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<br /> � :s ,,
<br /> p
<br /> �ary L. anci ►vat,cy K. Bruoks Husb�u�d and Wife
<br /> " � nt
<br /> i.,,,:a,;�� . herein callad tl�e granror wfiather cne
<br /> —'-�-�t-,���', "'�. pg Six Hundred Forty 'rright and 00/].OU---------- ~~ '
<br /> � or trore, in oonsidara � _ ,
<br /> ��� .
<br /> m�1�8-- - -- ---�$ S64a.00 ) DOLWi�S rc�ceival fram
<br /> i ���Jrt-�.::`M1: —`— - and confistn unto
<br /> i r •" c�L'etlt9@9� claes grant, ba�+�ain, aell ccu►vey .
<br /> . �.w.a
<br /> +�ti?.t'��;,,:�
<br /> =��. _,,, .
<br /> �a.��.�_ • Hall Oounty herein called tt�e grant�e whether aze or mora. the
<br /> - —_ �
<br /> .::--= ���' ' � Hall
<br /> _ ° =�-��:�-'.__ following decoribed real ps�opertY in County, t�Lraslca:
<br />_. ,�;�.-- - �+
<br /> C. "
<br />' �, ,"/1C':..:,' ��' .
<br /> x,� • A tract of land aita�ated along the south line of the East Half of t11e
<br /> ' .••.y�r.: •:�.� .a Southwest Quarter (E�) of Section Four (4). ZbhmsY�ip Nine (9) North,
<br /> . ,'9.:,.}, .., gange �aelve (12) West of the 6th P.M. in tZall Qounty. Ne}araeka. more
<br /> . � • particularly clesaribed ae foll,awss -
<br /> ". . , •,';:' �. , � " He9inn3.ncJ at the southwpst aorner Of said Fsst Half of the Southw�eat '
<br /> _ ,. . Quarter (E�t�1h)t �e ��J n�orth al.w�g the w�eat line of said
<br /> ., ilc.�� °� • '�'� East Half of the Southwest Quarter ( .� ,c). a dig�� of Thirty Three
<br /> :`.�,.:_£.;_.,__ . (33.0) feet: tYrence Ywu�iabg east parallel to an�d ThirtY Three (33.0)
<br /> - -_- -_- _ _- feet north of the south line of said r:ast Half of i�tia Southw�st Q�x
<br /> : . (F�)r a distaryCe of a�yproa.imnately '1Wo Hwidred Seventy S3x a�nd •
<br /> � .. �� gifty.Three Hundredths (276.53) feets thence runniix! �rth Parallel
<br /> , + � ��„`� tn the wiest line of said East Half of the Sautlawest Qaarter (F�SNI�)�
<br /> �j, ' ' a distance of 7.W�elve (12.0) feet, to a point Forty Five (45.0) �eet
<br /> • ��E;?�°... . , r�orth of the south line of said East Hal£ of the South�aest Quarter
<br /> � .�� (E�W�t)s thence runn3.nc'! east P�allel to and Fbxty Fiv�e (45.0) feet
<br /> , ;� � mrth of the south line of sai.d East Half of the Soutlnvest Quart�x
<br /> .. ';{;" (F�S'f�). a distance of approacimatrely One Thousairi Forty Six and Ninety
<br /> �= .,�._.. Three Hur�dredths (1.046.0�) feet, t�o a point on the east line of�th .
<br /> �j�;' said East Half of the Southwest 4�'�' (�t) r thence runnin9
<br /> r::. ,+a•� � alorg the east line af said East Half of the Southraest Quarter (F�t)�
<br /> � � , .,. a distanoe of Fbrty Five (45.0) feet, tn the soutt�east ao��f�
<br /> .•�..�::,,
<br />�.' �....�� Fast Half of the Southw�est 4uarter (Fh�l)t thenoe runnin9
<br /> � � ' ' ,�� the south line of said Fast Half of the Souttxaest Qu�'�' (�). a
<br /> . ,�;=_. ti, distance of ap�roximately One Thousar�d Three Hundred �ntY Three and
<br /> . , ' Farty Six Hundredths (1,323.46) feet, to the point of beginning and
<br /> t . � a�. aontaining 1.291 acres more or less of which 1.003 acres m�re or less �
<br /> . . '.�'' - y ;:•'°� is presently oocupied by �ublic raad right-of-way. Net 0.288 acres
<br /> „ ° �' more or less� except a tract of land in the Southeast 4uarter
<br /> ���,,,, of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 4 described as -
<br /> " ���y"�`� � ' follows: Referring to the Southwest corner of the Southeast
<br /> Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Sectron 4: thence
<br /> ' � �asterly on the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the
<br /> Southwest Quarter a distance of 27.1 feet to the actual
<br /> � ' •� place of beginning; thence continuing Easterly on the afore
<br /> � described course a distance of 23804 feet: thence with a ,
<br /> • deflection angle to the left of 90 00 and in a Northerly
<br /> � � direction a distance of thirty-three (33.0) feet; thence �
<br /> � • Wester].y parallel witlz the South line of the Southwest ;
<br /> � Quarter of said section a distance of �.wo-hundred, thirty
<br /> � ei���t an�? .''our teni::�s (238.4l °eet� tilence .^.outherly a
<br /> �'�` distance af thirty-three (33.0) fect to tlie place or
<br /> �-=- haainninct.
<br /> ' �,, �
<br /> �.,�
<br /> � js „
<br />� � . Page 1 of 2
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