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<br /> • 7'U(}Ll'Ell'sR WITE[ all tho imprUVemente now or heraicer ecoctecl on the prd�p�tY, +�n�iu����� °
<br /> ip�uttenances,�nd tixtwe�now ur hen�fter�part af thc property.All repl�cemrnis�nd addit�a�.c slull also be coveral �
<br /> by thie Soc;uriey Instr�ment.All of tho�oscgoin��s roferred to i�tlus Securtty lnstrument iw the"Arnperty." 4
<br /> BORROW�R COV�NANTS ttut Burrower is lewtuliy soir,e� ot the�stats horobY��►veyed and fus t}u rirht to
<br /> �rent anG convay t!w- Pt�aperty nnd ttut the Property is u�ascumbered,except for�ncumb�xnces ot rowrd. Iiorrowar =
<br /> warrsnts�nd will ckFwd�enetally tho title to the PrapertY��inst all claims and demands.subjoct to a4Y e��cur��b;ancas _
<br /> oi rocord. _
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unitorm coverunte for rutiontl uso uu1 non-uniform coveaaats w�th _
<br /> limited vuiarions by juriediction to oonstitutc a unitarm sxurity instrument coverin�real propaKY. �
<br /> UIJIFORM COVfiNANTS.Borrowa and I.eiuler covwant and a�ree�s followa � when duo
<br /> 1.Payment ot Pcincipal and Interest;P'repsyment and Lste Chu�es.Burrower shall mptly paY =
<br /> the priaciptl ot and intarst on tha ckbt evidenced by the Nou and any pr'epaYment and lato chu�es due under the Nou. _
<br /> 2. Funds tor Ta:ea wd Insurumce. Subjoct to applicable law or to a written waiva by Lenda'.Borrower shall
<br /> py to Lend�r on the day monthl}•papments aro due under the Nou.uatif thc Nou is paid ica full.a sum ("Funds"1 tor:
<br /> (i)yearly taxes sad sss�sments which may attain priority over this Socwity Instcumeat�s a lien��a�miams,
<br /> yearly leasehold piprneats or grouad t�.nts on the Pmperty. ii any; (c)Yarly hazaTd or propertY
<br /> (d)Yesrly ttood insurance Pcemroms,i��nY:(e)Yeuly mort�a�e�nswanoe premiums,it�ny;and(f}ar.y sums p�yable
<br /> by���;ez to].�nder�;n uxordance�ith the p:ovisiona of por�raph 8,in lieu of the payment of mort��ge insuraricx
<br /> premiums.3'hese itema ue calle3"Fscsaw Itea�a"I.e�►der ma�.at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount tnot
<br /> Lu c=Qeed t�hc maYimum �mount a leader foc a tederally re+atad mortg�Ee lwn may require for Baccowa s es�,^row
<br /> ��t��,�t�.�R� ���ecql�tness,r.ProcodwYS�►ct ot 17f4 as�meadod from time tu�ime, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> Section 2601 et ssq. �"RFsSPA").usiless anottyer LYw ttsat ipplies to the Flux?s seta a lesea amouat It c�o,L,eAder map�
<br /> �t my time,collxt and hdd Funds in aw amouns not to oxceed the lesett'srs��t.Leada'may estimato the unouat of
<br /> Puads due on the b�s'se oi curreat dste aad rasonablo estimates of cspenditures of iutvn Fsscmw Items or other�ise in
<br /> aaordina with applicable l�w.
<br /> The Funds stull be hold in an im-titutioa whe�e dePosits are insured by a feder�l a,�rncy,instrumeatal�•Fuads t�o . .
<br /> (including Lenda'�if Le,.af�x is such ui iastitution)or in iny Federal Home Loan n����Y�Y���
<br /> � pay the F�craw It�ms.I,enda�msy nc►t charge BorroAer for kwldiBoerowe pnte est oe th�Fuads ux3 appticabte La
<br /> exrow scc+�u,nt.or verifying the F�-s+aN Items.untess Leac3cs 1P�S5 uire Hornower to paS a oa�-time chuee R�rr sn
<br /> permita Lender to make such s char�e. Ho�ever, I.ender n�aY t'e4
<br /> ;nck+pessclwt real eatat�tu reportin�service used try L�ander in connoction with this loaa,unless apglicable law pro�Ydes
<br /> ottserwiee.Unleeo u�igreameat is mulo or appdieable laM requins interost ta be paid'n�.ho�ova tts�at intaest
<br /> P�Y��wer any inter�st or eamin�s on the Funda Borrower tnd Lendet msy agree.
<br /> ah�ll be paid oa tDo Funda I.ender shall�ivo w��hich each detyit w�e Fuads was made.The Fuads aro pled�ed a�s
<br /> .credits aad debits to the F�nds and tl►e purposo
<br /> additioaat oecurity for d1 suma eecurod by this Socurity Iflatrumsat.
<br /> --- �- Ii tt�e Nun�t�ia isY i.asow-a�+'�:••-•r.:xs::�i••�•,�*•,1,.�t,�td bv andicable law.La�der ehall�000uat to --
<br /> BorroMer for tho oxc�e�Funda in aa,ordanoe With the requiremenW ot�pgiiahle 1aM.I!ttx aniount oi the Puada eeio —
<br /> by I�ender at any time ie nat euttiaent to py the�croN Item�when due.Leader msy eo notify Botrower in«rit�n�,
<br /> and,ia such caae BorroMer ahs11 p�y to Lenda'the amount neoaQarY to make up the�cieocy.BorroNa shall�►ake
<br />_ up the deticiency in ao more tl�twelve monthly p+Yrnenu�t I.er�der�s 6010 discretioa.
<br /> UP�P�Ymeat in fult ot s�l aums exwnd by thia Secwity lnstrumen�Laider e1�a11 promptly retuad w Bocsarvcs
<br /> aay Pu:,do tuid by Lc�nder. U, unda P�Y�Ph 21� Lender ahsll .oquire or x11 tbe Prop�RY. l,cndor. Prioc w ttu�
<br /> soquisitioa or eale oi the Prop�tY�ehall apply sny Fuad�beld by I�ender at tbe time ot�oqui�itian or eale ss e ct+oditi.
<br /> a�tiast tbe s�une securod by thia SecuritY Inswmen�
<br /> 3. Agplicstion ot Paymenti.Un�eee spplicabte li�►pwvides ottxxxiae.dl paYment�reoeived by Lafder undor
<br /> P�*a�raP�s 1 and 2 ehall be applied:firct.to anY P�'el�Ymeat char�es due under the Nou;oecoad.to amouatr p�yabie
<br /> uack�'Pu'aW'�Pb�t1�rd,to interestduo;iourth�to PrinaPV due:and last,to my lato charaes due uader the Nou.
<br /> 4. Charpes� Lieas. Bonowee sts�ll pay dl taus.�eeeemeata.char�ea.finee aud impoaitions attributsble to the
<br /> s
<br /> property w�hich may attain priority over thia Security IasWment,and laset�old paYmwta or �rouad r�ata� i anp.
<br /> BorroMa ehsll py ttxae obligatioas in the manner pcovidod in Pa*a�raPh 2.or it not pud in thst manner.Borro�vet
<br /> stuli pay them oa time diraKlp to the peraon oWed p�Ymen�Bacrower shsU promptly iwaish to I.cndar atl notioea oi
<br /> amouats to be pid uader this Pari�raPh•Ii Borrower Yn�lces these p�ymente directly.Bortower sh�ll prompdy furaish
<br /> to I.�nder reoeipte evideacing the prymeats.
<br /> Borrawer s1u11 promptly discl�arCe any lian which has pciority over this Security Iastrumeat utiless Borrowet': (�)
<br /> - agreea ia writia�to tIu psyment ot the obli�a�:on sxw�ed by t1►e liea i;a manner aocep which in�rLendo�s o�on
<br /> Eood taith the lien by.or detends a�,aiast e�nfarceme�t of the lien in. egal procyoodin�s
<br /> _ operat�to preveat t�e eaforocment of the lim:or(c)axures Irom the holder ot the liea aa agcament sstisf�to
<br /> Lender oubordiestas�the liea to this Socwitg'�ti�irument.If L.atider determines that any part of the Prapertp' �
<br /> - to z liea whish tna�attain prioritq over this Security Inswment,I.asdec rosy �ive Bomowa s cotia ideatiiping the
<br /> �lea,gorrower sha11 satisfp the lien or tske oae or more oi the actioas s�t forth�bove within 10 days ot the�iving oi
<br /> _ swtice.
<br /> _ � � �
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