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• `E � � <br />o���l C����.� <br />EXH1B17 p f'1 n <br />Legal Description 2 0 0 4 0 5 4'7 2 <br />A�ract af land in the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of 5ectiarr Five {5), Toumship �l�ne (9} North, <br />Range Nine {9) West af the 6�' P,M., Hal! Caunty, Nebraska, and descrfbed as fofiows: Beginning <br />at a point on the north right of vaay of U.S. Highwray No. 281, sa'sd point being 56.9 feet north o� <br />the southeast comer of the Southeast Quarter (SE1l4) of Section Five (5}; thence westerly along <br />said north right a# way fine a distance of 1,307 feet to a point on said narth right of way line and <br />being 49.2 feet narth of the south Iine of satd Southeast Quarter (SE1/4), thence running northeriy <br />and paraHel ta a Ifine through the center of said Southeast Quarter {SE1i4) a distance of 33.8 feet; <br />thence westerly and parallei to the south iine of said Sautheast Quarter (SE1i4) a distance of 25 <br />feet ta a point on a line through the cente� of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4}, atso being an the <br />corparate line of the Viflage of Doniphan; thence nartherly along the corporate line of the Village <br />of Doniphan, aiso being on a line through the center of said Southeast Quarter (SE114) s distance <br />of 691 fe�t; thence Westerly a4ong fhe corpvrate itne of the Vfllage a# Doniphan and parallel to the <br />south 4ine of said Sautheast Qua�ter (SE4/4) a distance oF 761.5 feet; thence narthsrly along the <br />carparate ii�e cf the Village of Doniphan and paraflel to fihe east right of wray lir�e of the Unfan <br />Pac9fic Railraad a distance af 407 feet; thence westerly a4ong the carporate line af the Village of <br />Doniphan and parailei to the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4} a distance of 467.0 feet <br />to a point on the east right of way line �f the Unlon Paciflc Raitroad; thence northerly along the <br />east right of way line of the Unian Pacfic Rai{road a distance af 469.4 #seE; thence easterly and <br />paraltel to the norti� line af said Southeast Qusrter (SE1/4) a distance af 610 feet; thence <br />northerly and parallel #o the east right of way line af the Union Paci�c Railroad a distance of 285.5 <br />feet; thence eas#erly and parallel to the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE/114) a distance of <br />350 feet; thence narkherly and parallel ta the east right of way line af the Union Pacif(c Railroad a <br />distance of 700,0 feet to a pafnt on the narth iine of sald Sautheast Quarter (SE1J4j; thence <br />easterly a(ang the north line of safd Southeast Quarter {SE114) a distance of 1,583.1 feet to the <br />East Quarter comer of said Sect3pn Five; thence Southerly along the East line af said Southeask <br />Quarter {SE1/4) a distance of 2,588.�a feet to the point af �ginning, <br />AND <br />Commencing at the Sauthwest cor�er of tot Twrenty Nine (29}, in Scudde�'s Second Addition to <br />the Vi!lage of Donlphan, Hal! Cnunty, Nebraska, thence northe�iy along the west boundary line of <br />said fat Twen'ly Nine (29) and continuing in a straight northerly line, extended, from the northwest <br />comer of said Lok through and across the street abui�ting the north side af sa4d Scudder's Second <br />Add4tion to the north baundary line of said street, being Cedar StrQet; thence at right angles in an <br />easterly direction and along #he north boundary line af s�6d street, being also the north carporate <br />boundary {Ene of the limits of the Vfl#age of Doniphan at this paint, and, continutng to the northeast <br />comer of the carporate limits of said Village, beirtg the Northeast comer of the intersection of said <br />street with South Street; thence in a southerly directian afong and upon the east boundary line of <br />South Street, being also the corporate boundary line of said Vi(fage to a point directly east of the <br />south {ine of Lots Eighteen (18) to Twenty Nine (29) extended, thence uvest, across and through <br />Sauth Stree# and continuing along and upar� the south line of said Lats Efghteen {1$} to Twenty- <br />Nins (29� of Scudder's Second Addition, and betng the narth line of the alley abutting this <br />addltian, to the point of beginning, sald �.ots ln saTd Scudder's Second Addrtlon now vacafed, and <br />said land beln a pert of the Southeasf Qu�rter {SE1/4j of Sectton 5, Township 9 Morth, Range 9�� <br />West of the �P.M., Nal1 County, Nebraska <br />EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Kansas-Nebraska {�atural Gas Campany, Inc. in Deed 105, <br />Page 240, desc�ibed as: A smaU traet of land in the East half of the Satttheast Quarter af Section <br />5, Township 9 Narth, Range 9 West of the 6�' P.M., described as foliows: Beginning at the <br />Southwest corne� of said E�st ha4f of Southeast Quarter, thence North 83 feet; thence East 25 <br />feet; thence South 83 feet; fihence Wes# 25 feet to the place of beginning, subject ta H3ghway <br />right of way of the south 33 feet, and EXCEPT a tract of land comprising a part of the Sou#heast <br />Quarter {SE1l4} of Section Five (5}, Township Nine {9) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6�' <br />P.M., in Hall Caunty, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: 8eginning at the <br />Norkhwest comer of Block One {1), Madefin Fry's Additton ta Daniphan, Hall County, Nebraska; <br />thence running northerly alang the easte�ly rigttt of way line of the naw abandoned St Jae and <br />Grand Island Rallroad, on an assumed bearing of N 01°04'1Q"W, a distance of 467.00 feet, to a <br />point on the east line of Lat One (1), Biack Two {2), Doniphan Rallroad Subdivlsion, and to the <br />ACTUAL point vf beginning; thence nanning NQ1°01'b0"VV, a4ong the east Ilne af Lot One (1), <br />Block Two (2), Daniphan Railroad Subdivision and its extension, a distance of 475.28 feet; thence <br />running N89°16'26"E, a dista�ce of 466.89 feet; thence running 501 °02'42"E, a distance of <br />d73.19 feet; thence running S89°fl1'07"W, a dishance of a67.00 feet, to the ACTUAL polnt of <br />t�ginning now known as Lot 1, Hayes �am�ly Subdivision, Haf1 County, Nebraska <br />> �J� .e e� �. �.•'� T,••~.0 <br />� 1' <br />