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<br /> B. AU fluure acivtuces(rau[.ender to Gruuor ar ather ILture obli��tloi�of Grsantoc ta Lc:�;.r undtr any promissory =
<br /> uote,convarx,gu�rsu:y,or othet evidence of dcbt existinp now or cxecuwd after this Aeed af 71uu w2�rth�r or cwt --�
<br /> this Deai of 7Yust is spocific�lly mferred co In the evidatice of dcbt.
<br /> C. All ob1lR�tlona Gr�ni��ow:s to Lxa�:r.whlch now�xist or ins+1� later uiFe. to thc extent�u�t prohibitod by IAw�. _
<br /> i�iucliag, bui not limita�i to,liabilities for overdratls mlatia�to u►y cleposit �ccaunt�grernti:nt brtwaea Gr�ntar � —
<br /> pnd Lerxkr.
<br /> D. AU sddttional suu�advaacod Aud eapenses incuned by Lxuder fur lnsuriag,Praerviny or ot�►en�'1k.proucting ttk
<br /> Propetty attid iu valua wd 1uy cuiter s�u�s a�va��czpcas�s ir�u�r�3 hy l.es�er ur.�er thc terms of thi=I)oed _.
<br /> of Tnut,plus intemt at tTse highest rsuc in effect.t'rom time to time,as pmvidod ia the Evidcnoe ot Debt.
<br /> B. Graator's perfwmaace under the terr�,s of any instrunu�t evWracing a ck:bt by Gr�wr to Letldu and anY D�1 of
<br /> Tcust cecuriag,gus�rrautyin�.or otherwise relatinY to the debt,
<br /> If mare thaa one person clgns this Doed of Tnut as Gruuor.rach Grantor agrees thie this Deed af lyust wifl sxure all
<br /> future advances uxl future obligat:oaa descrlbed alwva that ou�e given ro or incurred by uiy one or mc►re Grantor, or aay
<br /> oAe or uare Grantor aad oiturs. 71tis Dood of Tnut will not secure any other debt if Lender fallc.w�ith nxpxt to tuch
<br /> other debt.to m�ice aay requirod disclosure about thia Dcod of'�'rust or if Lender fsdlo to givc aa� roquiraf uotice of the
<br /> rig4t of resassioa.
<br /> S. PAYMEIVTS.Grxntor agro�s to maSce all payments on the Secw'ed Debt when due�d in accordanco Hith the temLS of the -.
<br /> fivideace af Dcbt or thia Dxd of Tcust.
<br /> 6. WARRANTY OF TI11.E. Grantor wveaants that Grantor is lawfully seized of the estate conve}•od by this Dcod of Tnut
<br /> sod hxs the right to In�evocably grant,caavey aac3�11 to Ttusier,in trust.with power of sale. tbe PropWty aod warranu
<br /> dWt the Property is uaeacumLe[td,e�w:�for eacwnbtaace:s of reoord.
<br /> 7. CI.AIII9S,-�,�GAIl�TST T177.E.Gnatcrr wi:l paay all caxes,assa.�mmts�lieas.encumbrmces.lease ps►ymeats,ground raus�
<br /> utilities,aad other charges reluing w�trc:ProPatY whea due.Leader may nquire Gr�ntor w provick to I,mder cop�es of
<br /> all notias that sucL amouau are due an�d the roceipts evldeacing Grantor's paymeat. GJSator w�ill ciefead tida W the
<br /> � pmpaty agaiast aay ctaims that would impair the liea of this Dced of Tn�sF. Grantor s�roes ta auign to I.aukr. �w
<br /> reques�ed by I.�ier,auy rights,claims or defwses which Grantor may have�ainst puties who wpply W�or or materials
<br /> W imipcuve or muntiin the Property.
<br /> & PBIOR SECURITY I1VTE�tESTS.With regard to any other mortgage�dced of hust or stcurity agroement that cre�ted a.
<br /> prior zavrity inttnst or eac�uabranx oa the Pmperty aud that may have prIorlty over this Deed of Tnut,Graator a,g,tees:
<br /> A. 7'o m�ice all paymrats wl�ea dne aad to perform or comply with all covanats.
<br /> B. To Pro�aptlY ddiva to l�eader aay notias tlut Grantor reodvw fmm the holda.
<br /> C. Nuc to milce or pemsit aay ma3ificuian or extm�ion af,aad not w request or xcept any future advaacss wxkr an,Y
<br /> notia or�nemeat saurad ky�,tz�other mottgage,dtx�1 cE tcust or sacurity �groamatit unlcss I.e�der oo�nsent�ia .
<br /> !wtitia�- •
<br /> 9. DtJE ON SALE OA ENCIJMBRANGE.l,eader m�y.at its optlon�declare the eatire balanoe af tLe Sa�red Debt to be . -•:
<br /> �*+,�,+�a•,Ly�and pag�bk upon the aeuion o€any lien,eacumbr�aee,transfer.or ca1e. or oantt�ct for aay of these oa
<br /> t�e progesty. However. if tlu �ty includes Granior's residroce, this section shall be sub}oa w the ratricti�,s
<br /> imposed Sy federal law(12 C.F.R. �1 et seq.y, �s appW�blc. For the puzpdses of this par�,the term'Pn�paRSi'
<br /> alto inctu3es aay iat�rat to aU or any part of We�roperty.'Ihis wvea�at s1�11 cua witb tbe Proprrty aal shall rem�ua ia
<br /> effec.t uatil the Sociued Dd�t i�paid iu flill�nd this Aoed of Trust ia ralraud.
<br /> 10.TitANSFF.A OF AN Wl'F�tEST IN'rfHE CRANI'�Ojt.I€�tantor i�aa eatity other th�a a nuursl pason(t�h�s a
<br /> ootpor�tioa or otDa org�aitition).3ascia may d�e=nmd immedzat,e payma►t if(1)a bmefu�}iaierest la Graotor�t eol�d or
<br /> vmafarod;(2)thae is a ch�oge ia e3tha the identity or num3x�r of m�baa of a putaership:or Q�)tbat is a cban�in
<br /> ownasbip of more than 25 pMCmt of the voting stack of a oorporuion.How�wa,I.eader m►y not dea�nd paymmt ia tbe
<br /> above aitwtions if it is prdu'bited by law au of the d�te of this Deal of Tnut.
<br /> 11.ENZ11Y WA�iRA1�1T�S ANID�A7iONS.If Gr�ntor is aa eatity ot�a t�o a nuural pa�on(w�ch ss a
<br /> cao�por�tion or otber orgmi�tiaal;Cuaotor�W I.wder tT�e fdlowing watrantia and repraeaWiaos which al�lt�t�e
<br /> cootinuio,�as loag as the Sa.vr�d 3i�ebt remaias w�tutoding:
<br /> A. Graator is an wtity art►ich is duly organi�ed and validly acisttng in the Gr�ator's stue of incoiporation (or
<br /> organization). Gr�awr u in good staadlag ia all state,s in ahich Grwtor u�as�cts businas. Graator has the powa
<br /> and aut}wriry to own tve Propaty aad to carry oa its buciness as nuw beicg eoaduckd smd, as 9PPlic�1e, is
<br /> qualifiod W do zo ia e�at�te in whicb Graotor opaatrs.
<br />- B. 'ilie acrcutioa. ddivay and perfoem�nce of tI�is Deod of'fYust by Gr�nwr ud tbe obli�tion evideaoed by t�ee
<br /> Evickaee of Debt are withia the power of Graator. luvc beea diily authorized� have rxdvod �ll necas�ry
<br /> govanmmt�apQrov�l,aad will not violate my prnvi:ioa of ls►w,or orda of couit or govana�catal ageacy.
<br /> C. Otl�er tl�aa discSomed ia wriciag Grmtor bat not c�nred lts name within tbe l�t tm yars�ad has not wod aay .
<br /> c+the�md�e or fxxitiout aa�a�e.Witbout Lssder's prior writtem oonteat,Grantnr doa not and will not use aay otLet
<br /> .. u�,;e�.:wit;p:�.--�+2:��g a�..�-,3;,n..��tr�rachix,s uc�!t!�EvisIeaee o£Uebt ia aaaisfiod.
<br /> 32.PROPERTY CONDITION,ALTEitAR'IONS AND INSPECITON. Graator will Ireep tlfee Pmpaty ia good oonditioa
<br /> and m�1ce aU repairs that are reacooabty necessary.Grantor will give l,eader pmmpt aotia of aay loss or d�m�ge to the
<br /> Property.Grantor will Yap the Property free o�noxious wa+�ls and grsua.Gt�ator will not initlate.join ia or coasent w
<br /> wy cl�wge in aay private rauicxive coveaaat,2oning ordi�aoe or otha public or privs:e c�sttltiion limiring or defin9ng
<br /> tht usa wbicb may be m�de of the Property ot aay psrt of the Prape:ty.without L.mder's prior wtittea oonseat. Grxntor �
<br /> will notify I,e�kr of all daqands.Pr�oadinSs,cl�fazs,�ad�tions�gainst Grantor or aay other owner made uader law or
<br /> �ul�OV n8udin6 use.owae�'ship aad oaupancy of the Propary. Grmtor will comply with�il legal requit+emeats md`.
<br /> restrictioas.wisether public ot private.witL respect to the ase of tl�e Pmperty.Graator also a,�roes that tht nuure of the :
<br /> oocupaacy wd use will noi c1�a�e without Lxades'c prior writttn anaseru.
<br /> No portian of tha Pt�opaty will be ranoved. dsmolished or miterially �ltered without I.eacfer's prior writtea coa:ear
<br /> except that Gr�ator has the dgflt to remove items of person�l prapaty coa�risin�a part of the Property that become wom
<br /> - a�sz n�e
<br /> a�aaa�w«.w..�..�.,s�.c�e.►w n�oo-so�.zuu FoM,wcrcaor���e�a
<br />_ � . � .
<br />