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<br /> � 70fl�THER WITH ail Ih� mpro��rn�nta now or h��aR�r or�ctacf on th� proPatY. �nd �11 wearrw�ts. �PP++rt�anc�s. �nd
<br /> ll�turas now or�M�attw�P�ofi th� propary.AH iipl+�.inwnts and additksnf ihall�ho b�covKW by th�9 Sxwiiy I�ist�ur�iwlL. ---
<br /> ' Ap ol lh�10►�Qorlp If re/wtYd to M�Ihl�SaCU�ity{n:Uum+nt i�s lh! 'F'ropertY-� �
<br /> BOHRUYVER G01ftNANTS tha►1 Bo+rowe u IowluYy cwzcd ol th� osts�te horoDy convaysC and ha9 th• nphl to qronl on� _
<br /> convay t�� PropwtY an�lhat Ih� Propotty I� un�ncu:nDwod, oxcopt tor oncun��incw ot t�cord donawM wunnta and wiil
<br /> drl�nd yonorwly tha W!�lo tho PropKty�paY+at�ii c4lma�nd darunds.subJoct to�ny�ncumbrancas of r�cord _
<br /> TMlS SECURITY {N9TRi1MfNT combin�a uniform co�enants tor naGon�l us� and non•unHorm covonants wlth lu��d ,
<br /> varrt{ons by h�isd'+ctbn to con�tdutv a unilortn s�curity i�struntiw�t ca�cu�iq raal propwty �
<br /> UNtF'aRA1 CUL�t1/INTS @orrc+wsr�uid Lvnciw covranani c�nd acuea es toYows� �-_
<br /> 1. Paymant af P�Inalp�!and Int�ra�t; P�opa}man! and Latw Char�aa. Borrawar shaH prompW WY Wh --
<br /> dw th�prk�cipal ot and Intwwl on lha dahl sv�donc+d by Iho Nate and�nY pr�yment 4nd I+ite chary�s du�uncWr the Noto --
<br /> 2. Fu�d� for Y'ax�s u�d Inwranc�. s�+blac�to app�cad�e�w w to a writion w�var by t�dar. 8onoarer shaN pay -
<br /> to londw on IhQ day rrwnlhly paymrnts ar�due undw the NotQ. unGl tho Nota is p�ld 1n h+Y.� sum ('Fu�ds")1or. (rl Y�Y� `
<br /> taxos and asc�ssments whlch may�tta+n prforitY over thls Secunry t�swmont as � tien a► the Property: (bl Yea�lY leasehold� _
<br /> paymwits or ground r�nts o� th� PropMy, il+u�y: (�) Y��N huud or propnty insu►u�ce prc�nwims: (d) yearly Ilood insurmce -
<br /> premiums. if u�y: (e)Y�N�4�4a intu�ar�co pretnlums.H any. ++nd (0+�Y sums payable by Bortower lo Lw�der in accordtnce
<br /> with ths p►ovlslo�a of par�qraph 8, in Iku ot lM paytnent ol mortyage nswsncQ Prert�lums• These itwns are caYed 'Escraww
<br /> ��wns,• Under n�y, at w:y lime,coliect and hold Funds in an ama+nt not to exceed the mazinwm amount � lender tor a�
<br /> lodaralty relaled mortfla9e ban maY�equko �a Bo+T°"'e�s esupW account undw the feder�t Real Estate Sett�uemenp heC�nds
<br /> Ac1 of 1974�s amwid�d kom Wrw Io t1m�. 12 U.S.C.§ 2601 et sp. ('RESPA'l. untess another �w that app'
<br /> sat9 a lass�r anww�i. II so• lwssiw r'+�Y. �t �Y �• COu� �d hotd Funds In an amuuni not to exceod t�e tessor amount.
<br /> Landar may asWtu�to tho amounl ol Funda dw or�the basis ot curront data and �wsonabte �timai�s o! expenbtures ot lulwre
<br /> Esuow Itams or othawis�h �ocordrna wdh�pplicaWe I�w. Instrum�nWih►, ur entiql (indudin9
<br /> Th�Funds shall b�Mld In an hstiWtia�whose deQosits ue insur�d by�t�duv a9ency.
<br /> Unda,k Unci�► a wcli an InatAUNon)or In ony F�d�ral Hort►� Loan Bank Und�r shaN aPPM ��t�nt,or ESwiMinp
<br /> It�ms. L�ndr may not CA�ryo Botrow�r for holdinq�nd applying tha Funds,uu►uaNyr �naN�^9
<br /> tM Escrow It�ms, unMss t�ndK pari Bo+►ow�r htarest on tfie Funds and aPP�� �W P��s Ur►dK to moks wch �
<br /> chary�. How�var. Undw may r�uk� Borroww to pay a onPtkn� ciwrQs br �n ind�paident n�l �sLt� tax npallny s�rviu
<br /> us�d �y UndK in comwtiai wAh tAls ban, unkss appicabie law provides otharwis�. Unlas �n �grwnt�nt i� rtuid� or
<br /> �ppYc�W� kw��quit�s inlreat to b� p�ld. UndK sAaM not be roquirad to pay Bortoww any Intwst a�urw►ys on th� Funds.
<br /> 6artow�r and Lendx m�y ayn� In vrritinq, how�rrr. tAat intwst shaM b� p�1d on tM Fundc. L�ndx sAaq plvs to Bortower.
<br /> wdhout chuye. an �u+�acca+ntiny ot ths Fund�. showin9 credits �nd d�bils to th� Funds and the purpose 1or which weh
<br /> d�bit to th�Funds was mtde. TM Funds an pbdgsd as additia�l sacurity tor ail wm.s sscund by the S�cwiry Instrum�nl.
<br /> tl th�Fur�ds h�id by LendK acaed th��rwunts pemtittad to ba M�d by aPPYc+bla kw. L�nder shall account to 8crrower
<br /> tu tt+a axass Funds in�ccordana with th�roquirements ot�pRcaWa law.H th�amount o1 th�Funds Mld Dy Lander at any
<br /> tim� is not sufficbnt to p�y th� Escrow Ihrns whan dua. Lender may so notity Bortowa ln wridn9. +nd. in wch cu+ Ba►°w°r
<br /> shall pay to L�ndu the�nwunt n�cessarY t�make up th� defickncy. @ortowor shaY m�ke up the deficie��cy in no more than
<br /> tw�k�mot►thtY PsY��ts,�! Untiw's sol�dlscreHai.
<br /> �A� WYry�^t in tul of d sums s�xu�d by this Security Iasirument. L�nd�►shas promptty nWnd to Bortow�r any Funds
<br />- hekt by Lencf�r. B� undr par+gcaph 21. Landsr sMM acqu+re or ssil the F4oprty.L�nciw,Ixio►to tha acqui.sition or sale ol the
<br /> RopeRy. shaN a(�tY any Funds hdd by Lender at tha tdno of aoquisitio� or safo as a crod'R ay�inst Uw wms s�curad by.thls
<br /> Secu�ily[nstturt�snt
<br /> 3. Applicatioo of Paymonts. Unwss appwcabte t�w pruvides othuwis•. .i► wYm.nts nrwived by Under ur►dK
<br /> paragraphs 1 ond 2 slwA be yppl'wd: fwa:,to any P«WYm�t �+5es due unde►tha Note: sscond.W amotuds payaDla undar
<br /> pvapraph 2:third,to inixsst due;tourth, to p�inclpal�:e: aad�st,!�*_Ry�-a�a.�.� �sa a�der thc Not�.
<br /> 4. Chary�s; Ll�tfs. Bortowr shaY pay aY taues. ass�ssrrwnts, charges. bnes as�d hipositions atUibuubi� to tha
<br />._ .. �OPM1yl W�1{C�1 M11��1�Yl pfl61R�1 OVif ShIS 3YCtY11y insuw��w�i. �iwi Si:o�.�'.��.+i:itwtti� x�`!w1 �rnta il wnV. BofroW�t ihiY _
<br />_ ar � �•� „u•+^�'"K aiovidsd � w�•�an 2. a " "°' P.�a � en�i ��e..8orrowx r.hhslJ PaY them on time
<br /> dinctty to the p�son ow�d P+Ym�nt. Borrow�r shali a B�arow�shhta�Y prutt�atumisticea or�ts t�s ���
<br /> parayraph. If Bocrowr �s U�ese Pa�na►ts dractiY•
<br /> � B�wrower ahN prqnptly disisch�ge any lien whkh has priartP over this SecurilY IrtsQurt+ent ur►t�ss BoROwr. (a) age�a fn
<br /> writing to th� payrtNnt o1 tR�obi�atlon secursd by the�ian {n � ma�u�K��the� �opinfo+� ope�ata�to pnv�t the
<br /> - k�n by, a d�.nas a� «,corc�„«►t a cna wn�n. agai p+�sz
<br /> errfararant of ths Wn:o► (c)s�aues from ths 1�dder o1 ti�e Oen an agne�ent sa�Y W Lendr subordnat�ng t!w i�n to
<br /> t�is S�ecwiry Instrw►wit H �aida detMmines Uvaz any put of th�Property is s�bj�ct to��wl�cf�m�y atWn p�iorkY ovK thts
<br /> • S�Cauity kutrument,l.ender m�y yNa Bortowar��otice identit�My the Ya�.Bortuwar shal satisl;tht i'w�or take a►�w ma+s ol ,
<br /> t��o�►a set foM above within 10 days ot th��ivhg of noUca
<br /> S. Hus�rd or P�op�rty InsuranC�. BoROwar shall keep the improvwnents no4r�xlsdng u harwltar enct�d on the
<br /> � Propety insur�d�9a1r►st loss bY Gn. hazards inciud�d withtn the tam '�Qended wvwaye' �nd any otf►�r huards. Yidu�n9
<br /> ' t{oods or�OOdin9,for which La�dK rpuira inseuance. Thlo inwranu shaY b�m�intah�d in t)w �now►ts and for eh�priods
<br /> that Und�r raquirea. Tha insur�nce cartiet p�xwdng the insursuice shaY be daun by Barowu wbjsct to L�nder's approval
<br /> wNch shW not b� wu�tson+b�Y wRhhMd. tt Borrowac tails W mahtain ar:etig� d�tcrib�d abow. Landr may, at UndK's
<br /> option. obLln cov.rays to protaa tendw•s rSyncs in ttw Propa�ty in accormncc wan paragraph 7.
<br /> A� Y►wtana poReAc ana c«,.wak sr,ar b..ceeps�bie w Lender ana sMar inetuda . syndara morcyape cliusa.�er,aer
<br /> sha11 haw!hs�ipM to hdd 1he poficlss and renswals. ft Lend�► raquires,BoROwer shatl p�vmptly 9iv�to Lenda� recip3s W
<br /> P�P��$ and renawa!notices. In th�ererrt ot bss. Bortower shaY 9ke�xompt notic�to ths tnsuranc�cartier and l�d�t.
<br /> L�nwr may m�k�proot of loss d not made pron�k4y by Borrower.
<br /> UnMss Lendr and Bortuwe�othwwisa ag��e 3n writing, inwrance proceeds shall b� appliad to restwation or ropnir of the
<br /> p��tY d�r►�a9ad, i�tha:�torsUon or repalr is eco�ornk�.auy teasibta ond Lender's secucity is rwt lessenod. It the rsstor�tic�or
<br /> repair is�ot economicaly twsible w. Lender's s�rity would be�essaned.the inw►ance pr�oeeds shaN be appYwf to tM sums
<br /> socurmd by thls S_�uifj lnstrume�t whethar or not then due, wRh any excess pald to BarowK. M Bortower �b�ndu�s the
<br /> propety, or does not onswer wAhin 30 days a notic�hom Lender that the bsuruue cartie► has otfered to setUa a cl�im. then
<br /> I.ondK nyy coll�d ttw inrurona procesds. Lande► may usa tha �xoceais to rapalr u raston the Propetty w to pay sums
<br />- - sacutati by 1Fsi�Saxt�it��i�strur��en�whethor or nct!!un clie. The 3adey Re+iai wiit l�k+wh�n th�notic�ic gk�n.
<br /> _ (lr�s L�t►dor cnd 8arow� otherwlse ag�e e writinQ, anY �i1o.i w p:ac�.� � �^w: :•� r.o! � a
<br /> postpa►.u,. dw dai.ot the montl,ly ptyments rot«r.a to in parayr.pns t ana 2 or cha+�qe uw n,►ount os a,.payro«+ts. a
<br /> undw p�aqraph 21 th�Proputy �����K��� to the e�Qent o1 the surtts by thls S�curdy k�unt�nl
<br /> d�n�qs to ths Prop�Ay P�
<br /> �N P�to tM acq�icit3on•
<br /> 6. Occupsncy� Pns�wation� MalM�nana� and Protoctlon af th� PropsKy; Bono�w�r's Loan
<br /> /1P�IICaWOtf+ l.�af�hdds.Bortowar shalf occupy. esta�b4ah. anG usa tha Propwty as Botroww's prinGpal nsld�na wRhin
<br /> s�xcy daya .ua t1►e az�cuwn ol chta sscuriey Inswm«,t ar,d snar co�Grwe to ocrxwy tne aroperty .s scarower's urindpal
<br /> resldruw tor at Is�st one yevr oft�x the date o1 xcupancy. unbss Lender otMnwist+S�ee� in writiny. whkh cons�►t sh�W not
<br /> bo unrwsor►�bty wilhhatd. a ur�lass extanuating circumstancos exict which aro bayond Borroww's conVOl. Bortower shaY nol �
<br /> d�sircy. da�rcay�or wr�pair the Proparty. aliow tM Prop�rty to detwiorate.o►commit wute o� the Propeity. Borrower sMN be in
<br />_- �(wh H any toA�itura�ction pr ptoceoding, whNher civil w cfrnh�l. is bayun that in Le�►dar's yood taith Judqment could rasult
<br /> in toAMtu(�Ot 1fN Propwty W OIhYfMrit!rtlatYfiitlyl MYKIiIf the li6n CrMted by lhis SlCwity klsUUnMnt of UndM's saCUtity inSlxYSt.
<br /> ::1
<br />._�
<br />,_� F1's161M0(3196) W'y�? �r 5 � -
<br /> .'
<br /> L616b
<br /> _
<br /> � _ _ ___
<br />