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<br /> GranEee s�eaN hava uruestricted in9ress and eQrass to the abova-desc�ibed _
<br /> easement ar�d ri$ht-of-way foc�any purpose ngcessary fcr 1he aurveying, canstructios�,
<br /> inspsction, maintenanca, repair, replacement, relocatlon, extensian,removal, and
<br /> oQeration of such electric utilitles and appurt�nances. Such ri�hts of ingress er�d -
<br /> epreas ahal�bo exercise�i in a reasonable marmer.
<br /> �Grsnt�s shall have the ri�ht to excavate and refill ditches an�lrenches
<br /> n�cas�sry for such electric utilii�es and appurtenanc�s; to remave, c�ear� and keep
<br /> cl�ar, trNS.bushes, hedfles, undar9rawth, andlor any ot��r obstructior►s�te�ferin�
<br /> with tha aurveyinp,c�nstruclion, inspectIcn�maEntenance.repair, reptacemeni.
<br /> retocatian� extension. removal, and op�ration ot such electric utilities and
<br /> appurtenances.
<br /> Grantor shall not aliow any strut:tures, buildings,fer�ces, combustibla inaterials,
<br /> or other propeny of any klnd whatsoeve�, to be erected,constructed, placed,storad.or
<br /> axumutated in�upon,abave,alang, over, across,undemeath, or throu�h the
<br /> �asement and ri�ht-of-way!'►ere(n granted.
<br /> Grantee shaif have the right at any time,to relocate, add, ar upgrade such
<br /> electric utilities and appurtect�:ces cannected th�rawith, in, uPon� aba�e.�lon�i,over,
<br /> scxoss�unde�neath, er throc�the easement and i�e�ht-of-wa�r.izecei�n�anted- MY
<br /> �ch e�edriC uti�itias and ap�xutenances placed ir�,upon, aic���,aleng, over, aaoss,
<br /> undemeath,or ttuough scickR tract of Iand shall remain the propertY of�r�ntee, and
<br /> may De ramoved or replaceat�any tirtre. .
<br /> -.- - - -__....��._.�_�__�..1�....r�..�..� s� �ud�dnn�es,accicv��_sstids'AS!_e&tatB,-OQOS� ------._..-----
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<br /> --i�-ls-�wu�w-ay�vv�.r.q. r----- ----- � . .
<br /> ri�ht a��i taw(uf ae�thority ta�r�edce such conveyance; and that Grantor e�behatf of itse�f,
<br /> � al{ heirs, executors, admincst�atars, sua:essors, and assigns,hereby ca�+�ananis that the .
<br /> ri�ht�and privileges h�rein granted shall nin with the titie to such Vact of tand.and be
<br /> bi�ding upon Grar�or,a1F heirs.executars.administrators, successors,a�d zssi�ns• . .
<br /> oated��,..3�`-�",P''"� � �.. ' -:
<br /> ��.,-
<br /> . � D& D INVESTMENTS, . �
<br /> . � a Partnership; . .
<br /> GRANT4R
<br /> � . gy; �� I��n�� ��' W�l�d JT E:I"�
<br /> � - rt�e: � tv�,� �. , .
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