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.. i+"_!�"�, A: '; � .:etr•, . ti ;4�:�--- <br /> .. � ��, ^ �� ?"�rM�1�1�iw.r . _ r.-±�-'� <br /> �j. �h~ .�__.�--.^...•��-._. _ <br /> •r . _ .. <br /> � � <br /> • 92-.1oszss <br /> 17.Tnuwter ot tbe Property or a Beneticl�l lnterect in Bormwer. If a11 or any pwt of�he Property or any interest in i► <br /> is cc►Id or tr�naferred(or ff u hcnef�ciul interc�t in Acxmwcr is sold or trnn.r•femcd ond&�Rawer iR not a natural penaml without <br /> _ �.° —�---�; - L,cml�r'� p�iu� w�iu��� w�i.rcnt. Lrnder mny, at its aptiun. rcquire immediptc �►ayment in ful! of ell sumg socured hy thia __ <br /> Socurity Instrumenl.Hawover, ihiA oplion Yhrll not bo esercise�by I.ender it excrci.c ir prahibited by feder+d law as►of the dato <br /> of lhis Socu�ity Insln�rtxnt. <br /> If I.ender exenise�thir upllnn, Len�lcr htwll give&�rrowcr nWicc of Accelcr�dun. The notice shall provlJe e pedod��f not <br /> � ' �•�` Ics� than 30 dayti fr�m Ihc datc thc n��ticc i�dclivcrc,�l ctt mailec! within which &xrowcr mu+t pay ull suma securad by thi� <br /> T "'s�'' ` Securiry Instrument. If Bonnwcr faile ta pay thc5c sumg pri�r t�►thc eapirntion uf thi�periud. l.endcr nwy invoko�ny remediec <br /> � permiued by thia Sccu�{iy lnstrument wiU��ut funher n��tice or dcmand an Borruwer. <br /> �=.- '.'' 18. 13ocrowcr's RIRht to ReIn4iNr. If Fknmwer mcetti ccrtain rnnciitinna, Bom►wer shull twve the rfght to have � <br /> enforcement af this S�xurity l�urunknt dixcuntinued at eny lime prior�o the carlier uf: (a) S days (ur �uch other periad as <br /> upplicablc luw may specify for reia�teaeent) before sule of the Propeny purxunnt to any power of sale containod in this <br /> � �w� • •„ ,�,a. Security Instrument;or lb)en:ry af a jud rt�t rnfardng fiig Security Inxtroment. Those canditfonx ure that Harmwer.(a)pays <br /> ,X 1.,¢ndcr oll sumv which�hen would be� under thts Secudiy (nstrument unJ the Notc ac if no acceleration had accurred; (b> <br /> cures uny default of uny other a►venbntK i�r agroemen�s; (c) pays nll eapense.� incurred in enforcing thia Security Instrument, <br /> ,�° , �- _,..:.., including,but not limitod to,rc�sonable uttorne�x' iecs; und(d)tukea such action as Lender muy m.asoru►bly require to assure <br /> � "�F�""'�`"'"°"° thnt the lien of this Securlty Instrument, L.ender g rights in the Propeny und Borrowcr's obliqation to pay tht sums secured by <br /> ,�,....?� <br /> ���.,� <br /> ,�•- this Security Instrument shull continue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by BoROwer, this Security InStrument and e <br /> '��"'`"` obligations sccured hereby shull remuin fully effertive os if no accelerA�ion had occurred.However, this right to ninswte ctmll <br /> "�;''"�Y�"`:;;�� not Apply in the case af acceleraticm under purograph 17. <br /> s .,- _��•: <br /> 0�,;�,. _ • 19. Snle ot Note;Change of I.oan Servicer. The Nate or a pariial interest in the Note (together with this Securiry <br /> °"'" Instrumenq may be sold ane��r more�imes withnut prior nc�tice to Borrawer.A sale may res�lt in a change in the entiry(known <br /> -_ �"� � "' "�"�'� as the"l.oan Scrvicer")thu�collects monthly p�yments due under Ihe Note and this Security instrument.There also may be one <br /> �e:•, _. or mare chunges of the l.c�an Servicer unreluted to u sule of the Note.If�here is a change of the I.oan Servicer.Horrower wlll be <br /> f,' '`' .�,' given wriUen iwti��e of�he change in accardance with pAragraph 14 above und appllceble law. The ix�tice will state thc t�rne and ____, <br /> "'"':� ' - � �K Address of the new Loan Scrvicer und the addresr ta which puyments ahould be m4de. The notice will also contain ony other <br /> ^ �t ; ''+ � infarmation n:quired by appUcuble law. <br /> �,�. < ' • `,'�`� 20. Hazprdous Substances. Borrowcr shull na cause or pennit the presence,use, dieposal, storage, or releese of any <br /> �':'l�'a , - - tlur.urdous Substances on or in thc Praperty. Rorrower shall not do, nor allow anyane else ta do, anylhing uffecting the <br /> — '�w Praperty that is in violution af miy �mironments�l Luw. The preceding two sententtr sh�ll not appiy to the prcsence. use.or <br /> -_<: � ,: ..r .; star�Re on the Praperty ot'small yuuntities of H�zurJous Substonces that are g�nerally recogniud to be appropdate W norn�l � <br /> '.. �` '���' " residcntial uses and to muintensuice ai thc Pmperty. <br /> .�'�`�' `' Bc�rrower shall promptly give Lendcr writtcn notice of uny inves�igation,cluim, demand, luwsuit or other action by any <br /> m°�� <br /> =��� govemmental or regulatory agency ar priva�e party involving Ihe Propeny an�l any Ha7.ardaus Sub.vtance or EmironttienWl Iaw <br /> -_ , , ,•,A�.: of which Botrawer has actual knowlecige. If Honower Icams,or is noNtied by any govemmental or regulntory authority. Uwt <br /> any removal or ather remedintion of uny Htrwrdous Substnnce affecting�he Property is necessary.Bomaw�r sl�ll promptly tAWe <br /> �,,i ,�,;, , . y„r, ;;, ull necessary remedial actions in uccordnnce with Environmental Lnw. <br /> : ; ° ;'_ A+u��x1 iu tl�is puagrap6 20. "liazasdaus Substanc�;" are thase substasicts �efined ns toxic or ha��rMus sub�ncxs by _ <br /> Environmentul Law and the fdlowing wbstances: gusoline, kerosene, o�her Ilummable or toxic petroleum Products. touie <br /> .`• � � .. . . ,, pesticides und herbicides, volatile solvenix, muterials containing s�sbeslas or fornialdehyde,ond radioactive mutenals.As usad in <br /> :';,�_. this paragraph 20, "�nvironmentAl Luw" means federal luws and laws of the ju�isdiction where the Properly ic lacated tlwt <br />°- � �, relate to henith,s�fety or environmentul protection. <br /> -; "� '�' ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortawcr s�nd Lcndcr furthcr wvenant and ug�ce us follows: <br /> - � ° 21. Acceleration;Remedles. I.ender shall Rive noNce to Borrower prior to accele�tlon tollowing Borrower's breach <br /> r�rJ ot any covenant or agreement in thts Security Instrument (but nat prior to acceleradon under pa�ragrAph 17 wnlcsv <br /> _"' ` applicable law provides otherwise).The mHice shall specliy: (a)the detuult; (b)the action required to cure the def�ult; <br /> r' � • "`. � (c)a date,not less thun 30 days frnrn the date the notice i��;iven to which the default must be cured; t�nd <br /> `�?" (d) thut t'ailure to cure thc default on ur before the date�pccitied in the notice muy result in acceleration ot lhe sums <br /> �� ,..��.,.. � � � secured by this Secudty In.ctrnment and sele of the Property. The nuticc shall Purther inform Borrower of the rlQht to <br /> ' reinstate after acceleratinn and tbc ri�ht to bring a court acNon to ussert the non-existence oP a default or nny other <br /> ;�� , dePense of Borrower lo acceleration and ss�le. If Ihe defoult iti nut curcd on ur bei'ore the ds�te speciiied in lhe nottce, <br /> �„�4 ,�':x..:r- ' I.ender, at itx opUnn,may requirc immcdiatc puyment in full of all sumti n��aured by this Securlty Instrument without <br /> f., ,;�,,, , further demend aad mny Invoke the poH•cr oP salc and uny othcr rcmedi�w permlttc�d by upplicable law. l.ender slwll be _ <br /> , ,. � entitled to collect all expense5 incurred iu punuink the remcdi�.s provid�rl in this parasraph 21.including,but not limited <br /> ��: to, reasonable attorneys' Pees und costs oi'tiNe evidence. <br /> " iW�n. If thcpo wer oi sale is invoked, Trustee tihull r��cord u notire nf defuult in eunc �uunty in which any p�rt of the <br /> �"""' " �' Property (s located and shall mail cupi��uf such notice in the nwnner prescrihed by upplicable law to Borrower�nd to <br /> ' ' � ' the other pecwns prescrilxd by applicable law•. Aiter the Nmc reyuired b�• upplics�blc lu►�•,Tru5lee shall�ive public notice � <br /> �:'h. � � . of'�le to the persnns and tn Ihe munner prescrib��d b,r•upplicuhk la�ti•.Trustec,a•ithout demand on Borrower,shull�ell <br /> � � the Property at public sucti�n to the hi�hest bidder at the time and pluce und under the terms desiRnated in the notice oP �- <br /> . �,�,�;�: sule in unr or morc parcek and in any urdrr Trustcw determin�w. Trustec muJ•post��ne�Ic nf all or any parccl of the <br /> , .:,,,_,,..ti� , Property by public announcement ut thc time und placc oP anc previounl� �chcduled �ule. Lender or itti deslgnee may' � . <br /> - +��+�h,, , . purc hase t he P r ope r ty a t eny su le. <br /> . � . ��: <br /> . �' Form 3028 8190 �°` <br /> , <br /> . Pape 5 0l p �."��: <br /> . , ��: <br /> �A � . � _." ' . . . . :1�13�`•Y.��T::.�yiZ�... . . . .... . ... ..... •�n ..�... .f� <br /> V' <br /> '"1' i ._ _, .. , ., . . . . <br /> � . <br /> a' <br /> .. �J.�... <br /> ) ' <br /> . . 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