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•h:'i ,�-_f� .. ,+b"r Y it�T..... ...KV .,.Y:' �(8.�-.. <br /> ��: .. �.� ..� �� • . �x�.�`�t•.�o�" .,- -- <br /> � `j� �i�� .� •�•;• r/� YrwVa�ev'�Y1 <br /> •�x•c� � '.qSeW:Wa+L � <br /> =���%.r� 'f• ... _ _ _ .. _—_u _ <br /> - - 92-- �,oss�a <br /> -_ - -z- <br /> �.6 west lino of said 01d B�ickyard Subdiviaion� a diatance <br /> ;_,� oP Two Hundrad gixty-Nine a�nd E1yht Tenths (289.8) feet <br /> to a point thnt is Forty (40) feet Weat (W) of the <br /> � southwest corner of Lot Three (3) of seid 01d S�ickya�d <br /> Subdivieion; thence 8outh (8) 00° 18' t1" Woet (W) along <br /> �� and upon the woat line of said Old Brickyerd 3ubdivision, <br /> _------_--- n distance of 8ixtiy end Five Hundredths (60.06) feet to <br /> - the southwoat corner of said Old Briakyard 8ubdiviaion; <br /> -_----•-�--- - thence 8outh (8) 00° 08' 22 West (W) a 1 ong end upon the <br /> west 1 i ne of �dt 8 i x (e) County Subd i v i s i on, Soct i on F i ve <br /> - (6), Township Nine (9) No�th (N), Range Nine (9) West <br /> (W), a distAnce of Th�ee Hundred 8ixty-Nine and Four <br /> -- — Hundredtha (388.Q4) �Feet ta the southwest corner of said <br /> Lot 8ix (6) which is elso a point on the easterly right- <br /> �� of-wdy line of enid abandoned railrond; thence 8outh (8) <br /> "'�`�'= m,: 00° 12' 16" West (W) al ong and upon sa i d easter l y r i ght- <br /> - ���.�-� of-way line a distance of Two Hundred Ninety-Fou� and <br /> �������?����'�'- 3i xty-8even Hundredths (294.87) feet to the northeast <br /> --s,.;,��_--a. ,�.e • <br /> `� -.�x:;:�.�,_ �,, corner of said Tract No. Two (2) of Doniphan Railror�d <br /> ° ��`:-�� 8ubdivision; thence North (N) 89° 23' 44" West (W) dlong <br />- `":�,��`°='='�=�' and upon the north l i no of sai d Tract No. Two (2) � a <br /> __�. � ,� di atance of One Hundred Si x (106.0) feet to the poi nt of <br /> _�;� � .;a �.r .., �.:;, beginning and contai�ine 3.209 acreo, more or 1ess. <br /> —,' '' � '�"��`�'�'� a des i ra to have subd i v i ded as a subd i v i e i on the abovo desc r i bed <br /> . .�n �� <br /> _":w.�4►����`.' <br /> -- �:°;.,;� i,-_:..:�,�F: tract af 7 and rrh i�h f s !ocn�ed w i t,h i n tho corporate 1 i mi ts of the <br /> _� . � ,,;{; ;•;.� . .� .• Village of Doniphan� Hal l County� Nobraska, and heroby submit to <br /> "' � ���� ��'.:�"':=. tho Vi l lage Board of Trustees for the Vi l lage of Doni phan for <br /> � ��� acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and plat of such <br /> .,- •, <br />- �°x ,�. .s..,d proposed subdiviaion known as U�ian 3tation Subdivision, <br /> �=:'.:�'` �:� <br />� : �,� _�-. deeignating explicitly the land to be laid out and particularly <br /> ,: ,�r.,._ ��a� <br /> - �.......,. <br /> .�.-- • ����,. • describing the lots and easements belonging to such subdivis on, <br /> �jr' :Z:+>'. . ., <br /> -� . - with lots doeignated by numbers� and esaements by dimaneione. The <br /> "� ``'�'""''� � Subd i v i ders propose to cause the p 1 at of auch eubdi vi ai o�, when <br />_�:;; �. . - <br /> v � ���"' �� f i na 11 y approvod by the V i 11 age of Don i phan, to be acknow 1 adged by <br /> �.��. . . . .�'.. <br /> -�`� � `�T;�:: �� � �'. such ownera� certified as to accuracy of survey by a registe�ed <br /> ;__.., ��, . .. . <br /> - ' � � land surveyor, and to contain a dedication of easements to the use <br />°�, ,;:,;R��s' �'; -.,: and benefit of the public. In consideration of the acceptance of <br /> -` ,s,,..a-.,. ...., . - <br /> `° � ""' , the plat of said Union St+�tion Subdivieion� the Subdividers hereby <br /> .' : �� <br /> '' '`x �"''�" consent and agree with the Vi llage of Doniphan, Nebraska. that they <br /> , � . . . <br /> � r , . wi11 install at their expense the following improvements: <br /> .. � ., �' .;. <br /> - -•.�---- - -- - <br /> � „ <br /> t � . <br /> , . ,______ �------- _ _.__�_..-,-�. <br /> ,_ . _ --- ..___.-.. ._. _ . . -- ----- .... __ <br /> , <br /> �� . , � . - <br /> ,,� . <br /> , y,' �.,. . . .i. <br /> .4.���. lh,.�".•t�- - -—i:_-5�--� ---� � - - <br /> . � • . , <br />:�L y ' ,.a�a� ` • ' ,r ., . <br /> ' .. � . .. .. . . <br /> � . � .. <br />