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<br />� 1�4 �AIViILY �IT��1�,
<br /> A�iQnmeoc ot Rmta
<br />• THIS 1-4 FAMII.Y RiDER is mada this tO1N dAy of OCTnBER � 1996 ,�ad 1s
<br /> inca:porateil inw and shall be deesised to�cntad and supplen►eat tha Matga�a,Iked of'iirust or Sesuxity Dood(tGe
<br /> 'S�uicy Iasaumcat")of iho samo due Qivtn by thc undusi�nod(ihe"Bamwcr")to exure Sorrowor's Not+e to
<br /> (�'�")
<br /> of tbo came dato a�ul��criq�tbc Property dcscribod ia tbo Socurlur Iustrun�ont aad loc�tod at:
<br /> '724 WEST hice�E STREET
<br /> GRRND ISLAhD, h:BRAS�'C� 68601
<br /> [A'openY Addeenl
<br /> 1-4 FAI�YILY'�OVENANTS. In additlon b the covrmoi��od�roetnents m�de in tbo Socurity Instiw�ua�
<br /> Bort+nwer aad�,�s�futth�oovuuat and tgroe a�fdbws:
<br /> PropeYty d�saiba}na tbo Socurity Iact�umw�tl�o foliowiag iteaw u+e st3ded b tlfa Pto�xrty dactipdoa.aad tlWl
<br /> atvo cunspi�to che Pf�vQacy oovurd by the Socurity Iaswa�aa�buitdia,�a�erWs.appll�uoa�ad 800ds of ovaY
<br /> aatiu+e whstsxva uow or barafter iocatad in,on,a u9ed.ar iutended to be uted ia ooa�eWoa witb the Propcsty.
<br /> iociudin�,lwt not limited to.tbo�e for dse P�P���1Y��a��T•�lt.�Y•�•
<br /> watar�air md light,C�e prr.�eotioa�ad aatia8�8�.�Y iod�control appa�tu�,pWaabin��
<br /> bWb u�bs.w�tK hea�as.v►�ter clomas,siaYs.r�ogea.sooves.crfdgeston.dl�hwu�a�.dt�powl�,�6as.dryEn,
<br /> awnings,stami R'iadaivs,storm daors.�as.bliods,*h�i�.curt�ias�od curWa rod�.�ttacl�ed wlre+oc�.cabirx�,
<br /> p�g aad a�cba� tbnr cavaYngs aow a dar,attier attached b tbo PenQaty� all af' w�hicli, �Ctudi�
<br /> repl�cemeats aod a3ditiona tbceta.sls�bo deerned to be aad niaaic a prt of the Propaty oover�d by tha Secocity
<br /> Iasacumeot.AII ot'sbe fotegviog 1ogdLer wish tbe Pro�erty dacx�bod ia 16a Sacurky Inson�aneat(ar tbe Ie�eUoid
<br /> e�e if d�e Seca�rity L,s�uma�t u�a leau�oid) �a�e refared 10 ia t6is 1�4 Finaily Rida aod die Socuriry
<br /> ��c tbe'ProQaty.•
<br /> .. .
<br /> s.usE o��ea�itTY;col{iPl.L►N�E wiTH l.Aw. E«roara ah�u na xek. �ree m or mVice •
<br /> . . _ ._. _._chai�ge in tbe�ae of die Pnopaty or 3ts zo�iis�climficaaon.�ilar I.ender l�t aat�oed in�oQ lhi�cluo�a _ ...._...--.-
<br /> Bo:rower a6�11 a�tply wids all l�s, ocdiamoa. r�gul�tioo� ao� i'o4uiremmt� of �►Y �ovelnma�►�l bodY
<br /> : apptic�bie b th�Pr�paty.
<br /> C.SUBOjtDZNXi'E I�NS. Bxcept as pemiittod by faleral law.Borrower sh�ll not albw�y liea iaferia
<br /> � �o d�e Seauity Insut�au to be pafaxed agai�t tLe Propesty ai�wut L,eadei's prior writteo pam�uioa.
<br /> � D.REi�1T I.OSS INSUiUNCE. Barnwa sisaU maintain io9uranoo t�a�st rait ios4 in additioa tu tln odrr
<br /> , haz�cds far which iawrance is reqt�ed by Unifatm Cova�ot 5.
<br /> E."BOitROWER'S RYGHT T4 REII�ISTATE"DEl.E7F.D. Udfaraa CoVa�at 18 sa deieeed.
<br /> , B.BO�iROWE�'S OCCiJP,�WCY. Unlese I.mdti aod Bamow+tr otbawise s�roe in w�ritro,Q, tbe fu�t
<br /> aealcaa ia Unifoc� Covea�at 6 0000a�aiog &rm�ver's oocup�oay of the PrroQury is dekbd. All t+�ioio�
<br /> . cave+�o�aod a�roemem aet�ia Umit�Cm Covea�ot 6 sha11 rr�stia ia effect.
<br /> YW.TI�TAT@ f•�FAYiLY RiOfA•FaanM iiavfr�ddb Wo Wliaw ttwtrusMt Forn i1J�iqi
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