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<br /> TO(3�THER W1TH�II Ihe improvementa now or harcaRer erxted an the property,�uul�ll easement�,oppurten�u;et,And
<br /> �;;� fixturcs now or hercafter a part aP the property. All replacemente and edditions siwll wlco bo coverad by lhfe Sea�rity
<br /> - U�trument. All of the foregoing is refernd w in this Security instrument er tha"Property.'
<br /> BORROWBR COVENANTS that Barmwer is lawfully ceised of the estete hereby conveyed and hn�the �ight to grant ond
<br /> : �.�, convey the PropeRy and that the Property ia unencumbered,except far encumbrancea of reconl. Aarrc►wer womnts and will
<br /> . ' •y defend genernlly the titls to thc PropeAy agAinst ull claims and demanda, subjcct to any encumbr�nces of rccord.
<br /> nd n•uniform covenantr with limitod
<br /> THIS SECURITY INS'fRUM�NT conibines unii'arm cavensu�ts for national use a no
<br /> •' �^� �-�=�-�-��~�-� variations hy junsdiciion to ronadwte a uniiorm securiry insirument cove�InR rcal property.
<br /> ., .� �"� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower cind Lender covenunt and agrec as fallows: ,�
<br /> ,±=�r 1. PAyment ot Princippl And Interest; Prepayment pnd late Chargt,w. Borrowcr ahall promptly pay when due tho�
<br /> `��`��' principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note aul any prepayment ar�d late cherges due under the Note.
<br /> '����" 2. Funds tor TAxes pnd Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower sFwll pay to
<br /> `�'�°""`''� '' i.ender on the day monthly payments arc due under the Note,until the Nate is puid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> i `
<br /> _—'�''��`•`"��*"•-` wnd a��egsmentR which may attein priority over this Security Instrument as a flen on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold psymentr
<br /> _'-o.�:a;'.:..a -
<br /> —= or ground rents on Ihc Praperty. if any:(c)yei►rly hazard or praperty insurancc premiums;(d)yearly fload insurancc premfums,
<br /> "w�;; .��. if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums. if any;and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with
<br /> —�' ���,:�•-: � the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu oithe payment af mortgage insuraixx premiums.These item.s sre called"Escrow ltems."
<br /> {�! r_. .,.y_:.;
<br /> �-k'>'=Y�` ,,. L.ender may, at any timc, collect and hald Funds in an amount not to eaoeed the maximum amount a lender for a federally
<br /> � �_� =.,A r,,•< �: .
<br /> '� related mortgage loan may require for Borrower s escraw nccount un�ler the federal Real Lstate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> ,�'''``•��;�"'�'s� 1974 as amended from time ta timc. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 e�seq. ("RESPA°),unless enother!aw that epplies to thc Fund�
<br />- .__ �.°`'°�'°'�''°� ,�:..� sels u lesse�amount. If so. Lender may, at any timc, collect und hold Funds In an umount not to exceed the lesser amount ._-..
<br /> .�;� ,� ,� : � . � Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reaconable estimates of expendiwre�of future
<br /> ``�f'' � � '`s ''`' � ' � �� Fscrow Items or otherwise in accordancewith applicable law.
<br /> y�: - -� 1'he Funds shall bc held in An institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality. or entity
<br /> _�-�` . '::'°��� - _ ��`_' (including I.ender, if L.ender is such an institutian)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. L.ender shall apply thc Funds to pay thc
<br /> _ Bscraw Items. Lender may nat cherge Borrower for holding and applying�he Funds,annually analy�3ng t!w escrow acxount,or
<br /> .::�:•:�'; '" verifyii�g the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Harrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permfta Lender to make saeh
<br /> ��; . °. a cherge. However, I.ender may�equire Borrower to pay a one-tirne charge for an independent real estate Wx reporting servfa
<br /> -=,;`' �.��,�� , ,,n,��y used by L.ender in connection with this loan, unless applica6le law provides otherwise. Unless an agroement is made or
<br /> _ ., . appiicnble law requires interesl to be pald, I.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interesl or eamings on the Putds.
<br /> -�--�=r� .' Borrower nnd L.ender may agree in wri�ing,however.that interest sholl 6e paid an the Funds.i.ender sFwll give w Borrower,
<br /> � ___ ,i�� a �,� ___ wlthaut charge. aa�naa! accounting of the Funds. shots�ing zre�its and debils to ihe Fut�a a� thp r!�l�x►Re far which e�ch
<br /> _ . ,. . debit tu the Funds was made.The Funda are pledged ax additional securlty for all sums securod by this Security Insuwpent.
<br />-_ • If the Funds hcld by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by epplicable law, Lender shall aa��nt w Bormwer
<br /> _ �. �'�;, � for the excess Funds in accordunce with the requirements of applicahle law. If the amount of the Punds held by L,ea�der at any
<br />_ • � �; time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow I�ems when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,�nd,in sucb case Borrowet
<br /> - •• � �'. � .. shall pay to Lender thc amount necessnry to make up the deficiency.Borrower shelt make up the deficiency in ro mot+e tl�n
<br /> _ , .,.�.,, ..
<br /> . � twelvc monthly payments,at l.ender's sole dixcretion.
<br /> -" �• '" � Upon puyment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, I.ender shall promptly refund W Horrower any
<br /> � ' " '� Funds held by l.ender. If,under purugraph 21, l.ender shnil ucquire or sell the Property.I.ender,pdor w the acquisit�on or eale
<br /> j,n ,�',�,,�.... .y..,�;�.� of the Property, shall opply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale us a credit ngainst Ihe sums secured by
<br /> �``' �....,- � this Sewrity Instrument.
<br /> �. ,� r,� - 3.AppflcAtbn of Poymentr.Unless applicuble luw provides wherwisc,all p•ryments receivod by l.ender under paraga►phs
<br /> ��`'' `°• , „ I und 2 shull be applied: first, tu uny prepAyment churges due under the Note; second, to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> �u '� k;;�, �, third,t��intcrest duc: fourth.ta nrincipal due;and last,to any late chargcs due under thc Nate.
<br /> � i. 4.Chs�rges; Llens. Borrowcr shull pay all taxeti,assessment,,churges, fines und impositions attdbumble to the Property
<br /> - �:�,�:' „ which may attain priority ovcr thir 5��urity instrument, und le;►�elx�W paymcnts or ground rents,if nny. Borrower shall pay
<br /> `•�"'' -• � • these obligations in�he manner pmvidcd in puragrnph 2,nr if no�prid in�hat munner.Borrower shull pay them on time directly �
<br /> ''�` � to the person ow•ed payment.&�rmwer shall prnmpNy furnitih to l.ender ull notices iif anwun�s to be puid under this paragraph.
<br /> ��'� � „ If Borrowcr mukcs thcsr paymentti directly. Borrowcr shull promptly fumi+h to I.cndcr rcccipts cvidencing the puyments.
<br /> Bonower shall promptly disrharg�uny licn wbirh hus priority ovcr �hiti Sccurity In,trument unlcss Borrower. (n)agrces in —
<br /> _ .' writing to the paymcnt of thr obligution+ccured by thc lien in a n�aornr acccptablr t�►LcnJer; Ibl cantes�s in gaai faith the lien _
<br /> ''��'>�`" by, or dcfenJx ugain+i enfurccmcm �if ihr licn in, legul pr��rcedings whirh in thc Lrndcr'� ��pinicin operate to prevent thc —_
<br /> •ti;ev<4•� �"
<br /> enfiirrement oP the licrr or(rl+ccurr, from th�halJcr of�he licn an uErununt tiati.l'act��ry tu LrnJcr suhordinuting the lien to ��
<br /> . ' this Sccurity Instrumcnt. If l.cndrr Jctcrminc� thai any p�n of tl�e Pruprr�y i..uhjrrt tu a licn w•hich may aUUin priority ovcr ��.r;
<br /> . this S�:curity Inx�rument. LrnJcr may gi��c Rurr�»vrr a nutirr iJrntil�•in� Ih� licn. Bi�rruwcr.hall ,ali.ty�thc licn or takc nnc or ���
<br /> more of thc uctions se►forth above within lU Jay�al'thc giving uf ni�ticr.
<br /> �1�' �' Form 3028 8/90
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