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<br /> �'- — condemnation or other t�IcinR of Any part af'thc Property.ur fur convcywicc in licu�f ro�ulemnutian,uro 1�crcby axxlyned and
<br /> ° eh�ll bo puid to Lender.
<br /> ��4 In thc cvcnt uf'n �rnul �aking uP�ha Propeny, thc paxccdti Khull be applied to thc sumK +�:curcd I�y IhiK Security
<br /> w Ina�rumcnt.whethcr ar nnt then duc. wi�h uny exccsw puiJ to 8ormwcr. In�h��event of a puAial�ukin�of Ihc Properly in
<br /> s r which the fuir msuket vnlue af the Prap�:ny immediu�cly bcfiire thc�uking ix cyual tu or gmuter thun the amoun�of�hc xumx
<br /> >'.� �secured by thix Security Inst�umen�immcdfutely hcforc ihc luking,unlrsy purruwcr unJ Lcndcr ulhetwi}c ug�ec in writing.
<br /> ...,
<br /> the sumy Recured by Ihis Security Ingtrument ehall bc reduccd by thu umount oi the pracecda multiplied by thc following
<br /> .�.. _ __ _ _ __ __ _ fraclion: (n)the totol amnunt of the sumr securcd immedla�ely bcfi►tr the taking,divided by lb1 the fufr markct vAlue a I e
<br /> propeAy immediately before Ihe luking. Any bulunce shall bc puid t�BoROwer. In the cvent of a partial�uking uf Q� ` '-
<br /> ��q Propeny in which the fuir market value aF the Propeerty immediutely tx�fi►rc�hc tuking is less thun the umount of Ihe xum� f-
<br /> -- recured immediutcly before Ihe taking, unle�x Bonowcr nnd l.endcr Mherwf�e ugree in wridng or un le�cti upplicable law
<br /> ,��"' otherwise provldes,thC proceeds shall be applied to�he sumx recured by thix Securiry Instrument whc�her or not�hc suma are
<br /> � then due.
<br /> � If the Propeny ie abandoned by BoROwer,ar ii,ufter natfce My l.ender to Burrower thut the coadernnor offers to muke
<br /> .' .. ,a�+.'� --
<br /> on uward or senle a claim for dnmages.Borrower fails to respond to Lender within ill duys ufier the da�c-the natice ia given,
<br /> �°'�`'�`�' Lender is authorized to collect sind Apply the praceeds,n� i�K option,eithcr to restoration or rcpuir of�he F'ropcRy or to the
<br /> '� ��'� �� sums secured by thia Security Inxtrumem,whethcr ar not Ihen due.
<br /> —��¢'�""''� Unless Lender and BoROwer othenvise ngree in writing,any application of proceedr to principal �hull not extend or
<br /> "��y�`�� ' postpone the due date of the monthly payments refeRCd to in purugmphs I�snd 2 or chnnge the amount of such puyments.
<br /> �' "� - 11. Borrowe� Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a WAlver. Extension of�hc tirne for payment or
<br /> modification of amonization af the sums secured by thi.r Security Instrument gronted by Lender to imy �uccestior in interest
<br /> �-a�n"` of Borrower shall not opernte to teleoxe the liability of Ihe original Borcower or Borrawer's xuccesxorti in imerest. Lender
<br /> - "�:� ::�` � sh.�ll not t�^reyuired to commence praceedings against any succeasor in imerest or refuse to extend time for payment or _
<br /> —��"�c=' • � othuwise n, dify amonizution of the sum�secured by thih Security Inxtrument by reuxon of uny demand rnade by the originul —
<br /> � '��Y�'�''�-�-�"'�"'�� Borrower or Borrower's successo�in interest. Any forbearnnce by Lend�r in exercixing any nght or remedy shall not be a
<br /> _``-� w^� rt�%��� -� wniver of or preclude the exercise of smy righl or rcmedy.
<br /> ����'"'�"�"'���' �° 12. Saccess�►rs and Asaigns Bound;Joint and Several Liabillty;Co-signera. The covenunts and ugreements of�his _
<br /> . �iM a,:;��....rAt. .
<br /> - '�{' �•� ot; , Security Instrument shall bind nnd benefit Ihe successorti nnd u�4igns oi Lender and Borrawer, subject �o the provisions of
<br /> .,h.k�w..':
<br /> -�"'�. .�,.,..�L:�„y,,_ psuagraph 17. Borrower's covenants und agreementa shall be joint und�cverAl.Any Borrower whoco•signs this Security _.v
<br /> `"'�{,'� ��'"':�'�'� ;.'. Instrument but daes not execute the Note: (a)is co-s�gning this Securiry Inxtrument only w murtguge,grwu,+nd canvcy that
<br /> -�.:� �' .� . '�=•�y , Borrower's interest in the Property undcr the terms of thix Security lnstrumem; (b)i5 not personally oblig�ted ta pay the sums
<br /> �� a,,,�„.,, ,'�_�.�,�:: secured by this Security Instrumenr,und(c)ugrees Ihut Lender und nny other Borrower may ugree to extend,madify,forbeur
<br /> _� � or maka uny nccammadations wi�h regurd to the termx of Ihis Secudry Instrument o�Ihe Note withaut that Borrower's
<br /> ���'r""�'�:,��,,;. �� �- consent.
<br /> "~"• � �?'"c�SSi,_i`.�.vs�� � l3. Loan ChArQeA. If the lonn xecured by this Security lnxtrumenl iti subject to n luw which �ets moximum loan
<br /> � churgcs,and that luw is tinnlly mierpreted so thut the interes�or o�hcr loun churge,wlic�ie3.x t.�be collcctcd in connecuun
<br /> wilh the loan exceed the permitted limils,then: (n)uny xuch loan churRe�hull be reduced by�he umount necessnry to reduce
<br /> � �r�, V - � " the chnrge to the permitted limit;und(b)uny xum,ulreudy coll�cled from Borcower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> . ° ..�t�''� ., �,;" � refunded ta Borrower. Lender muy chooxe to muke this refund by reducin�the principul owed under�he Note or by making u
<br /> • direct puyment to Borrower. If a rcfund reduces principai,the reduction will be treuted as u partiul prepayment wilhout any —
<br /> ��x �� prepayment churge under the Note.
<br /> �`•- � '�'�x , . 14. Notices. Any noticc to Borrower provided for in this Sccuri�y Instrument ,hnll be given by deliveri�g it ar by
<br /> ~'n .. s �,� mailing it by firxt cluss muil unlexs upplicuble Inw mquiros use of another mcthud.The notice shull bc:directed to the Propeny
<br /> - _ , . Addres.r•or uny other uddress BoRawcr designutes by noticc�o Lender, Any notice to Lender shull be given by fint class
<br />—_ ,,^� . �;;•., , muil to Lender'.s address xm�cd hercin or uny other addrcxs Lcixlcr Jc.ignutcs by noticc to B�rrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> � in this Securiry Inslrutnent shull bc dcemed lo huve t�cen given tci Bonowcr or Lender when given ati provided in this
<br />- �'. a.,...,. P�graph.
<br /> �• ' ,�., , 1S. Governing I.aw:5everabHlty. This Securiry Instrumcnt shnll be govemed by federul luw and thc law of the
<br /> :• . w�� jurisdielion in which the Property is Icxuted. In the evenl thut uny pri�vi,ic�n or cluuze uf thix Security Inslrument or the Note
<br /> "� "�• :'�:: cantlicts with upplicable luw,sunc�unllic�.hull not:�ffect��ther provi�ion.of thi�Scrurity Instrumem or�he Note which cun
<br /> �.�.� ��"•�� • ��, � be given effect without the contlicting provision. To thix end Ihe provi�iom of thix Srcurity Instrument and the Note ure �•'
<br /> e• ! �� .,•,;+ declured to be severnblc.
<br /> . 16. Borrower's Copy. BuROwcr shall Ix�iven unr conformeJ ropy o(lhc Note anJ of this Security Inslrument. __
<br /> ' ��' ; � 17. 7�ensPer of the PropeMy or a Beneficiul intcrest in Bnrrower. If ull or uny part of thc Prop�:rty or any intcrest in —_
<br /> - it is xold or transfctrcd lor if a Ixnrficiul intcm.t in Bnrrowcr i�snld or tran.l'rrrrd und Burruwcr i. nut u nu�urrl per�onl _
<br /> �, • , r.�,�.. � without Lender+prior wriucn cix��rnt.LrnJcr may. u�ih��pti�m.rcyuirc imnuJi:ur puym�rn in 1'ull ot'all ,um. ,ecureJ hy _
<br />-- - ?�:� - �� ' thix Security In+trumcnt. However,this op�ion tihull not lx rxercised by Lender if excrcise is prohibited by federal law es of
<br /> ;' : �����'`,�'.�. -. the da�e of this Securiry Ins�n�ment. —
<br /> If Lender exenities thix option.Lendcr shull Eive Borrower notice ot'•rccclrrutiun. The noticr shull prrnide v period uf
<br /> � i��_ , ,• not lesr thun 30 duyx from the dute the no�icc ic drlivcrcd or mailed wi�hin which Burrowcr must pay all sums secumd by this
<br /> ' Security In.trwnenl. If Bnrrower fuils �o puy thc�r .um� prior tu the expirutiun ot'Ihiti period, l.ender may invoke any _
<br /> „ �~., `.:� mmediex pr.rmiued by this Securiry Imtrumrnt wi�hc►ut 1'urth¢r no�ice urJem•rnd un Burruwrr. —�
<br /> r���. , 18. Borrower's Ri�hl tu Reinslale. It' Bun•owcr mcrt. certuin rundition�. 13ormwer �hall h:+ve tlx right to havc �
<br /> . enforcement o(this Securi�y In.�rwnrnt Ji.rontinurJ:�t an} ti�ttv`::cT:':-:": z�r!�:r ot`. l:i)S ��;��•��nr wrh��Ihrr�x•ri�xl s�ti R"�
<br /> - ��.— — .--— SinElr Frmily••Fonnle�fuciFY�ddte�1uc 0\IFI)RRt I\tiTRI•11M:�T--Unili�nnCmenam� w911 �p�x.•J�'/�/w.ec.�i `=_
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