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<br /> TOOETH�R VYITH stl ih�Ynprov�n�nts now or hKwR�r K�cid on ih� prop«ty, an�! sll�aem�r►ts, �ppurt�unc�s. and
<br /> Nxtur�s now or hr�aRa�pa�t ot lhe pro�ty.All npl�c�t��nd addi�tiona shall also be co�a�ed by[hls S�cunry InRtrum�nt.
<br /> :w ot iho S�nyc:ny Es raterted to �n thfZ 5ac�riry lnstrumenl Rs tAe 'Property�.'
<br /> BOflH01NER COVFNAM1iTS Ihal Barrow�r a taw1ulty a�z�d of th� �atata herahy canvayad�nd has th� riqht to grant ��d �
<br /> convey th� Piroprty ancl lhal tho Proprty is unsncumbsnd. acopt lur �ncwrNuancss of recad. E3orrowK wuranta and wYl =
<br /> ddund yanepliy ih�titl�to th�Propwty�1ainY1 W cli4»s rnd dmiands, subjac!to any wicumDru��os of r�cord.
<br /> THIS SECUHITV IN9TfZtiME.NT combk�u uoibrm covaunts la naUonaJ us� �nd �on•w►Uorm covww�ts wdh Mnw�d _,
<br /> vuiatlon� by juriadi�:tion to conatifu�a �unitwm�wcwiry in:lrumwit covwin�nal propwry•
<br /> UN�fORh1 C011El�ANTS. darrowor ond lonc*ar wvorun: and sgrQa as follows�
<br /> 1. Paymant a�r Princl�tal �nd Intu�s�; Pr�paym�nt and Lat�Char�o�. earowK ahau promp�y pay wn�n _
<br /> ciuo the pi'�nc�al ot wr�d Yiter�l on the deLt ark3rncoti 6y Iha Note and o�y pra�y:nant ond f�b chuya. dua undw'tha Na3u. -
<br /> 2. �unds tor Tax�a�nd I�sur�r�co. sub�ec�io u��:cante�w or co o wrai�n wa�v.r by�enaer,eorrow�r sr,an wy
<br /> to lendet on ths d�y month�y G+syn�nt�ar� du� unde+ th� NoU. until tha Not�Is paki h fuY.a sum ('Funda')lor: (�1 Y�+�' -
<br /> tazes and wsoacmanta whlch may �ttah prio�ty ovor tht� Sacurity {nstrumwit aa a Ilen on Iha Propwt��; ib) yearty Iwsehold
<br /> WYmerils a Q�ound ranta o+�Ihs Pro{wty. if�ny: (�� Y��Y h�zard or prop�rty hsuranco grwnlumc, (d) Yaarty Aood insurance _
<br /> premlums, a.ny:to� yw�y monQape inswanra prwdums,a any;and (Q any sum�payabb by Borcoww to Londer in accordance
<br /> with the provlsbns of paragr�ph B, in fwu of the paymad ot martpige i�suranca pr�nlums. These items are called 'Esctow
<br /> Items.' Lender mwy, d�ny Urn�, coN�ct and hold Funds in a�i amounl�ot to excAed the maximum omounl p lender far a
<br /> federaly retated mortyafle laan may requka for Bortower's escrow account under the todwal Real Estate Settlema,it Procedure�
<br /> Act of 1974 as ammded hom Uma to tlm�. 12 U S.C.9 2601 et seq. ('RESPA'), un�ess anothw law that appGes to tho Funds
<br /> sets a lessw amount. II so.Lendor rray, at ony lime, coYect ond hold Funds In an amount not to exceed the lesser amount
<br /> Lende�msy asUrtuto tha�nowit al Funds dw�n the 6asls ot curtant data and raasonable estinwles of expend�Wres of Eulure
<br /> Eccrow Items or othawise k�acr:::danc�with�ppiicable 4w.
<br /> Tho Funds shaU ba hdd In gn institutlor� whosn deposits ore iruured by a teders►1 agency,instrumentality, or entiry(tncluding
<br /> . Lender, II Londer Is such an InstiNtlon}or in�ny Fede��l Ho��e ►.ou�� Bstnk. L�nder sMdl s�ppy the Funds to pay tho Escrow
<br /> Itans. La�dar may not ctwye Bortoww tor hotdi�y ond appying ihe Funds, atu�wlly w�alyziny the escrow ac�ount, w verilyiny
<br /> � the Esc�ow Itams, uMess Lende►paya Borravar htsrest on the Funds and applicable law p�mits Lender to make s�+ch a
<br /> charQe. Howwer, L�nda may rs�uire 9ortower to pay a onetYn�chuge la an inde{s�►dent rsal estata Gu r�►orting s�arvic�
<br /> used by L� In conn�ctlon vrAtz !Na {oan, urdess applica5:a S�w provid�c othwwise. Unlass �n agrwment ia n►a� or
<br /> appAcabk Ww rpukes Int�reat te be ,�Id, Lender ahaU nol Ee re�,�ksd to pay Borrower�ny inlK�st or wmUiyo on th�e'�ya3.a.
<br /> 6ortow�r and LendK may a9re� in writin9. howeva. that intarat sha4 be p�"rd on th�fund�. L�ndar sha� giv� to Bwr��uor,
<br /> wdAout cfwga. �n�nnwl acco�.;tWr►3 01 tM Funcia, showhg crtaqe AncJ d�ita to th� Funds ond th�purpvsv 1or wh�h �nch
<br /> d�bil to tha Funds was made. t'4�e Funds u�pt�dged as addi0o,�aai r�atwrity far tUl sums secured by th�Sea��ibr I�strument.
<br /> tf tlw fundi Mii.:by L�ndx a;r.�d th� �nounts prmitt�d ta De Mld by �ppWcabl�law, l�ndv sha0 account to Borrowar
<br /> fw the�cuss Funds in �ccordancs wqh tho nquk�monta of:;,��ic�1a law. H th� amount of tha Funds hMd by Lend�r at ony
<br /> tlme ia noi wtflcMnt to p�y tM Esr.�ow flerns wh�n dus,L�drr rn�y so notiy Borrower In wtiUng,and, in wch cas� 8orrowar
<br /> shaY pay to L�ndar ihe unount n�caswy to mak�up tM daOrJancy. Barowar shaY mko up th�d�ficlw►cy in no morn than
<br /> tw�Ars monthy p�yaranta,�t len�r's sof�disa�ticn.
<br /> Upon p�ynw�t in tur oi d sums s�cund by tht.s Srwrity Instrum�nt. La►d�r shall prompUy rafund to BoROw�►�ny Funds
<br /> hNd by LendK. 11,u�dw psr�praph 21,l�ndr ah�l acqulre a s+l ths PropeAy,Lendar. Rrior to th�tcqulsition or salQ ol the
<br /> Proper3y, shaM appy �ny Fund� hYd by L�ndv at tha tJn» oi i;,�uisitlon a sal�as a cr�dit ayainst th�wms s�cxu�d by thts
<br /> Securtcy Instrument.
<br /> 3. Applic�tion of P�ym�nb. unMss �pr'cawe uw aovides othrwise, � paynwnu �eceived by �enda unaer
<br /> puagra�phs 1 and 2 shaY be�ppWd: frst. to u�►Y pr�payment clwyes dua�:nder tha Note: second,W amounts psyabM uh�r
<br /> parapraph 2;thkd,to intweai due;fourth,to pinapd due;and lis2.to any I�te d�vges dua under ths Note.
<br /> . 4. Char9�a; U�b:. Borrowet shaq pay W taxes, assessments, charyes, flnas �nd imposNfons atl�utaD{e Lo the
<br /> Prooerty whlch nwy at�ah prioriry ov�r this Skuriry Instn�n�nt.usd IeasMofd payir►�nts or 9rowd nnts, d tny. Boir�wer sha11
<br /> wv ihaN obiaatlo+►c in th�m�nnr Oro+rld�d In araonoh 2.u d not aak! n that arnr►�r. Borrow�r shar wv th�m ort fm�
<br /> � ._ . _.—.. . _ .
<br /> . drectlyr to the penon nwed p�yrmnt� Bo:rower shaM P►omPtlY tumish to Lender al!notke3 of emounta to be p�eid und�Mf�---..- - -
<br /> paragaph. q BotrowK makM tA�sa p�yments d'irecty, Borrow� shaN promptly twnlsh to LwndK nc�ipts evid�ndn� the
<br /> . wv�u.
<br /> . Borrow�r shal promptly dcch�rge�ny It�n whkh has priady ov�r thts Security InsLument uril�ss Barowar: (a)�9roes In
<br /> � writln9 to the paynrnt of the obliy�tion secured by tFw lien in a �nner accepUbtx to Lender; (b) contests in yood taiRt�tAe
<br /> ' Yw� �y, or def�nda a�lnst �nloranwnt of tIN liun in. I�t p�oaeedinys whkh h the lend�'� opinlon operate to prw�mt tM
<br /> , enforter.!enl ot the Yen; a(c)seaues trom the Adder ot the 5er.an agraemant utlstadory to t��d.^:a!�+ordin�tlnp t1r_D�.�ta
<br /> thls S�curity Instrua�ranL If land�r datortdnes that �nv part of tAe �roperty is su�Mec!to a lien which may atSan prbriry over tAb
<br /> � Se�wrky Instrument L�enda rn�y 9N� Borrowr a e�a�oe idrsti(yiog Na fi�. 6oarcwer shaM satisfy the liu► a hice on�or mon of
<br /> � tM�ctiona a�t W�ih above w1hln 1p d�ys of th� gki��01 rwtia.
<br /> 5. Hstud or Prop�rly l�tsuranc�. earewr st,at 1�p tn• iriproven.nts nov► axictiny or nere.ft.r erec;tid o�th.
<br /> Fropwty in:und p�inst bss by H. hvasds hciuded within t�ae tam '�ct�nd�d cov�rasa' r►d any otAr Aazvds. 4�dudng
<br /> Aooda or Aoodin9.for whbh L�ndw requlr�s tuuanco. Thtr insunnc� shal b�m�htaki�d in th��rnwnts�S tor th�p«iods -
<br /> tlut L�nd�r nquira. TM Inwrana c�t�it� prov16� th�hsunnca shall ba chosan by Bortow�r w4J�ct to tmder's approval
<br /> : whbh shal no1 b�wu�asoruby withh�ld. M BoROwer tails to makieak�cov�ays d�saibsd aboY�, Landr rmy. at l.andr's
<br /> �. opWn,obWn cowra�e ta proUCt L�ndu's riyhts in th� Prope�ty h accordanc�vrith pvaprnph 7.
<br /> All hwranu poiiciss and r�wwab shal ba �ccapt�bta te:��nder snd slul indude a sWdvd mat�ys dausa. Lendar
<br /> , srwt:n�•u,. r�ni eo nad tne policie�and ren.w,�s. u�en�er .re�utras. Borrowx shall Pron�tlY ptv�to l�nd�r aY nceipts ol
<br /> : paki pcao�ums and ronwwl notice�. M the ovmt ot bss,Bortowar shal 9hre prompt noticQ W the insurance cartisr�nd La�dw.
<br /> La�dot may mak�proot of bu if not mxJs promptty by Barowx.
<br /> Unl�sa Lender and Borrower othawise aprse In writinp, insur�nco proceeds ahaY b�appG�d to restontion a repa'r of lhe
<br /> RopMty d�may«i.it th�nssar�tion or repair Is econon�ally f�siWe and Lendar'o s�writy ic not Mss�ned. It the restoration or
<br /> ' repalr it not economit�.aYy featbl�or Londor's s�euriry would bQ fessened.ths inwrance proc�eds sFia4 be Mplkd to the sums
<br /> s�eund by this SeciuRy Inatrunwn� whether or not then dua.wiLti u►y rxccss pald to Bou�war. H 8orrower+dw►dons the
<br /> Pcap�tY. u doK not answar wtilYn 30 doys a notic�fra» I..a�d�that th�ic+wranc�carrios Mt oAw�d to sMW a cMim. tlwn
<br /> i I.�nder may aoNct th� hsw+nce proceeds. Lendar m¢g uze the procNds to repalr or �estae the ProperDf or to pay sums
<br /> { a�aued by thia S�cwiry Instrumer�,whNher a not t9�¢re�i:e. �he 30-day pxiod wiM bsyh whn th�no6ce fs gr�.en.
<br /> � Unfesa Lender snd Barowa othrwise ��ee in wrirr,g any application of proce0ds to principal sha11 not �xtend or
<br /> i gostoon� ths �d�t.d t1w n+a�tt+�Y M!"^�"K'� rNM. ed to M?'� 'r�,�he 1 an4 2 a dtars�e ttla emosmt of the pa;�n�2s. !!
<br /> �under pvaprapn 21 the Propwryr b acqWred by Lender. Borrar.,�s�'s riyht to�ny insurance poYclea�nd proceeds rewftln}; ficm
<br /> duncge to the Rope�ty prior to Iha acquisition sAatl pau to Lender to th� e�R�r►1 ot tl�e wms by this Seauily Instrua�.enl
<br /> irmucliataty prior to the acqulsNon.
<br /> 6. Occupanay, Pr��rvatior�. IIA�Inton�nco and Protoction of 4tw Proparty; 8onowor's Loan
<br /> /lpppcadlot�; LAi�i�h01dl. 8orrowx ahal oeapy, esLblish. and use the Propwty �s Bortower's prMiclpal rssidence wdhL�
<br /> sixty days afW► th� axacution of this Securqy I�swment and shotl cor�tYwa to occupy the Property as Borrowar's prinapal
<br /> rQSldence ta at Iwct ona yar afler th�date ot occupaneyr. uN�ss Londer othawiae aprees in writing.which consant shall not
<br /> ba unreasonably withhdd,or w�ss oxt�nuatinp cirwmctances exist whkh�ra Dyond Borrowr's conVol. Bortoww shajl not "
<br /> desVOy,darr�age a impak tha Propary,4Yow Uis Rroperty to deterbrate, or commit waste on the Proporty. Bortower shall bQ in
<br /> detauft A any fatedur� action a proceadny, whetAar c'ai or uiminal, la bapun tlut in Lender's good faith judflrnwit could rocuq
<br /> in toriaiWr�of tht Propwty or othmrisa rrui�rl�tly Imp�the Ilen cr�ated by this S�wily 4►strumart w L�ndu's s�c�uity htarat.
<br /> F1316.LMO(3�96) P�qe p o15 O�/ �
<br /> 96C�6o
<br />