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<br /> — ---= S. Harard or PropeKy lacurw�ce. Borrower slwll keep the improvemeat� naw exiYting oFhercaQer ercctod on thc
<br />;' � Property inxured aQ�inst loxs hy flrc,har.ards incluJerl within�hc �erm "cxtended coverAge' anJ uny c�ther h�r�rds, including
<br /> flaicls nr Il�uc�ding, fo�which L.eixler reyuirew in�u�ance. Thia io�wance�hnll he muinwin�ri in the mrxwnts�xi fi►r thc peri�dL
<br /> -- Ihat L.enJcr rcyui�cr. Tfx:lnwrunce carrfer pmvidin�t thr inwrance tihall he choren by&�rruwer nubj�xt to l.enJer's nppmval
<br /> =- - — which .hall iw►t t+c unrc:�.��rwbly withhcld. If&�rruwcr fuil+�o u�intuin cover�ge dexribcvi abave. l.ender m+►y. w Lender'�
<br /> 9 , nptinn,oMain rnveruge lo pr�Nect L.rnJcr'c rights in U�e Propeny in arcorJatxe with par,�g�ph 7.
<br /> All in.wnmee poliries und renewals �J►all be aceeptable to L.ender and i+hull include u stuadurJ mongage cluuse. Lender
<br /> ' �:Iwll havc the�ight ta hold the pnliciu and rencwulR. If l.endet teyuire.r•,Borrowcr shull promptly give to I.encier aU reccipts c►f
<br /> paiJ premium�anJ re�x:wal�x►tirc.�. lu tl�c event of loss.BoROU�er shall give prampt notice ta the insurance carrler and Lender.
<br /> � l.eoder nwy make prooi of loss if nat made pramptZy by Borrowcr.
<br /> Unless Lendc�nnd Barrower citherwisc agree in writing,insurancc pnxee�iti slwll be�pplicd tcr restoratian or repair of�he
<br /> �r��i°,•''}� Pmpcny danwged, if the rcstoration ar repair is oconnmically feasihle and Lender's secu�i�y is ncx les�cned. If thc�estora�ion or
<br /> "'°'�"°""'�°"� repair is not vcax�micAlly feasible or L.ender's security would be lessenod, the insurunce proceeda shall be upplied �o�he sums
<br /> '�`�� r,ecu�ad by this Security Instrument,whether or nat Ihen due, wi�h any excess paid ta Bonower. If Banower abandons Ihe
<br /> �N�9�.'S�
<br /> —" — Propeny,or does nw answer wilhin 30 days u nMice fram l.ender that the insurance rsmer huc offered to settle a clnim, then
<br /> �,,,a,,,,�;s-;3�„0 l.ender may collect the insurance proceads. Lender may use �he proceeds w repair or restorc the Prapeny ar ta pay sums
<br /> securcd by this Securlty lnstrument, whether or not then due.The 30-duy periud will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless L.ender and Bore�wer Mhrrwitie agree in writing, uny application of proceeds to principal shall ncx extend or
<br /> pos�pone �he dua date of the monthly payments referred to in paragmphg 1 cu�d 2 or change the pmount oP the paymcnts. If
<br /> — �� under paragraph 21 the Pmpeny is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any imurance policies and prc►c�x1s rewlting from
<br /> ;f.�-�., • dwmuge ta the Property prior to thc acquisition slwll�wss ta Lender to the eatent of the sums t�ecu�by this Serurity Instrument
<br /> "-"�' ��:ti��..a: .:' immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> t �' • " ,:--�, 6.Oavpancy.Preservatbn, Mwlntenancr and Protectlon ot the Property;Borrower's l.oan AppBcntion;I.easeholdv.
<br /> �' "••°. �• Borrower shall accupy,eswblish,and use the Pmperty ac Borrower's principal residence within sixty dnys nftcr the executiun of
<br /> ,.,".S'�',L,,;;,,;;;�_;' this Security lnstniment and shall c�ntinue to nccupy the Prapeny us Borrnwer's principal residence for at least one year afler
<br /> � ,. � the datc of accupancy, unless L.ender otherwise ugrees in writing. which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> _ . ._.'s.
<br /> extenuating circums�ance� exist which are beyorul Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage ur impair the
<br />__ . • Propetty, allow lhe Pn�petty to deterioratc, or commit waste on the Property. 8orrower shall be in default if any fodeiture
<br /> � :rr.-- n. . � action or pre�ceeding,whether civil or criminnl, is begun thut in L.ender's gaxl fAith judgment could result in forfeiwre of the
<br /> � � " ��: �:�� Propeny or ot:�erwise materially impair the lien crested by this Security InstrumerN or Lender's security intc�e�;t. Bc�rrower may
<br /> '��� � cure such a default and reinstate,as pravided in parogrnph 18,by causing the uction or procceding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> �+'�=���`%a•�- ��••�•� that, in Lender's gaad fnith determination, precludes f�rFciture of the Bonower's interest in the Property or other materiul
<br /> ---- .r.e�v;eb.l:�w—a�w�,_�__ —
<br /> —�- •-�- �- impairment ot the iien cmated by thic Security inuniment or i.ender's securiry intercs[. Sorrower shaii also be in deiauit if
<br /> —� � ^ ` Horrower,during the loan application process,gAVe ma�erially false or inaccurute informalion or sts�tements to Lender(or fuilal
<br /> � �•r� to provide Lender with uny material informutionl in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited
<br /> "'�' to, re resentations concernin Barrower's accu .urc of the Pro rt ac a rinci al residence. If this Securit Instrument is on a
<br /> -_ '�° _,.,;. P B P' Y Pe Y P P Y =
<br /> = �' �,Y .. :. leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisians of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the --
<br /> '�� •'!!E ��, leasehold and thc fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrces to the mcrger in writing.
<br /> , ���. ' �;,�° 7.P�ntectian oP I.ender's Righls in the Property.lf Borcower fi�ils to perfortn the covenants and agreements conwined in
<br /> _ � ,,,;. this Securiry Instrument, or there is u Iegal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> .r�,:r,,.�,:,. •,;.::�... procceding in bankruptcy,probate, fnr condemnation��r forfeiture or to enforce luwti or regulationti), then Lender msiy do and
<br />_-� � -�r+^� �� pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vnlue of the Propeny and I.endcr's rights in the Property. L.ender's actions may
<br /> � ' ' ' include paying uny sums secured by a lien which hati prioriry over this Serurity Instrument, uppearing in coun, paying
<br />-;:�,;�e,�,,;�_� ;�:�,;.,,- reasonable nttomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairc. Althc►ugh L.ender may take action under this paragraph
<br /> -��-�_�� ' 7,L.ender dces not huve to do so.
<br /> _�w.�.. :;�; „';
<br /> �¢ Any umounts disbur.r•c� by Lcnder under this parugraph 7 shull berome udditional debt of Borrower secureJ by this
<br /> T_ .� 'U ��ixt Security Instrument. Unless&�rrower anJ L�:nder agree tn other tcrm�of payment, these:►rtaunts shull bear interest fram the
<br /> ,,;,; . date of disbursement ut the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest. upon notice from l.ender to BoROwer requesting
<br />:;�+?r� . .. paYment.
<br /> �' :r,,y�: •� 8. MoRg�e lmurs►n��e. Tf l.crulrr r��yuirctl nxirtg•rgc i�isur•rnre a�u r��nJiliun of making thc loan secured by this Security
<br />�� :' Instrument, Borcower shall pay thc premiums reyuircd to maintain the monguge imurance in effect. If, for nny reason, the
<br /> -- �
<br /> _��,�� ' mortgage insuroncc covcragc required by I.endcr lapx:ti ar cca�es tu lx in effert, &irrowcr sh•rll pay the premiums req�ired to
<br /> _:_� ,� , obtain coverage substanti�lly equivAlent to the mortgage inwrunce prcviou,ly in effect,ut a rost subst:unially equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrowcr of thc mortgage in�urance previou,ly in effcct, from un ulternutc nx�ngage in�urcr app�ovcd by L.cnder. If
<br />_ ' suMstantially equivalent mongage in.uranrc ruver•rge i.nat availahlc, &�rn�wcr,hall pay to Lender cach month u sum cqual to
<br /> _ �• one-twelflh of the yearly mortguge intiuranee premium heing paiJ hy B��rrow�r w•hen the inwr�nce co�er•rgr lap��Yl or ceased to
<br /> �� s be in effect.Lender will accept.usc:uid rctain thcsc pa�•ment�as a loss rc+�n•c in lieu of immgage insurrnce. Lanr retierve �
<br /> � �" Fam 30Z8 91f0
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