<br /> � -._ . _ .�:�+�=�:_.. � - . - • - - _--
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<br /> ._.�._---�5 _�= =-=- -� - - — --- _ _ - = -- � - - — - - "�'-�n ' — --
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<br /> G.A�SSIGTTbIE*i7'fl�LEASFS. U�ou Le�der'c ra►7�est.Burtowctir st�it ast�a to l.�ader all irases oF t3�c
<br /> Ro�rty aad all�c�uity t3�poait�mtda ia coauxtioa wGh {eascs of t,be Pcopaty.Upoa the assiy�unr�t, L.ead�r
<br /> clu�11 tuvc t1�n right b modify.eaua�d or t�a�a tiwo e�uttiu��t�w e�aeu���+i:,:�. i�I.�.3;.,:'s so:e
<br /> dl�cr�tlon.Aa usad ip �Ait ps�'�r�ph O.We wad`jca9e"shil!ufe,a'cubica�e" if tbe Securiry Instnumeat is on a
<br /> {�tscaold.
<br /> Barowa�bsolu�Y aad u000aditian�ltY asti�ns aod traast'as a i+e�da t1!the c�s aad reveaues('Reots")of tt�e
<br /> pc+operty�ng�less of to wbom the Ra►ts of tLo Propaty are pyabia. Botcowa wshodxes Leixler or L�ender's
<br /> �aus io coqect the Reatc.�nd a�rees th�t eacb tcnant of ttw FYnperty sbaU p�y tbe Reats to l,c�drr ar l.u�der's
<br /> �wts.Howevu�Banowa sh�U roodva the Renis uadl()Lea�wr hat giva�$urowa aotioe of cief�uli purst�nt to
<br /> par�21 of the SocwitY in�ut,�e�i an�1(ii)I.etxi�:�t��iv:�r,�ti:,:.W the t�sani(a)dsat the Rauc�re!o be
<br /> p�id �u I�der or t.etidar't �eot. 'ibis u�nmcct of Reat� oonstiwtts An absolute �t �ad not ao
<br /> assi�omt fa addipa�ul sea�rity►oa1Y•
<br /> If I.eades�ives notice of Mwcb eo Barowu:(i)all Rent9 rooaved by Borrower sh�ll be hdd by Bortnwer ac
<br /> wstoe far t!�bcnefit of LaKfer oaty.w be�pQlied a tbe awos sxurod by tbe Security Iamuma�(ii)�.co�ahal]
<br /> bo eutit3od b cdkct�ad roce3ve all af the Reats of the A�opaty: (ln) Borcowtr a�roes t�t each wuot of tbe
<br /> pi+upaly shall pay�lt Rrnts due aod wnp�id to l,eoder or Leo�er's�mt�upo�a I�eodet'� vvritlw brso�od w tbo
<br /> kow� f Y)ua1��PP��lx�provida o�awise.all Rao�oo�llected by�.ender or I�der's�aWS s1Wl ba
<br /> �pli�rl f,rst�n tbo casta of t8dn�000trd of�nc!m�a�inQ t6e Pmpaty aad culloctiag tbe Rt�.i�]ia8.bW not
<br /> linti�c,d to.anoraays' fas.retdver•a fees.Pe'aaiums ao reoeivtr'�6oads.rep�ir�ad m�wtemnoe oosn,;�••,�:
<br /> pr�i�tsn�,nxes.���od otbet ch�rg�a oa the ProQaty.and t6au to Me sun�t secutod by the Sec�uitY
<br /> Ins�a�(v)I.aitlar.I.ende�r�s�Saus or aaY judlci�l►Y apQa�iatod reaiver sfwll De liablo to a000�t fcx only tbo�e
<br /> Ra�adualty reoeived;aod(v��L�a�de:sEr11 De auided w I�ave a reoeives�pQoiaod b nto p�oaessioa ot aad
<br /> mr�e d1e PrO�ecly aod oollOCt fbC Rmtt�nd pe+oCtS detiv�Cd fivm d�e Pmpaty witAOUt any slfOrvat�iS b t60
<br /> ��i�Y of Me R�oQaty as�ec�►i�y.
<br /> IE the Re�c of We Pra�perry are aot s�fficirnt�o annr dtie oosts ot taldn� ooadnl of�od a�a�ng t6e
<br /> Prupaty�ad af ooibcting d�e Rmts�ny fuodt eape�led by Lreader for surb pucpo�es st�U bam�e iodab�odau of
<br />, Bori'C�es b L�eoder eec�a+ed bY t6e SacuritY ia�a�ot P�to UuifOnn Coveant?.
<br /> = Beee�rer tq�t�eseati�od�ac�d�It SctraaKr hat aot e�oaued anY Pria�nmeat af!be Reata aod!�
<br /> � not�sci�1 aot peifarm aay act th�vvould prevxot I�eoder�o�m eua�its righb mder t�ps�p�ph.
<br /> � IIraider,ar Ia�der's�eals a a j�dicdlty appoio�al reoeiver.s6d1 aot be edquirod b aMdr npoo,uYe cmoc�ni
<br /> L - '---'—--Q Q���"1'f1�1��Gi{i��i 47�a�ia ��a�a.u..wr Nr�w�.w..�'w.nw."'m^"�,LT�.�.r.��i�wi4.�.M.I�M4r'i---,— --- .
<br /> ; ,�ma a a j�aia�lty appou►1ea reodver,mn►ao�o at my ome wBa,:aefaulc ooa�rs.Aay appiicati�m of Re�
<br /> _ �Wl not cin+e ar�wive�oy defwk or invtiictit�e�uy otba righ!or rededy of Laidei.11�asd�t of Reo�t ot
<br /> � tbe Pro�ty s�a11 kra�e�vlrea all tbe soms�ecurad by tbe Sa�uity lnstrument�re p�id ia fu11.
<br /> I.CR06S-DFFAULT PitOVISiON. Bam�+et's def�lt or b�racb w�det �oy m1e ot agte�neot ia
<br />.: . Mhicb I.ealer Itis�n intrnst s�U be a breach uoder tlie Sa�rity Inctnimwt�od Ia�a may iava�c�e my of tl�e
<br /> T :�emodies Pamitted bY tbe Socurity'lastnunaot.
<br /> �3Y SIGNII�If BFLOW,Bacrowac sooqxs umd�caes to tLe Iesms ar�pcovision�omtained'm tt�s D-4 F�eoily
<br /> �
<br /> Ric4es
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<br /> 11DiTiEOeiY L BE&E:H -Baeo+�er TfiBRBSA te S •Boavv«
<br /> � (Shc) �Sea1)
<br /> ' -8«ro.Kr -�� .
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