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20�104030 <br />Retum recorded mortgage to: <br />FHLBank Topeka <br />P.O. Box 176 <br />Topeka, KS 66601 <br />Subordinate Mortgage <br />T S SUBORDINATE MORTGAGE {Morfgage) is made on May 26, 2011 by Robert Bemis a/k/a Robert <br />S emis and Laura Bemis a/k/a Laura C Bemis, Husband and Wife (Borrower). This Mortgage is given <br />t the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka, a corporation organized and e�asting under the laws of <br />t United States of Americd, and whose address is One Security Benefit PI. Ste. 100, Topeka, KS <br />6 O6, its successcxs and assigns (Lender). Borrower owes Lender the princi{�I sum of Four Thousand <br />D Ilars (U.S. $ 4,�.00) This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as this <br />gage (Note). The Note �ovides fcx no payments if the Borrower complies with the terms of the <br />N te. The loan evidenced by the Note and secured by this Mortgage (Loan) is being made <br />p rsuant to the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) as implemented by Lender (12 U.S.C. 143p(j); 12 <br />R Parf 1291). <br />addition to the Loan, Borrower obtained a mortgage I�n (First Mortgage Loan} from Home <br />�eral Savings and Laan Assn of Grand Island (Senior Lien Holder}, which loan is secured by a�rrst <br />>rfgage lien on the Properly (First Mortgage). The documents evidencing ar securing the Firsst <br />�rfgage Loan are collectively refeRed to herein as the First Marfgage Loan Documents. <br />Mortgage secures to Lender the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note. For this <br />�ose, Borrower irrevocably mortgages, grants and conveys to Lender and Lender's successars <br />I assigns, with pawer of sale, subject to the rights of Senior Lien Holder under the First Mortgage, <br />foilowing property, ta-wit: <br />Fourteen (14), in Spelts-Schultz Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />�ich has the address of: 520 Plum Rd, Grand Island NE 68801 ), <br />have and to hold this property unto Lender and Lender"s successors and assigns, forever, all the <br />xovements now or hereafter erected on the properfy, and all easements, appurtenances and <br />ures now or hereafter a part of the properfy. All replacements and additions shall also be <br />vered by this Mortgage. All of the foregoing is referred to in this Mortgage as the Property. <br />wer covenants that Barrower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the <br />to mortgage, grant and convey the Properfy and, except for the First Mortgage and other <br />mbrances of recard acceptable to Senior Lien Holder, the I'�operty is unencumbered. <br />wer warrants and w111 defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and <br />�nds, subject to such encumbrances of record. <br />1. PAYMENTS. In the case of a sale ar refinancing of the Property within five years of the date <br />of the Note (the Retention PeriodJ, an amount equal to a pro rata share af the principal, <br />reduced for every year Borrower owned the Property, shall be repaid to the Lender from <br />any net gain real'¢ed upon the sale or refin4ncing, unless: (1) the Property was assisted with <br />a permanent mortgage laan funded by an ANP subsid'¢ed advance; (2) the Property is sold <br />to a very low-, or low ar moderat�income household; or (3) following a refinancing, the <br />Property continues to be subject to a deed restricticm or other legally enforceable retention <br />agreement or mechanism. The Lender will have ultimate control aver any funds repaid by <br />the Borrower pursuant to this section. Lender shall be given notice of any sale or refinancing <br />of the Property occurring priar to the end of the Retention Period. Provided that Borrower <br />� <br />Revised Februa� 2011 <br />