� . _ :�4• ;�.ii:^' � . _ . ..�- __"_ - ___-.
<br /> � . - - ... . . . � . .. -_^-'j'„'_. -._.
<br /> covauNrs ' �� �(���1
<br /> �. �Y111K1{a. B0I(OW�► aQfH� iP TYIw ww }-��mni1� titi IiMi i�Gii:i�'� .Ji.iuS iiv�w�i Q�i:r. liiu3:i u37T�:J.� �..j �.�•,1Ci+_! _ .±9 l�1MtWIN. ilfly =
<br /> paym�nts 4�ndw r�c�lvao trom Baraw�t W��i .:o�r���-;s ta.vtit wi4 be�pPNed fhst to any�m�x�nt� Sa�aw� owaa an th� wcut�d d.►b:
<br /> not r�iduc�or�ix�cuw�ny�cMaiuNd WVmw�i unut tt����u��d b�t�ia p�i�l�d�i�P;�s�D��WYn�uu ot t1w wcur�d d�bt occuca tu rnv nuoa.it w+N _
<br /> 2.Ctwi+n�Apair�t Ziila.Etorrowar wii!psy a8 t�xa�,�ss�rtcv�ant�, and othw chupw�ttribut�bN to tMpr opKty wMn du�ond wlll dst�c�d titl�
<br /> to tM propK�tY�p�in�t�ny d�im�whlch wouid irnp�'a�lxi l«n++libor��r�natirlil�to�(niprov�orVm�Itain BM����rt any riphU.clakns or _
<br /> d�t�nsw wt�h 8arow�r rtuy haw p�M�st putie�wlu�w{iµlY
<br /> 8,huw�nc�, BMtpwlr W{H k��p tM prop�.ty Inr�urui �x�ii�+�tarma actapt�blo to ltnder pt Borrower'a erpen�� and ta Lan�i�r'�b�1it AA
<br /> {ns�u�nc�polic,l�a sluU Inelude a�t�nd�rd mcxts�A ctaua�{n favo►ot l�nd�r.4�nda wili M nam«f��bro payw w�a tM iruueaai on any tuch _
<br /> �arsc�Npc 1c��diEti It��dir rpui�'ru�maWWe u�wxaix�.�a,6 rrow�Iip�N�o mikitsi�nts�uch�i�irtur�i�a a«a rlwW+i 4in�iiadria�iras°�ty -
<br /> �.�raaartY.Barrow«wil)kNQ tM O+opwtY in Qood wnditlan�nd mak�W npaks rawnsblY n�nswy.
<br /> 8,Exp��a,BorrowK�prw�to psY W LendW'e supi►n6�.inctudinp nason�bN att«n�y�'tN�,If Burrow�r bruk��ny Cov�na�t�In tAi�d��d
<br /> of trwt a fn any oblqatlo�ucund Ey thtc dud at truAt.6arrew�r wiN pay tMa�a�rounts to L�ndW w G�ovk1W in Cov�t 9 of thia d�ad ol
<br /> uwc.
<br /> e.hio�S��trKK�sq.Uni���Borrowu firat o4t�ina l ar's writt�n caruant. Borrow�r will not makn or p�rmtt any chmQa�to�ny prbr
<br /> s�curity intarw��. Borrow�r wlll p�rtorm sll ot &xrov�ro►'q o�aUotu�nd�� iny prbr mortpafle. d�ed ot trwt or othK c�curity�Mms�u.
<br /> includirp Bortow�r's Cov�r►�nts to malu Psym�nt!wlwM dttP,
<br /> 7.A�a/R�nu�nd Pro1Fb.BarowK assignA to I.u►�du t1»rmts and protitt of th�prop�rtY.Unlecs Barow�r and luid�r h�w aprNd
<br /> otiw in writMz;L Borrowx rray coiNiet uid r�t�k� thq nnts as tonp +s Borrowe is not in dafwlt. If Borrewer d�hutt�,L�ndar. Und�+'�
<br /> sp�nt, or� caxt appoint�d rrc.iwr may tak�p�swssan �.+d R+at►ap�th�prop�rty and coit�ct th�n�ts. A�y net� Under eolNca sMll b�
<br /> �c�uy rilatb� �xp�tw�Th��i�W�mot�l�et c v i w��sn sDP�Y t D�Ymttints on thi eicur�d d�bt ia D�ovid d in�Cowi�sntdllu�y otlwt
<br /> a.Lws�taldr CondonJt�iutnr, PiMxNd U�t C+�op�N�.Bo�"av►ess�se�t�o compIy with tFw provlllotu ot a�y I�aN ii this d�od of ttwt I�on
<br /> �Nas�hold. I�thi� dNd of tnut it on� unit In e caxiamtt�iwn o�+r�vaiw+w�nit dt++�bprtMnt,Botrowv wUl p�rfam all of Bor�awW's dutiu
<br /> uncM�th�cownant��by-lawa, or rputation�of tta condomMiwn or w11ru�W wxt d�wbprrNnt.
<br /> �.Autl�ority of L�wia to Pwtam tor iarow�r. H 8cxtowM fWa to p�rFot�n,an�at Borrow�r't duWi wxl�r tNs ds�d of uust,L�rxf�r m�y
<br /> p�rfam tlw dutiu a caus�tTwm to D�P�amed,U�may s10n 8orrovwr s nom�orpa y�11y�rtI0N11t it MGSii�V 10f pKfOfl11it1C�.It anY
<br /> �'�t�1/kt�a�tf�woD hl•�may�k►c udi tco�m�t�p tlii cax�n��t,Lw+cir nav do what�wr k t+�us+W to prot�ct L��••
<br /> Undw's taikr�to prtam wili�pr�akid�lw�da hum sz�ctsinG�+Y of ib otlw rfphts w�tl►�law w tNs dMd of Vwt.
<br /> �rW wi�b�srUht�irpt trom�tlrt�of tl�i pi1�n�il pa'�idn�l«n�fuitF ai�tlfi'�a�aii i�aR�oe thi ucur�d�b,mounts wiU b� dw o�dan�nd
<br />- 70. Mfwk �nd Ase�Mion. If Borrowa fids. to mrk� any pa}Tn�nt wMn dw or br�aks �ny wwnmts und�+this ENd of uuat a sny
<br /> ��a�P�YmMK�d�^aY�voi«c�t�hyi p�awav of�wl�i and�th�ri�im�di�a D�rm�it�t�d bcNwatappAc�N Ww��of tM wcur�d d�bt and
<br /> 11.R�t 1or Node�of D�fault.It ls M+�by r�quRSt�d th�t eoDiss of th�noUcu of d�fautt�nd ul�b�s�nt to weh p�raon who 1��D�N
<br /> F��to.�t t!w�ddr�of uch such Wnon.n s�t fortt�Asnin.
<br /> �2.pov�rK of�at�,K th�Unc{�►invok�s tM pow�r of cal�,tM TnutN thMt First nCOrd in tM offlC�oi th�tqiste of d��ds ot�aCh Cow�tY
<br /> wMr�in th�trwt p�opKCy a son�part or pnesl tnereoi i�atwt�d a notica ot d�fwlt cont tM tnlams:IOn nquirsd by law.TM TrustN
<br /> sholl afao maU wpl�s of tM noUc�of d�tault to UsM Borrbwh►.to ach p�rsan who is a party��to. and to otMr pwaoru as Pr�saib�d 6Y
<br /> ippWcabt�{aw. Not las tlwn on enonth ahK th�Tr�etN r�da tM eotic�of d�faWt,o►two month� If th� trwt pro�ty b not in arry
<br /> inGatDOntsd cFN a vill+p�md u w�d in tarminpopK ataxu cartwd on Dy d»uwta.tf�7rustN sh�H piw pubtic not�a of s�t�to tM puwrw
<br /> and'e�+tM maxwr D�aib�d by�NcabM IaN°.T�u�tN,without d�mand on Bo+row�r�slwtl wtl tM 4YOp�tY�t Wb1io wcUon to tM Npt+Mti
<br /> 6{dd�,M rpuk�d by th�PKm Hoe►wat�ad Rotsction AcL TrustM slwq offK ttw propsrtY tn two s�puat�salw u rpu'r�d Dy sppNclibt�1aw.
<br /> LM+d�r ���y P�hw tl�tyi aop�rtl/��tP�M�Y P��wiau�wm�nt at ttr tin�and P�ot anY p��xhl ach�dul�d ssN.
<br /> iS,,;„-.. °-t-..•;.sar�_!�••r?^-•w�,r��nww.h�t dsYvr m t!r areAwr TruatM's dMd oa►wyk+p tM P�oP!nH.Th�ncitiatf ca+taL»d In
<br /> Trus�.ss'��sha�l be D�++�a taci�ividiM+c+oi ih�truth af th�ststsin�nb eont�d thM�p1.Tnists�stuh sppq uw procww oP o�s..i.�■u:
<br /> idbwin0 ordK: Is) to all�xp�w� of tM saN,incJuAinO, hut �ot limiad to, nasai+bt� Trwt�e'a f�ss, roaaonab� sttac»y'o taa and
<br /> ainsat�rn�t fws:ibl io ali sunw s�cur�d by tJtiis dNd at Vust,�nd(c)ttN bsJanc�,it arsy.to th�pw�w►s Mpe�h�+t1tMd to nc�iw it.
<br /> 13.Fondo�n.At land�'�cDUon.this d�W of Uut3 maY b�ta�cbad In th�marc�D�ovtd�bY+PP���+w tor lonclowr�of mortWW�
<br /> on r�al propwty.
<br /> 14,Y�etlon,L�nd�►may�nw th�propMty to hu�ect it If Lwb�r piws BortowW notic� b�(a�lr�nd.TM nottc�mwt sUt�th��wor�
<br /> eaus�tor lsndw's Yrpectloe.
<br /> 1 i.Ca�d�rm�ion.Borrow�r �to L�nd�r theproCNdf of�nY�wsrd a G�fm tot dsmap�t co�atsd wi1A s co�d�mnatlon or othw taklro
<br /> of����tl+�D��YU�P��s wii! W�OD�+s ProvicMd in Covww�t 1.Ttie a++i0nnwa is wbj�ct W ths ts�raa�o!any pior
<br /> 16.VMdwr.BY�xrciskq�ny r�ava�t+bi�to LKxlK.L�b�das not G�w up�ny r{phts to Wtu ua�+w�tI otMr r�m�dy.By rot�arci�Mip
<br /> anY►�dY uPOn Borrowvr's d�twtt,L«xMr doas not waiw arW ripht to tatM cons+d�r th��vwu a d�tautt I!it li�pp«u ap�in.
<br /> 17. .IoMit�nd iw�nl LMbity; _CaNawrr,StsoaNan �nd AN1Y�M ia�na. All dutiN undu thL dNd of Vust�r�JoiM�nd�awnl. Any
<br /> goerpw�r who co-�ipns tMe dNd of trust but das not ca� tfi� u�hrina d�bt in�MxMnt(t) das so on1Y to O�ant a�d oaw�Y thtt
<br /> B�rpryrpw�r'a inwsst In tM proprtY to tha TnutN ur►sfM tM�t�m�s�ot tlwa dMd oftrust.In�ddiNon.such�BortowM�prMS tha�t th�L�t�y�d
<br /> d�6t� '�tlw�r��tl� o��wu's�c���'wtfi�niwfi+o th�t�oww tr m�w��thb�af�t�tlMd of IIust ot tM swtr�d
<br /> TM d�s and b�f:cs ot tl+is dMd of aua thill Eind�nd b�rriit tM sueassors and assi0ns ot L��d�r�nd Borto�wu.
<br /> 1�.Mofk�.UN�s�oth�rwM� nq�ic�d by law,arw natial to Bortow�r shaN D�piwn by dNiwri�p it or by mNlkq k by e�tified msil�ddr��ted to
<br /> Borrowu st tM prop�rty�ddn�o ae any�otMr adaoss tl�st Borro�w�r tw p�wn to L��d�r.Barrow�r wiM O�w utiy notiu to l�rxlK by cwtili�d
<br /> msil to l�nd�r'a addr�ss on D�O�f of this dNd of uuc�,or w�nY othv�ddr�sa wNcl�LN�has d�siprntod.MN ottMr nctiG to L«�shW
<br /> b�wii to Lw�•,�ddau�a stn�d on V�a ot ttzis dwd ot trust.
<br /> Any noUc��hW b�d�rMd to h�w bMn yiwn W Satrow�r a Wuia wtwn piwn tn ttw rt►�r►rw stat�d ahow.
<br /> t!.Thntfr►M 1M�M/rlY K���Meid NMwM t�tM ioaowK.tE alt or anY P�rt of tlrptoqrty or+nY iMerat in k i�sold a u�ntf�nd
<br /> wiflw�rt L�W�Pa P+� ��conWnt. LKrci�c m*ff.6�n�nd k�wn�dista WY��t ot U►�ssc.i-•=ad dsbi. Und�► m1Y atto d�nand kr�►sCi.-ta
<br /> d�P�Y�►t�thiM�bow'�twt ow�'tt�is PP���yw a«i of dm�ot tl�iis d�ot trw��d.How�vK. L�nda ro+Y not
<br /> - 20.R�oaw�w�.Wtwn th�o�liO�GO++wtwed by tttk d�ad of:.vrt has bwn p�1d, and Lender has�f�:fw�oW3�atbn to maka a+Cvancos
<br />— �xrdM th� itNVWn�Ms orqr.��«n.nu s�c�roc nrm�s d�sd of trust,the Inistw shs'�i,upon wriict�n trqwo:6v;,`w Lend::,r�c�stv:�i t�+a�i
<br />— prop�rtyr.Th�I.�nda sMN dMiwr to tM Sorrovree�or W Borroww'�tucc�ssor iee i�n+L th�ttwt d��d and t�r not�or othM�vid�nc�o!th�
<br /> obbpstion ao sa�fi�d.Bortowa sKtY P=Y yM►��oadation Cost�.
<br />— 21. S�o�Tnub�. Ur�dr, at UncfKo op�bn, ms nmow TrustM and sppoiM � sucdsta trusta�b1V first. msilinp � CopY of th�
<br />= of��tY��hic��trw�t D�oP.�MY����pi�[t�hw�f.fis�irtu»st�d.�TM weaua�wste�a�w�'rthout co�nwysnc�af th�top�rty, shall
<br />� WCCMd t0 W t11�D�wK.dItLN.WihOMY YIO tiU00Tih�TfUiW(1Yq�d il1 tIM��d Of VUit�Ild O!N}I iYCC�tiOf VYf2N. �
<br />'s° ♦
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<br /> a� ��+�rr+��ri�Tw9.�r..sr.cwun�r+�aaw�u'�w'�s�•sx�i�a+��or./wTQ��{ns��
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