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<br />-- - ' perloda Ihet l.ender rcquira. 'Ihe inaurance carricr provlding tho insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to i.endetl�
<br /> •pprovRl which�all not 6e utueasatably wlthheld. If Botrower fwils to m�intain cover�ge degcribod above.La�der taay.st
<br /> Lender's option.obtain coveraga to protoct Lender s dghts in the Prapehy in occordAnse with paragraph 7.
<br /> - - - All inaurance policiea and renew�ls slwll be�ccepwble to i.ender wxl:hall include a s�andAnd mortgaga clouse. i.endrr
<br /> = - -- rhall huve the right to hofd the policiea und rcnewals, lf Lender rcquioes,Bormwer shnll promptly give to l.ender all receipts
<br /> `� af paid pr�tmiums and�enowal notices. in the event of loss. Borrower shall�ive prompt�wtico w the inaurence carrler�nd
<br /> >� Lender. Lender may malce prnof of loss if not madc prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> _��--_,��
<br /> UMesa Lendcr and Horrower otircrwiso egrcc in writing,insuram�e proi.�eds ahall be applicd to rcatomtlon or rep�is o
<br /> ---- thc Property diunaged, if�he restoradon or repefr is economically feagiblo und Lender��ecurity i�nat Icssened. If the
<br /> rcstoration or rcpair is nd economically feasible or l.ender's secanty would bo lessened.lhe insuru�ce proceeds shell be
<br /> applied to the sums securcd by this Securiry Instnrment,whether or not then due,wi�h any excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> Bocrower abandons the PropeAy.or does nut answer within 30 days A notica from Lender that the insurance cwrier has
<br /> offercd to senlo a cleim,then I.ender may coliect the insurunce praceeds. Lender may ose�he proceeda to repeir or resto�e
<br /> thc Property or ro pay su�tu secured by thls 3ecwity Instrumenb whether or nat�hen due. The 30�day pariod will begin when _
<br /> - -----� the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of pro�roeds to principnl xhall not extend or
<br /> �•��"''"°" postpone the due date of the monthly payments r�ferred ro in purugrnphs I and 2 or change the umount of the payments. If
<br /> �"'°�`ffi'� under paragrnph 21 the Prnperty ia ucquired by Lender,Borrower�s tight to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> from d9mage to 1he Pro�xny prlor to the acquisition ahall pass to I.ender to the extent of the sums secu�d by thic Secu�ity
<br /> ss,v�r� Insdument immediately prior to theacqu�sition.
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservadon, Nlpiatenauce and Protection oi the PropeMy; Borrower'e Lown AppBcatioa;
<br /> -�-.��_ l,easeholds. Borrower shdl occupy.estabUah.und use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after _
<br /> _ ?"�'�:'�.:� ,,�� 1he execution of this Security Insuument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrnwer�pdncipal t+esidence for ut
<br /> _ ----- Iesst ane yu►r afur the date of occupuncy. unlesa Lender aherwlse a�rees in wdting. which consent sMell not be
<br /> - � unrrosonably wfthheld.or unkas extenuating circumstnnces eaist which are beyond Borrower�s conwl. burrower shell not
<br /> -- '"�=`�'�=�'�'•-°" destroy,damage or impair Ihe Property.allow the Property to detcriornte,or rommit waste on�he Propeny. Borrower shall
<br /> ;~��`�f• be in default if any forfei�ure ection or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,ia begun that in I.ender's good feith judgment
<br /> --�� � "t' � could result in forfeiture of Ihe Properry or otherwise materially impair the lien creatcd by thia Security Insaument or
<br /> ��"-'�' Lenckr�security interest.Bortower may cure such n default nnd reinslAte,as pravided in pa►agrnph 18,by ceusing the acuan
<br /> ;;w`..��;;:,��1:�;;r; or praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lenderk gc�od faith determination,pt�ecludes Yorteiture of�he Borrower's
<br />- •:,;;,;, iaterest in the Properry or other material impuirment of the lien created by this Secu�ity Insuument or Lender�s security
<br /> _ ..:;.�. ,� interest. Borrower shall aiso bc in default if Borrowcr, during tl�e loan application process, gave materially false or
<br /> �:;..M y: ;:�.: • y,�� inaccurate informadon or statements to I.ender(or fniled to provide Lender with any material infurtna�ion)in connectian with
<br /> ' *+'%-'�"t"' the loan evidenced by the Note, lncluding, but not limited to, �+epresent�tions conceming Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> -- -,�,�,::„�,;.�-. ; :,, F���ty a;w prit�cfpat resid�ncc. ff this Sccuriiy Insisumeat is oa s leastholsl.9orrower�hall r�r�y wi�h all�he provisions
<br /> �� ��,. • - of the lease. If Borrower�cquires fee title to the Pmperty,the leusehold and thc fee�itle shall not merge unless Lender agrces
<br /> � j; . ,,. :,,:�. to the merg�r in writing.
<br /> ;�;,�cY,.;;;�,=,t;,r,;:.; 7. Protection oP I.ender's Bights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perForm the covenAnts and agreements
<br /> ,i � • .. .,,..,. .
<br /> ,� , . '�.-.��:.•:v contained in this Security Instrument, or there is u Iegal pmceeding that may significantly affect Lender�rights in the
<br /> � ' :�� Property(sueh as u praceeding in bankruptcy,pr�bnte,for condemnation or forFeiture or to enforce lows or regulutions).then
<br /> -= �t� '' � Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to prorect the value oi the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br />:-� ���,i1,,, : L.ender's actions may incNide puying nny sums secured by u lien which hns priority over this Security Inswment,appearing
<br /> in couct paying rensonable nttorneys'fecs and entering on the Property to moke repnirs. Although Lender may teke action
<br /> '� ,,..,..;.,... +� �" �
<br />_,� � •� � ^ under this paragraph 7.Lender does not hnve to do so.
<br /> :a•d..��..
<br /> • .,,a. Any nmounts disbursed by Lender under thi,paragruph 7 shAll become additional debt of Bormwer secured by this
<br />-'�� "�•°r•�`���� � •^" Security Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lender ngree to other tertns of payment,these amounts shall benr interest fmm the
<br /> A'` � date of disbursement ut the Note rate and xhall be payable.with interex4 upon naice from l.ender to Borrower requesting
<br /> •�.I��...�,�.... . .:.., u ment.
<br /> � P y 8. Mortg�+ge Insuranee. If Lender rcyuired mortgage insurance ac n condition of ms�king the lonn securcd by this
<br /> '�1�_-,�_ .�_� .
<br /> i . • '.,j�_A Security Instrument, Bortower shnll puy the premiums required ta maimain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any
<br /> '� '�'4 ' reason. the mortguge insurance coveruge reyuircd by Lender lupses or ceuses to be in effect, Borrower shall puy the
<br /> -`�, ��� ,,,�•--, '�'� premiums required to obtain coverage substuntiully cyuivalent to the mortgage in�ura�ue previously in effect, at a cost
<br />^-� . substantially equivulent to ehe co�t to Bormwer of the mortguge insumnce pr�viously in effect,from un altemate mortgage
<br />= =�t _ insurer approved by Lender. If subslantiully equivalem monguge insurunce cuveruge is na uvailable,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> _��,,::,.•_:�; Lender es�ch month n sum eyual to one-twelfth of the yeurly mortguge inxurunce premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> "� - a� r:•• ` insurance covernge lup.sedorceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use und re�ain these payment�us a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> °���=�•� - of mongnge insurance. Loss reserve payments muy no longer be requircd,at the option of Lender, if mortguse insurance
<br /> ~ ' coverage(in the umount uid for the periad thAl Lender require+)provided by an insurer upproved by Lender ugnin becomes
<br /> .. ��•> " �:` uvailvble nnd is obtAined.Bortower shall pay the prcmiums required to m•rinrrin monFuge insurnnce in effect,or ta provide n
<br /> �� "'���� � loss reserve,umil the re uiremem for mon a e insuronce end.in urcordunce with nn written u r�ement between Borrower
<br /> _ �:,, ; n,r•,. . q 6 S y g '
<br /> _— . and Lender or upplicuble law.
<br /> -� � 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent muy make reu.,onuble entriex upon and in,pection,of the Pmperty. Lender shull
<br /> ;� • ' give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to un inspec�iex�spcciFying re:i�onable cau�e for the in.peclion.
<br /> c���� ,• • 10. Condemnwtion, 'TUe proceeds of uny awurd or claim for damugeti.Jircct ur comequcntial,in cnnnection with uny
<br /> 5inElc Famfly--Fonnlc MoelFYeddk Hac UNIM'(/R�t INSTRU�1F.tiT•-UniGKm C�wrnant. 9r9D q�uue?��Jo Iwxrai
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