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<br /> ^ 17.Tnncfer af the Property or o BeiKlklal Intetect la Bomnwer.lf dl or any put of 1he Praperty ur Yny intcrest in It
<br /> ia�old or transfcrrcd(ar if x bene�iri�l lntcn�t in Borrower is sold ur trun.cfenal an�l Barrower ia nc►t a�wtural perr,�n1 wi�hout
<br /> L�der'9 priur w�itttn consent, Lendcr m�y, at i� uptinn, rcquire immediate puyment in full of all tiums r�cxvred by�hie
<br /> Securily Invtroment.Nawcver,thir option�twll rwt 6e eaerciscd by Lendcr if oxercisc i�prohibited by fodeml law a`of the datc
<br /> of this 5ecu�lty In�tiumetN.
<br /> -- If Lender exercises this aption. Lerder sl�ll give&►rrower natice of acceleratian. Th�:notice shall provido a periacl�f not
<br /> less than 30 clayy from the dnte the notice iti dclivere�l or m�iled whhin which BaRawcr must puy UII sums secured by�his
<br /> ' Sorurity inslrumcnt. If Barcuwcr fuils to pay�hese sums priur to the cxpiratiun uf'thia periud,LenJer may invoke any rcmedie�
<br /> pemiittod by thia Secutity Instrumrnt without further notice ur denwnd an Borrower.
<br /> ,�„ 18. Borrower's Wght ta Rei�tate. If Borrower meets ceriain caniilians, Bomnwer shall huve the rlght ta have
<br /> •�-� eniorceme�nt of thia 5ccunry Instrument Jiscunlinual �t w�y �iu�priur tu tt�e eurlier uL• (a) S�laye (��r euch u�lkr perioJ u5 --..
<br /> applic�blc law may specify fnr rcinstatement) before sule oi the Prupeny pursuant to any power of sule containod in�his
<br /> ----= Security lnstrwneru;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing this Secu�iry Instn�ment.Those condidons are that Borrower.{a>pays
<br /> _--_—.— l.encle�all sums which then would be due under this Sucurily lastrument und�he Note as if na accclrratian had occurred;(b)
<br /> _.y�� cureg any default af any othe�rovcnants ur ugrcements;(c)pays�11 expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Inctn�ment.
<br /> �� incluJing.but nut limi�ed ta, aasonable attomeys' fees;urd(d)ta�ces such ac�ion a+ Leixler may reasonably reqmre to uswre
<br /> _ �,�,��� that the lien of this Secu�ily Instroment, l.e�xicr s dghts in the Property su�d Horrower's obligAtion ta pay the sums sacurod by R
<br /> _— this Security Instrument shall rnntinuc unchangeJ. Upun reit�+wtrmen� by Burruwer. Ihia Security In�+trumcnt end �hc -
<br /> obligations secured hereby shWl remain fully effective as if na ucrelersuion had occurred. However,this right�o reinstate sl�all
<br /> � nat�ly in!he casc of acoelcration�nder paragrnph 17.
<br /> 9. Sale of Note; Clw�e of Loan Servicer. 7'he Note or a panial interes� in the Note Itogethcr with this Security
<br /> ��a^�:1��� Instrumentl may be soW one or rtx�re�imes without prior notice to Burrower. A sale muy result in a clwnge in the enti�y(known
<br /> __ ns�he"Loa��Servicer')that colletts monthiy paymen4+due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There ulso may beone �,
<br /> �,� � or mixe changes of the l.o�n Servicer unrelated to A rale of the Note. If there is A chunge of�he L.cwn Servicer. Borrower will be
<br /> ����:��.a� Siven written ix�tice of the chunge in accardance with}wragrnph 1�3 obove and opplicable luw.The notice will stnte the name and
<br /> - '�°��!p•�'-�='�:^:""`* suidress�if the new lw�an Servicer und the address to which payments shoutd be made.The notice will also conwin any aher -
<br /> ..i ii'M.•.sr�.
<br /> .,..,, infortnation required by appli�mble luw.
<br /> - =- '���•;�� 20. N�rdous Subqances. Borruwer slwll not cause or pemtit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of Any
<br /> -:.:.�r� .�'" H�ous Substan��e. un ur in the Property. Burrawer shnll not do, nor allow anyone eise to d�, any�hing uffecting dac —_
<br /> . . • Propeny that is in viola�ion of any Environmentnl Law. The preceding two sentcnces shall not apply to the prescrxx, use,ur
<br /> e�- . a5;,� �, rtorage��n�he Pn�perry uf�mall quantities of Huundous Subs�ances thut ore generully recognized to be appropriute�o nom�l
<br />--- -� •'"'�`� residential use�nrui to maintenance of the Prc�peny. �
<br /> `�"��� &irrower shall promptly give l.ender wriuen notice of nny investigation,claim, demand,lawcuit or other nctian by any
<br /> _,.� �'=���.��,.�r:" :'°`� governmental or reguluwry agen�y or priwrte pany involving�he Property and any Hawrduus Subswnce or Environrnental Lavv =
<br /> _ :.�;,�,f...;y f of which Boirower has�tucd knowledge. If Horrower learns,or is nMifiod by any govemmenlal or�egulntory authority,�hat
<br /> _a R,,,� , , ,,,, uny removal ar�uher remodiAtion af any Huuudous Substance affecting the Properry is necessary, Borrower shall pmmpUy tal:e
<br /> - ���•`•.:..` :�...i. all necessary remeiliul uctions in acco�dvnce with Environmental Law.
<br /> �`•�`..�,,�_N,,.;,,,_ As used in this paragreph 20. 'Humrdour Substanres' a►� thoa;wbstances dcfined a4 taxic or huzardous subslnnces by —
<br /> --= r w�,.�'. = Environmcnwl luw unci !he follow•ing wb�wnces: gusoline. kero�ene. dher flummable ar toaic petroleum products. tox�c
<br /> � "- ��'"��� pesticides and hcfiicides,volulilc wlvenlc, m•rterial�c��mnining aslks�os�►r fom�uldehyde.and radioactivc matcriul�. As u�d in
<br /> .;,�„_,_ t�y' ' '� �"� this p•rragraph 20, 'Environnxntal I.aw' rn�ans fi�en►I laws arui laws uf the jurisdiction where the Property i� loatte��hr�t
<br /> �,;. "'^�' ^ ��.�..�'
<br /> - relute io health,safety or envimnmenlal pmtecti��n.
<br /> " �` NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. &►irc►wer and L.ender further cove�wnt and agrce as follows:
<br /> -'" �° 21. Acceleration: Remedies.Lender�hall Ri�•e not(ce to Borrower pelor to acti�elerAlion following Borrower's breACh
<br /> �,���`" �• "� of any coveaant or pRnrment in Ihis Securit� Imtrument (but nW prior ta �nrele�tton under p�ragmph 17 unle�ss rn
<br /> iK
<br /> — -'�'�^'�'�' applirable law provides otherwtse).1'he notice slwll specify: (a1/he dePault; (b)the action required to cure t6e default; �•
<br />__ � � - (c)n date,not I�s ttwn 30 day�s from the datc thc noti�r is�Ivcn tu Borrower,by x�hich the default must be cured;and
<br /> ' ,,:,,�y,,, .;.,�„• (d)that i�ilure to curo 1he del'aWt on or before the date specff�ed in!he nuNce may r�ult in accele�tbn ut'the swns ��
<br /> �' -�• secured by this Securit� Instrnment+�nd wle of the Property. Th�notice shall further inform Borro�er of the rig6t to
<br /> � , , . d ° reiactate Wter Acceleratlon and the right to brin� v ruutt artiun Io assert the non�existence of a default or any otder
<br />- „ � deiense ot Borrowc�to occelerali�m �nd wle. If the default is not cured on or before the date specifled in t6e notke,
<br /> ,y�;,, ". Lender, at its option� m�y rcquin immedipte paymrnt in full oi s�tl surns secund b�•Ihis Security lntitrument without
<br /> t,�::.�_ � �• :�.. ., furthcr demand and may in��okc thc powcr of+ulc s�nd�n�•othcr remedics permitted b� �pplicnble IAw. Lender shall be
<br /> � ' �r, �i, . entitled to rnllect all expenses incurred in pursuing the rrmedies provfded in this ps��raph 21.includiag.but nat limlted �--
<br /> r.;.
<br /> . • -. to,reasonable Attorneys'fc�.+And cost+of litle e�•idence.
<br /> , It t6epo w�er of sale is in�oked. Trutitee �Null record a noNm of defuult in each n►unty� in wbich am• p�irt oi the �:
<br /> � � . Y;�..-z. .�° • Property is I�ted and shall muil rnples of such notiice in Ihe manner prescribed b� appNcable law to Borrow•er and to
<br /> the other persons prescribed b� applicable IuN. ARer the timc requinrl b�•ypplicuble lax. Trustee slwll gi�•e public ndice
<br /> �'-' "4��T'�``�' of sale to the persons�nd in the manner pmxrilx�d b�•upplicublc law.Tru.,tar.wlthuul dcmund on Borroa�er.slwll srll
<br /> :'� „ � the Nnperty at public auction to the hiQhect bidder ul the ttme and place and undrr the terms desiAnated in the iwtice oP __
<br /> • • x�"'"�'' sale in o�e or more parcels�nd in�n�•urder Trutitec determines. Tructrc ma�•postponc wlr of LII or anS p�rcel of the �
<br /> Propert�• b}• public announcemcnt ut thc limc und plucc uf am prc�•ioutil� Khedul�Y1 tiulc. Lcndcr or it� d�wign�� m�a� ��
<br />_� .,���=_:�;:�.s• piu+chase the Property at any sale.
<br /> .i o .�•'S� .
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