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<br /> iYxL'THI:R WIT1�u11 tiw f►�.prova�xnts taw ar hereaku cm�tal�Kt tAe�r��rty,arn1�11 ca�nxnts.ap�wrte»es.w�c1 _
<br /> tirinrc� +x�w ��s t�ereallrr s� �n of the pr��{+en�•. Al) rtplucet�xnts anl WJi1iw4+ �tu11 :ilsu ba coti•�rec! by thic Sccwiq� .
<br /> I�uitur�xnt. All nf Ilw furrFaing ic refcrrcd w in this S�rurity Luttw�knt as thc"f'n�{n rcy.'
<br /> fIURFtO\Yi'sR C`n��fiNANTS�tut Bormvuer i�I�w�ful{y seisal oF the eaute t►c.rcb� cnu�•eya1�x1 has the rigAt tu�t�nt�uxl
<br /> .ti�i��c�• tlk Pr���xriy �ix1 li►at the Prap.rt}� is unciti.�umhered, e!cccpt for eixu�id►t�uk�x���r�tiard. tiarcaa•�r a��rrsstta aia3 �+il!
<br /> d:fe.ni�cnrralfy tl�e�i�le u�tl►e Pr.��eE9y a�ai�ut�ll elaims:ux!Jcu�.subject to xny eik•umbrsuk�ec oF r��rd.
<br /> 7`N15 SGCURII'1` 1NSTftUA76NT eunibines wtiCurn�tuvenants far tutic�r�al use:uul nu+ti-uauf.uu�cu�enants�+•ith lintitotl
<br /> v;,�ia�inris Ry,{uriuii�ilc:n ta rnnstitute t u�if��rn�seruriry instrumeiu covcring rca!property•
<br /> llNlrORh!COVENAN'TS.l3urrower n�xl l.endcr cc�vc►unt u�xl ug�ec aS fitllows:
<br /> 1. P�ymeut a!'{'�incl{�I �nd Gsi�resl: P►�{wYwent �ad l.aic Chxc�es. Borrower shull pmniM�Y p%►Y When due tbe
<br /> ptitu ipal of and interest��n tl►c dc1�1 evidcnced by the Nate urxl onY P�Y��1��charges due undc:r the Note.
<br /> 2. H'unds fur Tw�ces and l�twr�u�ce. Subjat to applicahlc law or co u written waiver by Len�er, Borraw'er slwll p�y to
<br /> I.cnde.r oa thr day nx►nthly{�►ayn►er►is arc duc undcr tM Note.until tht Note is paid in full.a sum l'Funds")far: (a)yearly taxes
<br /> ;u�d ats,essnxnts which owy uttain priariry o�•er this Seruriry Instrun�ent as a lien on thc Property: (bl yearly leaselwld paymonts -
<br /> ar grcwtxl r�nts on tlu Am�eny,if any:(c)yearty h�xard or pro{xrty insur�nce preuuums:(d)yearly flood insurance prenuums.
<br /> if�u�y�: (e)a•early nwrtg�e insurance prrn�iunu,if any:and(E?��y suntis payable by Borrower to Lender. i�i accardance with
<br /> ttw pnti�•isiotu af par�.,�rspfi S. in licu of the Ewyment of morto�e insunnce premiums.These items are callod'Escrow Items."
<br /> l.e�de� may, at any timc, collcet a�ul hold Fut�d,i: in an a�nount not to exceed the m�xeuuuz�attwunt a lender for a fcdorxlly
<br /> nzlatod mortgage loan may requioe for Borrou•e�'s escrow account under the federal Real�s2ate SetUement Procodures Act of
<br /> 1974 s�s��w�dal from timr:ta timc.•12 U.S.�.Secticsn 2601 et s�q. ("RESPA'),unfess�wiher iaw that applia to the Funds
<br /> setc a lesser amcwnt.If sa. Leaxler nwy. at any�ime, wllxt and hold Fuads in an amau�t noi to exceed thz lesser amount. �
<br /> 1�a►dor�twy estinv�te thc amount of Funds due on the basis of cum,nt data aad masnoab[e cxtimates oF expendituns of futuro
<br /> Fscrow Itcros ar ott►c�wisc in aocordance with applicable taw.
<br /> The Funds sf►All be held in a�� institutioa whose depacits are intuned by a federal ugency. inurumenwlity, or entity
<br /> (lncfuding l.ondor.if Lxnder is such au institution)or in any�oderal Home[.oun Bank.1-ender shs11 zPirty the Fw�ds to pay tbe
<br /> Bscrow Itertu. I.ender may tx�t ctu�e Borrower for holding and applying tt�Funds, annually analyz�ng the escmw aocouat.or
<br /> velifying the Escmw Itcr►u.unlcss LeMer pays$orrowu iaterest on che Fund.,and appLicable I�w perrtuts Lender co�lte such
<br /> a c?wrge. Haw•e�•er. Lender nw��require Borrower to pay a out-time charge for an inde�c.�;dent real atate tstu reportict,�service
<br /> used by L.endcr in oannaxian with this loan, udess applicable law provic�es otlierwise. Unless aa a�reetnent is �:�de or
<br /> �pplicabta law rcquires interau to be paid.l.�nder shall not be n�quirod t��u�Bo:rower any interast or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> gunpwu and Lender may agnee in writing, howevu•. that inurest st�a11 tx��id on tbe�unds. i,ender stW{gi�e to Borrower.
<br /> withoui char�e, an annual a000uming of the Fwxls, showing credits and deDits to ttZe�'w�ds and the purpose for which each
<br /> debit to the Funcis wac made.The�w�ds�re pledged as additional xcurity for all sums sa.�s:rod by this Socutity Instruaxat.
<br /> If the Funds hdd by Lczxler ex000d the�mouats permitted to be tuW bF aPPlic�bte i3w.Lender st�all account w Borrowet
<br /> for tha eaceess Funds in aeoordinec with the requim,�uncs of applicable laar. TF the anwunt of the Fuadc held by Lender at�ny
<br /> tinac is aot sufficient w pa)tha Escrow Itewc wdeu due.Lender may so notify Borrowu in writing.arrJl,in sach case Bomowa
<br /> s1�a11 nxv m l�oder the amouni neoessarY W p�ce�►P the de6�.ie�c.Y. Bottower shs�l! roaict up th�deficieac.y in no axxe tl�o
<br /> . . ,.__ . .
<br /> . . . ...._ .-----� --�--- --- -- ��------ ----- -
<br /> iw�l�°a morublY WYm�tt,at Lcss3cr's solt discretioa. � •----- ..
<br /> Upan payment in full of all sums securcd by this Security Instrument, I.ender sha11 promptly refund to Bomower any
<br /> Fuads held by I.cndcr.lf,under paragraph 21.Lender sf�xll acquire or sell the Property, Lender,prior to the xquisition or sile�.
<br /> of the i'roperty.st�l)app13�ny Funds held by Let�der at the time of acquisition ar sale�u a credit a�uinu t2u wrns securaf by
<br /> this 5ecurity Insttument.
<br /> 3.�pplicAtion o!Paymrds.Unlcss appli�tble law provides otherwiso.all payments raxived by i.er►der under parrgraphc
<br /> 1 and 2 sts�Il l�:.a}-�lird:first.ta anY P�Y� �Ses due under the Note: secoid.to amounts payable us�der paragreph 2:
<br /> � tLird.w interat d�se:fotuth,to princips]duo:snd last.w any lau charges due uader the Note.
<br /> I.Ciuuga;I.ienn.Borrower sh�ll pay a:1 ta�ces,assessa�aus, chuges, fines and impositions auributable to the Propaty
<br /> w?airb may attain priority ova this Security Iastrument. aod leasebold�cr,�crnents or grouad ruus. if any. Borrower slWl pay .
<br /> t}r:�ta abligu9nns in the manner pmvided in par�graph 2,or i:rxx paid ia t?aat muu�tr.Borrower sha11 p�y them on t�me dirxtly
<br /> ' to sb�person orvod payrnenc.Borrowu st�all prompdY fumish to I.endex a1 notias of unauus to be paid under this�raph.
<br /> If Borrowu a�ices s!�payments dirxtIy,Borrower siu►11 PromptlY furrsssl�to I.ender roai�ts evidenciag tbe payments.
<br /> Bormwer aba.tl promptly discharge aay lien wtsich ha:priority ovu s�is Security Instnunuu uiilas Bo�wu: (a)a�ras in
<br /> writiag to the paymmt of the obligation socurcd by the lien in a n�rtner aoceptable to Lender:(b)contests in good faith the liea
<br /> ; D�. ot defeads against enfotcement of the lien in, legal proceedin�s which in the I�adet's opinion oper�te to preaau the
<br /> • enfaroeir�ent of the lien:or(e)suura from the holdes of the lien an agrcement suisf�cnay to Lender cubarc9inating the lien w
<br /> this Security Instrument.If I.ender det�ermines that u�y part of the Property is subject to�lien which may atttin priority ova
<br /> � this Security Instnunait,I,ender may give Bocrowu a notice iduuifying 4�e liea.Borrower sball satisfy the lien cr take one or
<br /> = more of tbe actioac set forth above within 10 days of tltie giving of notice.
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