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2oi1o4000 <br />abandoned Property. Bonrower shall also be in. defa.ult if Bouower, du.ring #he loaa application process, gave <br />materially fatse or inaccurate information or statemeent� to Lender (or failed ta provide Lender with any matterial <br />infaamation) in conne,ction with the loaia evidenced by the Note, including, bnt not Iimited to, representations <br />concerniag Bozrowar's occupaucy of th� Property as a principal residenoe. If this Se�curity Tnatrnment is on a <br />leasehold, Boirower eb�all comply with the provisions o£ the lease. If Borrower acquires £ee title to the Property, #he <br />leasehold and fee title shall not be marged wnless Lendet agrees to the merger in writing. <br />6. Condemnation. The proceeds of any awxrd or clai�m for damages, direat or coaSequenfial, in connectioa with <br />any condem.aatioa or other taking o£ any pazt oP the Pzoperiy, or for conveyance in place of conde�mnation, are <br />hereeby assigued and slxall be paid to Lendez to the extent of the fiill amouat of tlie indebtedm.�s that r„�mains uapaid <br />unde�r the Note and t.�is Secwmrity Tascrument. Lender shall apply such proceeds to the reductaon of the indebi�dness <br />uader the Note and tlus Security T�nsiSrrutaent, fitst to an,y delinqueat am.otmts applied ia the order provided in <br />paragXa,ph 3, and then to �rrepaytaent of pzincipaL Any application of the proceeds to the principal sha1l not extettd or <br />postpone the due data of the montlily paymtanis, wJuch ara xeferted to in parag�aph 2, or cha.nge the amouat of such <br />paymenta_ A,ny excess praceeds over an amonnt requi�red to paq alI ontstandiag indebtedness uader the Note and this <br />Secu�ity TnstnTment shall be paid to the e�tity legally entitled thereto. <br />7. Charges to Borrower and Prntection of Lender's 12ights in the Prnperty. Borrower shall pay all <br />governmental or mmucipal charg�, fines and impoaitions that aze not included in paiagraph 2. Bozzower shall pa.y <br />the,se obligations on iime d'n�ectly to the entity which is owed the paym,ent. I£ failure fo pay would adversely affect <br />Lender's in.terest ia the FroPerlY, upon Lender's request Borrower sinall pramgtly fiurnish to Lemd�r ze�eipts <br />evidencing these payments. <br />If Boaower fails to make tb.ese payments or the payments zequized by gazagraph 2, or fails to perform anp ottees <br />covenants and agxeements contained in this Security Inslrument, or #lzere ie a Iega1 proceeding tbiat ma.y sigaificantly <br />affect Lender's xights in tha Pro�ezty (such as a gsoceedin.g ia bankruptcy, for condemnation ox to en£orce laws or <br />reguTationa), then, Leadex may do and pay wha.tever is necessary to protect tbe vatue of the Property and Lender's <br />rights in the PxoPe,rl�', includiag payment of i�x,as, hazs�d ir�anranr.e and other items nReatlioued ia p2tl�.g�sph 2. <br />Any amaunts disT�ursed by Lettder under thia paragraph shall become an additional debt of Boxrower an.d be <br />s�ured by this Sec'nrity' Iasttum.ent. These amaunts shall beaa interest from the date of disbvrsement, at the NoYe zate, <br />and at the optaon of L.ender, aball be im�m.edia.tely due aud payable, <br />Bonrowe�r shall pr�inptly discharge any ],ien w}uch has pxiority ave�r thia Sectu�iiy Insh2tmant unless Boaawer: <br />(a) a,grees in wrifang to the paymeat o£ the obligation secur� by the lien in a acceptable to Leader, (b) <br />coatests in good faith the lien by, or defende against en£orce�ment o£ the liea in, legal proaeedin,ge which in the <br />Leader's opinion operate to prev�nt the enforcemeat of the lien; or (c) secures from ths holdec of the lien an <br />agreemeat satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument. If Lender that any part <br />of the Property is subject to a liea wlvich may attaain px�ority over this �ecurity Inshumeat, Len.dez maq give Bontowez <br />a notice identifyin.g the Iien. Borrower shall. satisfy the Iiea or take one or more of the actions set fozth above within <br />1Q days of the giviag af notice. <br />8. Fees. Lender may collect fees aa.d charges autborized by th.e Secrefary. <br />9. �Grouada for Acceleral3on o#' Deb� <br />(a) Defaul� Lender may, except as limited by reguIations issued by the Secretary, in the aasa of paymemt <br />defanits, require immediata paym.ent m fiill of all sums secured b� t�is Security Tnsizame�nt if <br />(i) Bazrower de£avlts by failing to pay in full. aay xnonthly gayment zequired by this Se�uriiy Inatnm,.ent <br />prior #o or on the due date o£ the naxt monthly payxnen.t, or <br />(ii) Bozrower defauJts by failing, far a period of thirty days, to perfozm an.y obligations contained <br />in this Security Instrument. <br />@) Sale WYthant Credit ApptavaL Lender ahall, if pernaitted by applicable la.w (including Sec�ioa 341(c� <br />of the Gara-St. Geimain Depository Institutions Act of 1982, Y2 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d}) and with th.e prior <br />approval of the Secrei�ry, require iznmediate payment in full o£ aIl svms a�ured by tlus Security Instcument <br />i� <br />�R(�E? t�e�+� <br />Pege 4 of 8 <br />InWals;� y,�� <br />