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<br /> . I�E RECORD�A
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<br /> ._ pcdods thot Lender aequires. The insurnnce carrier provlding the insurw�ce Ahull be chosen by Bomower subJect to Lcnder's
<br /> �,,{_ - approval which ehall not be unrcasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain covemge desc�ibed abova,Lender may,at
<br /> •=�,� Lender's optfon.oMain coverage to protect L.ender is righta in the Property in acco�dance with parugraph 7.
<br /> - All inaurance policies and renewels shnll be acceptable to I.ender and shall include a standard mortgage cluuse. Lender
<br /> sh�ll have the right ta hold the policies und renewuls. If Lender requires,Borrower sholl promptly give to Lender nll rcceipts
<br /> - of paid prcmiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss,Barrawer shull�ive prompt notice to the insuronce cartler and
<br /> Lender. Lender may malce proof af loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> '� Unless Le�der and Burrower otherwise agrec in writing.insurance proceeds sh�ll be applicd to rcstorntion�r npair of �-
<br /> the Rroperty damnged. if the r+estorAtion or repair ia economically feuRible and Lenderk security is not lessened. lf�he
<br /> restoratlon or repair is not econamically feusible or l.ender's recurity wauld be les�ened,ihe inaurance proceeds shall be
<br /> applied ta the sums secured by this Security Inatrument. whether or not thcn due.with�ny cxcess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> .������.t;� Borrower nbandons the PropeRy,or dces not Answer within 30 duys a notice fi+nm Lender Ihat the insurencc cnrder hus
<br /> --r- offared ta senle a clsiim,then Lender may collect the insurnnce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeda to repuir or restore
<br /> _ the�PrapeRy or to pay sums secured bv this Security[nswment,whether or not then due. The 30-day perfad will begix when
<br /> - ���,� the notice is given. --
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrlting,ony application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> ��;:I ir,,;�9'=�- postpone the due datc of Ihe monthly pcyments�eferred to in parngraphs 1 and 2 or changc the umaunt of the payments. If
<br />- �;� under puragmph 21 the Property ic acquired by Lender, Borrower�s �ght to any insurnnce policies and praceeds resuldng
<br /> ��r,�,��� from dmm�ge w the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by thFs Secudty
<br /> ��„� Insmiment immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservotion, Maintenance and Protectton of the Properly; Borrower's Loan AppllcAtion;
<br />-. � '�°�"' " LeASeholdx. Borrower�shali accupy.eswblish,und use the Property as Borrowers principal residence within sixty deys after
<br /> - ,�r�'k;,:'s. wu"� the execution af this Security Insuumem and shall continue to accupy the Property us BoROwer's pdncipal residence for ut
<br /> '�6��."`�'"�'�"�,"" least one yeu after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwisc agrees in wridng. which consent �hall no� be _
<br /> -_-- •'w � unreasonably withheld.a unless extenuoting circumatances eaist which are beyond Borrowers conuol. Borrower sAall not
<br /> _= j�.jr__ ,� �;.+. • �� deslroy,damuge or impair the Property,allow the Property to deteriornte,or commit wa.ste an the Property. Borrowcr shall _
<br /> • '�'�'w, be in default if any forfeituie action or praceeding,wheiher civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment
<br /> --— � could result in forfeiture of Ihe Propeny or otherwise muteriully impuir ihe lien creuted by this Security Instrument or
<br />- ' -• � �••�'`b' �• Lcndcr's sccurity interest. Borrower muy cure such a defnult and reinstate,as provided in parngraph 1 R,by causing�he actfon �__
<br /> '" ' . or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lenderx good fuith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Bortower's
<br /> --_'� �:. ���,-,.�..;;V��...� intereat in the Property or other materiul impairtnent of the lien created by this Secunty Instrument or Lender's ucurity
<br /> � . � :1,• interest. Borrower shall also be in dafault if Borrower, during the laan upplication process, guve muterially fal:ie ar
<br /> ' d'�:�,'
<br /> ,�'�:;;'. �"` inaccurnte information or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with nny materia!informatian)in cannection with
<br /> ' s,;;a,.,;�- ,;r;;_ the loan evidenced by �he Note. including, but not limited to, representations concerning Borrower� occupancyof�he
<br /> - ---:_'-;�;=-�=_=- Property as a principa!residertce. !f shis Security Instrament is on n lea�h�ld,Romiwer shull comQly�vith till the provisfons =.:.
<br /> - • • . • of the leuge. If Barrower ucquires fee title to the Propeny,the leuxehold und�he fec title shall not mergc unless Lender sgrees
<br /> � to the merger in writing.
<br /> _ � ¢�. 7. Protectbn ot Lender's Rip�hts in tBe Property. lf Borrower fuils to pert'orm the covenants and agreements
<br /> ;.,,, . .; contAined in this Security instrument. or lhere is u leg�l proceeding that may sigm�cantly uffect Lender's rights in the
<br /> _,_�:.'�,' " v�� Propeny(such ar u pracceding in bunkruptcy,probwe,for condemnation or fort'eiture or to enforce luws ar regulations).then
<br /> - l.ender may do and pay for whatever is nece4sary to protect the value of the Property und Lender's rights in the Pmpeny.
<br /> .�� ��` •- Lender's actfons may include paying uny�ums secured by A lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument. Appearing �i
<br /> � in coun,paying reusonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property ro make repairs.Although Lender muy taka action -
<br /> � � under thia pw�u�roph 7.Lender dces not hnve to do so. __
<br /> � �''' Any stmounts disbursed by Lender under this parngrnph 7 shull Mecome uddilional debt of Borrower secured by lhis
<br /> _ � _;�M ' • Security Ins�rument. Unkss Borrower nnd Lender agree to other terms of puyment,these umounts shall besv interest from the _-
<br /> '' dute of digbursement at the Note rute and shall t+e paynblc, with interest, upon notica fmm Lender to Bornower requesting `r _
<br />-= �.., . payment.
<br />�� �� • 8. Mortgage Insarance. If Lender rcquireJ mortga�;e lnsurunce a,u condition of mnking the loan secured by Ihis
<br /> �-=-- `,,��Y � Security Instn�ment. Sarrower shull puy the premiumti reyuired to muintuin the mong�ge insurunce in effe�t. If,for any
<br /> _��: ^ reason, the mortgnge insurance coverage reyuired by Lender Inpses or ceaties to be in efPect. Borrower shall pay ihe
<br /> _��° ��� premiums required to abtuin coverage cubstAntiully eyuivulent to the monguge insurunce previou4ly in effect. al n cost
<br /> =v;.a. • °� � , �•;
<br /> ;:�� �� a substunlially equivuleni io the cosl to Borrowcr of�he mortgugc insurnnce p�eviously in effect,from un ultemute martgage
<br /> insurer npproved by Lender. If subc�nmiully equivalent mortgage intiurunce coveruge is not uvviluble, Borrower shull pny to
<br /> .. � Lender each month u�um equal �o une-iwclfth of the yeurly mort�uge insurancc premium being paiJ by Borrower when the
<br />_ � .,���, insurnnce covernge lapsed orceused to be in effect. Lender will urcept,use und retuin these payments c+s u loss reserve in lieu
<br /> � ' of mortgagc insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longcr lx rcquircd,ut �he oplion of Lender, if mong�ge insurance __
<br /> .`'`' :''°.�'!_ �-• ' coverage(in the amount ond for the period thut Lendcr rcyuires►pn�vided by un insurer uppmved by Lender ugain becomes --
<br />.:•�•;.'� " °"� uvailable nnd is obtained.Borrower shull pay Ihe prcmiums rcyuind to muintuin monguge insurance in effect,or to provide a °=°-
<br />-- �.+-'�.r" � " loss reserve,until the requirement for monguFe insurunce ends in uccordunce with uny wriuen ugreement between Borrower ,•..
<br /> � • ^ • •. und Lender or applicublc luw, � ,.
<br /> 9, Inspectlon. Lcnder or its s�grnt muy mukc musunablc entrieti upon und in+pc rtion,of the Pmperty. Lender shnll
<br /> t '.r• °� „ give Borcower notice ut the�ime of or prior ro un impc rtiun s�xcifying reationuNle rause ti�r�hr insFxc[ion.
<br /> i�'� 10. C:ondemnAtiop. The praceed�of any uwarJ ur cluim li�r�I;miugcti,direct�tt c�imcyurntiul,in connection with any �.
<br /> Singlc Family•-Fpnnie MoeiF'rayldle\1ur I�NIFIIH�f IhtiTRUNEI`T••l�ndimn l'o�.num, 9190 �pqqr 9��J4 JwR�•.�1
<br /> - . Neat Wtea Buelnere Falme.Int� �
<br /> � ' .. To�M�kr GII I�iOURAPY393 tl FAk 61&791d131 ��::;
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