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<br /> ,,, ~. �;.°';� ,. . 1d•Cown�nta d Trustor with Roapect ro Leasea,Wlthouf tlw pdor wrltten aonserrt of BeneNctary,Tiusfor ahell not,dlrecdy o►lndlrraty.
<br /> � *:,�::'�,.,• w116 rapp�ct to�ny fNae of apaco!n the Treiat Proprrey,a any portla►fheno/,whatMr auch laase/r now or JNr�db►!++�xlaNr+or.
<br /> ;�,,�„!,t k' (�) A ccap t or penn l t a ny p r�p a y m e n t d l s c o u n t a a d vsnd p a yment o/nnt hareundsNn axcwa d aw monih,
<br /> (b) Cancel w terntlneta the seme,or acaept arry canoel/edon.tennln�don or iunande�thereoi,a pem►!f�ny rwnt ta ocow whbh w+oufd
<br /> „�,..,: ocaur thanundar to himfnate or cuicN tho ranw,WMr th+�tom►ln�tlon lo►nonpaym�nt M nnt,
<br /> �:s�' • (o) Amend ar modly tfw�eo as ro r�duco fho twm t1N►aol,the reraa!pay�bla tlaraunder�or to chanps any isnewN provl�ant
<br /> .,R ' thoran co►Nalned,
<br /> �'�+ .�• �r .. - (d) Waivo eny delsult fhereunda a breach thweol,
<br /> �� a� (�) Olve any consent,walve►o��ppmvel fhereun�ar a dBe any odwr acdon in connecUon thwewlth,a wlth a kaseo theroundrr,whbh
<br /> .���-�•.��'•�' ' would havo the e!loct ollmpydnp the va/ue o/dw lascor's Intereat thoraundero�the property sub/eot thereto,or ollmpNr/np tIN
<br /> � �, � posldon a Interest ol Benelialary Iherein, a c=-
<br /> •�.����s (n 5ell,assipn,pledge,mortpepe o�othawlsa dlspose of,or aicumboNts Inf�rost!n my saJd Wa�a any�nta,Issues,pro/!qlsailnp
<br /> --- � A�"'"'�'j aeri�lnp thereunder.
<br /> .,.��y,`'�".�:;;;,t` � 7. Wefver o/Statute ol Umltedons.Tlme!s M the essence ln all o!Tiusta's obBgetlons and dudes hereunder,and b the exPent perr►Yftod
<br /> -��•�••i°•�: �-° by law,Truator waives all present a luture stetutes o!I!mltadons wlth respect to any debf,demand or obUgadon secwod iwnby+nd
<br /> y_ ' ��t a`�� f any acdon a proceedlnp for the purpose ol enlorclnp thla Deed ol Tivat or any dghts a remedles conteined hereln. !-
<br /> "'•�� ` 18. Asslgnment ol Deposlts.In the event canstructlon o/lmprovemenle/s contemplated 6y the loen evidenced by the Note secureal
<br /> - + N he►eby,as euidldonel secu►Iy tl►ere/ore,Tiusta hereby bansfers and esa/gns to 8ene/lc/ary,all dyht.dUe and lnterest to any and dl
<br /> � .;�r�.•���`, ,J���` monles deposited by or on behalf o�Tiustor wJth eny alry,county,publ�body or agency,senitery dlsMct,udliry company,and
<br /> =�,;,. � � � � any other body or agency,for the lnatalladon or to seaure ihe Installedon o!any udllry by Tiustor,peAalMng to the Trust Pmpe►ty.
<br /> -- •" '' '' �°�� 1D. Corporadon or PeAnerahlp Exls►ence. ll Tiusror Js a co�poretlon.general partne►shlp,o�dmlted paRnershlp,it wlll do all Ihinga
<br /> � �r.,,y, �� � necessery to preserve!ts corporate or po►tn�hlp exisronae,as the case may be,end all dyhts and p►!vlfepea under tlw lawi o/lhe
<br /> - ` stafe of ila Irw-urFwreU�n oi u�ganlzatlon.
<br /> _.:�;�,�� - • �� �0 Fabearertce by BeneBcfary Not a Welver.Any forbearance by BeneHcfary!n exerc/sing any dght or remedy hereunder,or oGwnvise ---?�
<br /> - °- � �--�� `�5 allorded by appllcable law,shell rrof be a walver ot or preclude Me exerclse of any sucb dgM or remedy.The procwement d �-
<br /> �,,�,-a�+�`!��;�^�� Maurance a the payment of texes a the dlscherye o/llens a vheryes by 8enellclary ahall not be a wa!►wr ot BeneBclary's�lyht ro _.�.
<br /> ,r "�'�` �';� accelerate fhe maturly ol lhe Indebfedness. --
<br /> 1�:`; .
<br /> 21. Remedies Cumuledve.All remedles piovlded In thls Deed ol Tiust are dlsUnct and cumuladve to any other dght or remedy unde�thla �
<br /> � . . �" Deed o/Trust a aHaded by!ew a equlry, and may be exerclsed concunendy,Jndependendy or auccesslvely. �''=�
<br /> �;•' ° • —
<br /> . � 2Y. Successors and Asslgns Bound;Jofnt end Several UeWllty;Capdons.The covenanls and agreements hereln contelned sha116lnd,and _
<br />" '�.;r J '"' . r.•.•..u�, fhe dghts hereunder shall Inure to,the respecNve successo►s end ass)gns ol Benellclary, Trustee,and Tastor.All covenants and _
<br /> � � ;, agreementa ol Trusror shall be�o/nt and severel. The captlons and headings o/the parapraphs ol thls Deed o�Tiust a►e!a =--
<br /> d.� . ., , "•.--
<br /> :��� • convenlence only and ere not to be used to lnterpret or deNne the provislons hereol. .�.z��
<br /> � � � �� ' �..� 23. Notice.Except lor any nodce reqWred under appllcable fa w ro be piven!n another manner,(a)any nodce to Tiustor pmvlded forin dNa �-�-•�--
<br /> -��r• � � Deed o►Trust shall be glven by malling such nodce by cerdRed mall,�etum recelpt requasted addressed to Tiustor atlla mal6ng =
<br /> .,,...: __
<br /> address set lorth above or at such other address es Tiustor may designate by notice to BeneNclary as provlded hereln,and(b)Any -=
<br /> . � nodce to Beneflclary w Tiustee shell be piven by certifled mall,retum�ecelpt requested,to Benellclary's and Tiustee's malflnp =__
<br /> - - address stated hereln or ro sucn other edoress as Neneficiary or Trustee may designnte by m,ticn tu 7ruator as provlded 7�erelrs.Jlny - -
<br /> • � � . � nodce prov(ded forin thls De6d ol Tiust shall be deemod to have been given to Tiustor,Fene/lclary or Tiustee when plven/n Ihe -�
<br /> " ' manner deslgnated hereln.
<br /> �" . 24. Qoveming Law;Severe6l1l1y.Thls Deed o/Trust shaU be governed by the laws o/the State ol Nebraska.M the evenf any piovlslon or y� -
<br /> , •� � "�' clause o�thls Deed ol Tiust conllJcts wlth appllcable/aw,such con/lict shall not affect olher provlslons ol thls Deed o/Tiust which can , -_
<br /> ,� be glven elfect wJthout the conNlcdng provlslons and to th/s end the p►ovlslons o/thls Deed o/Tiust are declared to be severabfe.
<br /> " • ?b. Events o/De/ault Each ol the fopowing occunences siwll consdfute an event ol deloult heieunde►,(he►elnaUer calJed an"Event
<br /> , � ' ,•'i . o/Oeleult"):
<br /> � •��ro�•,.� (a) Trusror sha/I lel!ro pay when due eny princlpal,inteiest, a princlpal and lnterest on the Indebfedness, - _
<br /> � ; • " t° � (b) My warienty o/IiNe made by Tiustorhereln shell be unfiue, �i'`�"�
<br /> �♦�y . ' (c) Truator shall leil to observe or peAorm any o/the covenants,agreemen►s,or cond'�lons!n mis Deed ol Tiust �-1.-+�-
<br /> f ' . .3 ,:
<br /> (d) My representatlon oi wenenty mede by Trustor on any/Inanclal stetaments or iepoRS submltted to Bene/!clary by or on behalf o� �`�'-'�`
<br /> Trostor shall prove/else ormatedally misfeading, ���'A
<br /> . ,,,a�;: �, (e) Tivato►shall lail to pedorm a observe eny o/the covenants,cqndidons or agreements conte/ned/n,or binding upon Tiusta unde►
<br /> ,t .;. x. any bWlding Ioan agreement,secudty egieement loan agreement,flnancing statement,or any other egreement lnshument or ;�'.`,�;
<br /> :; ": document executed by Tiustor!n connectbn wltb the loan evldenced by the Note, . •
<br /> � ``'��'� � (fJ A trustee,►ecelver or Ilquidator o!fhe Trust Property a of Trustor shell be eppointed,or any ol fhe creditors of Tiustor she/l lde a
<br /> • peddon in baokruptcy agalnst Tiustor,or lor the reorganizatlon o/Tiustor pursuant to the Federal Bankruptcy Code,or an y dmAar
<br /> _,,, law,whelhe�lederal or stafe,end!I such adei or peMlon shall nol be dlscharged or dlsmissed wlthln th►rty(30)deys elter Ihe dafe -
<br /> ��: ' . on whlch such order or petltlon was liled, �
<br /> (�) Tiustor shall file a petltlon pursuant to the Federal Benkruptcy Code or any s►milar law.ledeial or stete,or 11 Trustor shall be �'-'
<br /> o.---
<br /> • '� � `� • adjudged a bankrupt,or be declared Insolvent,oi shsl/make an asslgnment lo►the benelit o/credltors,o►shall admit in wdt/ng!ts �-�-"`_
<br /> '.�::'3.
<br /> lnabillry to pay/ts debts as fhay become due,or shall consent to the eppolntment ol a recelver o/all or any parf of the Tiust Property,
<br /> ,�ti�..:.. . ,
<br /> •� (h) Finel/udgment lor the payment of money shal/be rendered ageinsf Trustor and Trustor sha//not dlscharge the same,or ceuse t ro
<br /> � be dlscharged, within thiriy(30)deys a/ter the entry thereol,or shall not appeal therelrom or Irom the order,dec►ee or piocess upon '��.;_�-
<br /> whlch or pursuant to w•hlch sa/d Judgmenf was granted,6ased,o�entered,and secure a stay o/executlon pending such appeaf, �
<br /> �'�' • (I) Tiustor shall sel/or convey the 7rost Properry, or any part fhereol,or any inforest fhereln,or shell be divested ol!ls tlUe,or any interest
<br /> thereln,in any manner or way, whether voluntarlly or(nvvlunta►fly,wifhout the written consent o/Bene/iclary being lirst had e�d
<br /> obtalned,oi
<br /> ' U) ll Trusto�ls a corpora6on or parinershlp and more than�iHy percent(50°�0)ol the shares or benefic(al lnterests in such corpo►albn or �'
<br /> � partne►ship,as the case may be,shall be f►anslenedor conveyed,whefher voluntarily ar involuntarlly,without the written consent ol k ,
<br /> BeneNciary being lirst had and obtained. k
<br /> 26. Acceleratlon ol DebC foreclosure.Upon the occurrence o!any Evenf o/Delault,or any time thereafter,Benellciary may,at ds option. �
<br /> decla►e all the Indebtedness secured hereby immedrately due and payable and the same shall bear interest at the de/ault refe.ii any, '
<br /> ' set foRh in the Note,or othenvise at the highest rate pe�mltted by lew,end,inespective of whether Bene%ciary exerclses said option,it •
<br /> :` may,at ifs option and in its sde disciedon,wlthout any luhher notice or demand to or upan Trustor,do one or more o/the 1db wing; E
<br /> (a) Beneliclary may enter upon,teke possessron ol,manage end ope►afe fhe Trust Property or any part thereo%make repaiis and •
<br /> a/teratlons and do eny ects which 8eneliaary deerns proper to protect the secunry thereof.and erther wrth or wrthout takmg E
<br /> - '��"'.,.w......:.......n..�.�a...�.., on�e � .mc nnA n�nliJc inrluAinn fhnRw nARf duA Alld unna�d.
<br /> --"_—_ . �,/{/3�7�7JJ1Vl/�lll/W Vt�%I IIP%IIO.JVO IV�v� vu��a����v vv..bv�w.ur.�r�v::���.......r•+�����••�1-.�..•-• � •
<br /> - � and apply the same,less casts a►rd expenses o►ope►et�on and collectron,mcludmg reasoneble atto►ney fees and Bene/iciery s
<br /> costs,upon the Indebteaness secured hereby and in such order as 8enel�ciary may determme. Upon request ot Benel�c�ary.Trustor ,
<br /> shaH assemble and shall make aveilable fo Beneficiary any of fhe irust Property whrch has been removed.The entenng upon and
<br /> � taking possesslon ol the Trust Prope►ly. fhe calecbon ol eny rents,�ssues and prol�ts,and the appl�cahon fhe�eo/as aloresard,shall
<br /> not cure or w�ive any de/eult theretofore or the►eefter occwi�ng,or aHect any nobce af delault o�nohce o�sale hereunder or
<br /> Invalidafe any act done pursuant to any such nohce.Nohvdhsfand�ng Benef�c�ary's conhnuance in possess�on or receipt and
<br /> application o/rents,�ssues or prol�ts,Benef�c�Ary shel/be ent+Ged to exercrse every nght prowded fo►�n fhis Deed ol Trusf or b y law
<br /> upon oi alte►the occurrence of an Event of Default,mclud�ng fhe nghf to exeraso tho powor of s3le.Any ol the acGOns relerred ro m
<br /> .. • this paragraph may be taken by Beneliciary et such hme as Fenehc�ary may detormme wdhout reyartl ro the adequacy ol an y
<br /> secunty for the Indebtedness secured hereby.
<br /> (b) 8enelic�ary shell,wNhout regard to the adequacy uf any secunry!or the Indebtedness secured hereby.be ent�tled to the
<br /> �� eppantmenf ol a rece+ver by eny courf having�unsdict�on,wrthaut nohce.to take possession oi protect.and manege the Trust
<br /> �� Properry and operate the same and co//ect the renfs.issues and prol�ts�herefrom.
<br /> � (cl Beneliclary may bnng any achon�n any court of competent�ur�sd�cnon ro loreclose th�s Ceed vt Trust or antorce any a/the �
<br /> covenants nareot �
<br />