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<br /> vat/l�cl�c�ltioa oF tt�e �w o! EXaHAN(� FOR 7'[�T N�- 7�„�,ti-h�, R-,_ W_ i/d e�, ,
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<br /> - — ��ILt3Ek I�i� 13Etcidl� 6�OC1UJ�28Elt
<br /> . Pa� d�+ ��Y 9ran�� barqain� m�ll �l aanvy unta
<br /> - � tiNM/17iE. klw tullawiny dwarlbod boC oc Gate
<br /> o� la�d �ltuot«] L� tlw Waa] It�vor Co�otocy� �n lJ�o 7brmol�lp ot Wuocl Rlvu�, L� Ilall Ww�tY.
<br /> N�bcaoka, Eo-wiE: �
<br /> '__nemetery
<br /> - -___' ard ell tho eetato, right, titla ar�d interaot whateoovnr ol' tlie eaid yccu�tor in +ud to tJ�o a�ino
<br /> u�d w�y pa�ct tlwraoF.
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<br /> -..`;,,,=-;:.L_: :,,� ,aaeigns lozaver and ti►e eaid gran�or hereby cavenAnte wi.th tlw a�id grnntao tli�t it holdr� nnid
<br />`-�^ pramiees by a goad and porFeat title ad lu�e good right u�x'f autlprity to ao.il a�Kl cv��vcy L•hn
<br /> — .oame aid that oame ace lree ana alear o� all olaime a�rl i�icvmbr�uicea w1�aCsoaver nurl l•I�o sai�l
<br /> , A;,;�..
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<br /> ' aeeigned Por tha purpose o� interment only and to•be used for no otlier purp000, r�ubJect,
<br /> ,"��='`�"• however� tio tJ�e pi�ovieione aad reahxiations of Cl�a L.iws of U�o etc�to oF NQbrunkn relnti�nt ta�
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<br /> °'` � hnve been or mt►y be lawfully �naatod reopecting Camntacy )►r:nxi�tlonn mKl nlno nuhj�x:L• I:o I:I�n
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<br /> `fi`"'{.,t�` � �``-�.°• i adopCed by it not in aonfliat with tl�o laws oE tJta Stc�to oF t�abraskn which ruten nid rryulntica�n
<br /> :�'�*?�'�' -:aY.w,, ' aa hereby epeaified are made a part of tJtie oonveyanae.
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<br /> . ; _,*°.a WlLLIAM E. LUII�t, PRESIDBNT
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