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<br /> !7.7Ysasta ai the Pr+apa�ty w'�Bx�e11GW!Iute�ct ta Ftomnwcr.IP aH or any psit af the Propeny or any iaterest in it - __
<br /> is sald or tnacferced(or if�beAelici�l inurat in Gnrrower i�sold or traasterrr.d and BOrron iull oall ucuma � by�this � �
<br /> Ixnder's prior writtu� aiueat� l.mcicr a►�y, at its optiaa, rr�aire immedi�tc C�Y
<br /> 5ocurity iusuuu�ent.HU�it�M.�is aptian shnll nat be exerci�cd by l.eader if oxerctse is pro[�ibiud by fcdera!law s�of tbc 3�sc E- _
<br /> oi this Secudty Inst�►ment. -
<br /> If i,rnder eacercius tt��:optian,l.et�dec s,tutl[give Bcueauct notiat af�raeler,uioa. '�r.a¢iec ab:s:prvtic2.:a�eriod of nc+t -
<br /> less shaa 30 days from the d�te the notice i&dullvarod or mu1�1 within whicA Botrower must paY all wms securcd by this
<br /> 5ocuriry Iastcuma�t.lf Borrowrr fiils to pa.y thcso sums prior tc+the expinubn of this period.txndtr maY s-avokt�►y�°malles -
<br /> permittod by tL'u Security Instcumait witho►it further notice oz d::msad o�Bosmwer. _
<br /> 18. Bor�+owe�'s Ri�ht to Reinsute. lf Sorrower moct: artain condicions, Barrowcr sh�ll Wve the right to 6ava --
<br /> eaforcxmeat of this Secunty Inuiumeat discontinuod u any tia�e prior ro ch�u�aat t f�au�s weyr f cale oontained�ia this � �
<br /> �ppikable law may cpecify for reinstatancnt) befon sate o4 thcc PropertY i Y � �•:�
<br /> Securiry Iaurumet�s:or(b)eauY of�jud�mcnt caforcing this Soatrity Iaswat�cnt. Tdose conditioas arc tliat Bottawer: (a)PaYs � ,
<br /> l.et�der all sums which then would bt dua undcr t6is SecuriSy iatuumeai usri tLe Note�s if no axeleruIoa h�d �t) i�
<br /> cur�s my defwlt of any other caveaaata ar agree�neats: (c)Lxr�'s all expeasca incurrod la eaforcing tbis Sacurity. _
<br /> iaciuding,but not limitod to.reason�blu utoroeys' fees: aad(d)takes wch action as Exnder m�y reasaoal�ly roqwre to itsure �
<br /> tdt tlse lim of this Securiry Inurumaat�Lender's righis ia tL•z Property aad l3ormwePs obligation to p�y the wmg cecwed bY =
<br /> this Securtty Intwmwt shill coatiaue unchan8od. Upoa reinsta4e�,eat ty °:,r�u. this Sexuriry Instnimeat �ad the _
<br /> obligatioas cocuied hereby shs�ll remidn fully eff�etive as ii nc�aweleratiun had occurced.E�ovrover,ttus ri�hc w rdastate aball
<br /> noc apply ia tLe catie of�ccelerntioa unda puagnp�17. _
<br /> 19. S�le ot 1Vate: C6snte ot Laon Ser�ker. The N�ate or a parti�l lnterest in the Isace (toBaDer with this Socurlry
<br /> Instrumeat)maY be so!d onc or mom tima withaut prior n�oti:e tfl Bormwer. A sale may rauit in a chang� in the e.atity(1o�wwa
<br /> u tbe'Lwn Saviar')that collocts moachlY W►Ymmts due uader the Nou and ttis Securitl►instrumccu.11�a�e�lso may be oae
<br /> or more c�a�a of�hc Loan Savica uat�latod to a cale of tt�c Nou.If tLerc ie a ch�nge of ttae�.oan Seivlcsr,Bormwu will be
<br /> givea writua noria of the ch�age ia�txorda�ce with puag�h t4 above anci app:icable law.7be notia aill st�te the nam�e and
<br /> addra3 of tbe nevv Loaa Servioer anct tha address to whicL paymaitc sJ��sld�e mide. 'I�e naia will also cootala aay other
<br /> iafocm�tion re4uit'�d 1ry�PPllc�ble law. , s e or release of aay
<br /> Z0. Haardou� Sobst�• Bornowxr sh:1S not ca�ue or permit t�!�^•.�•••, � �8 •
<br /> H�rudous Subanaoes on or in the '1°mperty. Borrowes sbsal not do, nor �Ilow �nyone dac: to do��aYthinB affeaing the
<br /> tLat is ia violxion of aay E�vironmental Law. 'i�prxodit►8 twa seateaoes shaTP��r�apply a the preseace,uce, or
<br /> �on tbe pmpaty of sm�ll qmrntidas of Hazardous S�st�aoes that u��eaer�lly reco�Zed�° be aPPt'oPriate co normal
<br /> �tial y�ey anrl to miintesnace of tLo Prope:ty
<br /> B o r r o w a s t�a t l p m m p t l Y 8 i v e L.e�i e r w c i t c e a n o t i c e of aa y invaii g s t ian,claim. demand,lawsuit or otber aalon by any
<br /> govanmeutal or n�ulatory agcxY or�ivate p�ty involving tiu PropertY aud�ay Hazudous S u b s t�°a or E nv i r o n m e a t a l Y a w
<br /> of which Borrower has�ctwllmowIu3go. If Borrower leuns.or is notl&d by aay gova�ameatal ur reBuluory autb�nri'•tbat
<br /> any removal or otL�r remodi�ttOn of any Hazudotu S�►bstaax iffaxinY the�'mp�9��•&►rinwer tl�ll prom�tly talce
<br /> a.L� a«. ..t�....
<br /> iu neoessuY��ioas iu��'i uauco���..,....
<br /> As uxd ia this psr�gt+pb ' m those subs.ats�naes defina:as toxic or�zat�ous su�sc�s by
<br /> Eavimnmratal Iiw aad We foUowi�ng substamas: gisoline, kcmaeae. oal�t�ammable or toxtc para]sum produ�cts, to�ic
<br /> � pesticts�a aad Lablcitk�,voUtIle sctvrats.mueriais e�ius--��°��v:-••:��=,�•'�;""Yiv' ,w�erials.As used in
<br /> this par�raph 2p� •Snviroam�atal�I.aw' me�as federal laws aad la�rs of t�e ju:i�dictioa w�ere the Prape:iy is locaisd that
<br /> trlate to Lealtb.saf�tY or eavironmca►tal prntaxion.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVSNAI�TS.Boirower�ad Leader fiut!ia coveasmt�ad�groe as follows: Bon�ower's 6res�cb
<br /> 21. Accda�iooi���I.e�{n'sl�xll�ire uotice to Bo�nn�er tx'�'to�ada'adoof uode�p�r�rapi 17 �aiei�
<br /> ot aey oo�ta�uit or a�+eemeot W t1J� Sauc�t�' I�'�� (� D0� �� ��tbe actfoa re4��W aa�e tLe deladt;
<br /> ap�i{cabie law p�+orvides dherwtsn). The notia shvl specit�: (a)tb�ddauk;
<br /> (¢)a 3�te,oot iw tLan 30 d�ys 4k�om tlse date t6e notioe is�irea W�B��aotke ma�y�resalt����s�
<br /> (�t�t i�i1�+e to care tLe defa�t o0 or betore tbe dst�speei,��x�11 ttint�a�fas lforeower ot tl�e sisdt to
<br /> aec�'ea by tds 3a�Y��t�od Mle ot tbe Pbopa'lY.
<br /> riirfate�lCa�aaei�tio�a�d t�e�Lt W br1o��coart actloo to as�eert tLe noe�e�a ot�de�adt ae a�dLer
<br /> de[ea�a�Bor�owe='�o�oaiar�doa aod w3e.It tbe de[sa�it ts uot cured o� or bdore t�s d�ts q�eeitfed io tbe�otke,
<br /> i,esder, at kt optioa msy e+e4�+e iwmedtste paYmmt ta taU ot all t�s sec��d by t�is Sec�6CS�'i��
<br /> f'�tbK'des�od�l may te�oic�e tl�e pow�n'ot:a3e�d aaY otber re�aalia Pum�tted bY�PI�� Lw.L.es&��inl1 be
<br /> ��tltlal W oolleet a11 aPeaw L�we�+ed in paRato�tLe temeddes Pr'uvlded In tLk p�cs�ph Zl,iodu�o�,bot aot daited
<br /> to�ir�ovbie sttor�rys'fea�ml eosf�ot titie e�i0eooe. fa wb{ch aay►�t ot tLe
<br /> It tbe power of wle is iav�nked,Te�tee�all �d a neda ot delwlt fa ac➢o camt9
<br /> propeeiy is loc�tal aud sLall md! cwpi�s ot sud�noRice ts tlie manuer pencrlbal bY sPP���a�•to&xiower aod to
<br /> tbe atLer pe�soas P�J bY aPPikabk taw.Afte�tLe time reqdred bq appLcsbk law,Tn��e�11�ive pai�lic ootke
<br /> ot�aie to the pee�oa�an�l tn tho maoner pe+aa�ibed by sPQife�l�le Ww. Tnrta, wiWoi+t de�aad oo Barowee.c6�sdl
<br /> ° �p�+operiy at pWWie a�ctbm to tha hippat btdder st We time aad plwe and�ler tfie���Y P�ot tLe
<br />= cajt io oee or mare Pu�a3c an�io ooy order'11n�e ddamiaa.'I'cu�tee maY po�ioo�
<br /> Propat9 bY Pd�lk ana�ou�o�mt at tiu tjme and pi�oc ot any pi�c+�adlY s!'�!'!k't�d s�e.Leobe�or its deri�uee maY
<br /> _ pot+cht�e t6e Pru�ntY��7�
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