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,�, _ - <br />�rf � .,..a • -' _--. <br />_ ... „�: . :. <br /> �� ..�„��� ���,,� ^ :;__-- <br /> . -��'� � . ,��• �+rri• _ . . --- _ <br /> , _..,,.y.— - - -- <br /> -v--��- _-- <br />":. ���� <br /> 92r- sos247 <br /> - - --- l7.TrAno(er at the Property or o Benefklal lnterest in Bon�owcr.If all ur any part af the Pr��perty or ony intarest in it <br /> ---- - is auW�►r transferrod(or if a benclklal intcrest in Barrower is sulJ or IrancFerrcd anJ li��rruwer ia nnt u natunl persun)wlthout <br /> Lcnder'r p�or w�ltten cons�:nt, Lender muy, at it� option, rcquire immediatc payment in Yull af all eums xecured by thir - <br /> = Security Inat�ument.However,thiaoplion ahull not be eaercisd by Lender if eaercice ia pruMbitCd by fi�eral law�nf tho date <br /> of Ihia Security Inatrument. <br /> ., , � � If lxnder exercises thls aption,Lender shall give Borrower natice of accelervtfon.The notice xhall provide a perial of not <br /> _ less thun 30 day4 from Ihe dote tlK notice is Jclivcrecl or mailed wfthin which Borrower must pay all�ums sccured by thia <br /> �"'� ,. I Security Instrument.If Bonnwer fdla ta pay sums priar ta thc expiiatian of thia perial.l.ender may invoke any remodia � <br /> y= � �=-�.--�:--:� permiued by this Securiry Instmmen► without fuMer notice or demund on Bc�rcawcr. <br /> 18. Borrower e RIRht to Reit�te, if Borrower meets certuin canditions. Borruwer ehall havc th� rlaht to havc <br /> enforcement of this Security Instnunent discontinued at any timc prior ta the earlier af: (u) S deys(or such aher period as <br /> � -,=:�,r:�;:� .: applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Propeny pursuant to any power of sale contsinod In this <br /> ��� Security[nstrumenl�or(b)entry of a}udgment enforcing this Security Instn.�ment.Thase conditions nre that Borrower:(a)P$Yg <br /> L.ender all aums which then wauld be due under this Secu�ity Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (b) <br /> ��� :... ,:��-- cures any default of any ocher cavenants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Secur�ty Instrument, <br /> ��_�;:-: :�"'� including,but not limited to.reasonable attorneys' fees; aad(d)tukes such actian as Lender may reasonably requ�re to assure <br /> `� "_ " `''' that the lien of this Securiry Instrument, Lender's righta in the Propeny and Borrowe�s ubligatiun to pay the sums secured by <br /> ��'r�==i thia Security Instrument sh�ll cantinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securily Instrument and the <br /> • �'•� °'"''� �� obligatians secured hereby shall remuin fully effective ac if no acceleretian bad accurred. However, this right ta reinstate sh�ll <br /> �y,a�.;;,._,r�,,;, not apply in the cuse of acceleratioa undcr paragraph 17. <br /> ���: 19. Sale aP Nate; Chaaqe oP Loan Servicer. 7'he Note or u pattial interest in the Note (together with this Securlry <br /> A/C ' <br /> instn►ment>may be sold one or mae tlmes withoul prior noticc ta BoRawer.A sule may result in a chunge in the entity(known <br /> - -. �„�,,,:,� us the "I.aao Servicer")that collec�s rnonthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also may be one <br /> '=_- " r •�" or mare changes of the l.�►an Servicer unrelnted to u sole of the Note. If there is a chor.�e af 1he Loan Servicer.Borrower will be � <br /> v.''"��'' � • • !•��•� given written notice af the change in accordance with purugrnph 14 ubcwe and applicuble luw.7'he notice will stute the name��l <br /> `� address of the new l.oun Servicer and the address to which payments should be mude. Thc notice will olw rnnluin any uther <br /> � :•:�.�a:-: „z., �• _ <br /> - ° � infarmation required by applicable law. <br /> t J' 20. Hazardous Substa��.&xrowcr shall not cuutie ur permit the pre�encc, uu�, dispnr+ul, titumge, or rele�se uf any <br /> �'• �.� ^�,-• Hau►rdaux Substances an�r In Ihe Propeny. Borrower shull mit da, no� ulluw unynne else to d�i. unylhing ufPccting the <br /> —' �'� , � � Property thut is in violu�fon of uny Environmenwl Ls�w. Thc prcreding tw�i zentencc+,hull not upply d�thc pr��xncc, uk, or <br /> ___ • `�`"�'•• sloragc�n thc Property of�nwll yuumitic�nf HurLrd�iu� Subhtunccx ihut urc gencrully r�w��gniu�J p►ba upprupriutc to narnu�l <br /> �C:�A':�...ii::: <br /> � •�' . .� residcn�ial uuw and�o muintcnanccof�hc Property. <br /> Horrowcr,hall pr��mptly givc l.cndcr writtcn noticc uf uny invc�tigution,rloim,dcmuml. I•rw,uil or �Nhcr uctinn hy �ny <br /> H <br /> e.. ., :: ��'`" g�wcrnmentul�u regulatury a�cn�y or privutc patty imolviog�hc Property und uny HwurJiws Suh.tuncc or Gnvir�mnkntul l.:►w <br /> of which&�rrowcr hns uctuu knawl�lgc. 11'Borruwcr Icam+, ur iti noiitird hy uny guvcrnmrntul ur regulai��ry uuthuriry. Uiu� <br /> "�n uny removul ar uthcr rcnxrliuti��n af any HuzurJ��us Sub�lancc ufl'�rting Ux Pn►perty i�nccc�wry.W�rri�wc��hull pr�rmpUy wkc <br /> _ •-�'�'—�w~'���"'`":=-� a!!nezessery re��xYlinl ,�cii�►�,�xunluncc with Environmcnwl l.nw. <br /> `'' � � As ux��l in this purugruph 2.0, "H�uArJou�Subxtunccs" urc thu.r•c+ub.lanrcy d��n�Yl �u+li►xic or hu�.urduun�ubstances by <br /> ,_� �,,�. �• �`. Envirann�entul l.�w �nJ the fiilluwing sub.tanccx: gusoliix, kerusenr, other tlummuMlc or toxic prtn�leum �nxlucts, toaK - <br /> ���.�-•'-'"•^ pc+ticides und hcrbicidcti,vulutilc snlvcnts,mutcriuk cunwining u�fxstos or formulJchyJc,und ruJiouctivc maicrwls. As uscd in _ <br /> __ �� •� ." ���;+; this paragroph 20, "Envirunmcnwl Luw" meuns fedcrul luwy uncl luws of the juriruficti��n whcre thc Propeny is lacs�ted that <br /> '� relate to hes�lth,snfety or cnvfronmcnwl pratection. <br /> �:� • ' .;�,�,,, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bi�ROwcr und Lcndcr funhcr covcnunt anJ agrcc us li�ll:�wti: � <br /> � - El.Acceleration;Remedi�w.Lender shall�ive nntice to Borrower prlor tu ucceleration Pollnwina Bormwer's brcach <br /> -_,� � , • :�"��• of any wvenant or agreement In Ihiti Security lnslrument Ibut nut prlur to ucceleration uoder para�raph 17 unlctiv — <br /> �~-"�=• appllceble law provides ott�erwi�e►.The natice shall!�peclPy: la1 the defuult; Ih)thc nction requircd W cure the default: <br /> -,�, y •• °� (c)n dale. not I�s than 30 days frum the dute th�nutice iti Riven to Borrnwer, by which the defuult must he cured;and <br /> � (d)that feilum to cure Ihe defualt nn or 1►efure the date xpeclfied in the nnUce ms�y �ult in accelerution of'the sums <br /> ss ' secured by thls Security Intiirument and wle of the Property. Thc nnticc shvll further infurm Borrower ot the right to <br /> -� �'�"�`. , ' `' " relnstate after accclerntk►n und thc ri�ht to brinF a court action to asurt thc nnn-exl�tencc of' n deieult or uny other <br /> ;� s.��:_.�9w:. defense of Barrower ta accelerntlon and cule. IP the default is nut cured on ur before the date speci0ed In the notice. _ <br /> ,-� °""" � • Lender, at it�s opUon, muy rcyulre immediatc pa��mcnl in full of all swn+s�rured f►y thls Sccurity Instrumcnt without <br /> � "»�°� iuKher demand and may ievoke the powcr of tiulc und any ntlxr rcmcdi�w permitted by uppltcnble luw. Lender shall be <br /> �c�' `���� enNtted lo collect all expenses incurrcd in pursuink the rem��dles prmfded in this pars��raph 21.inrludina�but nat limited _ <br /> �— to.rcasonuble attorneys'f ees und cos�s of tiNe cvldcnce. - <br />':';�� -- IP the power of wle ts invuked, Trustee shull r�rord u nntice oP defuult in cach count�• in which any purt oP the =_ <br /> -�� "'•� -- � Property i.r•Imated and shall mail copi�w oP such nutkc in thc munncr prc.xrlbcd by applicuble law tn Borrower and ro _ <br /> '��Mi�'�"�'t � ` ` the other perr�ns pri�scrlhed by�ppUcublc lu�s. APler the timc requircd b��vpplicablc lue�.Trusl�ti shall uive public nodce <br /> -_�-,o'�° � � of xale to the perr+ons and in the nwnner pr�rcribed by upplicablc law. Trustcr. �rithoul demund on &�rro►wer.shall sell _ <br />--_�� the Property at public uu�Nnn tn t Ne hi�h�wt bidder ul thc lime vnd pluce und w�der the termz d�wipnuted in thr notice of __ <br /> -,-x�����' � �,, sele in une or more purcels and ir�any ordcr 1'rustee detcrn�in�w. Trutit�ti mu}• p�ytp�nc tiulc of uU or•rny pvrccl o!'Ihc F� <br /> - PropeMy hy public A��n�►un«i�icnt ut tli� ti���� und plu« ��f uii� nr«i��iitilc xli�duled sale. Lendcr or it+d�wiun�Y may i <br /> __z:`� . purclwse thr Property al any tiale. L <br /> _. � s '� � �. <br /> Form 3028 8180 ! <br /> ,�i. . • - <br /> �� ' .. PnQe 6 nl 6 _ <br /> .t. . _ <br /> . � " , . _ ' ' . . _ � <br /> i. . ., <br /> r ,,�-_.,__ . , . , _, . <br /> - x <br /> l .. •.i �7 . .� <br /> �. <br /> , ' � <br /> k f <br /> . • <br /> � i <br /> ' �_ <br />