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�41104000 <br />_ o£ Borrower's eovenaats aad agreem.eats uader this 3ecurity Inslxv�me�nt and the Note. For this purpose, Bonrowez <br />urevocably gxants and aonveys to the Tn�etee, in fi�vst, with power o£ sale, the followin.g deecrt"bed property located <br />� �� Cownty, Nebraska; <br />IrEGAIa DESCRIPTION A'1"1'AC�E`D $ERETQ AND MADE A PART $EREOF. <br />PROVISIONS PERTAIIQING TO T8� RELE�ASES ARE CO1+tTATNED IN TSE RE8A8IT�ITATIQN LOAN <br />RIDER WHICH IS ATTACHED TO 'i'�IS MbRTGAGE AND MADE A PART HEREOF. <br />THIS IS A EURGHASE MONEX 3ECDRITY INSTR'OMENT. <br />TAX STATEMENTS SHOUZD SE SEN't' TO: WFLLS EARGO $OME MORTC,AGE, P.O. BOX 1170Y, <br />rI�RK, NJ 071014701 <br />which bas tb.e addzess of 655 SWAN LAl�, GRAND ISLAND <br />Nebiaska 6$$01 [Zip Code] ("plpperi,y Address"}; <br />TOGETHER WITH all the uupro�vemen,ts aow or hereafter erected on tha proPe,rty, and all. easements, <br />a�urtenances and fixtures now or herea.ftar a part of the propezty. A11 replacements and additions shall also be <br />cavered by tIus Secutity Instcument. All of t1ie foregoing is referred to in this Security Insfiument as the "P�toperty." <br />BORROWER COVENANTS that Bonower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed aad has the right to <br />__ grant and convey the Fzoperty and that tb.e Property is waencumbered, except for encumissances of record. Boaower <br />wanants and will defend generatly the title to the Propezly aga.inst all clavns aud demaads, subject to any <br />encumbrauces of record. <br />THIS SECTIRTTY INSTRUMENT combines uaiform covenaats for national use aad non-uniform covena,nts <br />with limited variations by jurisdiction to constihrte � uaiform. secunrity instrument covering reat PmP�Y- <br />Barrowcr and Lender covena.nt astd agree as £ollowa: <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. <br />Eshee� Cihr1� <br />1. Payment of Pr�t►cipal, Tnterest and Late Cltarge. Borrower shall pay when due the priacipal of, and <br />intexest on, the debt evitdenced by the Note and late ebarges dne uadez tlze No#e. <br />2. MontbIy Payment of Tases, Tneurance and Other C�targes. Boizower shaJl include in each monthly <br />payment, together witth the principal and interest as aet forkh in, the Note and any late chazges, a suna for (a) faaces and <br />apecial ass�ents levied or to be Ievied against the Property, (b} lea.sehold payrae�tfs or grocm�d reats on the <br />Praperty, and (c) premiums for �ri�*.+*��ca zequired IIuder paragraph 4. In auy pe,ar in, wh.ich the Lender must pay a <br /> inRUrance premium to ttie Secretazy of Housing and Urban Development ("Secretary"), oz in any year in <br />wluch such premium would have been required if Lender still held the Sec�uity Instcument, each �nonthly payment <br />ehall atso include either: (i) a sum for the annval martgage insutance premivrn to be paid by Lender to the Secretary, <br />or (ii) a monthly chaxge instead of a martgage insnrance premiwm if this Se,�sity Tnshv,ment is held by the Secrei�ry, <br />in a reasonable amoxmt to be determined by the Secretary. Fxcept �or the monthly chatge by the Secretary, tb.ese <br />items a�re calle�i "Escrow Items" and the sume paid ta Lender aze called "�scrow Fwnds." <br />Lender ma.y, at any time, coltect and hold amouats for Escxow Itebxa in an aggregate a,mount not to exceed the <br />noiaximum amowrt that ma.y be required for Baaowar's escrow accauat vnder the Real Eatate Settle�mteat Procedures <br />Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. and implem.enting zegulations, 24 CFR Part 350U, as tb.ey may be <br />amended from time to time ("RESPA"), except that the cushion ar reserve p�it�e�i by RESPA for vnantic�ipated <br />disbutseme�u#s or disbuzsem.en#s before the Borrower's payments are available in th.e accouat may aot be based on <br />amouuts due foz tb.e mortgage insvzance prem.iwnn, <br />P��.aac�� �,� <br />Pa� z aa <br />InN}als: � JT <br />al;- <br />a�._ <br />�:;i,, <br />�; ' <br />�:', <br />�m <br />