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<br /> aPPlied to restaratian ur rc�snir of the propescy dama,Le�,w�ltx4�c���rtics o��xuys:.agrec, _
<br /> cxcept if resturatiou or repair is nc►t ewtiwn�ically fcasible or i,c3�:�x sx.urity is not lesseued, –
<br /> othervvise said proceed�sh311 bc iwid on the dcbt bereu�,wtKt�,�rs or ewt ther,luc.
<br /> Unless Leiuler eacl Borr�wet othe.rwisv agrae in wri�r,uaF F�Y��or pror.�ecds fron�
<br /> iasurance shall aot extend or postpone tha due ciate of tl�e�•�i��►y azents prov�d�.i in said
<br /> inctrnment Of lA(�Cb1Ct�I1CSS.or change th�amount U�'�e ps���:;�:v,.t,.
<br /> 5. If Borrower fails to perform the covea�auts and ag�crnisn�is 1�rein contained,Lender
<br /> may do and pay for whatever is necessaty W prote�ct the val�ne of�uo property and I.ender's rights
<br /> in tlx property,includi�g the paYing of any sum s�ured by a Liesa�tifiicb has priority over this
<br /> Deed of Tcust,aPpearin8 in Court,PaYit►�n rcasonuble e�tsor�ney f��and enterir►g the Rmperty to
<br /> make npairs. Any amount disbursed b,y�I.endes uader ttus�a{��ph sha11 become aa additional
<br /> debd of Homower secured by this Deed�F 1lrust,to bear int�resi�to�rn the date of disburstmeat
<br /> aud said amount,wSeiher with the thea unpaid principal aaaouc.�,s�isll bear int�rest ai the lughest
<br /> lawful rate until refunded by Bomower.
<br /> 6. The proceeds of an condennneiion award are hereby an�ign.d and shali be paid w
<br /> I,eader aad shall be applied w the suxns secured by this Deed of'�rust,whethei or not thcn due,
<br /> with aay excess to be paid Lo Borrower.
<br /> 7. Any extensions vr modificati�ns of the laaa gra�ted�t�Lender to any successor in
<br /> inierest of L:,.;�uEr shall not operate w mltase the liabilaty of li:ne original Borrower or
<br /> �cirrower's successors in intetest Any forbearaace by I,e�der i�cxercising any right or remedy
<br /> st��ot be a wanver of or preclude the exercise of au.y �ight ar�emody.
<br /> 8. Any twiice w Borrower pro�nded for in this Deed a�'Tnut shaU be given by deliverimg
<br /> it or mailing it by first class mail ualess Nebraslca Law requir.�.c+sa of anott�'meth+od+at the
<br /> Borr�we:'s last known a�ddress. ,.. �
<br />-. . _ .. °. 'I+�.;..°?��f Tr.�s���11 l,r_.p�verned by N�braslca.Lbvv.
<br /> Z0. Lender shall give aotice w Boaower foVnwing Btrrnower's breach of aay covenunt or
<br /> agreement in this Deed of Tn�st and thc Debt wluch it scc�. The notice sl�all specify'(a)t}�e
<br /> defa�ilt,(b)tho action roquired to cur�the default,(c)a date na�t.Iess thau tea(10)days fmm the
<br /> date the notice is given to Bomowec by wluch the default muat�e cured,aad(d)that failure to
<br /> cure tbe defauit on or before the date specified ia the n+aticc r,nay res�ilt in acceleration of the sum
<br /> secm�ed by tlsis Deed of Tc�cst aa�d sale of the properiy pursuuat to the power of sale hereia
<br /> , . gi�ntod. The aobce shall fuither inform Borr�wer of tJac ri�t'ta neiastate,stter accelrr�tion,aad
<br /> the right to bring a court action to ass�t the noneuisieace a�f a c�efault or aay other de�u.se of
<br /> Borrc�w�er w accelaation aad sale. If default is not currd,c�n or before the daie s�Sa�in the
<br /> notice,I.wdar,at its option may require immediate paymant in fiill of aU s�ms�ecured by this
<br /> Dad of Tnut without furtller demaad aad may iavdce the powrr of sale aad aay other reatiedies
<br /> pennitied by Nebra4ica Law. L,ender shall be eatiued to colleci.all expenses incurrr,d in prusuing
<br /> the rtmedies providod in this paragraph or oth�erwise talc,ea W i�t its interest in collateral
<br /> describod in this Deod of Tn�st or eaforce any provision�here��including 6ut not limitod to
<br /> reasonable attorney fees and cc�sts of title evidence.
<br /> � � 11. If tl�e power of sale is inr•�ked,Trustee shall reeocd a notice of default in e�county
<br /> in,v�ici�aay part of the propeity is located and sh�l1 mail copies of such notice ia the maaaer '
<br /> �z`6ed bg Nebraska Ia��. Trustce,witiwui deixtand ou Borc�w�r,shall sall thz properiy at
<br /> public auction to the highest bidder at the time aad place snd under the tenns designated in the
<br /> notice of sale in one or more parceLs and in aay order Tn�stea d�mines. 7'rustee maY P��
<br /> sale of all or any pa:r,el of the prope�ty by public anaouncement at the time aad place of any
<br /> previously schoduled sale. Lenda or its designee may purchESe the ProPatY at aay sale. �
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of tbe price bid,Ttustee shall deliver W t11e pum.�aser Tiwiee's '
<br /> Deed conveying the property. Tcustoe shall apply the proceeds of sale in the following orcler: (a)
<br /> , W a!I expenses of the sale including,but not limited to,Trustee's fees as permitted by Nebraska
<br /> 2
<br />