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<br /> ,,.w� �, �.�- IP Lend¢r rsquired mort��e inaurance as�condition of making the lan�ecu�ed by thi�Security In�trument,
<br /> �'�t~�' . '.4 , " Borrowcr sholl a the rcmiums r uired to mainUtin the insurance in eflixt until cuch time oa the r uirement for thc
<br /> - .��'. :ro, . P Y P �1 �
<br /> ��:�;�Y., � inaurance terminates in accordance with Borcower's�nd Lendcr's written a�ramenl or appNcable Iww.
<br /> " e�+.,��;;,;�:�._ B. Impectlon. l.ende�or its agent may make reasoneblc entries upan And inspect iona c►f t he Pro�xrty.L e n da
<br /> .�""�;,���;.Y�-;�' sha0�iva Horrower notice wt the dme oPar priar to an inspectioe specifying reasonable cau�e for the fnapection. r
<br /> -��•:�•� ,�-.� �.:� 9. Condama�Hoe. The pracads of eny eaard or clrim for damagea,direct or conxequantlal,in connection with __
<br /> —_ -a:n•.�•�;,o� �' � any wndemnation or other Iaking af any pan of the Property,or for comeyance in lieu of condemrulion,are hereby
<br /> �' i,;. �•`�� ° °-`# u�i�ned pnd ahAll be paid ta Lender.
<br /> '• ' � ^ In the event of a total taking of the Propeny. Ihe praceeds shall be upplied to the suma secured by this Security
<br /> — '� �, � s,� Inctrument.whether or not then due,with a�y exass paid to Borrower. !n the event of n partial taking of the Property,
<br /> `�..` ��� ` unless Horrower and Lender atherwlse agree in wriling,the suma secured by this Security lnstrument shpl l be reduced by _.__
<br /> �a �� the amount oP the praceeds multipiied by the following fraction:(a)the total amount of the sums secured immediately
<br />� "'"- �" L� beforc the taking,divided by(b)the fair markct value of'the Property immediately before the taking.Any baance th�ll be
<br /> 4' ,. •`:::"� . '� '' paid to Borrower. --
<br /> � : �,,;,.;-;.
<br /> ��� r •� •�•��%�*��^ If the Property is obandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Aorrower that the condemnor oflera to —""
<br /> �'�;�.;,,,;•; x_, make�n awsrd or settle a cleim Por damages,Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aRer the date�he notice is �:i
<br /> ��"-�-••''��^-� ^d� given,Lender is author�zed to collect and apply the procadc,at its option,either to rcatoration or rcpair of the Property or �:
<br /> �'� '_ � to the�ums securcd by thia Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> �.�.�:-:,.�":: �
<br /> --- � Unlesa Lender and Borrower otherwise agra in writing,any application of procads to principal s6a11 not extend or
<br /> `-�". , ' • '�''/ postpone the due date of the monthly paymenls refirced to in parAgraphs I and 2 or change the omount of such payments. �
<br /> � 10. Borrower Not Relea�ed;For6earaece By I.ender Not a Waiver. Extension oP the time for payment ar ��
<br /> ��-;� . . „ modiflcation of amortizetion of the surns secured by Ihis Security Instrument granted by L.ender to any euccessor in K^.
<br /> h �i�tr��r:. �: interest of Borrower shall not operate to rclease the liability of the original 8orrower or Bortower's successors in interesl, _`_
<br /> ��� Lender shaU not be required to comme�ce proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for
<br /> ����.r._._'_ '�_ ' payment or otherwise modify amurtizntion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made �
<br /> " `! :` ,,�;,': by the original Horrower or Horrower'a successors in interest.Any PorbearAnce by Lender in exercising any ri�ht ar remedy �;:;
<br /> -�'. • " �.�,f : rhall not be a waivcr of or prcclude thc eaercise of any right or remedy. �=�
<br /> • � • 11. Succe�ore nnd Assi�Bouadi Joint wd 3everal I.io611ity;Ca9iQaers. The covenants and agreemenls oi �°�
<br />-:;�, • , ��.,
<br /> __:�, .. ' ,: this Security Inatrument eha11 bind and lsenefit t6c successors and assigns of I.ender and Borrower,subject to the provisions �
<br />_;.,,�� _ __ ._ ' oPparagreph 17.Horrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and severAl.Any Borrower who co-signs Ihis Security .
<br /> -- ` �'—` Instrument but daes not exeeute the Note:(a)is co-signing this 5ecurity Instrument only[o mongage,grani and cunvcy �
<br /> �' � � that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terma of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally abligated to pay �
<br /> � • —
<br /> �n"" . � �.
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that L,ender und any other Borrower may agree to cxtend, .
<br />�„�' s "° :`�r;': modiFy,Porlxar or make any accommodations with rega�d to the terms of this Securi�y Instrument or the Note withow �
<br /> - �' ' ' � that Borrower's consent. v
<br /> �` 12. Loan ChorQea. IF the loan secured by this Sec:urity Instrument is subJect�o a law which sets rnoaimum loan �°
<br />�- �. •� charges, and that law is flnally interpreted so tha� the interest or other loan charges callected ar to be collected in __
<br /> �• F"� connection with the lonn exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such lonn chorge shnll be reduced by�he omoum ---
<br />� � � •�" necessa to reduce the chAr e to the rmitted limit;and(b)nn sums ulrend collected from Borrower which exceeded =v=
<br /> rY 8 Pe Y• Y �:�.,
<br /> - -�� • � permitted limits will be refunded to Borrawer. Lender may chaose to muke this refund by reducing the princip�l owed
<br /> ' � ' under the Note or by making a direct pAyment to Borrower.If u rcPund reduces principal.the rcduction will be treated us a �'=
<br />� ' „ , ° � • �-: . partial prepayment without any prepayment chargeunder the Note. �_,_
<br /> �� . • ' 13. I.egtclallon Atrecting Lender's Rtqhts. If enuctment or expira�ion of applicuble laws 6as the effect of �.;
<br /> „�'�`' ,�,,,_ rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenfi�rceuble Accarding lo its terms,Lender,m its option, �_
<br /> : ,^� �,;�, .' may require immediate payment in full oP all sums secured by thiti Security Instrument und may invoke ony remedies _
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender exercises this option.L.ender shall toke the steps spccified in the second paragraph af
<br /> . �'�. ' paregraph 17. �,
<br /> ' �� 14. NoHces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by _
<br /> ��,, ��'�. mailing it by Brst class mail unless applicuble law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directe�i ta the �_
<br /> " „ Property Address or any other nddress Borrower designutes by noticc to l.ender. Any nutice to Lende�shnll be given by ��
<br /> . 8rst class mail to Lender's address stnled herein or ony othcr address Lender designat��s by nutice ta Hc�rrower.Any nolice —
<br />:.,�,,. ,.;�,� provided Par in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Barrower or Lendrr when given�s provided
<br /> i �« � in this parngraph.
<br /> ' IS. Governing I.aw;Severwbility. Thi�Security Inztrument�hall be Roverned b�•fed�rul law and the law of the
<br /> . ' � , jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event tliat uny�pnwision or rlauu aP�hi,S�wurity Ins�rument or the
<br /> Note conflicts with applicuble law. such conflict tihall not uffert uther pro�•i�ion.��f thi,Sewunry In.trumrnt or the Iv.�t� �
<br /> ' � which can be given effect withoW the cunflirting provision.To�h�s end the pruvi.iom af thi�Securit�•Inslrumen�and the �
<br /> Note are declared to tx�severable.
<br /> � • 16. Borrower's Copy. Burrower,hall t+e Fi�cn unr cunfi�rmrJ��+p��uf thr Ni�tc anJ uf thi.5rruril}Imlturnent. �
<br /> , � 17. Trttnster ot the 1'rape�ty or s� Heneficia! Interest in Borrowe�. If all ��r am pan rf thr 1'r���rt} cx am � •
<br /> interest in it is.old or trantifc�red Icx d'a txnrficial mt�nrt m Hurn�wer i�.olJ��r�ran.tcrrrJ anJ H��rrowrr��n,�t anatural t
<br /> person)w�ithout Lender'�pri��r ariiten comrnt. 1 cn�lrr m:n.at ih��pnun,rrywrr�mm.di:ur�:��ment �n f'ull�.f all +um• �
<br /> � , urured b}• thi�Scrurity hi,�rumc►u- H�,��e�rr. thn .,ptu,n,h:ill n��t hc e�cr.•i�cd h� 1 rndrr d r�rn�•r�+ pr��h�hrt�d hy
<br /> � federalla��a.ofthr�ateufthi�Scrunt� Imtrumrnl.
<br /> �� If Lender ezercises thi�opuem,LenJrr�hall give Burr��wrr naure af acceleratwn.Thr n��uc�.hall pruudr r�n.xl
<br /> . • oFnot less th�n 30dayti from the d:uc Ihe notire i.deli•�rr�Yi or mail.�i w uhin whirh 13��rruwrr mu.l pa}�all,um.�r�ureJ b��
<br /> this Security Imtrumrnt.lf&,rmv��er fail�t�.p�y thcwe�rm,pnar ta thr r�pir�n�m��f thi.�xr��+J.Lrnd�r ma��makr an� '
<br /> rrmeclie.rwrmirr.•d h�•thi�G�runtc In�trumrnt w•ilhnttl furlhrr m�tirr nr demand on Horruw.�r
<br /> i
<br /> ^ � 18.Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If 13��rrawcr mcrt.r�rt:��n r�mdm�m.. H��rr��wcr�h:�ll h:��a�hr n�,h�t��ha�c
<br /> enfurcrmrnt af thi�S�tiurity Imtrument di�r��ntinu.til at:m�Umr�n��r t��thr r.�rher�+f'•(:�15 d.�}•�or�uch uther �n�tii,�
<br /> applirahlc I�K may tipecify fi�r rcin,t�trmcntl hrt��rc .alc i�l'thr Piuprrt� pur.uant t��an� p�,���r��i,alr�.�nt�inrd in thr
<br /> � �unty Imtrument:i�r Ibl rntry ul'r)uJgmrnt rnfi�rcmE Ihi.�r.wn� In,lrwncnl Th��.r i�mdtU��n..�rc th.n N,�rc��ucr
<br /> � (J) �1:1)'� Lcndrr �II �um� whi�:h thcn wrulJ hr �ur undrr ttu, �c.unt♦ In.trumrut .�n�f thr tirtr H.�.1 �io a��rl�raii.�u
<br /> ikrurrrd.Ih1 cur��.am drfault of any �,thrr r�,��nanh��r agr�rmcnh. Ir1 p:��• .�II r���cn... in:nrrrd in �nl��r:ui�:thi.
<br /> S�wuni�� Imtramcnt. ��rluding.hut n��t I�m�tcJ t�,.rre���naMr att��rnr�: Ic��. an.1 1.11�a{.r,.u.h a:n�m .i+1 rnJr� m.q
<br /> ° reaun►abl� rcyuirr t„ a��ure th�: thc I��n i+t'thi.1r�unt� hi�uumrnt. I rn,irr', n�hr. m �hr Pr,���.rr� :�nd fi,,rr,•��:��•
<br /> uhhgatwn to p,�t the wm� .rcurc�i h� thi, J�xunty In,trumcnt .h.+ll runtuiuc un.•h.uiEr.l l�+�,n rcin.latcmcni h�
<br /> • &�rrowrr.Ihi.Scrunt� In�trumcnt anJ thc.�hligan��m+�ti•ureJ hrreh�.h�ll r�rn.nn iull�rtf��•ti�r a.N'm�a.•.rlrrau��n had
<br /> �
<br /> ikcurrctii.Huur�cr.th��nght t��re�ml•rte�hall nul apF+l)in th�ia.r��fai�rler,�n�+n unilrr p�ragr.�ph. 1�.+r I 7
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br />