.atsu.tloe. rn.Uwrano�polici�s�hall nqui�a tf+.i�,raeo.oar+t�r m a+�
<br /> � WbM with tt Iwt dt writan raFlo�W1on such poticNs an ale�rW a cancNNd In any mannK. Th�inaiu�na R�icNs�hatl
<br /> nam�LM�d�r as a Iow P�Y'w�nd provi�that rw act or arnisNor►ot GranEOr or any otlN►p�non sAatl aH�et ttw risht of UndK So��j�d tl►�
<br /> � if►waf►o�prooMd�P�inlrt4 L�tM loa Ot dantaal0t t!N Pro�tY. In Uu�t Gantu talls to aoquln ot mtlrlfain inwtanot�Lw+aw (�iMr
<br />—� prpei�yinp notlor a�mry b�nquind by tawj may trt Fts disaW on Proa+ro�PProPriaa intuano�ocv�rap�uPon S1�Prc�rtY and Y»inwnno�oost
<br /> � W�all b�ar1 adv�Yia PaYabM and I�Mtiflp(Rts('Oft as dOtatb�d in P�nQraph 23 and f�cYfW Mr�Y. C�rafleor�l1i�l fumish L�fIWf MMh Mi�dMlO�Ot
<br /> — inswanw indlca�nD th�nQuEnd eov�►p�. L�nd�r mrY aCt as�1a Graneor in m�ltirtp and s�e1MnD daima undw i�wr�nw poUci�s,
<br /> oM��O�^Y Pa�Y o►�ndoni�+p Gnntot's nan'r on u►y dtait ot rnpotiabb insVUmMt dravm by anY insuar. Mi wch instuana po�ioi�s�hLll b�
<br /> lmrtwdiaaly assipn�d�pt�da�d aad dNiwrW to L�rxJK as turtMr siauity tor tM Obli�ations. In th��wnt W bss,Cxar�shall immWiably D�w
<br /> Lend�r wtitbn notlo�and Larxt�r{s authorix�d to rrfak�proof of IoW. Each insuanc�oompsrry is dinct�d to mak�pay�'+ nb dinctly to L�r
<br /> = Inat�ad of m l,�nd�r and Granta. L�nd�r shall haw tM ri9M�at ia�ot�optic^�So apply wch monl�s toward th�Obli�a�ons or toward th�oat of
<br />—� n0alWirtp and reatorinp ttta Prop�Ay. My arnounts mall+t�«b��s o�eion b�appliW in th�inv�n�ord�r of th�dw datrs ttMtwf.
<br />--�' in ttr_zonlr!�Pmw�?�ns M A�v+�oaNnanta afi�cting
<br />-n /1. ZOIi1Nti At�JD f�tlilAi r C�i�iAi.'i"'a. 6raniar�1�i rwt H�L':::a ca�.;t��Y�
<br />= tM uM of tM Prop�tty wittwut L�nd�r's prior vrtitE�n oonsrM. If Gru�or's uN ot tMr Rop�tY D�oorfNS a no�oonforminp ua�und�r sny zonln�
<br />= provi�lor►. Gnn�or sh:N na eauss or p�mit wcA us�to w di�oontinwd or�banCorwd wilhout th�prior write�n oons�nt at L�nd�r. Granlor wiu
<br />- �mm�diawr provid�L.Md«wiH,wrnan nobc�a.r+v a��d chano�s b tt»mnin�orovisions or wivaE.oor«+anb oif�tlnp,h.Propwey.
<br />_ 92 CONDEIANA7i0N. Car�Mar shell Imm�dktMY Prwid�L�nd�r wdh wrtit�n notia of any ac�t or tlu�aw»d oa�dKnnation or�min�nt doma:n
<br />:�_� P��fi P��tnp to tM PraPartY. IUI moniN paY�bl�to Gnntor trom woh�a taki at�Mnby assiqn�d to L�nd�r and�hall b�
<br /> _ apptied fiat to tt� payrrNnt of LsrW�r'a attorn�y�'tMS. Npal �xp�n�s arW ottf�r oocb 0��� iPP�+� fws) in conr�tion with 1M
<br /> cond�rnnation ot�min�n!domain ProoMdinGs md ttwn.at th�opbon a4 L�ndq.to th�payment of tM ODUpations or tt�rss�ontion ot apalr ot tha
<br /> 13.�L tlOEB'S RIGHT TO COMMfENCE OR DEFEND LEC�I.ACTWNS. firantor shall imrtNdiat�ly provid�L�rx1�r with wr'rtbn no�a of any actwl
<br /> - or ttu�sarwd action.suit,u oth�r PrxMd'++�y afNc.tinp th�Prop�rt5+• Gra��to�Mnby appoirtts Und�r a�its attorrwydn tact�comrt»no�.inarv�na
<br /> in.and d�hnd wch actions.wiri,or ot{wr 1�pa1 piocMdin�s and So com(xomi�or setW any dalm or oorttrovKSY PKtalnU+p tMr�so. l.�rMw aha11
<br /> ' not W Ilabl�to GranSOr for any action.�rra.mis�.omtuion u dNaY Wttatninp So tM aetions dMCrib�d in thlle Pu�G►�Ph w�Y d�
<br /> nwlHn�ttwrofrom. Nothinp oorNa�nW hK�in wdp pnwnt l.�rxl�r from takinp flw actions dacnb�d in thk panQraph in ito owr nam�.
<br /> 14. INdEMNIFICATION. Lx�d�r shaB not assurt�«b�raporaibN fa ttw p�rlormar►a of�ny of GnMOt'�oWipationa with r�tp�et to th�Rop�rty
<br /> und�r any circumttanas. Gnr�Sor shall imm�diatNy provid�L�nd�r w'�th vrrrttK►notia of and ind�mnity and haid lw�d�r and ito thar�hotG�s,
<br /> au.c�ors. o�ro.n.�mploYNS and ap�ntc humass Nom a�i Ga�ma.aan►�p.s,rab�uoa(nciu��n�a�n�vs'tw,and�•xp.nWS). cws..of
<br /> aCtiOn.acti0nt.witi ofld OfhK IiDsl Procs�dlnfls (CUmulatiwly'C(aims')RMl�inlflp t0 tfN Prop�rtY pr�ludlns.but n0!limit�d t0�tffOM iRVOlv�np
<br /> Hu3rdous Mat�riaJs). GraMOr,upon Vf�nqwa!of Lxfd�r�sh�ll fiin Ie�a!oounsN to d�Nnd Und+r Bom wCh Ctims,ind pay the attorMys'1NO.
<br /> Ip�1�xp�nas and o1Mr ooste incumd in conrwction tMnwith. In th�alt�rnatiw,L.�nGr shal!b��rttitlW to�mploy its own i�ya�oouns�i to dN�rv.1
<br /> wch Clalrra at Granta's cost. Grar�eor's oWipation to ind�rnnify L�nd�r und�r this Par�praph�ha11 wrviw tM t�rmmat,on,ni�w or toadosun of
<br /> thls OMd of Trwl.
<br />� �pNEb�ti'GFan+Ya+T�cMiolo�w,ncM/i//W MOOIWTJ7YY P�p�2d3—
<br /> _ ------
<br /> ._.. . .------- --�.�����.......-....��.-�...�-,- _ —�.
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