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<br /> -•„�;�_ t,, .� THIS AEED OF TRUST ie made as of the � day of , 1992 bX r
<br /> "` and among HOWARD S. PARK and MOONYEEN C. PARK, husbend w o, ;"TRU08�R ).
<br /> ���;� whose ma�ling addreae ia: 2415 Del Monte, Grand Island, Nebraaka 698 ,
<br /> .�g; r.�..� and TRW TITLE INSURANC� COMPANY, ("TRUSTEE"), whose mailing addrass is: P. O.
<br /> _ _�!�����s� Box 627, Cirand Island, Nebraska 68A02s
<br /> 'A�1fP..C1Q[L'
<br /> _ and TRANSPORTATION BQUIPI�NT CO., INC., ("BEN6FICIARY") whose mailing addrees
<br /> �=`;�.�t� ie: 417 North Shaoly �nd Road, Qrand ieland, Nabraeka �8801.
<br /> �4�i:�...�
<br /> ,'t:3�6_�, .
<br /> ,�"�'��•' •�� � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION Truator irrevocably transfere conveys, and
<br /> -- assigns to Truetee IN TRUST, WI�'EI POWBR OF 911LE, for the benef�t and eeaurity
<br /> � of Beneficiary un�der and subject to the terms and conditione of thie Daed of
<br /> �t�' ^''?��'._;��� Trust, the reaf property located in the City of Grand Island, County of Hall,
<br /> �� �►;;ui,•. ;:...� 9tate of Nebraska, and 1Qgally described as followa: (tha "Property"): --
<br /> � .���,.:,�.
<br /> �.•:;-'"s°�" • °b LOt 31X �6)� BIOCk F1Ve �5) B81 A31 AddltlOri to the
<br /> ,,�q;_.;, : , City of rand Island, Ha 1 �ounty, Nebraska.
<br /> ��'"-'"" � ,�. TOGETHER WITH all rents, easementa eppurtenanaes, hereditaments
<br /> � — � �, interests in adjoining roade, streets encl alleys, rovemente and bui�dinge
<br /> 14 i "` "«�."�;:� of any kind eituated thereon and all personal prope�y that may be or
<br /> `��",`*.:�� ., . '. • herenfter become an inteqral part of such buildinqs and improvements.
<br /> ��:, . ,
<br /> -- .. y�,,:;:' The property and the entire estate and interost conveyed to the Truetee
<br /> _ _ • , are refarred to aolleatively as the "Trust Eetate".
<br /> �'`.-�
<br /> "—' ' '`� ` ` " a. Payment of indebtedness in the totel principal amount of $59,900.08,
<br /> �`' ' '�d " � � with interest thereon ae evidenced by the certain Promiesory Note of even
<br />:���, ,. •� � , •„ date (the "Note") wit�i a maturity date of July 1, 2022 executed by Trustor �
<br /> - which has been delivered and ie payable to the order o� Beneficiary and wh�ch �.<
<br /> .,�. ,,:y: � by thie reference is hereby made a part tiereof, and any and all mod�fiaatione,
<br /> �� extensions and renewals thereof, and,
<br /> `• '� �1;�• •• � b. PaymRnt of all sums advanced by Beneficiary to rotect the Trust
<br /> . • Eetate, with interest thereon at the rate of fourteen (14} percent per annum.
<br />_ . , �,,, ,, This Deed of Trust, the Note, and any other instrument given to evidence �W.,.
<br /> or further secure the payment and performance of an obligation seaured hereby
<br /> _ �
<br /> are referred to collectively ae the "Loan Inetrwnen�s".
<br /> i{ „
<br /> � 1. PAY�lENT OF INDEBTEDNES3. Truetor ehall pay when due the principal
<br /> - _ ��i�,r,�'• : of, and the n eres on, e n e tedness evidenced by the Note, charges, fees
<br /> �„ „ and all other sums as provided in the Loan instruments. _.
<br /> ���a#., �'�" 2. REAL ESTATE TAXE3. Trustor shall pay the annual real estate taxes P''
<br /> to the Hal oun y reasurer before the texes become delinquent and shall �
<br /> •� furnieh tax receipts to Heneficiary on or before May 1 and september 1 each
<br /> " ' ` ear. in the event that special assesemonts are levied by the City againet ,,,,_
<br />;�,; �':�`-, � �he property, the Trustor shall make the annual payments before the same
<br /> • . become delinquent and provide Seneficiary with a receipt for payment.
<br /> '.;,f� , 3. IN3URANCE AND REPAIRS. Upon c].osing, Trustor shall provide �;
<br /> • �,.�,�•. • Beneficiary w a er ca e of Insurance showing the house on the premises
<br /> . . . to be insured for fire and extended coverage in an amount no less than the
<br /> replacement value of the house. eeneficiary shall pay the premiume for �
<br /> � maintaining such policy and ehall provide Trustor with evidence of insurance _-
<br /> � premium payments each year. Such insurance po licy shall contain a standard �
<br /> ,, mortgage clause in favor of Beneficiary showing Beneficiary as a loss payee �'
<br /> and the policy ehall not be cancellable, ter�inable or modifiable without �en �.
<br /> .'�_��-=-= =--- (10) dny� prior written notice to Trustor and A?nef;�iary. Truster shall
<br /> •• romptly repair, maintain and replace the Trust Estate or any part thereof eo �
<br /> . �hat, except for ordinary wear and tear, the Trust Estate shall not �
<br /> � deteriorate. Zn no event shall the Truetor comnit waste on or to the Trust
<br /> , �. Estete.
<br /> ° , �. ''� ! In addition to casualty insurance Truetor shal.l maintein at all times `
<br /> comprehensive liability insurance cover�ng the premises and protecting the f
<br /> � - � Beneficiary and Trustor from all claims, demands, lawsuits, and judgmente
<br /> __ _ _ arising out of injury to persons or damage to propert� occurrinc� on the
<br /> ,..,�• ,c- -�,. .
<br /> o L�._.. onn nnn u1.,..10
<br /> - - - -- _- . _. . :.
<br /> premise6. '1'ne coverage snaii be 1�� a�� ctiirt�i:Ti� a�i ��vi. +coo �..�+.. +�+��,--- ---,--
<br /> �� �r , limit for bodily injury and property damage. The liability insurance and i
<br /> casualty insurance may be procured in a sinyle policy by the Trustor or may be �
<br /> " obteined in separate policies. In any evenE Trustor shall provide '
<br /> y Beneficiary with receipts for payments of al� annual premiums immediately •
<br /> after premiume on the casualty and liability insurance are paid.
<br /> � .
<br /> 4. ACTION3 AFFECTING TRUST E3TATE. Trustor shall appear in and contest
<br /> . any action or procee ng purpor ng o a fect the security hereof or the
<br /> • rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee, and sha.:l pay all costs and
<br /> expenses, 3ncluding cost of ev3dence of title end attorney's fees, in any cuch
<br /> �' . ac�ion or proceeding in which Beneficiary or Trustee may appear. Should
<br /> .4 � �
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