—_-y;--.y - „-.--3. � ,.R. .... .'- - .. ' .....,_ -�--- -
<br /> - � l!i Ttr � . .�.�e' - '•-^—
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<br /> . • ..... .�_ - _ _ - =- -- -
<br /> �-_-�=-��=---�� 92-1�� .
<br /> — NON•UNIF01tM COV�NANTS, Borrowcr And l.ender Putdxr covenant and Agtce as followa:
<br /> - . 17. Fb�recluwre proadure. Ii L.encietrcqufres immediatc papment io full underpuregraph 9.l.endcr may invoke tho
<br /> �ower of�ale�nd�ny ather remediapermittod by�ppticable I�w. Lender rhall be en tti led to collect aU expenaen ineumod
<br /> in pureuing the remedie�provlded in 16i�pu�Ph 17.includln�.but not limited to.rcasonoble attomeyo'fixc�nd cocts of
<br /> dtle evldenca.
<br /> --- IP t6epower o��eale le iavoked.7fustee ahnll record a notke of default(n each county in w6kA any p�rt at tbe
<br /> � � P��y It loa�ted Aad abdl nnil copks oP auch aotioe In tMe m�unner pracribed by aD�ble aw to Borrowu wad
<br /> to tlie o"t4er persoaa pre9cribed by aP Ifcable Uiw A1ter the time rtquUed by wpplknbk IAw, 71rus�e sluli(�ive
<br /> _ - - - puDQc aatke ot esk lo the pen�oey�In t6e nunner pre�cribed�by Appikable Ixw 7lrustee,without demaoa on _
<br /> - . Borrovrer,�baU rell the Property �t puWk auctioa to/he 61ghest bidder at the time aad place and uader qte tenas
<br /> .--- desi�nated in the notice ot sWe fn one or more pa�rcels�ad in auy uMer 7lrustee determines. 7tustee msy paet ne
<br /> u
<br /> w�k of WI or�ay pAn�el of the Property by publlc s�nnouocement At the time and pl�x ot Any prevloualy�kd
<br /> -- - — trle. I.eader or Its de�ignee rrtAypurcl�ase the Property at wn e�le.
<br /> _�,�,,,,�� Upaa reoeipt�otpayment orlhe Price btd,7Yustee�ddiver to the purchwser 7lruetee's deed conveylag tLe
<br /> property. The recitala in the 7Fustee a deed s1w11 be prim�fACie evidence of truth ot the statements made Werela.
<br /> 7lructee e6a11 apply tlte praceede of the sale in tde follow(n�order: (A) to FII casts and expenses oP exercisin� the
<br /> --T— -- - power of swle,Arid l6e as�te�iacluding tde payment ot the 1Yustee'x tees s�ctually lncurred,not ta exceed �i� �O
<br /> v�'��� at the principal Amount ot the note at the time at the declarattoa ot default,and reasoa�ble attorneqa �ees as
<br /> rmitted by l_aw;(b)to dl sua�9ecured by thio Security In�drument;nnd(c)Any exces�to thc per9on or pet�ona
<br /> �-- ---_�� �11y eatlt�ed ta i�
<br /> ° — 18. ReconveyAace. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Secudty Instrument,Lender shall request'Itustee w
<br /> �� ,$� reconvey the Property and ahuil sutrender thls Security Inscrument and ali notes evidencing debt saured by this Security
<br /> - ----'°°� lnswment to 7tustee. 'IYustee shall reconvey 1he Praperty wi�hout wartunty and wlthout charge ta ihe peraon or persona
<br /> ^ k�slly endded to i� Such person or persona shall pay any recadetfon costs.
<br /> -__�____ _ _ _-,� -__ - 19. Sub�titute 7Fustee. I.cnder.at its opdon.may Bom tirnc ta tima remove 7Fustee and appoint a successor wstee
<br /> to any'Ituxtee uppointed hereunder by an instrument�corded in the county in whicb Q�ix S�:urify Instrument is rccordcd.
<br /> _;�, Without conveyance oi the Property,the succensor iru�tee sholl ruccced ta uli the litle,power and duties canferred upon
<br /> -�,,�� 7h�stee hcrcin and by app�Ifcablc luw.
<br /> - .° , �F. ?A. Request ror Notke�. Borrowcr requealr thut copicx of thc nadccs ai�defuult And rule b�: ren�w Borrowerti
<br /> ;-�.;. pddross which ir�he Nropcny Addre�a.
<br /> -' �� .
<br />-.- ,:- Rldera!o thin 5iecurlly Inct�umen6 If onc ur nuKC ri�krti urc cxrcutcd by HuR��wcr und ncurdcd to�clhcr �vNh thiv
<br /> °- . �'`°� " Sccurily Inxtrumcnl. ihc cuvcnant���f c�h +uch ridcr rhull Ix incu�p�rulcd inlu und whud amcr�l and �upplemcnt thc
<br /> - ' , ,, .: covenAnlx unil pgrcemente of[hir S�ccu�ity Inwtrumen�uw it'Uw ri�krlRl wen�in u pwt of�hiK Security Instrument.
<br /> `. •� (Chock upplic�ble boxleM)I.
<br /> �%;.�
<br /> ' �Condnminium Ridcr �Grnduut.yl I'aymcnt Ridcr �Growing Equiry Rider
<br />_ ---_ "�� . '��
<br /> ' U ., .y"y, " �., , _
<br /> - • ` �Planned Unit Development Rider ❑X Other�Specify� MORT�110L 11DDBNDOM
<br />� '.:, .e.:..u,'���.::'�;%t�-
<br /> :` � M '7„;,'y,;',., ' _
<br /> p,,,.. ...•d dr . • ,;�`�t BY SICiNING BELOW. Borrower accepls und agrees to the terms contained in pages 1 through 4 of this Security
<br />- �.J.:`::�.,:==.,- Ina�wment and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and�ecorded with iG
<br /> .. „_ .:.,A.+.i:.....,
<br /> �. �� ..•, . - •� ecses: .-
<br /> ,�.. •�.. . ..ne�,. �KaE%Gt�"�C �!lti���
<br /> .�� c , . "y`;'z—(Scal)
<br /> ��. ,^���<" RIC��RD L $l111MdMTNER eorrower
<br /> �;. .ti�>, �. . (Seall
<br /> j ''f ���•y���►' Bormwer
<br />.� �d£��. ..�4'."�I�..
<br /> NT
<br /> , .f:" 7 '.'� .3. • �,,�-'"
<br /> -;.t�:;�:,:.,, �.a��. ,_ (Seu4
<br /> ;.t:�h �'. . Barower
<br /> . .��f .. . _. '.
<br /> . =�Wiw�... . , . -
<br /> T�b ,. �` .. . ,, n�(�5eal)
<br /> �i . Wlluwl�
<br /> a.e .. _ .��
<br /> .���.:�.,�
<br /> ., ".:.T L�" ..
<br /> � , - STATE OF NBBRASKA, County ss: �'�
<br /> � ��::::�
<br /> ' � :� On this 17th duy uf Jul y, 1992 .hcforc mc,the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> � �, �„ . �_ Public duly commitisioned and yuulifird for tiaid county,penonul ly rumc
<br /> � . lo nu known 10 bc Ihe
<br /> : !� � -� identicul penon(x1 whosc numc(s1 sur.uMcribed to ihr tiimgain�,instrument and acknowledEed the eaecution�herenf�o be
<br /> ;..1�._..- �1i8 volunlury uct und decd. _
<br /> ''��°`� Witness my hanJ anJ notarial xal a1 dR�lND ISLAND in suid counly. the
<br /> ' �� �� ' date aforesaid.
<br /> . ,�i... . . ..
<br /> , �
<br /> ---� �' . .. v � � :_. M Com is ' . ����.�C(.��..���C�- - — -- -
<br /> " � " �.,......r� nn�4DT1 �. Di�Cfl Nul.u){'llhb�
<br />.._- . - —:.°�_:--�--�--- ---- . ij1U110n9�Q o.�� ............. .. ........
<br /> R08ERTA L REHD
<br /> - ` . _ _ My��,�,D.lut�30,1994 kH�II�ST Hc�t REC'c)NVEYANC� .
<br /> • O'I'RUSTEE:
<br /> � ' The undcrsigncd i�Ihc holJcrnf thc not�or nmr..ccurcd hy Ihi.lkcd uf 7Yuti1. Said nolr ur�wtc.,Iogcthrr with all
<br /> '� . :,; othcr indebtedness secureJ by�hi,DrcJ uf 7Yu.t, hav� h�rn paid in I'ull. You are herrhy dircctrJ tn runcrl +aid uut�ur ;
<br /> �
<br /> ' ,. ,�. notes�nd�his Deed of 7i�ust,which ure dclivercd hcrchy,and u� rcconvcy,���ilhoul wurramy,all thr r.ture now hrlJ hy yuu
<br /> ? under this Deed of 7tust to ihc person or pcnons Irgally emidcJ thcrrlo.
<br /> : � .: Date: — ---
<br /> x.��' .�, •
<br /> .�. . _ .��•� f�xeRr�l.���/rdee�l °
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