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. IA'�. �._LS:- T^ , ' '3'-..-y W. <br /> � . �7ti1 :N. __ w. r T.—--- <br /> t � <br /> ,.i�1 a •ti�" <br /> .. - .i�i.LL":. . -- <br /> �.M 9z� lOG2�36 <br />_— - ' $ �47731 FNAR .. <br /> _ ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> = (1 Year 7Yeasury lodex-Rate Cop�-Fixed R�te Converalon Optian) <br /> — - TH1S ADIUSTA�LE RATB RIfiER is made thls 13TH duy of JULY .!9 92 .s�nd ls <br />_ � incorporated into and ehnll be deemed to amend and supplemcnt the Mortgage,Deed oP Trust or Sccurity Dee�i <br />'��"� (the"Security lnstrumenC')of the same date glvcn by the u�dersigned(the"Borrower")to eccure Borrower'e <br />.;�, . Adjustable Rate Note(the••Note")to NpRAlE9T MORTOAGE� INC. � A MINNESOTA <br /> `�� CORPORAT ION (the'•Lender")of the same date and coveria$tbe property described in <br /> _ �-�__--r -_ � <br /> - tho Sacurity Inatrument end lacated at: <br /> -�-'--- 311 EA8T 22ND 87REET ORAND ISLAND, NE 6860� <br /> � [Property Address] <br /> __ ._�y,.,•:.-�+�� <br /> ---..��6��� THE NOTE CON7'AINS PROVI810NS ALLOWINQ FOR CHANQES IN THE INTEREST RATE <br /> ---=��,w�� AND THE�IDNTHLY PAYMENT.THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S <br /> '�°5A°F�""��`='�"� ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE CAN CHANOE AT ANY ONE TI111E AND THB MAXIIIIUAII <br /> ==�"�`"'=���� RATE THE BORROWER MU8T PAY. THE NOTE AL30 CONTAINS THE <br /> ��.�..�.:�.�,�a��•°� OPTION 70 CONVERT TNE ADJU8TABLE RATL TO A FIXBD RATE. <br /> �-�'�`.,� ADDITIONAL COVENANTS.[n addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument. <br /> -� � '"" _;,�,,,,� Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> ��`Wi,.,., . ., . <br /> .'� '�.•��,; ' A.ADJUSTABI.E RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> `�''``��" � The Note provides for an initial interest rate of S.OQU Rb.The Note provides the changes in the adjustable <br /> �piu,.�:t��.s,:�x�;, � <br /> . _ e _ ;,�t�.�: interest rate and the monthly payments,as follows: <br />_-:��:�--�-_-- �:-,��� 4.ADJU5TABLE INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> �.• �:.:{ � '�� (A)Change DAtes <br /> � ,•:�; • The adjustable interest rate 1 will pay may change on the first duy of AUOUST . 1993 <br /> ������ '';���`' and on that day every 12th month thereafter. Each date on which my adjustable interest rate could change is <br /> ��%�'` a�+;1v~'��� caUed a"Chnnge Date. <br /> - "±`�'����'-, i8)The Index <br /> .,�:..:;�.::- nr.:-- `�.'- <br /> ' ° ; � Be�inning wi[h the first Change DAte,my Adjustuble interect rute will be bused on un Index. The"index"is <br /> � the weekly svernge yield on United States Treasury securities udjusted to a constant muturity of 1 yeur,us made <br /> _ �' • , ` uvuilable by the Federal Reserve Board.The most recent Index flgure avuilable as of the date 4S days before euch <br /> °— .�k- , Change Date is cnlled tbe"Current Index." <br /> � 4, '"��`'��. - If the index is no longer nvnilnble,the Note Holder wil l choose a new index that is based upon comparuble <br /> T , •. ..�;,�_ �., <br /> �-� ''�� �� � information.The Note Holder will give me notice of this choice. <br />- �,�.:��... . . <br />,;'.� �, . •� (C)Calculation of Ch�nges <br /> 1�,,�„ ; , q,;,... Before euch Change Dute, the Note Holder wil l culculnte my new interest rate by adding 2.7��► <br /> ��� . percentage pointsQ.750 �k) to the Current Index. The Note Holder will then round the result of this aJdition <br /> �_�;'..;�?,:,;_.y . ��"i_ to the nearest one-eighth of ane percentnge point(0.125�►.Subject to the limits stated i�Section 4(D)below,this <br /> �� ,.s rounded umount will be my new interest rnte until the next Change Date. <br /> — �r� :y � The Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly puyment that would be sufficient to repay <br /> ��� � ` ° the un a�d rmci al that I amex cctcd to owe u�the Chun e Date in full on the Muturit Date at m new interest <br /> -� �' '� '•V���,•, rate in substanti II e uul u rnents. The result of this c Iculation�Hill be the new amount of m monthl � <br /> ° � ,,....•. ;,� . � Y 9 P Y y Y P Y- <br /> '— ^� .�; ' ment. <br /> —• ,�,��:,,. � ,t• (D)Limits on Interest Rate Changes <br /> "� , The interest rate 1 am required to pay ut the first Change Datc will not be greater than 7. 000�� or less <br />- "� • ' �F than 3.000 �. Thereufter,my adju+table interest rate wi I I never be incrc:ued or decreased on any single Change Date <br /> - �'•.�ti '•...: . ;;. . <br /> — , �. .,. by more thnn 7W0 per�centnge point(s)�. �)from th�rat�of interetit I ha��e becn paying for thc preceJing 12 months. <br /> ��+°� ° My interest rnte will never be gmater thwl 1.000�. which is called the"Muximum Rute." <br /> -.,,���!�' °� • , (E)Effective Date otChangcs _ <br /> � �.,�, -.,,�,, �, � My new interest rute will become cf'fectivc�n each Change Uatc. I will puy thr;,mount of my new mnnthly _ <br /> _ • puyment beginning on the firxt monthly puyment dAle aftrr thr Chungr Dutc until Ihe nmount af my monthly <br />_;w�� � ° ..��` , Paynx:nt changes aguin. <br /> �, � " ., . (F)Notice of Chan�es - <br />_ ° The Note Holder will deliver c�r mail to mc u nrnirc nf any rhungcti in my aJ.ju.tahle intere,t rate and the <br /> - fi' umount of my monthly pAyment bcfnrc the rffrctive dutc of;my rhanFr. The n�itice will include informution <br />�''� • * , required by law ti�be given mc and ulso the title und telephone numinr o(a perti�m who will unswer uny yueation <br /> i . 1 mny have regurding the notice. <br />� � � � B.FIXEQ INTERES'1'RATEOI''I'ION <br /> "� - The Note provide+ For the Borrower',optiun tc�c�►nvrrt from �n adjuxtable interest rate with interest rute <br /> .i_ � � <br /> r. , . limits to a fixed intcre.t r�tr, u�fc�llnws: � <br /> --�:• ��,,.r�• <br /> `��' J�,�` -.�. 5.FIXED INTEBFS7'RATECUNVERSION UI'TI(NV <br /> , � • IA1 Uption to Convcrt tn Nixed Itatc <br /> , � . . 1 huve n Con�•ersion Option�hat ! cun rxrrri.r unlc,. I am in drt'ault ��r thiti Section S�A1 �•il) n�n permit <br /> ` me to do so. The "Convrr�ion Uption" i� my option 1��cnmrrl �hr ratc I am rryuirrd ta pay hy thix Note <br /> � from un udju�tuble rute with intere+t ratr limit+to the tixeJ rat�ralrulutcJ under�cticm SI BI t�elow, <br /> ,- . . The convenion cun only take plure on u�la�r�,► ,p�cil'ird hy the Nu�e HuWrr d�n�ing thr prriuJ lkginning un <br /> �� � the firtit Chunge Datc and ending on thc fifth Changr Dutc. l:ach Jatr on ��•hich my adju�tuhlc intrresl ratr can <br /> i „ ,. ,� .�.. convert tothe new tixed ratr i,c�11eJ tlx"Cnmcrsiun Uatr." <br /> ,*.� �• <br /> �, <br /> .- jn�r �N1LTI4TATHCONV�RTIBLEADJUiTABLBRATENIOER-ARMPlAH87-S��pieF�mily-1WnTt�nurylnd�x•F�nnlaY��UnllamM�trum�ntFam311�ti�9 <br /> � ' NMFL�OBB3AD0 • ��vc��.�r��.�...� <br /> � . <br /> - , •. .--- • <br /> --�„- � <br />