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<br /> DQIZAYrD. L FRIQS$�H 83i1�NI1A L �RIBSBN �V° ���1� 100{79 10/�5/1996
<br /> tlNlr��l C�Vul�iAN`i'S. L°�ttowes sn!l.eqckc ttweaaat na:i ngtce ss fullowi: nCi u�d interest .
<br /> 1. PNyme+nt or Princip� wd iatare�t. Born�wer Lhall pc+ao3ptlY WY wt�cu �tue tGe pri i�al _
<br /> u�e{ebtr�L�ess evWaacal by t�e Ncue�f late cbu�es as provided la the Notr.
<br /> 8.bl�for Ti a�:w wd inwrauce. Subjat to ipplirsble taw or a wcitten waiver by l.eadex. Borrowcr ch�ll pay w -
<br /> txwkr on tl�c day uwutlilY P�Y��af principal�ux1 intettst rre paYabk undec ttx Nou, utuil tbe Nate is paid iu full, a
<br /> ww(lserein '�uncls') e9tw1 W une-twzlftb af th�yes�ly eues u�d usrsca�eu�(iacludin�condaniiniuu�ux!plxw�ed uuit
<br /> e�e�,e�pa�trit s�cs.,ssmeuts,if auy)w6i4h u�y�ttaiu�xiority ovet tWs Deed of Ttust, and ground rwrs oa tLe Ptc�perty. if =
<br /> w�Y.P�us one-tw�elftb of yearly pnmium installn�er�ts for�uzrd iasurance,plus oue-twelflA of y:arty premiwu ic►st�limena _
<br /> f�s mn�tse it�surwce if aay. dl �s ceasaaably estim�ted initially aud from du�e w fwie by Lttxler on the basis af
<br /> scsessme�ts ud bUls aud neawn�b10 estlautes theronf. Borrowcr sAall uut be obli�`at�l to m�su.b psyt�uts of Funds
<br /> w I.ead�er to�extent chu Hormw�er m�)ccs such paymea�ts to the hoWer of a prior u�ort�s�e ar deod of tiust if such halder
<br /> is�n insapuimil koder.
<br /> if Bociower Qays Fuads to L,eackr. tde Fuods sh�ll be beW in an iuulwdo�the deposiu or accoupts of wtuch arc
<br /> iasnred or�usraateed by a Feder�l or state a�wcY(includlnQ Lenckr if Lender is such�a institution). Lender shall app1Y
<br /> the Funds to Qay ��-«^Y^•�, ias�umce pnmiums uxl Qmund reuts.Leader may uot chu�e for so hoWiu�and
<br /> S�1d�CS.'.�..,� c�rvn c �p(] b1uS. UOICSS I.CD(�[�ys
<br /> �P[�Y�� Fu,ads. amlyzin� s�id aaouot a verifyia� aad comPilin� sud ass�-
<br /> Borrowa intecest oa tLe Fuads wd applicable law pecmits Leadcr t�mal•e such a cbu�e.Borrov�e����sua�uoless
<br /> in wrstinr �t tbe dwe af eucution of tbis Deed of Tn�st tt�t inceresc oa the��si+.JS,c.zt�;, ze�uiral W Fay Pk+�ower
<br /> s��c�xmeot is msde or applicabie law requires sucb interest W De�. of tLe Fuads
<br /> aay interat or eamin�s oa the Fuads. l�ender sh�ll Qive to��whicb e� dehii�to the 1Fomds vv��Funds are
<br /> sbowiaE credits sud debits w tltie Funds iad the puiPas�
<br /> pled�ed ss addltiaW senuit5'for tLe sums secured by this Da�of'Tnut. �p�or to
<br /> If t6e smoont of the Fuods heW by Lender.togetLer with the future monthly i�s of Fuads PaY
<br /> tb,.due dste.c of tues. a�^MneC, ins�uaace Premiums aad grot�ad teats, shall azeced tl�e mnou�at nqulred u►�aY�
<br /> tues. assessm�s. �Pn���az'0Y��s �s tbey �d�xe. svch e:cas s�ll be, �c Botrowa's option.
<br /> dtha W+ump1Y nWid to Bo�rower or cndited co Bouowa oa montbly finsTallmeats�of und�•�a��of the Funcis
<br /> Ldd by I.eader shsll not be s�ufficicat w PaY n�.asses�aeats. "'�'-.-.=-"=-�� S ���Y fall due.
<br /> Bo�rower sh�U paY to Lender auY snnuot no�urY��uP tho deficieocY in o�e or more psYme�ts as I.eader may
<br /> ��� ia full of atll s�ms securod by this Deal of Ttust.I�eader sh�11 prum�ptlY nfuad W�orrowet aay Fuads
<br /> UP�P�Y� �s otLawise acqttited bY l�ade�•�
<br /> beld by I.eader.If unckr pant8r�pb 17 6ereof tbe PropeztY is sold or tlie PropenY� b I.eader.aay Ftutids held by
<br /> sh�li �y. no Wa tL�a imoaedi�telY Pria w the sak of the PtoQezcY or its acquls.tioa Y
<br /> Ixa�kr�t tLe time of applicuY.�ua as a credi.t aY�t the sums socured by this Dood crf 4�.
<br /> 3.Appi�tlo�ot rla�eds. unlas�Qiicabie law provides«berwise.�11 lu3�ts recei.�ea bg araa�a uada tbe
<br /> Note�od pan�r�hs 1�ad 2 6ereof sivll be�ppiied by Leader 5rst is9 p�a�'�of amounts p�Yal�!s Lender bY Bo�mwtr
<br /> under pata�rq�2 be�suf.then w interest paYable oa tLe Note,aad tbw v�tLe princiP�1 of tl�e Naee.
<br /> 4. Ptior Moetp�aed D�ed�o[7'nrt, Ch�r�es: 1�. Boaowu shall perform dl of Boccower's obii�uioac
<br /> - t�eorr�ay mo��yc, '__� �._._. .»��..,....:..� .a.w.,,wti�rid�a liea wLicfl has pr�o�itY ova this Dad of Tiust.
<br /> YGRa va uWS w � —�r--
<br /> iaclydiy�Bonowa's coveaf�s W m�te paYmeats whea due.Bo�ttower shail psY�csuse to be P�id ail t�u�es,ascasme�
<br /> �ad od�er c�rtes. f�es and imposi�aar►bat�ble to d�e PropertY w�s�1i may uaia a prioiitY mra tbis Dxd of Tcust.
<br /> �ad la�sebold PaYmeats or atwnd reats.if an}r.
<br /> . S. Has�til Lareasoa 8oimwer shall kaP tbe imao�emeats now e�istiag or LeraRtr trxted on tbe PrnpacY
<br /> imvred a,�is�t loss by fue.�uudS incl�dod within tLe term'a�uaded cover�e',aad wch odra haacds as Lentler maY
<br /> roquire aad in srl�amouatc sad for such Perlods as I.eader msy requirc.
<br /> 7Le inneaoce eanier providin8 t1�e��'•"".�s�all be cLosea bY Borrowrr subject to�pproval by IRader:Pe�m'ided.
<br /> tLat sndi �ppear'�l s�ll not be uareasombiY withLeld. All iacuance Policies aad rEaevir�ls tbeteof sL�ll be in a farm
<br /> aocepnbie to I�eader�ad sh�A3 iaclude a ct�ndard moce���lause ia fYVOr of snd ia a 5o�m secept�ble to i.wdec. I.eader
<br /> rL�ll httvc tbe r�ht oo boid t}�e poiicies aad ira�wals t�eaeof.subjocc w tbe tecmc of sny moet�s�e•dood of msst a otha
<br /> �ty a�reeaoeat witL s titu w�cL Lat pciarity over tbis Doed of 1'iun.
<br /> tn tbe eveat of locs. Borrow�a shall�ive prompt notice w d�e iatiuraace casia sad 5.eodei•1�eader msY�Pi'0°f
<br /> of iac if mt�de¢�anptlY bY Bormwes.
<br /> ff t�e Propaty is al�odooed by Bonowrr.or if Betmwa 6ils to nspoed to I.ender witbin 30 days from tbe du�
<br /> notice ic m�iled by I�c1er to Bo�rowa thu the i�uraace canier of£as to satle a claim for inauance o�y�
<br /> autbo�ine9!^celkct r.x a�[H:,,�,�,��proceeds u Leader s aQtioa atLa to res�oration a repau
<br /> to tbe�secared by this�ad of?iust. � �oe8 Uait Dndupmeat+•
<br /> f. Pre�rntb� a�d 11�Lt�tao�oot ot Prapat), l.e�sebold�; or�of t�e
<br /> BocrovYer sl�U keep t6e PmQetty in good repair aad s�11 mt wmmit wa�te or pamit imp�irmeac
<br /> pcoQaty and sLill cm�Qip'viti�the proa+isioas of aay brase if tLis Dad of Tn�st i$on a Le�sold.If tbis Deod af Tn�st is
<br /> on a uait in a coadom�niu�e oc s p�umed naic deveio��e�rs.Borrower sball perfo�a�3 of Boemwa's d�li�tio�'�ad�the
<br /> decl�t�tion o�covea�at�etatin�o��a+►et�i�tLe coadomoimuai or planned uait de�YloQme�t,die by-hws aad r�iatlooc
<br /> - of tbe coodoo4iaium a P��a�d uait deve�.and coastiweac documeats. �;n this
<br />- i. ?ro�eCi�ii::.¢-,.:�."''e�...-'�*,.If&xmv+ret fiils to;�e+£orm tLe cov� aad a�
<br /> Dad of Tmst,or if sn}►actioa or pmc�dia�is commcnced wLich mueziaUy afkcts I,ender's interest ia tLe PcopertY•tLrn
<br /> 1,ender. at I.eader'r oQtion, tipoo mt+�e to Harower, msY m�ke su� �PP�ac�. dizbiuse s�h u�mc, iacludia�
<br /> re�ootbie�taaeYs�fees.aad t�ice wcL utioa as is�cessary to P�����s i�erat. If Isacler re4uired matY�S�
<br /> - iaau�n�ce�s a co�8i6oa of mfki,n,�tbe iooa mured by tbis Dad of Tn�st,Bo�ruwa s1�11 PaY d�e����w
<br />= maiauia sucl�inauaace in effect uatil svch time as tbe roqoireaoeat Eor aich iasuru�ce termi�tes ia „`"� �
<br />= �octuw�a's a�I�eader's writtea�[eeaaeat or�plicable Vw. 7�aitb interest tbe:eoo.at tbe Nate rate,sLall bocome .
<br />_= An}r�ouats disb�ar�od bY Ie�r3a Purrw°R t°eWs P�a�aPb to dba wvxs of
<br /> sdditiowl iadcbtedaesc af Botmwer socural by this Dad of Tn�st.Unlas Borrower�wd l�entler s�cee�f Nothi�
<br /> - ow
<br /> ; v�yme�t. svch :moua�s shau ue payabie upon mdce tram Lwder eo Bo�rowrs req�in�wY�
<br /> - �ined ia this pac�Caph 7 sha11 roquire Lendet to iacur so7►ezp��se or nke any xtion 6er�uaaa•
<br />_'� �. Ia�peetioo. LenOet msy m�ke or esu�e W 6e mde reasomble eatries upoo aad i�pect�ons of tLe Pro�a'►y.
<br />_� providod d�at Leada sh�l!�ive Bocrowa notice prior to iny s�cL i�xtioa spocify�nasooiWe cause therefor nlated to
<br />- l,eader's inrcmt in tbe PcoQertY•
<br /> _� iaandca 2et76�t s�+s Ozi91aa1 lit�cordb) CaPY(Braaoh) Coyy lCusto�wc) p,�e 2 or S
<br />