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<br /> paYtixas may no{oaQer be roquired.�s thc aptlun of�.cnder�if mort�stBc i��uu+-�s:.a ca�er.c�e u� wno+uit and for thc pericxl ��
<br /> t�t l.en3rr saquires)Pt'ovickd by aa insur�u a�p+'ovocl hy Lentkr a,�eia b�on�s avallabk oad is obtuinat.Barowcr sh�ll PaY� �_--
<br /> prcmiums required w m�aWn mott��c insivana in eifec4 a to provide o loss resrrve.uatil�he rc�uircmeut fa nwrt�agc E__
<br /> (,at�csaoc�e e�ds u�a�c�,o�3a��w'w'�any a�rirra agroanau betwew Bo�rtowa aad I.endcr or applicabb l�w. _ --
<br /> l.ender ot its�genl tuay mako reasonabb catrics �:pon and ins�aCtlons of ttse Y�rope�tY•I.ettider s�sll Bivc
<br />- 9.Issp�ctioe. �yti�for the inspcction. - .
<br /> Borrowu ao6oc at t1►e dmo of or prior w�n iaspoction spxifYin�
<br /> 10.Coodemoatioa. 'I�e {xoceods of �ny s►w�rd or cl�im fot dainrSas,direct or aonse4txntial. in connoction wUh any _
<br /> wade�uio�ar otba talcinC of�Y P����Y�°r for conveypnce ia!iw nf condemn�tion. are harcby ass�°� "_
<br /> sh�ll be pud to La�du. ����W the sums secutcd by this Socuritp 1nsC[umeat, --
<br /> Ia tt�t eveat of a total takin8 of the PcoartY�th�Wocceds u�which the fair mari�u �
<br />� wb�ther ar not tben d�e,with ony exoess paid w Barowa.In ilsse event ot a p�tia1 taicin8 of ttu Property� ��:.
<br />- v�tue of Ilfe PropartY immediuelY beface ti�e talciaB is Wual W ar Qreatec tluo tho amount of the wms secured by�}�is Security' _t�
<br /> insarua�u immedi�telY b�fora the t�cia8. unless Borcower and l.entlar ott�wise e�ree in vvritir►8�the wms secu�d bY tLls ..
<br /> ra l�d by thc followiag fisctloa�:(e)the tat�l amo�ust of �"-
<br /> Secuiicy lnsauaxat shall be raluad by the anwuat oi tl�proceals utdP� unmedi�telY brSore the �,
<br /> thc suans socured 'um�odiatelY befoee the�aicin8.divicbd by(1�) the fair a�icet v�lue of�WPropat�f�ir mwket value of the =
<br /> t,acing.Any o�shau ee paia w a«mw+«.In cne evau of a pa�isa wida fc of the Prop�r' �,--
<br /> pmQaty imc�edi�cly before the taicin8 is kss tt�a tbc amouat of tbe sums sociued immediatelY before the tAkin�.uakss G
<br /> Borrower aad I.ender otberwi9e�ree�o wcitin8 a unkxs aPNicabb law otIwvrise Pc'ovid�+thc p�oo�ls sba11 be ap�P�to the
<br /> sums aocuc�ed by tDic SecuritY Is�stcume�wt�dher or not tbe wa�s are thea due.
<br /> Ii'ttio PmQatY is ab�ndonat b5►Barowa,or if. aftcz cotice by I.�eackx W Barower that the coad�maor offers co make aa -
<br /> awacd or eenle�cLim fa d�.Borrower fai19 tp nspoad to La�det withia 30 daYs after the data ciA�notice is�vea,I.enda
<br /> �s m�aiud to collect�od�'d�e p�oceeds.at its optia��eitt�er to ratotation ar ce�¢ir of the PmpeicY a w tbe sums sxurod __
<br /> by tlus Security i�ssuma�t.whaha ar aot tha�due. � ��slall not axw�d a postpooe -
<br /> E:
<br /> _ Ua3as Leatkc amd Bamwei othetwise�Broe in�S��yaad�ge tLe anwunt of suc6 P�Y��
<br /> -- me due dice of tbe moa8uy poymeats refanea a ia p�ra�apt� -
<br /> - Il;.��'r���F�p*�oe B71.eader Not a Waiver. Fvcta�sioo of the tiwne fac p�Ymeot a�oadificatioa
<br /> e�aoar�radoo of t3�e sru�sracurod by this Socuri�'Y Ias�ram�t�►�1 bY Leader to Any suocessor ia iataest of��wwcr styll
<br /> _ aoa oper�to to c�e tba 1+�itY of tl�e ai�iae�Bamwer or Botrowa's suooessors ia in�arst.l.axla sh�ll aot 1�ts ae9u�d�
<br /> �' ooiammce prooe�OBs���Y�im�nx�st a refi�se w eatmd iilae far paymeat a othaw��modify�moRi�ation af
<br /> the wms�ecund by this Sac�a'i�Y In�u�amt by reason of�ay dan�nd aa�e by tLe aiginil Bo�+nws c�r Bocrowet's�
<br /> . ip iatr�est.Any fa�beanoce by It�nder Ba ex�anY r�Lt a�y�uo1 be a waivt�of ar prt�cS�de iLe eurci9e of m�
<br /> ���"..��..s�.c 8o■�d;Jo�t ad Sever�f Y3abiby:Ca�'T6o coveeants and agr� of this
<br /> Q£j,p�y1d BCfDOWQ.i�]0� N �Y�� r
<br /> - Security Iasavn�at sf�II T�nd �od benef'tt dso s�s�s aad � �°i°` ":.�._.,;,. _
<br />- pangraph 17. Bo�ro�'s covea�ots aad �gt+eemuus sball be joust ac�8 sevaal. Aay Boaower wla oo-s�as this SeauitY
<br /> - IasWrnmt but doe�not exocuje the Nde: (� �s�-�C thit SecuritY In�rwne�ouIy to asort�G�a���S' that
<br /> Bartower's mtaest in the Pro�tY unde�'the tams of this SecuiitY Ia�um�t;(b)is°ot P�Y ��O PaY tl�e sums
<br /> secuc�ed UY this Se�a�itY Ia�aad(�)+�'as th�t I.a�da aad smy otba Barow�a may a�ae a e�ctead,modifY.fabe�r a
<br /> malce aoy axammodations arid�re�xd w tbe kxma of this Secaa�itY Ia�una��ar tbe Note withoot d�t Barower's oo�seot. _
<br /> 13.I.o�Crar�e�. If tbe bw secuted by this SoccaritY Insaumau is subjxt to�law which aets maximum ioa�a c�srBes.
<br /> ' �od tt�t IaT+is fm�lly i�pre�od�o thn tbe iata�st ar wba bao charges calbcted a a be co�loc�ed in ooanoc�m wit3�tbe la�a
<br /> ea�oeal Ibe pesmit�ed limit�.thea.:(��nY��an�+�Be sha116e rod�cecl bY t6o amo�t�Y to raduoe d�e clsar��o the
<br /> pe�mitled ti��o�d(b)�nY w�os�dk.�oilected finm Bo�mwa ahicb exceoded Pa'mr4�ed 1i�will be m�w�e�in Barro�rar•
<br /> L�eadei m�Y c1�oo� to m�ic+�tLis rrfimc�by re�cin8 t�e P� oxed uader dse Note a by malcin� a d�Pn'u�to
<br /> Baro�ar.If a refuod red�ces P�ciDV. d�e rad�etion wrill be tcr,atal ss a pa�tial PrepaYmeat a+ilbu��°Y P�Y���
<br /> �mder d�e Noia. �be givea by delivaio8 ii c�bY m�W+i u
<br /> 14.Notioe�. My a�doe 10 Bamwu prov;ded far ia tbis Secvrity 7nstrummt
<br /> by E�rst cl�sc ma�uNess�p3ic�b�law roquu�es use of�aot�es mettwd.Tbe aotice sha11 be diroctod to tse Pcapat�Adder�s a
<br /> - �ny o�Ler�ddcesx L�acmwa dai�n�es bY notioe ta I.a�da.Any aoace to I.aKkr slull be Qives by first claa era�io Leader's
<br />_ = a�bdress st�led[aeneia or sny otl�er address Lemdrr daignaus bY notice to Banower.Aay twticr pauvi3od for in thi�SaauuY
<br /> Iawument stnli be der��ed w I�ave beea givea to Borroarer or L�ender whm�ivea�s provided ia Wi��rapb.
<br /> — iS.Goveni�La�+�+'�7. 'I1�is SecuricY �a�uma�t shall be govuned by feda�l iaw amd tbe law of tbe
<br /> = p�dicU�on ia whic�h the Pca�aty is bcaoed. In the eveat d�at�oy provesion ar ctaus�of @us SocurRy Ins�ua�aQ tbe No�e
<br /> _' caoflicts with e�licabh ltw.mch 000flia thall not�ffxt otber Pc'ovislmt of tbis Sac�ritY Insuumeat or tlse Nc�wi�ich qo be
<br />= given effect wlUuaut tbe caot7i�ng P�'ovisioo.'fo this ead il�provisions af this SecuritY Ia�tumeat aod tLe Nooe sre dxlarod to
<br /> -_' be e�vaable.
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