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<br /> (}.ASSIGNMENT OF�.AS6S. Upon l.a�dcr's re4tus�.Borrowcr s1W1 ass�Sn w Latider all ies�s of� -
<br /> w�oQacy�oa.0 soauicy depoiics aude iA cmaoccioa ww�I�s of tbe Pmpr�ty.lU�pou t3ie assi�uttscat.t�aada -
<br /> slu�lt nave ct�e riQtu a c�tltEy.e�ctcad ar t+amiaate tbc exiKin�t tea�e�,►od�o exocure oew ieases.w l,enaer's sok
<br /> dliiCntltxl.A{1LfOd YI{h1t Q�1�►Q�tllC WrYd�IC�1C"SA111�C�O"SUbl!'iSC� lf lhC SOCUiIty ItLS11t1f11d1�19 Ot1!
<br /> {CittbD�.
<br /> Ba�rowe�r abeoWlely�d unoo�dibonallY�us�od traott'v�W Ltader all ttNe reots aad revwues(�Rcats")of t2�
<br /> pnppaty,ceg�dkss oi b wt�om IAo Ra�is of d�e Propaty Ac+e p�Y�e.Boerawu�utlwrius I.wder or I.eiwier's
<br /> �mn w oo�lect the Ra�ta.aad�raes tl�aat eacb ta�t of tbe Pro�r4�sLal!P�Y the:Raus W i�eod�r ar lroader's
<br /> �ou, Howev�rr.Boet+owa t6�11 recdve d�e Ruw uoW(i)I.u�der hn�ivea Borrowa notice of def'ault p�u�t eo
<br /> p�pspA 21 of ttic�ocw3tY In�umast�ad(ii)l�eifder 6at 8ivm aoti�e w tbe ta�nt(s)th�t the Raus ace w 6e
<br /> paid 10 L�eadet or l.,aKler's �1. 71us assi,�nmeat of Rents coasti�W�es an absolut�o � aod aot aa
<br /> �ssipiaaeot far ad�iitiond�eaui�Y oalY•
<br /> If I�auder�ives notic�e of 6�rach eo Boe+nwa:(i)all Raata nodved by Bormwrr sh�ll be held by Boeowtr as
<br /> ws�ee fa tbe ba�ic of I.eoder oa1Y.a be�ppiiod a d�e smas socured by tl�e SocuritY�<�)1�s6aU
<br /> bc ntitled b cuibct�od tvoeive�ll of tbe Renb of the Ptopaty;(iii) BoROwer ag��tl�t each temot of tbe
<br /> pr,ope�qr�Lal!py all RaUt due�W�q Lardei ar l.eoder':�eats upoa l�eoder's�vritlw de�d b the
<br /> � C�) ��p�iCable Nnv peavldes wha�vi�e,au Raus cdleaea bp I.aodrr�r I.eaaa•:a�,Lau be
<br /> ,�ea fi�sc a t�e caw of nidag oma�ol of.o�m�g d�e Pt+o�+�r�o�+��+n.ioc�•b�ODt
<br /> iioaik+d w.aipoc�Y=�fee9.roa+vet'a fees.prtmi+�oo reoa�'s booda.re�air and m�ialea�noe oat�s�au�oc�e
<br /> p�,emiu�. duca.��od od�a chr�a ou d�e P�p�Y.oad them tn d�e swas�bY d�e Saauity
<br /> ►�..�..(�)Lende+.I+aider's a�a�ar�nY�d�aDY�ppo��iod raoa"a�sl!� '�....-*'-.w��^e�,.�n.�y d�oa
<br /> Rea1�se�aDY�ooavo��od(v�7l.eoda�hai!be d�Btled to l�ave a reoeivet appoioled w t�te poWrs�am of�ad
<br /> mae�e,be ptoQe�ry.na oonoct dre Re�a�a pc�a aeriv�oa cran a�e Propaty�vima�►c�oy sb�+rusg�s b are
<br /> �1�Y���Y��Y'
<br /> If Ibe �Ri1ff Cf t�1C PYOpE�iy afe nOt Suff1CGeOt b C91�'�t C�C OOdis Of�00�Of�m�O�LQ dIC
<br /> Pi�[�C[i'/�OE OO�OdID�1�l0 RCOts�ly flYldi t��COdO��}►I�71�fOf A1C�1�p0�ts Sblu�CCOmG�10�1�Of
<br /> Saaow�a a I�eodQ�a�ed by d�Saa�tY In�u�P��Uaifacu�[lovemac 7. of I�e��ad 6ar �
<br /> Bona�rer repcaaats�od�va�ta�ts tl�tt Bano+�a h�oot e�ec�lod aa�priar�m�t
<br /> �ot�d�vi1l oot pufaen mY+ct dut w�ould pzveat Lackt finm exa�g its ri�iW un3a t�P�'+��
<br />- ---- — td0l3Vl7.�111Ct oe toq�ed ir.cu'sz i�pi�.i�+o�w ._.
<br /> t.tada.a Ia+da'��a a ju�cillj►.�t�
<br /> of ar m�Ibe R+apaty 6efoce flr atler�ivin�ootice of de�uk w Baiower.�io�r�ver�1�ender.ar I�'s
<br /> a�e ar s jndic�lly�PPao�ed reoe+�"e�.�►do�o�t�ay dme�nc�a a def�ult ooc�a.Aay apQScaiieo of Reats
<br /> s�U not cune a�rriva any defaug a inv�tida�e�ey o�her r�t ar reme�ly of I.e�x.'1'hic auignaoe�w�.�af
<br /> tbe FcoputY�all tem�in�le�+hea all tbe�as socuced bY tbe Sec�ri�Y Inrnumeat�e P�io fuD.
<br /> L(R06S�D�FAULT PitOVL401V. Borm�er's de��auk ar b�rac6 uodrs �ag' nole ar �@�ea�t ia
<br /> wUicb I.mtki 6as�o iolar,st d�all be a Ixr,ach uadar tbe Socu�ity Ina�uoxat aod I.ew'rs msy invoic�any af tbe .
<br /> i+e�eedia pam�tkd bY t�Saa�tY Ia�a�-
<br /> BY SIGNIIdG BEiAW.Ba�mr�er aocepts�od a�e�ees lo tbe Wo�s usd pa�vimns 000t�ioed ia dtis 1�F�y
<br /> R�da. � �
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<br /> �g L NZ -Bo�ar DO�IIiA J WILL Bo��a�r�r
<br /> ($ql) ��
<br /> � -�a.o�er -8'°a°`rsr ..
<br /> �-i7 t�1.o� rwzrf Fos�itriilli . ,
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