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<br /> • g�� �OS'7�C1 :
<br /> � 16.Borrovrer'a Copy. Boerower shaU 6e givcn one confc�rmed copy of 1hc Nota enrS i�f this Socuriry Inunu�w�t
<br /> 17.'fYaatter ot tbe Property a a Btceficial Iateres�W Borrawer. If all cx any�.�ut of the Property a any inteirst in ii i� _
<br /> so�d cx traruferrad(or if a 6r.aeficial intercst ia Borsower is sotd or a�ansfc�rcd suul Borrower is not a nauualperson)without �:
<br /> I,cruics's pdor wriuea ca�s+eui.Lender inay�at its o�tioo.ro4uirc°i�amcdiate PaYmcait ln fuil of�If sw�s sacura.9 by tAis 5.,:,urity �
<br /> Instiwnzsu.Howcvcr,this optiou shall ant be excrc�sod by Lic�1q�if exerclse is pt�►�Aih�it►d by foderal law as of the d�atc of thi9 �
<br /> Security Insnucxa� `
<br /> If l.endes euercises thLc optina�L.ec�der slsaU givo Borrowcr nodco of accclerutlan.Tt�s c►�tice shaU provide a period of not less �
<br /> than 30 days fc�m ttfo d�ta taa csot�ca is deliverezi or►usileci wii�a whi.:,`�Ba-rawN mi�st�ay all sums secuced Dy th�s 3acurity �
<br /> Insquiae.ot If Bamwer fails W pay tdes�e sums prlor w thc expuarba of this period.Lendcr way mtioke any re�alies perauttcd =
<br /> by tdis Socwity Insuument withaut furttiar aotico or durucul oo�SCOwer. _
<br /> 18.Borrower's Ri�6t to Ranstste. If Bocmwer a�ects certain coadidoas, Barrnwer sFu+ll bave the right co have _
<br /> enforcema►t of this SecuritY Insuumeot discaapnuod at any tiir�prio+�tn the earlicx of: (a) 5 days (or such otlw period as _
<br /> rppL'ccabie Vw may specif for ninst�eaaau)befae saie of the Prop�rty 1xusuant w anp powcr of sale coatausod in this Security -
<br /> PP
<br /> Insaumesu:a(b)enuY a jud8ment eaforcic�thiv Security Inatnun�nt'Ttwse condUions ace thst Bo�ro�ver:(a)p�Ys L,usder a11 _
<br /> sums wtich then wou�be due uader this Security InSWtn�nt and the Nao a4 if na a�xeleration had occw�trd; (bl c�urs any -
<br /> default ot'aay otda cove�nants or agroema�ts: (e)PoYs all eug�a►ses incutred in enfarciag tld�Sec�uity Insonuueat,including,but -
<br /> not Wnitod to�reas��oabb attonr�ys'fees:�nd(d)takes cuch xrion ss l.endrr max reasoa�{9 ro4uire tu ass�ue tlwt the lien of chis -
<br /> Secucity IastrumeaL l.end�r'9 rtghts in the Pmperty and Borrowet's obligapon m �u�� Lhe sums sa.ural by this Socuriry
<br /> Inst�u�►t shall c��►ue unctwngod. Upon reinstat�eax.nt by Hoaower. tbi,s Insuumer�t�nd the ob securcd _
<br /> hcreby sdyll reu�fiiliy effxave as if no aocelr�ation t�d aocurred.Howeva.�w�iAState shall not app�tt�case ot
<br /> aocekrs�tion unckr pat�graph 17.
<br /> !9.Sak o�Note:Ch�u�e otLoas.Serviar. 'iltie NoOa or o partial intcsest in t?�e Note (togetlur,with thls Secuiiiy _
<br /> Insaumast)may be soW oae or mae tunes without pria notic..;u Borrowrs.A sak^.ma�rrsvit in a change u�the en6ty(Inwwn =
<br /> aS ihC�l.�O�f$t3V10K")t�1it COl10CLS nl0tft�y YQltALS d11C W1�tJ thC NWO BR�I t�8$aCl�tlty tI1S�11�q1t.�IlltlC�90 IIIaY bC OOC 0� —
<br /> awa ctwnges of tbe Loan Saviax un��o a sale of tAe Note.If tha�e is a�of the Low Servicu, Bamwcr will be _
<br /> givcn wrima�aoaca of the ct�nge in ocoocdana w�th psr�rap�h 14 above aadapp law.'i�e aoci�e will sta�e the name aad _
<br /> addres4 of the ncw Loan Servioa and ttse addr�ss to wlucb p�ynwrata sho�ld be made.'I��o notice w�il]also coatain auy otha
<br /> iafa�natiMrequired by applicablo law.
<br /> 20.Hau�dors e••�■•••�•� gomower shaU not cause or petmit the pc�eset�ce, u�.c�sal. stnra8�. or rtiease of any .
<br /> F1s�aer3o��s SubetBOCes oa a in tLa Propaty.Barowa shaU not do.nor�lioa�yono eT�e�o do.swything affocbn8 the Propaty
<br /> tbat is ia viol�tioa of an�Eavironmeatal Law.7be procodiag two unteaces sl�all not appSy to the presesce.use.ar staage aa tbe
<br /> Rnpeity of small qu�nhties of Hazardous Suba�es that ace�e�erally�oca�izod m be�ppropdate to aamal residauisl usav
<br /> • aOd q mainta�ncC Of tb0 PtnQetty.
<br /> Barowa st�ll P�►P�Y Si�e L�eader writteA notice of any invesdg�tion. claim, dem�s�d. lawsuit or otha actioa by any
<br /> go��anuoesW or re�u�y qB�Y a P��P�Y iavolviag the Pro�xity aad aay I�1t�.anbuv Substattice or fitrvlroamwpl Law
<br /> of wf�ic7�Bacrowu ha4�cwal fnww o.If Barower k,�ms.or ia ootified by aay govesnmesnl ar reSulatay'sutbo�itY.ti�t any
<br /> :+emoval ar otdet raaodi�dOa of�ny�dou4 Subst�nce affoctia�tbe Propesty is t�ocess�y.Barower s1�sU P�P�Y talcre a➢
<br /> neass�y im�edial adioas ia�ocotdance witb Eaviroaneat�l Law.
<br /> �v wed ia this por�rap6 20. `Haz�dous Substances" are tlwse�defined as wxic or har�rdous� by
<br /> finvieomxnql LM �nd the faliowing �Staaces: ga�oline, lctmseae, othef fZa�unab3a or to�cic peudaua tn�cic .
<br /> p�aad habiddes.vo4u'be sdveuta.mawials can�iain�asbesws or faaaaidehyciG aad radioactive mata��used ia
<br /> t�e�caa�noi�20.'F�viroaa�eaW Iaw"a�eaos foderal4wa aod lsws of d�o j�tri�dictioo where the Prnpaty ir locafod that traalo
<br /> . .. _. . . --- - ..... . _
<br /> w hea�.eeFery a mvuana�eanl proteceoa. _
<br /> NON-I]NII�RM COVENAIV'IS.Bacrower aad I.ax3a further cova�at aad�oe as folbws:
<br /> Zi.Aocslaratioai�alirs.Leader ciaB Qive sM�oe to Barower prior to acala�tioa to�owis=Borraw�er's breaeb af
<br /> ,q cova�t or a�ese�t i� tLi. saWrit� Ia�a�est cbut .ot prjoe a �ooeiaatio. �.aer p�razr.p6 17 aaiar
<br /> sppBc�bie M�w pwviia oticrwi�e).Tre�otice sis0 sped�:(p)t�e defiak:(b)tie ntio�rsq�ie�ed to core the del�r�t;<c) _
<br /> a d�sot fea�tMa 30 dsys troa tLe date the aoKee i�Eiva�10 Bare+ower,b��.I�ica t�e defadQ n�ut be eured:aad (d)
<br /> tlnt ta�le+e to c�+e ttie�letsult ai or be�o�+e ti�e date a�ecYied is tl�e�otice�risdt i�sooderafi�a aP t�e a�secared
<br /> b�tiis SeaQit��a�d s�ie of tie Prope�t�.'f're�srW taeti�a'i�o�s Baraw�er ot the ri�t bo rei�ta�e
<br /> a[te��oo�eratio�aad tie ri�it to brty s 000rt actlo�to a�rt ttie��a�eaae ot a defwlt or�q et�a dde�e af
<br /> Bon+ow�er bo sooeieratjo�aad We.U tie defiolt i��ot csred oa or befar+e t�e ds�e�pecYk�d in tbe�olioe►L.e�der.st ib
<br /> opt�,�7�'e9�i�sedists p�oe�t in!1�of dl wss�eur+ed by tl�s Searit�Lr�eat wit#wsR hrt�er desa�d
<br /> s.a.�r i�,�ote ue powrr a�ale aaa sn�otDer rea.airs pes�rtbea b�appliCabie laM.L�ader�wlu be ea�tlea m ao�a
<br /> ai�peaus i�nrrM b�tie re�dies provided is t1�it p�rs�apd 21.hcirdit+brt�ot irited�o„e+�oas6fe
<br /> atlene�s'ka a�d oab of tilie e�ii�ser.
<br /> u ue pa�ar or sale i� farrel�a.Tr�tee.iW noona a ,oda or ae�faaie b ea3 oo�aqr i� .� y�pare or tle
<br />- Ptopert�i�loa�tad u�d�U u�sil aopka at�eL�otkb i�tlie aa�a pnxr�ed��spplicaDle!aw to Borrawer aod b tLe
<br />=� otYe per�o�pr+picrF6ed tiy apptie�bk irw.Attxs tLe t�req�+ed��sppYcabie law,Tro�tee sLaD�ive po6L'c mtiea d
<br />� sde to t�e per�o�s a�d ir tie�amir preurrbed e�app8ea61e 4w.T*�teG wit�oat dema�d o�Bon�wrr.�iaY sdl tlre
<br />'= pto�rt�at�ublfc s4ctioo to tbe l�6est bidder st t6e tim�aad nba aad usda t�re t�s'�f de�a�ted ia tLe motice ot sale
<br /> For��i O/a0
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