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<br />Sl'ECIAA:f�, �VA�;T�,��'`.� DEED
<br />Fed:ral National Moitgage AsSOCiation, Grantor, whether one �r more, in consideration of One
<br />Dollar and other valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, conveys to '�
<br />Brian L. Korell and Julie K. Korell, as j oint tenants with rights of survivorsUzp
<br />tvhether one or �ore, the folle,win.g deseribed real c;state (as defined •.n Neb. Rev, SCat. Ss76-2U1)
<br />in I�all Cotuity, Nebraska:
<br />L�t �ne (1}, Taglewood A�;res �n�bd3vYSYon, Hall Caunty,l�Tebraska
<br />Grantor covenants (j ointly and severally, if moxe than os�e) with the Grantee that Grantor:
<br />(1) is law£u11y seiz�d of such reai esiate attd �i it is xree from encumbrances
<br />�2J has legal po�ver and lawful authority to convey t�e sarne;
<br />(3} wan�nts and will defenfl the title to the real estate agai�^.st the lawfizl clainns of all persons
<br />olaiming the same or any part thereof by, through , or under Grantor.
<br />Exe�uted: ���' � t � I � ) �� i
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<br />- �� -�.���, z_ Grauior: �'edex�l Natio:aal P,�ortgage Associataon
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<br />COUNTY �F T�.4LLA.�
<br />Tb.e foregoin� instrument c�as acknowleclged befc�re :n$ on txii�
<br />by --- �����j:� �,� �4SS't �c,e PresidenC _ ;;f F�
<br />a � P I' ���
<br />�� A CARTER
<br />_�' �.°: RtoCary Public, State of Texas
<br />" :.,� My Commission Expires
<br />�°,�;;FOF�;;�° November20,20�2
<br />„��«,
<br />day o£ d'
<br />i�nal Mcrt�age
<br />2011,
<br />