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<br /> 7'Ot;ET1iER Vl7TU;all th�in�m���.ntinu naw an c�rcaft�r erected on�hn pn�{xrty,aixl ulf ease��xnt�,a�unenarxcs, ;�xl
<br /> fixtures �ww on c�t�aftcr � put af tt� pr�perty. All replacenxnts and acidicians shali aiw br cuvcral b� this Socuriry
<br /> Intitrun�ent.All c�f the fi�reFoing i;rtferral to in this Socurity I�utrument us thc�"Propcny."
<br /> BORROWER COVENAN'fS tt�t I3�rcawer is lawfully s�iseJ of the cstatv hcrcby com•cycd�ul hu thc right tu Qr��t and
<br /> canvcy thc Pr�Wcriy :uul ih:et thc Propcny is unc�uumbcrtJ. cxccpt for encUmh�wues of raxurJ. &►�r�►w�r warr�uut� will
<br /> defeixl ge»erally�ix title to tt�Prc�+eny�ai�ut�!i cl�i�us and dcmuuls,whja:t w any encumbretrces of rocurd.
<br /> THlS SGCURITY INSTRUti1ENT combincs unifami coveiwus for natiunal use md narunifum�cc��cnr�u�wi►h liuvted
<br /> �ari::tions b��jusisdict'son to constitute a uniform security insirument coverin�rc�l propeny.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS,Borro��er an�l l.ender ca��c►tiant and agrce zs folluws:
<br /> 1. I'pyweut of Prtncipal wid iaterest; Prepayu�eut swd l.�te Ctwrgas. Borrowcr shall pmmptly pay when due the
<br /> principa!of and interest oo the debt evideixed by the Nae and any prepay►neni wxllate charges due under the Nate.
<br /> 2. F�uuls for Taxes w�d G�swyu�ce. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by l.ender, Borrower sh111 pay to
<br /> Lend�er an the cl:�y monihly payments are duc undcr the Note, un►il the Noto is puid in full, a sum('Funds")for:(a)yearly taxcs
<br /> and assessments which may atuin priurity over this Secwity Iruuument�s a licn on the Property;(b)ywr13+leasehold paymenu
<br /> or gcound rcnts on the Property,if any: (c)y'curly haz��d or pmperty ituucana pmmiums: (d)Yearly flood iacur.�nn:prcmiwns.
<br /> if nny: (�)yearly nxxtgaJe inwranoe pttmiuma, if any;anl (�anY sw��.s p�}'�`vlo by Borrower to l.ender. in accorclance with
<br /> the provisiong of piwrgraph S. in lieu of the payment of morcgage insuranoo premiums.7'hese items are c:ilIed'Escrow Iterns."
<br /> Lender may. at any ame, wllect and hotd Funds in an amount not ta ezce�i the ma�cimum anwunt u lender for a fod�rally
<br /> rclatod mongage loun a�y require for Borrower's escmw account under thc�fcderal Rwl Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as a�ne►�d fmm da�to time, 12 U.S.C. Secuau 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless anothcr law tt�at applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesscr ammount. If so. L.ender may.at any� time.. cott�ct and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the tesser an�ount.
<br /> Lender rn�y estim�te the amount of Funds du�;on tt�b�is of current dutu and reason�ble estimates of expenditures of fuwre
<br /> Esemw Items or otherwise in accord•r�u-e+�4ch�pplica�:e�w.
<br /> The Furids shall be held in an inuitudon wCvse deposits are insurcd by a federal agen�;y, instrumentality. or entity
<br /> (including Lenicr,if Lender is such an institudan)oc��ny Federal Home t.�an Bu�k.Lender st�u11 apply d�e I'w�ds to pay the
<br /> Fscncw itemc. I.ender may nat charge Borrower for UoYding and applying tho Funds,a�uwally analyzing the escrow aa�unt,or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower inurest an the Funds and applicable law pemtits Leu@u to make sucb
<br /> a charge. However, l.ender may�-equire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an indeperdw[reai eswte tau reportidg servia
<br /> used by l.�t�der in connection with this lo�n, unless applicable law provides otherwise. �Jnt�-�s an agreement is nwde or
<br /> applicable law roquires interest to bc paid.I.ender shxil not be rcquired to pnp Borrower:,ny inCere'sl or esrttu;;ss on the Fw�ds.
<br /> Bornower aud Y.e�der may agroc in writing, however. that interest st�all bc paid on the Funds. i.esxler s8ali give to Borrawer.
<br /> without charge, an azuwal accounting oE the Funds, showing credita 3nd debitc to the Pvnds and thc purpose for which exh
<br /> debit to tbe Rsnds wu made.lt�e Funds urs pledged as additiwud sc+��ty for all sunu securad by this Security Insirumeat.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender�xoeed.the amouotc pemtitted to bt held by applicabk law.Ix�nrSer s1�a11 aocauu to Borrower
<br /> for the exass FuMs ia accord�ce with the requirements of applicablo Iaw_ If the amount of thc Fuids held by Ler�der at�ny
<br /> ame is not sufficiau to pay che Escrow Items when due,Latider may so oatify Borrowu in writing,and.in such cau Borrower
<br /> sball�y to.lrader tbe amount neassary to maice up tbe_d�ftcieaey. Bornowu sball maice up tbe deficienc.'y in uo mnt�e thm
<br /> .. —_...._... -=-- -=----�-------
<br /> twelve maruhfY PaY��,at i.ta3u's solt disctGion. _
<br /> Upon paymeni ia full of�ll sums securod by this Securiry Inswmei►t, I.ender shall gcr�+*.1y refund to Aorrower any
<br /> Funds held�y I.endcr.If.under�n►graph 21.Lender shall xquire or seU tho Propaty,L.axb�,�rior w the acquuition or sate
<br /> of th�Property.sh�ll apply aay Funds held by L.ender at the ame of aoquisitioa or sale as a ccvdi:against the swns socured by
<br /> this Security Insuument.
<br /> 3.App�i�tipn o!Paymtats.Udcss applic�bk law provides otdcrwise.all payments rxrice�by L,ondcr under paragtsphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shalf�r�pplied: first,to anY Prepaymont cltiarges due undea the Noie; s000nd,to�maw�payable under pangraph 2:
<br /> thinl,to intertst due:fourth,to principal due:and lact.W any late charges due urxier the Note.
<br /> 4.Chtt�es;I.ims. Borcower shall pay�ll tazes,a���,•+�••«, charga.fina and in�pasitioas attributabie to th�Proptrty
<br /> which may attain priority ova this Security Instrument, and leas�hold pa}m�ents or�round rmts, if my. Bormwu shall paY
<br /> tAese obli�atio�in the manner provided in puagraph 2,or if aot paid in.that�r.Borrower sIt�1 pay them on time diratly
<br /> to ttx�xrsou owed payment.Bornower shall promptly fi�rnish to Lender alI notiots of amoums,tr,�6e paid under this par�gr�.
<br /> If Barrower mafca these payments dirxtly. Bomowu sh�ll promptly furnish to L.ender receipts e�idencing t6=paymeats.
<br /> Bormwer sl�ll P►+nmptlY discl�ar8e any lien which has priority ovu tlu9 Sec�uity Iasinundtit unlas Boc�wer:(a)�grots in
<br /> writing to the paytamt of the oblig�ation secwtd by the liea in a ct�aamr aooeptab1e ta Lendtr; (b)oontests ia good fstith the liea
<br /> by. or defends s�gaiau enforoement of dae lien in, legal prooeedings which in the Letder's opinion operate w preveat the
<br /> enforcema►t of the�iw:or(c)socures Svin the holder of the lien on agreunent satisfxtory to i�ender subordin9tiag the li�n to
<br /> this Security L�trutrcnt. If i.ender dderaanes that any pan of the L'roperty is subject w a lien which may attain priotity over
<br /> this Socurity Instiunxtit, Lender may givc Borrowu a uotioe idetuifyit�tha lien.Borrowa sl�l1 s�tisfy the liw or talce oae or
<br /> mose of tbe actio�u set forth above witbin 10 days of the giving of nodoe.
<br /> Fan.302s 51�0
<br /> ItiqZd6
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