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<br /> _d.LC.u,a.�.an�ti�_1iSl�' `_ -- _'_
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<br /> 7�r.n������ fi�!t'w;���5 i10W OC�1t:C�{Gt Ci0C7Ji�OA 3Z1.'.�X�+'iy.aA.'��C�ia"'�w'115.G�►iiTL:ii��:S+�
<br /> fiu�Wr:.r ww a�4.:r.:fW o p:�-t of th�{;��iy.All tc�Lcemmt�antl additions shall dao bo covat�by lhir Soturity Instnu�4
<br /> AU Of!h0�OfCQ�31��11IC�K[C.�i��G thli�OCtutty�Ai�lI�C�It i�'(110 pl'Oj1CftY�w
<br /> BORROWF,It L`00lfiNAN`i'S{A1[BOR'uM+Ot i91aWfYlly sCisad Uf tbC litstC htxeby OOa1VCyCd Aud Ats Ih fi�ht t0 QfBnI illd
<br /> cac�vey r�Pcnp�sty anzi that t2ja Pto�xlty is uAracu�ttbeszd,eace.�t [ar toeumbraacts of ra.ad. Bortowtier �acaats and wW
<br /> tbtend�aueral�y Ifro t1t1a ta 4ha Frolsaat9 ygaL�st all cf�i�s aad deasan3z.sub�e:.t i�t�ny etrzurobrr�wx�ot tao��.
<br /> 'i'filS SECiJAI7Y INS't7tUI�NT combia�s tuW'orsa covcaaatt for aatioml uta aad noa-nail'aaa cavctunu wW�limiini
<br /> vaeietions by�uisdiaioie b�on�tir�lo a�ni.fann�ece�rity�.:eaa�t cove�iag rea!peo�ecty.
<br /> t]ri�RM C�OYSI�iMI'!S.Bon+�wrt aad l�ender corre,��nt aW�ne a9 foliows:
<br /> l.i'aysewt o�P�iaciQsl wd I�terat:PteW7se�t�d LaGe Cia�ea Borrowa chall P�A�9 PoY whea due the
<br /> priueiptl of wd i�an tbo ckat eviclwcod by tbe I�Sote aad�aY P�Y�aad lato el�rgtx due tusda the Naie.
<br /> Z.FL�dr[or Tisa aad I�a�ruee. Subjoct w �ppiicsbk taa ar w a wrtitiea waiver by L,erWer�Bartawu sl�aL pay w
<br /> Lender oa tl�ee daY�Y PpYmeam Ane duo uader ct�n Nob.uatit tbe No1e is paid in fa11.a sum("fimds�for.W YeartY wus
<br /> and atsessmeacs wLich asay aaaia prioricy ovcr this Soeuriey tasaumeat as A liea oo�he PropertY�(b>Y�Y�d P�Y�
<br /> or Qmund reots oa dia Pr�o{xrty.if�oY:(c)Ypr1Y l�zard ar proQacy iosiusace p�niu�as�:(d)rearlY t'iood ia�uaa�ce pnxpiueo�,if
<br /> �Y:(�)Y�Y�S�Se iawnnce�++�— ��—s-.'*�,if�ay;�ad(��ny suma p�yaNe by Bancavtr tu ls�def.ia acoor�t�ce�L d�e _
<br /> provimi�s of p��t�pt� 8, ia liw of ine pyaicat ot u�atg�c ina�tmcc prcaaiue�. 7Uesc itrmt are calkd'Fi9c.mw Io�n.t,•
<br /> � Le�ier a�ay.�t aay time.col3xt aad Aok1 Fundc ia an aafount not to eacceod tbe maximum amouat a la�der far a fale�lly related
<br /> mo�tgage lo�n may raquue fa Roaawer's�sa�ow a000unt adda tLe federv R�1 Fistaic Sullcmait P'rooedures Acx of 1974�a
<br /> ameadod from tia�e b timo.12 U.S.C.Soction 2601 et uq. ("RESPA")�unless aoot3xr lsw thui applies to ttfe FS�tids sets a iessti -
<br /> amount If so.L�axia waY. at aaY time.collect�ad Eo�d Fiu�ds in an amount not W e:oeed d�e kssa amount L�eades duy
<br /> estios�ee die aaoonnt of Foods due m tLe bsrit o€cu�t+eat data�od�e�sooabie eatitaales ot p�yetxiiWtrs ot'futut+e F.9cro�r 10�saa q' .
<br /> otLa'�vife ia a000cdance w�h�p�ipble It�v.
<br /> . 7be F�ods shf116e�eLi io an instiouion wbaae de�osits ac�e irwu�ed by a federal�eocY,iasuuAaeanlitY.or eatitY(includio�
<br />• Le�der.if I.eadar iv s�h�instiddion)c�r ia aay Fc�drsal Haae Iawn Badc. �sh�ll appfy tbe Fi:acb Oo pay the B�crev
<br /> Ite�►s.l,ender may not ct�trge Bamn►et for hoidiqg aad a�giyiag tbe F�ork.anauallY aa�lyring tbe c.�so�r aocouot.ar vaifyiqg
<br />.. dro Eacro�v��.unkxe I�eader pys Sorro�ar inriest oa tbe Faads aod�pQlicabie 4w pe�mits Lead�i n matce sucb a charga
<br /> Ho+�ver.Leo�er a�y require Ba�ow�a�w py a awume chsge far�n inde�deat re�esnte�repoew�g�avioe wed by
<br /> LaWa m ooaaection�vitb t�is 1ao.uak,ss apQlicabie{aw pmvides o�baMise.Uclac an ag�ament u made a appticaD�le law
<br /> • rtquires inlaest to be prc�,i�ad�a st�l not be nquirod 10 p�y Bae�uwa�oy iooerest ar arniq�s aa tbe Fimdc.Bm+oati aod
<br /> I�nde+'m�Y+�,�ee m�i�a8,l�o�eva.tdt inkrest shaa be p�id oa the I�wdt.Z.aida sh�ll Qive q Bacmw�er,widiout cb�e.�o
<br /> ' �ono�l a�o�mta�y of the Fuads,sho�+%a�caedits�od debits to tt�e I'�t aad tbe pu�pase far a+bicb a�debic to the F�uods an
<br />' ; tntla'1�I��e+e piedYed as additio�st exurity fa�II sums seaux�i:6y tbie Soa�rity Iosmuaeat.
<br />± � If dle F'�Wlds hC1d by L,dida L�[eCOd d1C am0anla pa7itf0a i0 bC hdd by�QQiiqbiE lrv.l�eodtl d11il1�oawa�10 BO[iOwa for
<br /> . tbe exoesr�luid�iu aocc.�sionoe witL the coquictimeots d��v.If the amount of the I�wda heid by F.asrla at aay om�e is
<br />� ; not wf5ciat�pay die Ezc�v Ile�s wbeD due.l�may so oo�fjr$ormwer io�itiog.�1.in mch esae Bann�+ex tAdl py
<br /> i te Is�tlar tbe aaooaot oect�v m m�ke ao t�e ddr�c_v.Bo�wei.sl�ll m�trt un the defrr�mex ia m mone t�►.�eiva-------
<br /> - �Y�Y�tat�.at I.cssdc's sota d:a�oa.
<br /> � UPm P�Y�ia fir�oE all sum9 securod by this Security Insu�uaomt.I.eadei sba11 pnmptly refuad b Bamavet aay F�mds
<br /> ', 6dd by Ia�ier.If.uodtt prs�ap6 21.La�d�r d�ll acquire ar ull tbe prape�ty.l.aider.Prios to tLe aoquisitian ar s�le of t6e
<br />� : Pinpaty,s6�11 appiy���Famds beW by I�{rr u the time nf acquiritioo ar s�le at a cndit�aiast the sums�ecuced by tbia
<br /> � S'pp�'Y Tne�n�nvnt
<br /> ' 3.Ap�tca�tio�of P�a��ts. Uaiaa zpplicabie law pmvrd�r o�wi�e.all payaimts rexive�by I.eoder under pragi�us
<br /> 7 1 aM Z sEWL be�ppliod: Cn'st.to mY P�Y��a due tndtt tbe Note:�ecaod.to a�oouots PzF���+
<br /> mira.io�c�;wrt�.,o priocip�l a�e;�oa l�a.tu�py late char�a aae aockr tbe t�ooe.
<br /> 4.CI�;I.ieat, l�r,at�vv ahall yay�ll t�te�,�nepments.Fhrgp.fm�x ab impo�tiom�a�mb�tis�m d�e Prapaty
<br />°� : .�rhicb mry�ttaa pciotityr over thk Saa�cj�In�cucoeat.�od�paymtats or�d raus.if�y.Borro�er�Tl py thde
<br /> obtiptiout a tbe m�etr povidod'a��apb 2,ar if not paid io dut maooet,Bonuw+�er s6all p�•e�aa tiWOe direcxly 1�the
<br /> ; paaoo wMad prymect.Hon�o�er sbaU promptly fi�rai�h 1�I.eadrs dl noti�es of amounts to be�id uoder t�p�spb.lf
<br /> ' Boau�ar m�lc��he�e P�S►me�o�di�'ecttY,Barco�►�er shatl p�omptiy fumssh Oo I.es�der t+eoei�h a++i�deaciag the paymea�.
<br /> ' � Baso�w�er�ull p�oa�ptty�t�ny tim MhicL has prior�y ovei tLi�Soa�rity In�tnmoent uiless Borau+�er:(�a�rees in
<br /> ; � �vriro8 n�e pyme�t of�e obtig�ioo�ocwed by dre bea io s mamsa aooeptabie b Lcadei;(b)oontew in gaod fait�d�iden
<br /> � 2 by. ac dcf�ct' s �eafa�aiamt of the tieo io. le�al Prooaadiu�s Mhicb � the i�eadv's opinion o�er�te to p�+everi t3e
<br /> ; eafocrxmea�t of d�e tien:a(c)�ecures fmm the ddder of the lim�a a�naaaeat r�tid�ctory to I.eadri�ba�diari�d�e lieo to
<br /> } t1�Saa�ily Iastrumeot.If I.a�der deiam6�a diat�ay�p�ct of d�e Propelty is su8�eet b�tiea�v0icb tniy at�a priorirty aYer thii
<br /> ! 5a�rity ra�axs.Ie�u may Qive s«nower a n�ti�x ialauifyia�a�c um.Bawwa si�u ta�y the nd,.ac r�te ooe«moee :
<br /> Y _ af the a�oioo:set faM�ve�vi�him 10 dtys of tLe giviisg of nooca
<br /> * Fon�tOri !�tl0
<br /> 4 ��sR(Mq�a�t�.o, v,�.aa• �„„�,; .
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