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: f ..,.-4�T� : ��- <br /> � � ., •.Mna�lif � .�lj�y��•�. •:c'-` ,,,��_ <br /> �. ^Y � .r• — <br /> ;,,.�. + ;.. .. , - _. ..._._ <br /> _ �_�..�.�:��r� �V�'!/ — — - - <br /> M� '1'OOETHBR WITH all thc impmvcmcnts now or hereafler erected on 1hc pmpenJ�;��I eaceme�. appurterw�,and <br /> fixwres now on c�rcafter a pan of the praperty. All replpcemcntR ond wdditlonx sFwll �►Ino bc coverod by thir Sa,u�fty _ <br /> Inurumcnt.All of�he iorcgaing is rcfcrred to in this Security Instn�ment us the "Prc�perty.` <br /> --- aORROW@R COVBNANTS du�t Borrawer is lawfl�lly ceisod af thc catate hercby convcyod And hps tFw right to�rant attd <br /> � convcy�he i�opcny and that the Propeny is uncncumbzrod, escept fi�r encumbruicca of�ecord. Borrower w�rrante and wlll <br /> � ,�,�,,, �,�: .:,�. defend gener�ily the title to Ihe P�aperty pgainst all cluims�suxl demandz.subject to uny encumbrwues of record. <br /> THIS SECURI7'Y 1�1STItUM�NT c��mbines uniform covennnte for rw�i�►nul usc and non-unfform cov�nanta wi�h limitod _ <br /> `,' variations by Juricdic�iun u�canstitute a unifarm eocurity ina�rumcot covering real propeny. <br /> UNIFURM CO�'ENANT�. 8orrowcr�nd Lencicr c�wennnt nnd ugrce av f�llowx: <br /> �� l. Paymeat of Princtpwl and latet�ect; Prepoyment and LaNe Cha�gec. Bcttmwcr alwll promptly pay when duc the� <br /> �a„�wT,��� principal of and Interest on thc dcbt evidencod by the Nute und uny prcpayment aid latc chargeg duc under the Note. <br /> 2. Fundr for TAxes pnd Ineura�rce. Subject to applicable law or to a wriuen waiver by Lcndcr, Borrower shall pay to <br /> L.endcr an thc doy monthly paymenls arc due under the Notc,until the Nate ie paid in full,n sum('Func1�) for: (a)yearly taxes <br /> � wxl ussessments wbich may attain priori�y over�hia Serurity Instrument ns A lien on the Propeny: (b>yearly leasehold payments <br /> � .-�:>•,��,_ <br /> - =--- or ground rents un thc Property,if any:(c)yearly hazard or pmpeny Insurancc premiumx:(d)yrarly tload insurance premfums. _ <br /> - if eny; le)yearly mortgage inaurance premiumc, if uny:And(�any sums pnyable by BoROwer to[.ender, in uccordance with <br /> �,,,� ��.`_ -,"`,;,— thc pmviaiana of parogrAph 8. in licu of the puyment of mortgage insuronce premiuens. Thesc items are called"Escrow Items." <br /> --� w�;�;�� L.ender muy, at any time, colloct and hold Funds in un atnount not to excced lhe muximum amount a lender for a federally <br /> �,� r e l a t d d m o r t g a g e l o a n m a y re q u i r e for Borrower's e�raw acrnunt under thc federal Reul Esw�e Settlement Procedures Act of <br /> ��� 1974 as umended 1'rom time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seq.("RSSPA"),unless another law that applies ta the Funds <br /> .,:,�„:��„__•.,.h;°' sets u lesser untount. If so, Lender may, at uny time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not ta excced the lesser amount. <br /> y a� �;-.':'�<' ,. . Lender may eatimnte the amaunt of Funds due un the biwia of wrrent data ertd reasonablc cstirtwtes of expenditures of future - <br /> �`�-; -°.'� ' �"•�''`'t� Escrow ltems or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. <br /> � The Funda shull be held in an institution whose deposiGs are insured 6y u federal agency, instrumentality, or entity <br /> __� ;;,,`�,",,�' (including l.ender.if Lender is such an institutiun)or in nny Federal Hame I.aan Bank. Lender shull apply the Funds to pay the <br /> � ' Escrow items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and upplying the Funds,annually unalyzing the escrow xccount,or <br />--- �' R •'r�� verifying Ihe��crow Itcros,unless Lendcr pays Borrawer interest on the Funds and applicAhle law permits Lender to make such _ <br /> .l�d�tG�-a;oa ,:.t-::::[i� <br /> =i e,�:;;` -,, ,.�;�;;;;.. a charge. Hawever, [.ender may requirc&►rrower to pay a unr-iimr chnrge fur wi i�nlepei�leul�ral n�tate tax reporting scrvicc = <br /> . • . . ''�•'� : used by I.ender in connection with this loun, unless applicuble law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or <br /> — ";' ` t►pplicable law requires intcrest to be paid, L.ender shull not be required to pay Borrowcr any interest or eurnings un the Funds. - <br /> -- — �`��"�`• ' Borrowar and Lendcr muy agree in writing, howevcr,thut interest shull be paid on Ihe Funds. l.encier 4hull give to Borrowr.r, <br /> i �"'• . �F�•�''!� without charge,an annuul accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpc►se for which et►ch - <br /> --nsi�.-��._-__w�-„�t_ t�CBli itr iI�C Fu��s wn��ua�Ic. TI1C FUfi�S dia:�3It'dgC3 8G�aiiiOfiBl SCCUTiI� tor:�!!surn:secured by this Stcurity Isutnsment. <br /> a�� _ <br /> ___.;� �� � , If the Funds held by l.ender exceed�he umounts permitted lo be hcld by upplicable law. Lcnder shall uccoun�tu Borrower <br /> _� �+�.' �:' ...�,,:� for the excesw Funds in accordunce with tlic rcquirements uf upplicu6le Ivw.If the anx�unt of the Furxis held by Lender ot uny <br /> _�� , <br /> a8 time is not sufficicm to puy the Etirrow Itcmr wl�rn due, l.ender moy xi n�nify Bnrruwcr in wri�ing, und,in ,uch ca`c&�rmwcr <br /> _� ��:� .. . shull pay to Lender die amount ncce�sury ��► mukc up thc dctiriency. &�rrowcr shell muke up the defcicncy �n no mc►re than <br /> ==� • twelve m�mthly p�ymems,u�ta;ndcr's ude Ji,crcti�►n. <br /> .� `;��'�� U�n puym�nt in full of ull ,um. �crur��l by thi+ S��urily Imtrun�cnt. I.enJcr �hall promptly refunJ �a &rrr�►wcr uny <br /> • °.,�. Funds helJ b,y txndcr. If,undcr purugruph?I. LriKlcr�hall arquirc ur+ell thc NruFx:ny, IAndcr. priar tu thc uryuir.ition�►r wlc <br />�:� ,, : � R = of thc Property,shall upply uny FunJy hrld by l.cndrr ut thc timc of uryui,i�i�in ur ,alc •r�u cralil uguiost the xumx+ecured by <br /> . '.�.;:•�-� •��� this Sccurity Instrument. - <br /> � 3.Applfcution of!'aymen�s.Unlc�ti uppliruMc law providc+o�hcrwi�c,all paynxn�,rcrciv��l by l.cnd�r under parugraphs <br /> J�_ ��'-�� '� � i und 2 shall be applied: first, tu uny prepuyment churgc�Juc u�uicr Ih� Note; xrund, to amounts p�yuble under purngraph 2; l <br /> -�� '�`� . ��• thi�d,to intcrest due; founh,tu roici al Ju�;and lutit,u�un lute�hur•�ti due undrr thr No�r. - <br /> f_... �" P � P' Y b'• _ <br /> •,d+,. .;,_y,.. 1,, 4.Charges; Liens. Borrowcr�hall pay ull taxes,a�sc�,mcntti,chargrs. lincr und im�x�sili�m�uttri6utAble to the Propeny <br />_ ' �F� , which muy Attoin priority ovcr this Sccu�iry In��rumcnt, and Icatiehold paymrrn���r gruunJ rrnt+, if vny. Bnrrowcr shnll pay <br /> " '�`" " these obli �tions in thr munncr roviJc�l in .�r•r•ra h Z,ar if nat .�id in tNat manner.Rorrowcr�hall a them un tinx:directl - <br /> ,wR�x, ° R P P' b 'P P' P'Y Y _ <br /> ' "� to the perxon owed puyment. Burrowcr,hall pn►mplly 1'umi+h tu Lriulcr all nc�tires uf umnuntx t��bc paid undcr this pa�grnph. <br /> "ti '�a,',r` If Borrowcr m�lccs thcse payments Jirecdy. Bc�rr��wcr tihall promptly furnish�u LcnJcr r�Yeipt,cviJencing the paymenla. <br /> _ �� •• . . ' Borrower shall promptly dischurgc any lien which huti priurity�rvcr thi.S�tiurity In,wment unlc,s&�rrower: (u)ngree�in - <br />- . writing to Ihe paymcnt of thc obligutiun scrurcJ by thc lien in u munnt:r acccp�ablc t��l.c�xler:(b)ci�n�cxts in gcxxi fuith thc lien <br /> �`•'� �;. • by, ��r defends uguinst enfiircement ��I'thc lirn in, IcNul pr�uceding� a•hich in the LAndcr'+ upinion operote to prevent the <br /> � ' � , enforcement of�hc lien;or(c)�ccures fn�m the hulJrr��f�he licn un agrecment wti�factury to Lrndcr.ub�►rdinatin� the lien to � <br /> . , ° � �� � this Securi�y Instrument. If l.cndrr Jeterminr,thut any pan��t'the Pn��xrty i. wBject ta a licn which n►a�� uuain pri��rity ovcr �- <br /> �. �� �, ' this 5ecuriry In+trument. Lender m�y @i�•r liurr����cr a n��tirr idcntil'��mg thr I�cn. li„rr«��rr ,IrJI .:u�,t� ihc li�n or take onc or <br /> � t 1� more of the uctions set forth ubove within 10 Juys of thc givm��it n�nirc. e <br /> Fam 3028 91�0 - <br />. �� ' ' P�qa 2 ot 6 . <br /> �4� <br /> J ' .. <br /> �., .• . : -.F� ..".1 .. . . '.. _' ',-_—__. ,_ _ ..— .. . ._ ._.. . ... .. .. . . . . , ' _ • <br /> � <br /> L• „ <br /> ,� � <br /> _ • � <br /> .. , . . <br /> � , . I J'___ _ I <br />