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<br /> •�"'-4r''"'��' • 1►BBIO �NT O�' [t�Ni'P9 RID�R
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<br /> ,�'�; h � THIB ASSIaNMENT OF RENTS RIDER !.o tnad� and 4x�autod thie _
<br /> _ �;�..,;�., ,;_ ,� 25t.hd�y o! June , 19 9�, and is inaorporat�d in�o And �hall __,
<br /> , ��� • �i'a�omsd to am�e an �upplemaet th� Mortqeg� or D��d o! Tru�t, ��._���,,;��,�
<br /> � h�r�inaftor roforrod to ae Lha "eecurity Znetrument", of the eeme �__ -___ ___ -
<br /> � � • dats giv�n by th� und�reign�d, h�zeinett�r r�l�rrod to a�a th� _
<br /> , ' , MHorrowsrN, to eoaure Borrower's indabtednose, heroinefter - ,
<br /> ,� � _ � °�, reterxod to ae the "NoteM, to HOME FEDER7IL SAVIN(38 IIND LQAN �^`�:', �
<br /> �;;:•--.! ; � ASSOCiI►TION oF �Et11ND ISLAND, hQreinafter referred to as the �
<br /> � . :�: "LonderM , o! the eama date and covering the propertiy desaribed in F .
<br /> � � � " �. the Saaurity Inatrument and locntad att
<br /> �� ' �� Y 1322 W. 5th Grand Island� NE 68801 T
<br /> _.?,.,
<br />-,�'' . .� Property A rese) " .'� - --
<br /> e ,. �.; .. . .
<br /> ,.,� , ,.. wi�cse��s _-
<br /> , �. m' �..
<br /> � - � WHEREAS, Horrower ar�d Lender have agreQd tha�t any rente and �""` r =v�
<br /> . . profite ettributaible to the property ahould conetitute additional '��----r
<br /> r seaurity to the Lender �or the payment of the Notej �'���
<br /> �:::-,-
<br /> „�.n,...
<br /> � � �.'��`'� NOW, Ti1LREFOR�� it ie agreed that th� Beaurity Inetrument `�'`: �--
<br /> �� ehnll t�e amsnded h�r�by and deomod to inalude the followinq pro- ���_-�-�
<br /> .�..., y, �.
<br /> . Y, vioion�: ��__
<br /> • r.�d.'�_
<br /> � . 1. 1►se�m++�n� of Rente and Lender Rentnl Collection Riqh�s,. ;�;����6°
<br /> " Horrower hereby abeolutely and unconditionally aseigne all rents, � -�-����-
<br /> . ieaues e�nd profits of the property to Beneficiary. L�nder shall a.:�
<br /> -. �=---�-� - have ths right, gower end $uthe�ri ty clt�r i�c� t�w con�i n��ancA �f the �' '-'-_-- '-�.-•--='
<br /> � Security instrument to collect the rents, iesues and profits of �� � ,.:..�'`
<br /> " the property and of any personal property located thereon with or � �r
<br /> 'Y ' � without takin ssession of the ro ert af fectied hereb . �'"�`
<br /> .. 9 P� P P Y Y �`�• ,-.' +�=m:—
<br /> ;.,�: .• Lender, however, hereby consente to Borrower's collection and � "
<br /> �� retention vf auch rente, iseues and profite r�s they nccrue and � �
<br /> become payeible, eo long ns Borrower ie not, at such time, in F �
<br /> + , default with respact to payment of any indebtiednese eecurad ,':.,f. ;�.�.u
<br /> , ., heroby, or in the performance of any aiqreemont hQrouader.
<br /> ' 2. 1►nnointmant of tteceiver. If any event of delault in �• .��`'��
<br /> �' � roepect to the Seaurity instirumont ehall havo occurrad end be ' � -
<br /> - ' ", continning, Lender, ee a metter of right and without notice to � -
<br /> , ' . . Borrower or anyone claiming under Horrower, end without regerd to � "*:�
<br />" , the velue of the trust estate or the interest of the Horrower • �'
<br /> _b therein, ehall havo the right to apply to any court havinq juris- �
<br /> , d�ictiion to appointi a receiver of the property. �=
<br /> �, -• :ay:�'-
<br /> • 3. Riaht to Posseseion. in cese of default in the paymenL , �
<br /> . � of the eeid principal Note or intereSt, or any part thereof, ae �r ' � �'
<br /> it ehall mature, or in the case of failure to keep or per�orm any ,
<br /> of the covenante or agreemente contained in the 3ecurity Instru- � •
<br /> ' ment, then the Lender, its euccessors or aseigns, sha�ll be and is
<br /> hereby authorized and empowered to take immediate posaeseion of
<br /> �, the seid premises therein described and to collect the rente
<br /> �! therefrom, and to apply the proceede theraof to thw payment �f
<br /> � tho NotQ.
<br /> 4. An�lication of Rente. Iesues and Profits. Al1 rente
<br /> collected by Lender or the receive r shell be applied firet to
<br /> payment of the coste of mnnagement of the property and collection
<br /> of rents, including, but not limited to, receiver's fees, premi-
<br /> � ume on �ceceiver's bonde and reasonable ettorney's feee, end then
<br /> � to the sums secured by the 3ecurity instrwnent. Lender and the
<br /> . _ reaeiver s2:all be liable to account only for those rants actually
<br /> � received.
<br /> 5. Constructiion of Provisione. Each of �ha provisione con-
<br /> , tained in this Asefqnment of Rents Rider and the security inetru-
<br /> ment ehall, unless otherwise specificelly required, be construed
<br /> in accordance with Nebraske law, �nd in the event any provision
<br /> herein or therein containad shall be determined by a court of
<br /> . competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, the eame ehell be
<br /> conetrued ee though euch unenforceeible proviaion were not a pert
<br /> . hereof or thereof.
<br /> + i '
<br />